This is probably not the first time you’re reading an article about glorifying God during the lockdown. And this probably won’t be the last time either.
But have you ever stopped and thought about how your life has progressed during the lockdown?
What have you accomplished? What have you done for God?
While I often dream about doing great things for God, I easily get so caught up spending time doing things for God that I forget to do the most important things. I can find myself so busy making videos for my church, that I sometimes end up spending less time with God.
What about you? Have you taken time to actually be with God lately? Have you stopped to meditate or talk to him? No matter how bright of a light you are, if you are not plugged into the source, you will burn out. God uses the time we spend with him to enable us to know him better, which in turn transforms us.
I am eager to live a changed life after this virus, and I hope you are too.
There are a lot of things I want to change in my life, and I pray that as you read this article, you will decide to change, if necessary, what is needed in your life too.
Don’t Just Spend Time, Invest it
Firstly, I am going to watch my actions more carefully. Just as Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil.”
There are a lot of signs to show that Christ’s return could happen at any time. Ever since the first century, we have always known that it will be soon–and perhaps even today. While we don’t know when, today we are closer than any believer has been so far.
That’s why I’m trying to utilize all the opportunities I get to glorify God. Aside from that, I am striving to be the productive person God wants me to be.
Of course I fail. A lot. I get stuck reading random books or watching endless videos on my computer.
But, as Paul says in Philippians 3:13, “I forget what lies behind and strive towards what is ahead.” This does not mean I forget everything that I did. It means I don’t worry about the mistakes I made yesterday, and instead focus on what I can do for God today so that I can glorify him tomorrow.
When you’re faced with a choice of passing by an opportunity, think, “Would I regret not taking time to do this later in life?”
have a Prepared Faith
Secondly, I want to be better prepared and equipped about my faith.
As the chaos around us increases, many will be looking for God. All it takes is for something unseen to affect you, and you suddenly realize that there is a whole invisible world out there around you.
When many look to Christ to make sense of what is happening, will we be there to give them an answer?
1 Peter 3:15 says “…always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
In this quarantine, take some time to learn some apologetics or theology. These will encourage your faith, but they will also enable you to answer the questions others will ask. But most of all, pray. Pray that you get opportunities to testify about God, and that he gives you the words to speak.
But a godly lifestyle involves more than just talking–you need to be doing too. This leads to the next thing I’m working on, discipline.
A quote I came across recently stated,“You can choose–either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
Even though we see the pain around us, it is truly amazing how God uses everything for good. Even things we feel are devastating.
During this time of waiting, I have had to discipline myself in many ways. For example, I stopped mindlessly snacking and worked on eating healthy. I cut down on social media and worked on more productive things.
Sometimes, God uses a world disaster to show us what really matters.
Discipline is an essential part of our lives. Sometimes it’s frustrating and annoying. And it’s always hard.
But perhaps learning how to utilize active recall while studying is more profitable than watching a random throwback match (not that I have anything against it–I still do enjoy watching the Warriors’ games).
But which pain do you feel is better in the long run–that of discipline or regret?
Finally, another thing I am working on(and which I pray you are doing too) is drawing closer to God.
Of course, God is sovereign, and our salvation is through faith, not works. Don’t get me wrong.
But drawing closer to God means that I cut down on the ephemeral things and focus on the eternal ones. Knowing God and loving him. This time of quarantine gives us a unique opportunity to really focus on him.
Yes, it is important to do hard things for God. But sometimes the hard thing is to take time to talk to God.
That’s why I believe that God is shaping each and every one of us even now.
Today, as I was meditating over Zechariah, I read about God saying, “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice…” (Zechariah 4:10)
This verse means that God’s work may start in small and unobtrusive ways, but it will always reach a glorious conclusion (just as in the parable of the mustard seed).
That means the small changes that allow you to draw closer to God today, will glorify and exalt him tomorrow. Looking back, you can see God’s faithfulness and praise him for who he is.
Reflect on how God has helped you, and transformed you.
Be ready to live a transformed life, if God gives you the time.
And don’t forget to tell others about it.