rebelling against low expectations

Face Your Hard Things Head On


Life is hard.

It doesn’t take anyone long to figure that out.

We all face things that sometimes make us want to disappear and not face reality for a long time. But the truth is that there will always be things we can’t get away from. It is our choice what we will do with those difficult situations.

Keep Your Head Up.

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2).

If we have our head down, it’s hard to have confidence. When you look up to God, you’re acknowledging to yourself that you need help beyond what you are able to do.

Cling to God because he is so trustworthy! If we never humble ourselves and acknowledge that we need his help to get through something, we won’t get to fully experience his power.

At times it will feel like we’re looking at the biggest mountain in life. It looks impossible to climb and we get discouraged before we even start climbing.

Dear friend, don’t give up. Even if it seems hard to trust God, just remember that he is your guide and he knows the path better than we do.

We grow through hard things

Look at the physical aspect of this.

When you want to get better at something, you need to work at it and put energy into it. Through doing hard things you are building character that wouldn’t happen otherwise. We don’t learn anything unless there is something new in front of us.

We as humans are quite willing to do physical hard things because we can see the end result. Even when it hurts, we know that it makes us better people.

We also need to realize that when we have the right attitude towards difficulty it builds in us spiritual muscles! And that inner ‘tensile strength’ is something that we get blessed with only through hard situations.

There is a beauty that comes when we allow God to help us through a situation that we couldn’t get through in our own strength.

The harder the trial we go through, the more that inner gold will shine.

There are only two choices when we come to a hard situation: we can trust God and grow stronger in our relationship with him, or we can get bitter. God’s grace is always enough to help us through, even if it takes a while to notice it.

Trusting God is key when facing something that’s bigger than we can face alone. God isn’t against us when we are going through a hard time. He’s beside you in the struggle and will be faithful to carry you through.

You will make it.

Yes, some situations will keep going longer than we’re comfortable with. But remember that you can live the next minute.

When the day is over, look back and be in awe at all God has brought you through. And then the next morning, there will be enough grace to help you through that day as well.

When the hard time is past, there’s a thrill of victory that you wouldn’t feel if you had given up when it seemed impossible to keep going.

So don’t give up, fellow young person. We have all of heaven cheering for us! There is one shot at this life, so live it right. Live it with all the energy that you are blessed with.

Yes, this life demands us to have patience, but God is more than faithful to provide it. Remember, if God brings you to a situation, he will also bring you through it. He is the creator of everything we can see, and he is more than able to provide for us, his most treasured creation.

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

So take heart in this.

Don’t just survive the hard time. Come out of it with your life more vibrant and alive than it was before the difficulty. God is more than interested in helping us become overcomer’s in life. Don’t try to do it alone, call out to him for help and see what he will do!


About the author

Kathryn Lapp

is a 20-year old that loves life and spending time with her eight siblings. She is a dedicated reader and can be found buried in another world when not busy with other things. She also enjoys running as well as hunting. Words and writing make up an exciting part of her life, and she enjoys sharing them with other people.

By Kathryn Lapp
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →