rebelling against low expectations

Why I Deleted My Instagram Account


Three months ago I deleted my Instagram account.

It seems like a simple feat in the scheme of things, but for me, it was a horribly difficult task. You see, I loved Instagram. In fact, I obsessed over Instagram. The artsy-ness, the photography, the fashion, the biblical voices.

I loved Instagram so much that it began to grip my heart. It began to strangle my relationships. It became my life–my morning devotions were replaced by scrolling through my Insta feed, outings with friends and family were filled with photography for the sake of making my feed look beautiful.

And wow, did I get compliments. “Your photography is gorgeous! I love your writing–it’s so encouraging! I had no idea you were this talented!”

Though I loved these compliments, I never felt satisfied. I saw other Instagram feeds and thought, “Wow, I wish I was that talented! I wish I was as pretty as that girl! I wish my life looked like hers!”

One day God convicted my heart, as he often does in his infinite grace. I paused as I read Psalm 119:9-10 where the Psalmist writes, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you: let me not wander from your commandments!”

It dawned on me: I was no longer seeking God with my whole heart. I was sharing my faith on social media–I was honest and vulnerable. According to Instagram, my faith was strong and beautiful, but in reality my faith was floundering. I was listening to the voices of the world. I was confused and hurt and was taken captive by every wind of doctrine.

This Instagram blogger said Christians shouldn’t be watching a certain movie–do I need to give up my favorite movie? That person said Christian girls shouldn’t wear makeup–do I need to throw out my supply? That Instagram user said dressing modestly is legalism, and as Christians we have the freedom to wear anything we want–is this true?

I was no longer rooted in Scripture. Instead, I was letting the voices of the world into my life, and could not discern God’s truth from the opinions of others. I was quickly reminded of Galatians 1:10, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be the servant of Christ.”

My heart’s intent was no longer seeking God, but the approval of my Instagram followers. As my number of followers increased, my faith dwindled.

My heart’s intent was no longer seeking God, but the approval of my Instagram followers. As my number of followers increased, my faith dwindled. Share on X

To Whom Shall We Go?

John 6:69 says, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”

In a world that is constantly throwing us their opinions, forcing their worldview upon us, and degrading Christianity, it can be easy to turn from our faith. It’s convenient to become distracted and no longer wholeheartedly seek God and his truths found in Scripture. However, it’s only in God that we find the words of eternal life.

Only Jesus is Unchanging

In a world of chaos and change, we as Christians must stand anchored in Christ. Hebrews 13:8 tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Our God is unchanging, therefore our identity in him is also unchanging.

Fashion trends come and go. Friendships are lost. Emotions are fleeting. But God never changes. He is our rock and redeemer in all circumstances.

Fashion trends come and go. Friendships are lost. Emotions are fleeting. But God never changes. He is our rock and redeemer in all circumstances. Share on X

We Must Stand Rooted in God’s Word

Once again we turn to Psalm 119. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” It’s through the word of God that we stand firmly rooted in our Christ-given identity.

If we expect to not waver from our faith, then we must actively be studying the Scriptures, seeking out God’s will, and clinging to the truth found in the Bible. We must stand in obedience to Christ. Of course, not every single Christian will be called to delete their Instagram accounts. However, each one of us can fall prey to various forms of idols. Allow me to ask, what is enslaving your heart today?

It’s in God that we find freedom from the grip of culture, social media, and our constant need of human approval. As the culture continues to shift, we can rest in our eternally unchanging Savior and know that his plans are for us to prosper.

About the author

Faye Lentine

is a homeschool graduate, college freshman, and editor for TheRebelution. She is an avid dog lover, amateur photographer, growing artist, and writer. Faye loves sharing the good news of the gospel through writing. You can follow her blog at

By Faye Lentine
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →