rebelling against low expectations

Raising An Author (Without A Smartphone): An Interview With Sean and Diana Crowe


Families in our audience are likely familiar with Jaquelle Crowe, the bestselling teen author of This Changes Everything: How The Gospel Transforms the Teen Years.

Well, today I get to share an interview with Jaquelle’s parents, Sean and Diana.

I conducted this interview last year for the 500+ families in our online parenting course, Raising Kids to Do Hard Things. But given our recent focus on helping parents lead their families in the area of technology — I decided it should be shared more broadly.

SEE ALSO: Technology Overload (Free Ebook)

In this hour-long conversation Sean and Diana open up about their struggles as parents, their approach to technology and social media, how they encouraged Jaquelle’s love for writing, and how they’ve focused on discipling Jaquelle and her younger brother, Travis.

Download MP3 – 26MB

Below you’ll find highlighted questions with time-stamps.

Highlighted Questions

2:45 – You have two kids — a girl and a boy. Can you tell us about Jaquelle and Travis?

4:45 – When did Jaquelle first begin to express interest in writing?

19:29 – What has been the best part about Jaquelle having a public ministry? And what has been the hardest part?

23:19 – “I would like to know how Jaquelle’s mom cultivated trust and intimacy between them. Specifically, how she approached the task of mentoring and discipling her daughter.”

30:12 – “How has Travis handled being in Jaquelle’s ‘shadow’? How have you helped Travis root for Jaquelle and not become resentful of her success and all the attention placed on her?”

45:41 – “I’d like to know in what areas they struggled as parents and how they worked through the struggle. Sometimes it seems to us on the outside that these are super families that surely can’t really exist.”

49:36 – “What are you thoughts on social media and Internet use? How did you guide and protect your kids from overuse, wasted time, and the unknown ‘friends’ found online?”

Additional Resources:

Should Teens Own Smartphones?
Teens and Technology: An Interview With Tony Reinke
Technology Overload (Free Ebook)

About the author

Brett Harris

is co-founder of and co-author of Do Hard Things, along with his twin brother, Alex. He is married to his best friend, Ana, who blogs at He is the founder of the Young Writers Workshop — an ongoing coaching program for serious writers.

By Brett Harris
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →