I began developing the symptoms of my multiple chronic illnesses at the age of 13.
People always seem to feel sorry for me about the early onset of my illnesses, and have expressed their sympathy by saying things like, “You’re too young to be sick.”
This may sound crazy, but I have learned to view my suffering in a different way. God has taught me to see it as a blessing.
Life with chronic illness is very difficult, but over the last 4 years I have seen the incredible ways our God can take suffering and use it for good. I am not disappointed that God allowed me to become chronically ill as a teen instead of when I am 80. Here are a few reasons why I am grateful that I became sick as a young person.
1. God is teaching me things now that take many people decades to learn, and is helping me cultivate habits that will influence me for the rest of my life
I am so incredibly thankful that God is teaching me things early in my walk with Him. I don’t have to fear the future or wonder if God will be with me in trials, because I have witnessed how faithful He has been in the suffering I have already experienced.
I like to refer to suffering as an accelerated course in spiritual growth. God is teaching me things about Him that will remain true for the rest of my days. I have grown and matured in Christ at a swifter pace than others around me because of the way God has used suffering to reveal my sin and strengthen my reliance upon Him. I wouldn’t trade the resulting relationship I have with Jesus for anything.
2. My illnesses have taught me to be intentional about what I do
As a chronically ill person, I am limited quite severely by my symptoms and pain. I don’t have the energy or physical ability to do as much as my healthy peers. But this hardship is actually a blessing. It has taught me to use my time wisely, and to invest in things that have eternal value – like spending time with Jesus, and encouraging others in their faith.
So many people my age waste countless hours on meaningless things. My pain has taught me that my time is valuable. Because I never know how long I will be physically strong enough to do anything, I have learned to prioritize and to take those opportunities and use them for God’s glory.
3. My suffering has opened the door to relationships that will last far beyond my teen years
Most friendships between young people (and people in general) are centered around having fun and feeling good. But friendships built on those flimsy foundations won’t last long. The feelings will change, and the excitement will wear off. God has used my suffering to deepen my existing relationships, as well as to bring people into my life that I would not have met otherwise.
2 Corinthians 1:4 teaches us that God “comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” Because I have experienced God’s comfort in the midst of my pain, I can extend that to others. When I am vulnerable about my struggles and the hope I have in them, it sets the stage for my friends to be as well. Because of this, my friends and I can be real about what we are going through, and point each other to God’s truth.
God in His sovereignty has also placed other people in my life who are sick too. Without being chronically ill, I would never have had the opportunity for such wonderful friendships with them. True Christian fellowship is one of the most amazing gifts God has given us. Because my friendships are rooted in Christ, and not in fun or feelings, I know they will far outlast any other type of friendship.
If you are suffering as a young person, don’t let yourself fall into self-pity because of the bad timing of your pain. Even when it feels like we are missing out on our teenage years, we really aren’t. God never wastes our suffering. You may not be able to experience life like other teens, or do all the things they can do, but God is growing you in ways that will impact you for the rest of your life. Through our pain, we get to know more about our Savior in a shorter amount of time, and learn how to trust Him and have joy at a faster rate than many others our age.
Mmm I really needed this reminder today, Ally. Thank you for your thoughtful words and for sharing your experiences with us. It is really encouraging for me to remember that God never wastes our suffering… I’ve been dealing with chronic illness symptoms since last year and it’s been very hard, but God has been faithful even when I am not. Thank you, sister 🙂
So true! Thanks for sharing, Ally. 🙂 Your blog has been an encouragement to me!
Dang this is good. I wasn’t even going to read it, since I’ve never faced something like that, but this is so helpful for the hard circumstances that I do have. Thank you for not wasting your pain, and for encouraging me today.
Hi Hayley. I am very sorry to hear that you are chronically ill as well. But as you pointed out, God is so faithful in our suffering! Keep clinging to that truth and keeping your eyes on Him. I am grateful God has used my words to encourage you. Thank you for reading!
Thanks for reading, Sara! I’m thankful God has given me platforms like this to be able to bless others!
Yes, I love that God’s truth is the same no matter what difficulties we are facing. Thank you for reading!
I can relate to this because I have chronic Lyme Disease. This was a powerful article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue.
This is very good Ally. I can relate with this, I’ve had an ailment but not as serious for 5 years and I tell you it hasn’t been easy but as Uncle Paul once famously said, “His grace is sufficient for us and his power is made perfect in our weaknesses”. Its great this lessons you have learnt, I have learnt them too. Illness has a way of slowing your pace and drawing you closer to God I always tell my friends, had i not fallen ill, what would I have been now? Would I have joined the bad crowd? God is with you and will heal you. Keep writing and inspiring us.
Thank you Joye for reading and taking the time to comment! I am sorry you are suffering with Lyme. Remember that Jesus will never leave you, but will draw near to you in your pain. That truth has been so comforting to me in my suffering.
Yes! So true. God really is so gracious to us in our weakness. That is wonderful that God is teaching you and growing you through your pain. Thank you for reading and for the encouragement!
This was an incredible story, Ally. The bible says that “when I am weak, I am strong”. I can relate to feeling weak but having your faith in God strengthened. In a way, trials are a blessing because you know your faith is so much bigger than the trials on earth. Makes me think of Romans 8:38-our God is so much bigger than anything we suffer, and nothing we struggle with can take us away from His love!
Karis, I totally agree! God is so much bigger than the trials we go through. That is such a comforting truth. Thank you for reading thia post!
Amen, @ally_patterson:disqus! All these points are SO true! As a fellow chronic illness sufferer, I’ve learned similar lessons and found them to be true. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder. If you ever want to get connected with a group of young ladies battling chronic illness, you can check out my private G+ community called Finding Strength in Christ (https://plus.google.com/communities/111482971735944601089?cfem=1). I’m sure you’d be blessed by the fellowship we share there. Continue to press on and glorify God in because of and despite your chronic illness!
Joyfully in Christ,