GABBY WRITES: I’m trying to raise money for a missions trip to Nicaragua. I’ve been on a trip in the past, and I attempted to raise funds for a trip this past summer, however I do not know a lot of people. Support letters come back scarce. I’m not sure what else to do.
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Offer to work as a way to raise funds.
I had to raise money this way because even though 0my church wanted to support me, it’s expensive and that wasn’t a burden they could take right then. So I painted, hauled books, babysat, and cleaned toilets for three months. It was hard, but it worked and I got a chance to get to know the people I worked for.
As for glorifying God in the process: be content. This trip isn’t the only way to serve him, and you’ll have to be satisfied when he calls you to something less exciting too. Also, people don’t owe you support so try not to be bitter when they don’t give.
Not sure of this will help, but I hope so!
I agree with Okie. A lot of people are really more generous than we expect, at least that was my experience. I did a bake sale for my neighborhood when we were having a community garage sale. When people saw that I was raising money for a mission they were a lot more willing to give. Also my church was very supportive and I babysat for several couples in my church. I think people are also more willing to give when they see that you are willing to work for it. I hope your trip to Nicaragua happens. If it is God’s will I know He will bless your efforts.
To add to the excellent advice, I would also say pray about it. Ask God what his will is with this trip to Nicaragua, and if he wants you to go. And then, once His will is clear the only thing is to be brave enough to follow. It could be that his sovereign answer is no, and you must humble yourself and accept it. Or it may be that His answer is yes, and somehow the All-mighty will provide a way, whatever that looks like. From receiving a donation that will cover everything, to cleaning bathrooms to babysitting, if the owner of literally EVERYTHING wants you to go on this trip, he will provide.
When I was raising money to go to camp, I made a deal with my parents, and was able to earn some money by babysitting my siblings, chores, etc. I also did work for people at my church. Of course, I am sure that going on a missions trip costs much more than going to camp does, but helping out with little things, really helped me be able to go!
I agree with Emma. If God wants you to go, he will provide a way. Need ideas? Get others involved in raising the money, if possible. I’m trying to sell candles for my girl’s club (AHG) right now. maybe you could do something similar.