
MICHAELA WRITES: When do we draw the line in Christian music? There are Christian musicians that I really enjoy and who have very beautiful music that glorifies God. But lately, I’ve heard one of these musicians include some hard, albeit brief, cursing in one of their songs, deciding to overstep the boundaries of clean Christian music. When he was asked why he did this, he said as bad as it looked that was how he felt at the time of writing his song. He said the song is about fear and desperation and that’s how he depicted it at the time, but he also said that words are words and that if he thought putting that word in there was a sin he wouldn’t have done so. He also said he respects those who might find the song offensive, so he wrote a clean version. How should I think about this sort of thing? Can I still listen to the “clean version”?
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I’m interested to see what other people have to say. As for me, I love Christian music and I listen to it a lot. I haven’t had to so far draw a line in the selection I listen to. I’m sure as the culture changes Christian music just like other ‘Christian’ things will be conformed to the world. As that happens I will have to. I haven’t heard the particular song you’re talking about, but just on what I’ve heard from you I think I would lose a lot of respect for the writer/singer. I believe as Christians we are called to glorify God with our lives and in my opinion putting curse words in a song with the ‘Christian’ label is not God honoring. The fact that he made a ‘clean’ version tells me that he knew it wasn’t the best decision and he did it any way. If a ‘clean’ version can be made and not alter the meaning or overall message of the song why does an ‘unclean’ version have to be made. As far as him saying, ‘that’s how he felt at the time’ sounds a little ridiculous to me. That doesn’t make it ok just because that’s how he felt. I don’t believe words are just words either. Words have meaning and consequences. I believe as Christians we shouldn’t cause other Christians to stumble. Personally, I don’t think I would listen to his music anymore.
This is a great discussion topic.
I don’t see why you can’t listen to the music. After all, if you draw your boundaries well, and it aligns within your boundaries, why not? There is no command in the Bible that dictates what kind of music specifically you can listen to, and it’s really up to your conscience and convictions. If you feel like God’s leading you to not listen to the clean version of a song with a cuss word, don’t listen to it. But make sure that your boundaries aren’t legalistic and that they don’t extend to your judgments of others.
Just expanding on that topic, though, just because the musician included a curse word in his song doesn’t make him any less of a Christian, and, from my perspective, I think it’s good that he overstepped the boundaries of clean Christian music, mostly because it makes people uncomfortable and therefore more discussion-prone and less complacent. I feel like Christian radio and music is so steeped in certain self-imposed rules that they have to follow that every song that comes through my local Christian radio station and Air1 sounds almost exactly the same. And there really isn’t a great artistic display of depravity throughout the songs, either, and I understand the artist’s choice in including those words in that song.
But if you’re convicted and you believe that God would want you to not listen to the song at all, or just the clean version, by all means, go for it.
Wow, this is a really interesting topic! I know that certain artists definitely let their passion get the best of them. God might not have told the artist to write that curse word in, but he thought it was the best thing for the song. Honestly, I think he could’ve written the song with just as much conviction without any curse words. God is the creator of the universe;he’s the creator of creativity. I believe that whatever you’re writing, whether it be a book or music, that you should focus on glorifying Him in every way. I don’t think using a curse word in a song that all of your Christian fans are going to listen to, and be affected by, is the wisest thing. So, be guided by God in this, listen to what He has to say about this song, and if you should listen to it. He really cares about what you put into your mind. Anyways, I hope this makes sense and helps!
Personally, I have no problem with cursing. I listen to music with swearing all the time. I don’t know what the scriptures have to say specifically about cussing, but in my mind, at least, cursing in a Christian song is no different than a curse word in any other song. I think that some people will most certainly be offended by it; it’s a good thing that he wrote a clean version for that purpose. In my opinion, though, you could have written the song with just as much “fear” and “desperation” elements as without it.
I, being a musician myself, can confidently say that this song is, if you like it, most definitely worth listening to, especially since it’s a Christian tune. If the cussing bothers you, listen to the clean version. I don’t necessarily think that swearing makes a song “good” or “bad” or “okay to listen to” or otherwise. But, as I said before, I have no specifically Biblical references within my answer, so most of it is just my own sense of morality.
I suppose what I’m saying is that I think Rachel nailed it.
Okay, personally, I really like Kings Kaleidoscope (it was them right?), and from what I’ve heard it’s a very honest, raw prayer. Between him and God that would be perfectly good and right, but sharing it was a bad idea. It doesn’t edify the Church, and the language gets in the way of representing God.
So for that reason, I’m going to avoid it, though I’ll still listen to they’re other stuff.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Colossians 3:8
But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.
As Christians, we’re not supposed to use foul language as is evinced by these verses. If a “Christian” artist uses foul language in a song in direct disobedience to the Bible, can we really trust them to make God-honoring, Biblically accurate music? Um…no. It’s my personal policy that if a “Christian” artist doesn’t act Christian, I don’t listen to their stuff anymore. For example, a while back I heard that the lead singer of a “Christian” band said this about the Bible: “NO REASONABLE PERSON takes the entire Bible completely literally”. In context, this quote was intended to mock the belief that God created the world in 6 literal days. Since he insulted me and many other young-earth creationists in saying that (and thinks I’m “NOT A REASONABLE PERSON” lol), I’ve decided to not listen to their music. Why would you trust the doctrine of someone who doesn’t act like a Christian?
Tl;dr:“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Jesus’ commandments include not using foul language. Why would you listen to a “Christian’s” music who disobeys God’s commandments in their music? =P
While I totally agree that true Christians will act differently, I don’t believe we’ll be perfected until heaven, so we still sin and make mistakes. That said, I don’t think it’s fair to deny his salvation based on one, admittedly bad, decision.
Yeah, I agree. I wasn’t doubting his salvation as much as questioning the “Christianity” of the music. =)
Okay, not to be dense but could you explain a bit more? I’m not sure I see the difference.
Sure! Basically what I’m saying is I have no idea if the dude is saved or not. What I do know is that if a song has stuff in it that God has said not to do (in this case, cussing) then you can’t really call it a Christian song. Got it? =)
Thanks so much, Haven! You made a lot of great points!
Thank you for pointing out what God has to say about coarse language and obedience to and love for God and His commandments. If anyone claiming to be a believer does not obey God’s commands, there is a good chance he has religion but no Christ. People love to tout their beliefs and foolishly believe that their words supersedes God. They have been listening to false teachers and it will only lead to their destruction.
It sounds as if his conscience is seared to truth and he thinks he is the final authority.
God’s Word will always stand and God’s Word will be the last Word.
I pray that you keep your love for God and his commandments as your generation, as all current generations, is suffering a famine of the Word of God in their lives.
Stand strong, the battles for Christ are going to get tougher and more will be required of you. But God will never call you to something that He doesn’t equip you for. And your best tool of warfare will be His blessed Word.
Press on, be faithful and glorify God in all things.
Praying for your life,
Mrs. Jean
You’re welcome Michaela! I love your name (:
Thank you! I LOVE yours!😁
Hi Okie,
I find it very difficult when I hear people say that we will not be perfected until we are in heaven as though it can justify our sinful choices on earth. When we focus on that, we can get in trouble of misusing God’s grace for our own choices. God completed the work for our sin on the cross. As a human being, I will always have to struggle with the flesh. Temptation is knocking at the door always. But it is my choice whether I choose to fall into that temptation. That is one of the reasons God sent the Holy Spirit. It was to convict us and to make us aware of our sinful potential. But if we get into a pattern of continual sin and try and justify it by saying we aren’t perfect negates the work on the cross. Jesus commands us to be holy and He has given us the tools to pursue perfection. Instead of focusing on our sinful behavior, even though being totally aware of it, our thoughts should be on doing everything in thanksgiving for His death on the Cross for us. We should be so aware of His sacrifice at all times, that we should abhor what is evil. We should always be on the battlefield fully armored to fight off anything that makes us focus on our sinful nature and focus on what God has commanded us to do.
In Him,
Mrs. Jean
Okay, thanks!
Oh absolutely! Paul even warns against using grace as an excuse at the start of Romans two.
But the Bible also talks about the forbearance, and patience that individual believers should have toward each other. We should give grace to others who sin, because we know how much more we’ve sinned.
And part of that grace is not jumping to conclusions, like that he’s in continual sin. We don’t know that — we’ve never even met the man! (Or at least I haven’t)
I didn’t write my earlier comment to excuse his sin, but in the hopes that the rest of us don’t sin back by judging him unfairly.
Agreed, Joshifer. Christian artists would not, *should not*, be promoting the world. We’re called to be different–
“And be not conformed to this world: but be yet *transformed* by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that *good*, and *acceptable*, and *perfect*, will of God.” – Roman’s 12:2
As a Christian artist, he had no excuse in using foul language in his labeled ‘Christian’ song. His music was labeled ‘Christian’ to minister and to bless others. If he’s not pointing the lost to God, then he’s not accomplishing his goal as a *Christian* artist. If he wanted to write a song like that, might as well not place it in the Christian genre, because that doesn’t glorify God when you are acting on your emotions and the world.
I agree totally!
Wow, that’s a really great question! Christian music is a controversial topic among Christians with everyone drawing a different line in the sand. Personally, I agree with @GuitarwithArms:disqus You take a very biblical approach to the issue of cussing. As Christians, we should be a light to the world, and someone who’s not a Christian who hears that song might cause them to think cussing is no big deal to Christians. And it also tarnishes that band’s reputation.
If they are indeed a Christian band, they should be being an example, knowing that there are many who look up to them. That being said, we should never put so much faith in an artist because he is human.
Thanks for submitting that question, it really made me think!
This is suuuuuuuch a controversial and debated topic among Christians, and I’m not completely sure about my position.
As for Christian music: I do strongly believe that it was wrong for the songwriter to include a curse word in his song, because it’s definitely forbidden in the Bible to curse at all, much less publicly in a song. On the other extreme, I’m also pretty certain that it’s ok however to listen to music other than just hymns. Show me a verse in the Bible that says “Thou shalt not listen to electric guitars and drums” and I’d be happy to join legalistic southern baptists on this one, but I’ve never seen that verse before.
Still, whether we should listen to music or tv for that matter with curse words is a whole nother issue that I’m less sure on. Certainly, we wouldn’t and shouldn’t listen to things with cursing or swearing in church service during worship time, but what about home? Is it ok to listen to bad language other times? Well, I don’t want to be legalistic, but at the same time, our whole lives should be worship to God, maybe if we wouldn’t do something in church since it wouldn’t worship God, we shouldn’t do it in our daily lives either. But, I don’t want to be like the Amish who believe they should completely stay out of the world so that they can be holy and away from sin. I might be able to make the choice not to listen to bad language by myself, but what about people cursing in public? Do I stay away from non-believers as much as possible? That just seems absurd, especially since we’re on this earth to glorify God by spreading the gospel to those non-believers, which we can’t do if we hide from them.
It’s a complicated battle…
You said pretty much what I was going to say! Some stuff isn’t meant to be shared–it’s between you and God–and I totally agree with what you said about the language. ~Anna
Yes it actually was Kings K. I’ve been listening to Kings K for a while and I love his honest approach to sin, mankind, and this fallen world, but that being said there are some things I don’t believe we should share. Paul washer in one of sermons said that if he took out your heart and was able to read every single thought that you ever had to your friends, family, and everyone, that you would run out of the room and never want to show your face again. I’m not saying that he should not want to show his face but that we should be careful as Christians in how we approach God and how we show others to approach God. To approach God in such a crude manner is not something I would encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to do. And If they do, they should repent instead of applaud their honesty.
I agree totally! I honestly believe Chad is saved but I just think he sinned by putting filthy language in this song. That’s not to say I’ve never thought bad thought or even never said bad words, but I find myself immediately repentant to God for it and just because i say or thought it doesn’t mean I should go back and tell people exactly what a said. I pray that Chad will read God’s word and relieve that thinking, saying, and singing this word is wrong and repent. Because by singing this word your saying it’s OK to say this word, and it’s not OK at all.
Yeah! That’s really true!
Hahaha, “Thou shalt not listen to electric guitar and drums”, good one!
Seriously, people have awesome names everywhere on TheReb! Actually, guys usually get the uncreative names most of the time. If I have a boy, I want to name my kid like, Sparticus Magnifucus, or something like that.
That sounds like something out of Harry Potter. 😀
Haha! 😂 That name is perfect. I have no idea what it means though. Sounds Roman! If that’s the case, I’ll name mine Brutus!
As @GuitarwithArms:disqus said as Christians we can’t listen to something God has said is bad, the Bible says we’re to hate what God hates and love what he loves, Psalm 97:10 so I don’t see any room there.
I used to be a big fan of a Christian band called the NewsBoys, and so when I got a Facebook account last year I gladly followed their page, after following them for awhile I noticed something they very rarely actually posted anything that had to do with being a Christian, God, Jesus or the Bible, (Yes I know they most likely weren’t the ones posting it and that they had someone doing it for them because they were too busy but still) most of what they posted were pictures from concerts, awards they were being given, tore lists, and pictures of them with fans. Not once did I see them giving glory to God for what they’ve accomplished, but it seemed like they were honoring themselves instead and that just comes across as prideful which is a great sin as it says in Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” So, I unfollowed them and stopped listening to them because I thought that it was wrong, after that I sat down and really thought about some of the songs by them I had been listening to and relized how much fluff was in them.
Thank you so much! This was really encouraging.
As @Josh A (It won’t let me tag him!) said as Christians, we can’t listen to something God has said is bad, the Bible says we’re to hate what God hates and love what he loves, Psalm 97:10, so that pretty much covers that right there.
I had something kinda like this happen to me, except it didn’t have to do with using language.
I used to be a big fan of a Christian band called the NewsBoys, so when I got a Facebook account last year I gladly followed their page, after following them for a while I noticed something, they very rarely actually posted anything that had to do with being a Christian, God, Jesus or the Bible, (Yes I know they most likely weren’t the ones posting it and that they had someone doing it for
them because they were too busy but still) most of what they posted were pictures from concerts, awards they were being given, tour lists, and pictures of them with fans. Not once did I see them giving glory to God for what they’ve accomplished, it seemed like they were honoring themselves instead and that just comes across as prideful, which is a great sin as it says in Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” After unfollowing them, I sat down and really thought about some of the songs they had performed and realized just how much fluff was in them. Their music was meant to bring glory to God as the artist you talked about was, yet they both in different ways sinned in the way they acted. But anyways, this was a long ramble on my part and I’m not sure if this will even help you, but my point is that as Christians we’re supposed to follow all of the commandments God has given us and that includes music.
To sum this up you have to look at God’s Word (Take a good long look) and see if this man’s music is God honoring. Because if it isn’t as a Christian you really shouldn’t be listening to it, as not only is it not good for your mind and heart, but by listening to it you’d be giving credence to it, kinda like giving it your stamp of approval.
I hope this helps in some way!
God bless,
I like your point about hymns! It’s funny, in a really old church somewhere I once saw a verse from the psalms. It said something like “praise god with the music of the organ.” My family thought that was pretty funny, since in some churches every song must have the organ. And organs weren’t around in that era!
As to listening to bad language elsewhere, I avoid it wherever possible. I hate watching movies with even one or two swear words in them.
But it’s a whole other deal with unbelievers. My neighbours constantly swear, but my family has had to accept that. To correct them would be legalistic and there is a Bible verse that tells us not to judge unbelievers. However, their swearing has decreased, probably because we never swear!
To stay away from them would be to throw away our witness.
I listen to a lot of music, mostly Christian.
Who do you like to listen to?
While I so love your heart of graciousness towards others, the scriptures are very specific in the identity of a true believer. Peoples actions scream, and when coupled with sinful statements, it taints the whole church.
Remember, God has already placed judgment on this man’s actions. It just so happens that we who pursue perfection are left to clean up the mess he leaves. It is one thing to sin, recognize it and repent. It is a very grave thing to offend God and true believers and to defend it, justify it and use your own authority to determine what is right and what is wrong. That young man has proven by his actions what he is and is not. May God have mercy on his soul.
Sincerely in Him,
Mrs. Jean
Mrs. Jean,
God has placed judgment on his actions. Chad, like everyone one of us deserves judgment and wrath for sins far worse than we’ll ever know about, but the Judge has put that wrath on Christ. God has already had mercy on his soul.
Chad is free, and I firmly believe that every true believer will be perfected. But not till heaven.
He may die without repenting of this, but even sin isn’t strong enough to stop God’s love.
Our hope –both for our own salvation, and his — isn’t that we can be good enough, but that Jesus already was. If God is determined to save us, nothing will stop Him. Our salvation is secure.
What a great discussion and needed one! Jesus said we will know “them” by “their” fruits. If the fruit of swearing comes out then we know the tree is bad. If a tree grows bad fruit we know the tree is bad by pure logic. Therefore if swearing is the production that the tree has then we can be certain the tree is a bad tree. This is the litmus test that Jesus has given us and we need to trust He knows best. From experience, this musician will be coming out with more and more bad fruit, and possibly even we will find out that he “is coming out”. A few years ago a christian musician murdered someone. When he was interviewed in jail he said that the MAJORITY of the bands they played with at “christian” concerts were not christian at all and he also admitted he was not christian at all. Why would non-christians be playing as if they are christian? Well, they are obviously Satan’s plants to lure people subtly to the world and to lose their souls. The bible is full of instructions. One of them is that we are to “take every thought captive”. Yet music bypasses the mind and goes straight for the heart. Satan being the chief musician will OBVIOUSLY use music as his most preferred tool “to kill, to steal and to destroy” as Jesus put it. Hear the Satanists tell us that they “are coming for our children”. This tells us they are strategic and intend on doing eternal harm to the youth. I recommend watching a four part video on Youtube called “They Sold Their Souls to Rock and Roll”. A huge eye opener. Protect your hearts and mind everyone. “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life”. God bless and take care in Jesus.
Be IN the world, but not OF the world. This is the difference. They cuss around us and that is fine. Jesus says just our feet need washing, after we have walked the earth for the day…..in daily prayer we are cleansed and sanctified from the world. Spread the gospel to the world around us, be in prayer and be filled with joy so the world asks us for the hope that is in us!
Great comment Josh and I endorse it.
Tatiana, most likely the Newsboys fb page was run by a fan that had nothing to do with the band itself. That is what I have found often. 🙂
Oh and one more point. Listening to music, reading books and watching tv/movies is akin to hanging around with a person. You will become like them in the end. We need to ask ourselves at the beginning, is this how I want to end up like this person, like this situation etc.
I’m curious, who was the Christian musician who killed someone?
I Love the Newsboys! Seen them twice in concert, so good. I love their song “Guilty”.
“God’s Not Dead” is a good movie and song, haven’t seen the second movie yet.
that is amazingly awesome! haha
I love that song as well. I thought the first movie was amazing and I can’t wait until I get a chance to see the second one.
Personally, I really like For King and Country, Casting Crowns, and Matthew West.
I love For King and Country, The City Harmonic, Ginny Owens, Brandon Heath, Audio Adrenaline, Natalie Grant, and lots others but those are my favorites! What about you?
I firmly believe we can bring our brokenness to God. Jesus work as high priest in sure that. I just think that sharing it was unhelpful.
Yes those are good!
I like Toby Mac, Newsboys, Britt Nicole, The Afters and I pretty much like all of them:)
I like them too. Have you ever seen For King And Country in concert?
Have you seen For King And Country in concert?
You’re welcome! 🙂
Nope. (: I’ve only been to one with Toby Mac, Mandisa, and Jamie Grace.
Wow! I bet that was a great concert!! I love all of them.
It was fun! Do you like concerts a lot?
Yes! I go to a big concert called “Hills Alive ” in SD each year and lots of bands come, it’s a lot of fun:)
This is a very good true point. It especially effects you if you are in your teen years.
That sounds cool. (:
So I’m in my band at my youth group and I do see a lot of people who pretend to be getting into it and they look like they have been close to God, but when they are out of church they act like God is not their Lord and Savior. So good job on pointing that out Sarah.
Yes, it is.
Yes. Actually, last year I was a volunteer at Winter Jam and I was able to see both For King and Country and Matthew West. It was amazing seeing For King and Country live, and they did a segment about respect and honor for women, which I thought was amazing.
I’ve actually had the same thoughts about the Newsboys( and a lot of other modern, Christian music). I actually saw a story that was basically on their lives as musicians and all they talked about was themselves. I started paying attention to their songs and found they rarely talked about the gospel and they were more people-centered. When musicians start talking about themselves and others and taking The Gospel of Jesus Christ out of their music, it’s time to evaluate to see whether there music is glorifying to God.
O cool! I’ve never been to Winter Jam.
Yes I love For King And Country’s talk on Respect and Honor!! It’s sooo good:) I’ve got goosebumps just writing this.
I’m looking forward to their movie, “Priceless”. I can’t wait for it to come out this year. It looks good.
Well said!
Yeah, I wasn’t saying that we can’t bring our brokenness to God. Its vital that we do. It’s just that he said those things in a prayer to God, and although it might be truly his heart (just like anyone), he should make a conscious effort of apologizing to God. But the thing is that Chad doesn’t believe saying that word is a sin. He said if he believed it was a sin he wouldn’t have put it in there. I would probably understand if he wasn’t so nonchalant about it. Its kinda hard to explain but do you understand what I’m trying to say?
I’m curious, Who is the singer and what is the song name?
Yes, it sounds so good! I love their song “Proof of Your Love”
This is given me something to ponder on Michaela 😉
Yes, good song and I Love their new single, “Priceless”
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Mrs. Jean!! =)
Agreed! Question though, “Joshifer”??? lol
Thank you! =)
Thanks! =D
Yes! That one is great!
Kings Kaleidoscope A Prayer
Yeah, I wasn’t saying that we can’t bring our brokenness to God. Its vital that we do. It’s just that he said those things in a prayer to God, and although it might be truly his heart (just like anyone), he should make a conscious effort of apologizing to God. But the thing is that Chad doesn’t believe saying that word is a sin. He said if he believed it was a sin he wouldn’t have put it in there. I would probably understand if he wasn’t so nonchalant about it. Its kinda hard to explain but do you understand what I’m trying to say?
Sweet, thank you!
There is an explicit version containing two fbombs but it’s only available on ITunes, Spotify, and through a vinyl.
Ok, thank you for the warning:)
I couldn’t remember. But I did a quick google in hopes of finding the story and it appears like there seems to be at least several of “christian” musicians either murdering or attempting to murder!
Christian heavy metal singer sentenced to prison
after murder-for-hire plot admits he’s an atheist and lied about faith
to sell records
Ok, thanks for looking.
Lol Yes, I have now dubbed you Joshifer. Things get awkward when you also call a paint horse Joshie. xD
Okay I get it now, sorry I misunderstood. I think that’s probably an area that the Spirit will eventually show him.
That is probably true
‘Thou shall not listen to electric guitars and drums.’ If that was real, I would have sinned more than 300,000 times in my life just from listening to my BROTHERS music, not to mention my own.
Haha well said! Good thing that is not true. I love music to much! 🙂
This is a really good question. I only listen to Christian music, and I have heard a lot of non-christian lyrics in some of the music I listen to. I’ll be thinking really hard on this one. Thanks for a awesome question!
Same, if I get in trouble and my dad takes my iPod away, I ask him if I could remove all my games and just have music until he thinks I’m ready to have games. Personally, I don’t actually need games, but that’s not this discussion, so I’m gonna stop.
It’s OK @Okie Gal! It was kind of hard for me to pick the right words. And yes I believe the Lord will reveal to him the truth just like He has done for me several times.
As Christians I don’t think that we should limit ourselves to only listening to Christian music. I have found that God can speak loudly through all different types of genres and both Christian and non Christian music alike. That being said, I think that when you are listening to music you have to find meaning in it. If a song has a meaning that makes you uncomfortable, then don’t listen to it and don’t let others convince you that there is nothing wrong with it. But if a song has a meaning that you understand and relate to, then I don’t think it matters if there are curse words in it. God already knows what we feel and what our thoughts are, so express it with words that convey it accurately. However, always respect God, if you are aiming to worship God, make sure the song you are praising Him with has the purpose of bringing glory to God. I hope this makes sense.
My go to verse for this topic is Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Is the music you are listening to helping you think pure? I personally draw the line in music when I can’t tell if it is helping me think purely. If I can’t tell if it’s helping or hurting my spiritual walk, then I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to put it in my life.
So I guess this is kind of a conversation about cussing, not just music… I am a christian, and I’ve worked in a tire shop for about 6 years, so cussing isn’t a new thing at all. I also am a firefighter, and since I started that, I’ve changed my view on lots of things in life. I did used to think that cussing was a really terrible thing, then I went to a vehicle fire, and found the driver burned with a gunshot wound to the head. Then I went to a rollover/head-on on the interstate, driver was killed instantly. Then I saw three brothers try to kill each other, and attack us as well. Then I was in fire, and my water pressure dropped. This isnt to shock, or to pretend that I have a hard life or see things no one else does. I think words are mean’t to express feelings, and sometimes there are no other words. So yes, while I fight fire, and do EMS work, I might just be praying for you, and cussing at the same time. Maybe its not the best, but its what works…
Honistly, I don’t know what I would do If I didn’t have my music, it’s such a big part of my life:)
I think that what Stephanie is saying here is on point! 🙂 God can still use Non-Christian music genres for His glory.We should always leave room for conviction from the Holy Spirit. We have to come before Him, searching our hearts with sincerity, desiring to serve and glorify Him fully and be humble and obedient. It’s not right for me or anyone else to tell anyone what kind of music to listen to. I do not have authority to dictate that, one must pray, listen earnestly to God and have humility in their heart to be open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Yes. They are amazing at what they do. So much energy!
That’s sad.
Very good point. Don’t act like you won’t be affected by what you listen to.
Lots of it too!! 🙂
Wow! Thank you for all you do. Stay safe.
try taking a break from music.
I can see your point but that still doesn’t sound right.
I honestly thought I’d be the only lne who thought this. 🙂 I’ve never read that story, but becoming famous is not easy on the price for anyone, so I’m sure it is a constant battle for anyone who is in music (Not justifying it, pride is a sin no matter what) But that is why you have to double up on your Bible study at those times, that’s when you need to spend tons of time in prayer asking God to help you to give Him all the glory for something He blessed you with
Your so right, Tatiana! All Glory be to Christ.
Hey Mrs. Jean, I’m so sorry I haven’t gotten back to you yet! My comment’s waiting to be approved I guess.
I know. It doesn’t seem right to me either. I guess just be gentle when judging people because of the way they talk, you never know what people are walking through. And its a battle, I get it. I fight my own demons every day, and I guess cussing just isn’t the top fight. But yeah, I hear ya. And I try
I don’t blame you, cause I would probably say some shocking things if I saw what you did.
I know right!
KATE!! I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you about something!! I’m going to post it on Revive I think, but I know you left… so is there anyone on there I can ask for your email to send it to you?? Or is there a better way to communicate with you…?
Wow. Hi!! How are you? And of course, I’m at [email protected]
My curiosity has been heightened… 😉
“Even When it Hurts” changed my life and helped me through some hard times last summer.
I listen to soundtracks too!!
Hey Jesse. What’s up?
I might advise you to do a little study on who a “brother in Christ” is. He stated he didn’t care whom he offended. I am not sure what your litmus test is for a Christian, but 1 John might explain it as clear as you can get. You see a little unrepented, justified sin is a whole sin. I would suggest that you might hang with people that repent of their sinful behavior instead of excusing it. You could become them.
What are some of your favorites?
With all due respect Mrs. Jean, I said I wasn’t going to talk about Chad anymore, and I’m not.
I’ll get back to you on First John though.
I do as well. I love the Lord of the Rings soundtracks and the Narnia soundtracks, they are both so majestic, especially Narnia.
I like the Lord of the Rings soundtracks and Taylor Davis, and also this Colonial America one.
nothing much, just hauling tree branches from a storm and playing minecraft. How about you?
Hey can you go to the channel Christian Struggles or the channel God Honoring Literature?
I also listen to Taylor Davis. The violin sounds really pretty. I also listen to The Lord of the Rings soundtracks, like “Into the West” and “Riders of Rohan,” with the violin.
I listen to “Titanic” soundtracks, The Dark Knight soundtrack because it is awesome. I listen to Requiem for a Dream ( Lux Aeterna) too.
I love the Narnia soundtrack too. It sounds so awesome when it is playing in a battle scene. Love The Lord of the Rings soundtrack too.
I love the Titanic soundtrack. I also love how there a few songs with words (but thankfully no swearing) on the Lord of the Rings soundtracks. 🙂
I did, thanks!
I don’t listen to K-Love any more because I don’t agree with the songs they play.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s really sad how shallow contemporary Christian music has become.
I know I’m a little late on this one:) I think it’s good to have a balance in the music we listen to. I personally LOVE for KING & COUNTRY, tobyMac, Hollyn, Moriah peters, and several others. (especially for king and country:) i don’t see a problem to listen to the new music that’s coming out, I rather enjoy it. But I also think that we should not harden our hearts to good worship music as well. It’s like people who read a lot of novels and things end up getting bored with good christian reading that grows them in their faith. recreational reading is good, but we can’t get bored with the Bible, either. We just need to have balance.
Also, I want to gently say that if we love the Lord, we want to honor Him with what we see, say, and listen to. I don’t think that music with cursing in it is honoring to Him. Think about it this way: If Jesus was standing next to you, would you play that song for Him?
Sorry I’m late:)
I like Tobymac, but one song, Til’ The Day I Die is okay but with NF… boy that guy ruined just the song!