I talk about changing the world. A lot.
I talk a lot about DOING stuff.
But for a moment, I want us to strip away the distractions of life.
I want us to set aside our passionate pursuit of world change and justice. I want us to step away from all of the stuff we DO to make an impact.
There is one pursuit that deserves to have first place in our life.
This is our pursuit of Christ.
If we want to be a generation of world changers, we must be in passionate pursuit of Christ.
Theologian A.W. Tozer says, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
What we DO is NOT the most important thing about us.
Knowing GOD is the most important thing about us.
We don’t drift into knowing God. We can’t fast track our way to in our pursuit of Him. It takes time. It takes consistency. It takes intentionality.
But how do we do it?
How do we truly pursue Christ?
It starts with our time.
Our time is one of the most precious gifts given to us by God.
We are given an average of 16 hours every day to live our lives.
But when we look back over our day and we think about what we did, do we ever stop to wonder why we spent more time on Instagram than we did talking to our Creator?
Do we ever question why we used more of our time watching videos on Youtube than we did listening to the voice of our Redeemer?
Have we ever wondered why we spent more time looking through the sales rack at Target than we did flipping through the pages of the Divine Word of our Savior?
Author and speaker Jennie Allen says,
“It’s not wrong that I love these blessings God has given me. It’s wrong that I hold on to them so tightly, and if God takes away one of them I panic and I freak out. It’s wrong that I love all of that more than I love God. It’s wrong that I hope more to go to the beach this summer than to go to Heaven. It’s wrong that I would rather choose to go to Target than spend time with Jesus. That is what’s messed up.”
Is that true of you?
Because, as ashamed as I am to admit it, it’s true of me.
Why do we give so little of our time to the One who gave His life so we could live?
It’s wrong, but it is so often how we live every day of our lives.
Until now.
Let this be our wake up call.
I don’t care how “busy” I think I am. There is a God who created me, loved me, died for me, and saved me. This God invites me to know Him. And I will pursue Him with my entire life.
Will you?
Here are the 3 Action Steps I want to challenge us all with today:
1. 30 Day Scripture Challenge
Do you read your Bible? If not, start there. I want to encourage you to take a 30 day Scripture Challenge. Read the word of God everyday for 30 days. Don’t read it to check it off a list. Read it because, through reading His word, we have the opportunity to know God in a whole new way.
2. 15 Minute Solitude Challenge
Take 15 minutes every day to just be quiet and listen. This doesn’t have to be a somber time where you are sitting in a dark room with a blanket over your head. This can be while you’re driving in the car, while you’re doing your daily workout, while you’re cleaning the house, or while you’e sitting in your favorite coffee shop. But just be quiet. Talk to God, and listen for what He is going to say.
3. Prayer Walk Challenge
There is a world out there that needs to be changed. And I want to change it. But I too often forget that any great thing that happens in this world happens only because of the work of God. This week, what if we took 20 minutes to walk around our neighborhoods, or a favorite nature path, or even around our homes. What if our generation began to truly call on the name of the Lord?
Start one of these action steps today.
Do something today to pursue God.
Can you imagine how the world could be changed simply because we made a commitment to truly knowing God?
The most important thing about you is NOT what you DO.
The most important thing about you is knowing Christ.
THIS has the power to truly redefine our generation.
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This is a great reminder 🙂 Since our ability to do anything comes from God, it makes sense that we should start by having a relationship with him. This is something that I have been trying to work on recently because even though it might not seem like a big deal, it’s important, and it’s actually a privilege to be able to have a relationship with God, so why not enjoy that privilege?
Hi Hannah, thanks for writing about this, it’s a tough issue. But reading this it seemed like the focus was still on world changing, and pursuing God was just a means. I’m not sure if that’s what you meant, maybe I misread it, but I’d love to know what you think.
This article was FANTASTIC. God bless you!! We need this reminder every single day. Keep doing what your doing for His glory!
What a great reminder and challenge! Thanks for sharing this… I think we all need to hear it.
Great thoughts, Hannah! Though I don’t like admitting it, this is a reminder that I am very much in need of hearing myself. Thank you very much 🙂
I needed this! It goes perfectly with my recent thoughts, and your challenges are great ways to put thoughts to action. Your article was great, thanks!
Wow, Yeah, Wake up call, I think the challenges are really good, do any you other guys know of any more?
Thank you so much! That was amazing. A wonderful reminder for me. Thanks again.
“Faith without works is dead,” but works without faith is also dead.
P.S.: I haven’t posted in moths… How are all the rebelutionaries doing?
God bless.
–Josiah J.
Great post Hannah.
Hey, long time, no see! How’s it going, @disqus_v7zgvL3EXD:disqus ?
It is going good. I have have had my share of big problems, but I am on the rise, learning more and more about what it really means to be a Christian.
God is good!
And an early merry Christmas to you! 🙂
Glad to hear that you are doing good! Praise God. He is so good, isn’t He? Thank you and merry Christmas to you too 🙂
Wow, this article really struck home and resounds deep within my heart. You have put this topic (something which I know I have been neglecting) in a perfect way.
Great article! Really made me think.
We are world-changers, teens are the world changers because they are the young generation that will change the world, whether people like it or not. It will change.
Seeing the word “world-changers” reminded me of a song that I heard awhile ago and it struck home for me. It made me realize that we, teens, are world changers if we want to be.