After five years traveling around the United States, The Rebelution’s live Do Hard Things Conference held its final tour in 2011 β including this event in Indianapolis, Indiana. Each conference was a challenging one-day event for teens by teens who believe that our generation is ready for a change.
Between 2006 and 2011, The Rebelution came to twenty major cities in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, and Japan — challenging teens with the message of rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things for the glory of God. We’re not about the numbers, but we love to share numbers that show God is working in our generation:
- 45,000 teens, parents, and youth workers reached with a life-changing message.
- 2,000 bold professions of faith in Jesus Christ with every head up and every eye open.
- 14-year-olds worked with Convention Centers, 15-year-olds manned $50,000 robotic cameras, 16-year-olds managed grassroots publicity, 9-year-olds ran Audience Response Technology, etc. These were events for teens, by teens.
Even though the live conference tour is over, The Rebelution is not. In fact, you can still bring this exciting message to your community using our conference DVD. Visit our online store to purchase downloadable conference videos and audio recordings.
Thank you! Attending the conference didn’t work out for several reasons. It’s neat to see these! Praying for open hearts & minds for the attendees as well as strength for all of you on the Staff!
I am out to lunch right now and can not wait to get back in there! It has been SO encouraging so far! =D
Congrats! Looks like it is going well!!
Oh how I wish that I could have been there! I am praying for you guys! Oh, and Brett, congradulations! (Forgive me if it is misspelled.)
In Christ,
Praise God more young people had the opportunity to be impacted to live all for Him! The Rebelution conference is an amazing experience that I will always remember. I do wish I could attend another but Chicago was life-changing a couple years ago. I’m hoping to be doing a DVD conference for the massive amount of teenagers in my area at some point but I’m waiting for God’s timing.
My prayers are with you, everyone that attended, and all those that could not attend! God be glorified, for He works amazingly in the lives of young people!
In Him,
Gal 1:10
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! that looked like a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could go to one!!!!!!!
Loving the conference, in last session right now
Dear Alex and Brett,
Thank you so much for coming to Indiana. I’ve never attended one of your conferences before, and this was one of the best experiences in my life. God truly spoke to my heart today. You touched on some very important questions in my life right now and I know every point you made will apply to my life at one time or another. Thank you so much for what you are doing, its incredible to see God working through the lives of two young people, and even though you have quite a few years on me, it was awesome to here your message coming from people I can relate to. God bless you at college and beyond. I’ll miss hearing from you while you are studying, but hopefully God will open the doors so you can continue your mission above and beyond your college years.
Dear Alex & Brett,
You have no idea what an absolute encouragement today’s conference was! Your message has impacted me and completely changed my life. I went to the first Indy conference in 2007, and believe me, it was time for a refresher course! I was beginning to get so discouraged and just really needed to hear it again and see for myself other teens who feel the same way. God showed/taught me so much!
Brett~ your call to salvation was so God-honoring, and I rejoice with those who responded. As one of my friends described it: “It made me want to get saved all over again!” Even better was how genuine you were about it. The joy I felt hearing so many people pronounce Jesus Christ as master of their lives had me almost in tears multiple times. Such Beauty! I think sometimes we forget what God’s grace and power look like and need to be reminded.
Alex~ Your last session was perfect for me. Also being “type A” I have to have a detailed plan if I’m going to succeed at something, and you gave the perfect blueprint for making change and keeping it that way. I already know what I need to and will be changing in my life. (No, it’s not an ice cream obsession!)
Joel~ I know you don’t get a whole lot of recognition for your part at the Rebelution, but God has gifted you with a lovely voice. Thanks for using it to serve myself and everyone else! The worship really adds so much.
I am so grateful to God for bringing your message into my life. Even if you aren’t dead yet, you’re already my heroes! I know that God is taking you on to even greater things through college, and I wish you both the best of life.
Friend in Christ,
I was at tlhe conference today as well as the Kansas City one, and God was definitely at work!!! I’ve been avoiding doing hard things for far too long, but no more. Now I’m going to go home and change something. Driving 11 hours was so worth it! Thanks Alex and Brett!
Alex and Brett,
I was at the Rebelution conference yesterday, and it was so amazing. I was actually planning not to come, but I’m glad I did! God spoke to me through what you said, especially the last session. Thank you both for setting this example!
In the King,
I have to agree with Lindsay–even though you 2 aren’t dead yet, you are 2 of my heroes!
Lindsay~are you from Marion, IN? and your dad’s a pastor? If you aren’t, sorry! Maybe I’m getting you mixed up with someone else. π Did you reply me on the booklist?
Yesterday, I became a Christian, partly because of Brett’s (and Alex’s as well) message. I have been living a lie for the past 10 years. When I was 4, I ‘asked Jesus into my heart’, but I didn’t really know what I was doing. I thought that since all my teachers were saying that I am special and loved by God, I thought that I could slip into heaven if I prayed every time it was offered (like Brett said) and being ‘good’. So, I stood up yesterday and proclaimed ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’. I was too scared and there were too many people up front to pray with anyone, but last night I layed on my bed, begged God to forgive me, and apologized for not living for Him. So my new spiritual b-day is August 27, 2011! Yah! Thanks so much Alex and Brett! And to everyone who worked on the conference, even down to the ‘tiniest’ details.
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Katie π
Hi Alex and Brett,
Just wanted to say that attending the conference for the youth group of our church from Joliet, IL was amazing. It was wonderful for the leaders of our church to see how the Teenagers pour themselves into it. You guys are surely setting an example for them. Thank you!!
I can’t believe that there was a overflow room!! WOW! That is awesome!!!
Looks amazing! I was at your Nashville conference last year, and will be at your Baton Rouge conference this year. Can’t wait! It is such an amazing time where God is glorified! π
Katie Joy, I can’t even express how happy I am for you! This will be an amazing journey! Way to go, girl! π
Hey Alex, Brett–
I was at your Greenwood conference and I LOVED it. I was there from MN with my best friend, Mom and Grammie. My Best friend and I were SO inspired by your talks. I saved money a long time to be able to come and I can’t believe that I actually got to go. I totally agree with Katie Joy and Lindsay, you two are some of my heroes! Thanks to all the Indiana teens for all the work you guys put into it, I so appreciate it!
Brett- I was really touched by your altar call and all the teens and adults courage to be rebulutionaries and stand up. Thanks for your work you put into the conference.
Alex- Thanks you for all your talks your gave!! I read your guys book and it was really encouraging to get to hear you guys in person. The last session applied to my life a lot.
Joel- I also want to thank you for your music and for being the worship leader, for all the work you put into the conferences, I really appreciate your work! And for Generation Letter and for your friend, all you guys are appreciated!!!
And I would like to thank Courtney for allowing Alex to come and talks to us teens, thanks SO much!
Thanks for everything you guys did for me, I was and still am inspired!!
Lets together as teens Rebel against Low Expectations and show our society that we aren’t goofing off in the teen years but using our time for the Glory of God.
Your fellow rebultionary,
Katie Joy~
Yes, I was the one who responded to your booklist question! I hope my answer was helpful. π And I am SUPER EXCITED that you have decided to truly follow God and live for Him alone! I will be praying that you grow.
Yep, I am from Marion, and yes, my dad’s a pastor! Okay… I’m a bit creeped out that you know/guessed that’s who I am! I’m afraid I’m not picking up who you are or how I’ve met you, so let me know. π
To EVERYONE ELSE who attended the Indy conference yesterday, a word of WARNING:
Whenever you have a spiritual high, you can always be 100% sure that Satan is preparing a spiritual pitfall for you. I have already experienced this, though luckily my Mom was able to point it out. Whenever we ask God to help us grow, that usually involves a spiritual test. If you want to Do Hard Things, you will probably have some hard times too, especially those of you who have just accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior. Stay STRONG everyone!!!
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” ~the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippian church.
In Love,
Thank you Sarah! I can now sign my name with ‘Joy’ and truly mean it!
Katie Joy π
Hey there Alex and Brett,
I’ve read your book and it was awesome. I never imagined I was already poisoned by the low expectations society has shown me. And for that thank God for the both of you. Because of your book, I realized it wasn’t too late to change and that by the grace of God, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I wish you could really come to the Philippines. I look forward to hearing and be blessed by the conferences you make. More power to your ministry and may God bless the both of you more.
P.S. I wish you’d be able to read this.hehehe
I’m glad that I got to go to this last conference, it really encouraged me to keep up the work that God is already doing in my life.
Thank you Alex and Brett for letting God use you in a way that you guide others to Him.
God bless
I’m glad so many people were inpacted! I went to the conference in Virginia last September and it was a a life changer for me!
SO Powerful! Love you guys π
Be Blessed,
I was at the conference at Greenwoodβ¦I agree with everyone above me ο
βI laughed; I criedβ¦it moved me Bobβ
THANK YOU Alex & Brett for your hard work! And good luck at collage and beyond ο
God bless you all
In Christ
sorry, the ‘boxs’ are suspose to be smily faces π π
Not only does it look like it was a fantastic conference, but I just have to say that was some awesome photography…. I love it!
Kathleen~hahaha! I completely agree! Love veggietales! π
Lindsay~sorry I creeped you out! You went to Wallen Baptist (in Fort Wayne) one Sunday, and you met me there. After hearing that you are homeschooled, I hugged you. And You were surprised that a stranger would hug you. I can get a bit excited about meeting homeschoolers. π You may not remember after all, I (sorry, it’s true) forgot about you until I saw you at the Indy conference.
Thank you for replying me on the booklist. So glad to have ‘met’ a fellow girl who is going to do courtship! Have you read Joshua Harris’s book ‘Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courthship’? It’s the sequel to ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’. They are both very good books, especially the 2nd. I think I liked the 2nd one better because I have grown up with the courtship mindset, but I needed some ideas and direction for standards.
Gotta go!
Katie Joy π
It’s one week after the conference and I’m so thankful to Alex, Brett, Joel, and everyone else who made it fly! The conference challenged me to read books that will help my spirit grow. When my mom heard that, she was overjoyed. π Thank you for being willing to deliver difficult messages. They encouraged me to keep on doing hard things.
P.S.- The invitation for salvation at the third message was one of the most beautiful things I have seen! My friend got saved that day!
Brett and Alex,
I attended the conference, not knowing what to expect. I am so glad to see someone young challenging other young people to be like Christ. When I started my first job in “the real world” I knew I would not have been prepared for the hard work it would take if Christ was not going before me. We can accomplish nothing on our own. We cannot even take one breath without his say. We cannot be Rebelutionists without Christ blessing that work. Thank you for making that the main point of your vision….putting Christ first. Jesus Christ is Lord and He is reigning now. I pray that God will give this generation of young people a deep and all consuming passion for his Gospel and Truth. That is where the power of change comes from.
Katie Joy~
Yes, of course I remember you! You were so sweet, and God used your friendliness to remind me how I should treat newcomers to my own youth group. I would have loved to talk to you at the conference. Maybe next time? π No, I haven’t read either book, but they have been on my “to read” list for a long time… except that the list keeps getting longer and I don’t have much time for it! My brother went through the DVD version of the book and really learned from it, so I’m sure I’ll read/watch it eventually. Thanks for leaving me a message and letting me know who you are. <3
Oh, good! I was afraid you wouldn’t remember, and you would think I was stalking you or something! π I’m glad I could influence someone else for good. Sometimes I don’t know how what I said or did really positivly influenced them. (did that make sense? oh well lol)
Yeah, let me know when you’re up my way again (and I’ll do the same) and maybe we can work soemthing out. Oh, are you going to be at either the Grabill or Johnny Appleseed Fest(s)?
I can totally relate! I have a booklist 2 miles long! If I were you, I would definitly put those 2 close to the top! They’re pretty good books! I’m currently going through…
1. Praying for Your Future Husband (Robin Jones Gunn, Tricia Goyer)
2. When God Writes Your Love Story (Eric, Leslie Ludy)
3. Uncomprimising (Hannah Farver)
4. Before You Meet Prince Charming (Sarah Mally)
I didn’t realize this until now, but I see a theme going on. lol π
Gotta go, see ya girly!
Katie Joy π
Hi,this is my first comment though I have been on this site for awhile:D I really enjoyed going to the conference, and was sad that the conference wasn’t being held here again. Like some others wrote you guys are my heros too!
Hey Alex and Bret,
I’ve read your book “Do Hard Things” and loved it! It was totally AWESOME!!!!
I’ve never been to one of y’all’s conferences but would love to. You guys need to come to Georgia.That would be awesome.I know I would come; and I have friends that I know would like to come too!:)
Have a great day!
It has been raining off and on where I live. Reminds me of when we made it ‘rain’ at Indy conference. π We, as fellow rebelutionaries, are taking the world by storm.
Katie Joy π
Wow this seems awesome! I read Do Hard Things last summer and it rocked my world. It’s awesome to see teenagers desiring to step up for God in our culture.
Making it rain was soooo fun! You should have seen my dad, he was grinning ear to ear!
Though I have to admit, when the guys first said that they were going to make it rain, I thought they were going to mist us with a spray bottle or dump water on us. Lol
Thanks guys for not getting us wet!
Katie Joy- hahah, I like your commet about “taking the wrold by strom” π
Hi. My name is Lucy, I’m a thirteen year old book blogger. My family started a church two years before I was born in a small town in Texas. Growing up in a church, I always seemed fall into the “helping be cause I have to” or “seeing church friends while I help” categories. I read “do hard things” in one day it’s amazing and inspiring. For a while now I’ve felt like God was calling me to learn French and whitness to women in Africa (because my dad has been there but men can’t talk to women) after I read the book I felt empowered to do this even more. God is using you in amazing ways! π
Katie Joy (and anyone else enjoying our conversation π ~
Well, my issue is that I’ve had to read so many books about living Biblically for school and church, that unless I’m being made to read them, I opt for fiction books. (If anyone has ideas for curbing this tendency, let me know!) I’m compiling a list right now of clean fiction books I’ve read so that when I have my own home, I can have my own personal library for my family to enjoy. Am I the only weird one who would do this? lol I have heard about most of the books you’re reading, and they all sound like good ones. What does it say about praying for your future husband? I’ve been told a lot that I should be doing this, but I don’t because 1) my mom has told me that she is praying for him and 2) it just feels weird to do! Does the book talk about anything like this?
Yes, agreed! Making rain was very fun! I’ve talked about the conference so often, my family is getting tired of it. ;D It’s funny what little things will occur during the day and remind me of something I learned there. I have recently been very challenged to do hard things in a dual credit college course, where I’m the only Christian. Sometimes I forget just how hard hard things are!!!
Well, this concludes my random note for the day! π Keep all the positive comments coming, everyone! It is so encouraging for me to hear that I’m not the only Rebelutionary out there.
Sister in Christ,
We really appreciated the DHT conference in Greenwood! My 20 yo daughter heard you 4 years ago, and that message has made a difference in her life. We are planning to teach a class at our homeschool co-op this fall, using your book. 10 kids signed up, average age is 10-12. Thank you for stepping out and allowing the Lord to use you. God bless you in your future endeavors!
Kathleen~Thanks!! My Mom liked it too!
Katie Joy π
Kathleen~My Mom was one of those that was also worried about getting wet….I was grinning. π I think they said something about it in the last chapter of “Start Here”.
God Bless all,
Katie Joy π
P.S.Could everybody please pray for my cousin, Rachel? She’s getting into witchcraft and her family is falling apart (maybe divorce in a couple years or so, not sure). Details later….. Thanks!
Will be praying for Rachel & her family. (and the entire family as well)
My heart go’s out to you Katie Joy, and your family as well. I pray that though it all you would be a light in this darkness.
I attended the conference in Kansas City, and I have to say that it was one of the best experiences of my life! It has really made me look at my own life and see where I am falling short and giving in to low expectations.
Alex and Brett: Thank you so much for doing this! Your message has awakened tons of people to the need to live a life above the low expectations…God is using you in incredible ways! Alex, the fourth session was really helpful in figuring out how to actually live the rebelutionary life…sometimes taking what we hear and turning it into doing it can be hard, so thanks for that. And it’s okay that you were a little bit “sneaky” (as you yourself put it!) in reading my nametag and saying my name before I told you what it was… π Brett, those questions in the third session really made me think. How much DO I read my Bible just because it’s God’s word? How much DO I pray just because I know that God hears my prayers?
Joel and Harlan: The worship was awesome! It really set the mood for the sessions and invited the Holy Spirit to be there through the whole day. Thanks so much!
That moment in the third session, when people stood up and committed their lives to Christ…That was the most wonderful, incredible, amazing, beautiful work of God that I have ever seen!!! To be there and to see all of those lives changed was so amazing!
In Christ,
These look good. Thank you for sharing them. It’s just a pity that it’s the last time. I had wanted to attend one of the conferences since I found out about The Rebelution.
Hey guys!
I was on the leadership team, specifically the Prayer Captain. I have to say that it was the best 6 months of experience of my life. I grew SO much in Christ in that time. Ever since I found out I was on the Leadership Team I prayed for the conference every single day during my quiet times. Every second I prayed was worth it. Seeing those 1300 people walk through the doors, sit and listen, worship, praising God was truly Indescribable. “Jesus is Lord” is what I heard 120+ people stand up and say in Faith. It’s hard to say what it felt like. It was kinda like a true, live, pure miracle that I have been praying for for 6 months. It was humbling to see the people I have been praying for. It was an amazing experience to go up to the front to pray with those people who just stood up. I would do almost anything to go through those whole 6 months again. God really did an amazing, indescribable thing on August
27 2011…….. The day I saw Gods love shine in human form through 2 young men that are my role-models for the rest of my life……
The Prayer Captain
Kathleen~Thank you! That’s kindof what my friend Evan said (light in darkness). Kindof, no REALLY cool when I’m getting a message from God, through 2 different people that (as far as I know) don’t know each other and are saying the same thing. Thanks!!
Love you all with Christ’s love!
Katie Joy π
Katie Joy-
I will be praying for your cousin and her family!!!! May God be glorified through what your cousin is going through!
Praying for you……
Thanks Alison! Hugs!
To God be the glory!
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Katie Joy π
Iwent to the 2011 Indy tour and it was a life changing experience. It’s impacted life in ways that i couldn’t even imagine. I liked your last speech Brett. When i was young i accepted God into my life but i didn’t really know what i was doing. I sure understood when i became christian at the tour. Glory be to God!
In Christ,
Aaron~Completely understand! That’s my life… So glad you understand what it really means to be a Christian. Keep the faith!
Lindsay~Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you, somehow I didn’t catch your message. I also haven’t been getting on the computer lately……..You’re not weird! I’m doing something similar (although I’m only 14). What are some of the fiction books you have compiled? I don’t really have time for fiction.
Praying for my future husband has been amazing! I took a journal and started writing letters to him, and including prayers for him. Sometimes I write about my day, what I’ve been struggling with spiritually, poems (both my own and ones that I have found)…..lots of stuff like that. Sometimes, if I don’t know what to pray for him, I take scripture and pray that. One of my favorites to pray for him is Ephesians 6:10-19 (armor of the Lord passage). Praying for him has really strengthened my relationship with the Lord, too! I don’t know if my parents are praying for my future husband…I certainly hope they are. Another thing is that on our honeymoon, I will get to present him with journals and letters, he can see how long I have waited for him, not spending that romance and energy on others. And by doing this, I’m a lot more aware of his existence. He’s not just out there, roaming the earth, but he’s ALIVE, living and breathing! He has struggles, too. He NEEDS my prayers for him and his purity. Yes, it felt a little weird at first. But if you don’t know what to say, just pray scripture. Or find a favorite poem or song and include it. He will LOVE it! During the courtship stage, he will seek to win your heart. By writing down your fave’s (songs, poems, verses), he will get to know you better! I can’t wait (well, yeah I guess I can….lol) to give him the journals I saved for him. To show him how I value him and our future marriage. To show him how I’ve waited for HIM. And him only.
Hope this helps. Anybody else have any thoughts on this??
(I probably repeated myself….oh well. lol) LOVE rain! π Yes, you are not alone in your pursuit of hard things. I’ll be praying for you in your college class!
Samantha~Greenwood area or NE IN area? Just curious…..
Everyone~Thanks so much for praying for my cousin! It’s so encouraging to see so many caring for others! π
In Christ,
Katie Joy π
The conferences sound absolutely amazing! I am going to the one in Baton Rouge, I am so excited! I read your book last year and it was incredible; it inspired me to start my own Christian blog. I am so glad that God led you to do all these things to inspire teenagers all over the world. You have certainly done so for me!
May God bless you always,
You guys keep doing things for God’s glory! Keep it up!
In Christ,
Lindsay (and anyone else π )~Hope I wasn’t too overwhelming….. Anybody else have any thoughts or suggestions on praying for your future husband/writing to him, courtship, purity??
Sister in Christ,
~KJ π
P.S. How are the college classes going??
Thing 1 (a story)
I’m my Sunday school class, we have been reading through “Do Hard Things ” π I heard this form my mom….But last night when she picked me up from youth group, one of the girls told my mom how much she was loving the book and wanted a copy so she can read it and copy some things down! I just smiled and thanked God that it was impacting yet another person.
Thing 2
Katie Joy- awe! I have also prayed for my future husband! and you are right on about all you’ve said. π I also plane to give my journals to my husband some day. (not only will he get to know me better, truly know my heart, but he’ll see a fast improvement with spelling and grammar..hopefully π lol
….purity. *shigh* it is something every girl struggles with, (including me) I think the hardest part is to keep our minds pure. I don’t know exactly how to go about this, but I think we need to start with totally giving to God everything, even our future husbands.
We just have to keep going to God in prayer, crying out to him, letting him know are hope and our dreams, and all are longings.
I remind you, and myself, with this verse of a hymn. this was my closing song on Sunday at my church:
“All of my longings,
All of my dreams,
Jesus is Lord of all.
All of my failures His power redeems,
Jesus is Lord of all.
King of kings, Lord of Lords,
Jesus is Lord of All!”
praying for our husbands help us to know that it’s not “our guy” it’s God’s guy, they belong to Him, and he loves them so much better than anyone of us ever will.
Thanks Katy Joy for the reminder! God bless your joyful spirit, I defiantly know why your parents
named you “Katy Joy!”
and for the rest of you girls that may be struggling with purity…..I am praying for you all.
love in Christ
Kathleen Mahoney
Hey Katy Joy….were did the comment about collage come from π did I miss something?
Hope you guys understand what I just said up there! π
Kathleen~I think earlier, Lindsay said something about college classes. Try looking on her September 13, 2011 6:52pm comment.
I’m so glad I found another ‘praying’ buddy! π Yes, I understand completely! Thank you for the encouragement; yes, my parents knew what they were doing. I love them! π
Thank you for informing me about the hymn. Which hymn is that verse from?
While we are on the subject….A good book to read on praying for your future husband would be (so appropriately titled) “Praying For Your Future Husband” by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer. (I didn’t particularly enjoy Robin’s Christy Miller series, but she did a pretty good job on this book). Have you found any other good books on the subject? My friends think I’m kindof weird sometimes because I rarely read fiction, nonfiction is the majority of my reading list.
I agree, my mind is a battleground between purity and impurity. Even if I’m not filling my mind with junk on purpose….the tv ads, the billboards, the covers of books in the library, etc. still get the junk in there! It’s frustrating.
What are some of the kinds of things that you pray for, for your future husband? (yes, hopefully as I get older, my handwriting will improve!)
I hope and pray that he is praying for me, too. It seems like some guys don’t think about stuff like that.
Thanks for replying and being a friend. π
Love in Christ,
Katy Joy π
P.S. Update on my cousin: Last I talked to her, she was planning on giving her 1st kiss away if it rained the next week, so she could kiss the guy in the rain (I don’t know, she’s gotten kinda weird). And giving away my 1st kiss is a HUGE deal to me. (mine’s getting saved for the wedding day at the church). I haven’t heard from her since then…please continue to pray. Thanks to everyone for remembering her in your prayers. God bless!
Katie Joy (and all else invovled in her conversation),
Hi there! I just read the whole conversation here and I just wanted to share some ideas and strongly disagree respectfully. First of all I’ll start by saying this, I believe completely in the cause of The Rebelution. (In fact, I went to their conference the first year they put it on.) I believe that it is so important to “Do Hard Things” and change the way teenagers are viewed in our culture. I believe, however, that this whole cause is taken to an extreme among the homeschool community. What I’m about to say does not have anything to do with The Rebelution, just the comments you all made on dating, future husbands, etc.
I read what you said about praying for your husband, writing journals to him, etc. I don’t think this is bad, but it certainly seems like you are using a lot of your energy and time thinking about someone you don’t even know. I think it’s important to live in the present. To enjoy being young and having opportunities to learn. I pray for my husband, but I do not dedicate so much time to it. I very much disagree with the whole “courtship” view and I do not think dating is a bad thing in High School. Let me explain why.
1. You can date and remain pure – just because you are “dating” does not mean that you are giving your heart away to a guy. You are spending time with him and getting to know him. In many ways dating can be a good thing because it can bring out who you really are and help you to interact better with one another.
2. It’s a learning experience – When dating a guy you can learn what it’s like to be comitted to another person and learn how to be around this person. Maybe everything won’t go perfectly and this is okay, because you will learn from it.
3. You can still be a Christian and date – Dating can be used to show you things you need to give to God and things you still need to work on in your walk with Him. This way, you can know how to be comitted and have flaws that you had before smoothed out and when you get married you will be more prepared than you would have been had you never dated.
Main point: Dating is totally and completely a heart issue. However you decide to handle the situation will determine the outcome. You don’t have to give your heart away if you date. You can still be Godly, and love that person in a pure way. If your heart is right with God and you don’t give it away to guys, then there is no harm in dating. It can be a helpful thing.
We live in a sex-saturated society, no doubt. Many homeschoolers are sheltered from this, but I think it is a very real thing and being in your own little bubble does no good for the cause of Christ. Be an example. Step up and date in a Godly way. Do not shun dating and act like it’s a sin, because if it’s done in a Godly way, then it is not.
On another note, I smiled when I read the comment about your cousin wanting to kiss in the rain (I think that’s super cute and I would definitely do it). Remember though, if she kisses a guy she likes, that is her decision. Perhaps she doesn’t have the same beliefs about dating (or “courting”) and that is okay. Everyone believes they believe the RIGHT thing, but that, however, does not make it for sure the right way. We all can try our best to live our lives for Christ and for everyone that will look differently. You obviously find that first kiss important, and just because she wants to kiss a guy in the rain does not mean she’s “gotten weird” (it only does in your opinion).
It seems that a lot of the people that come on this website are Christian Homeschool Conservatives and they rant on dating, “the world” and talk about the ways that we can shelter ourselves from it. However, what if we had thousands of teens who decided that they would be “in the world, but not of it” and date in a Godly way. Trust me, people will see the difference and they will ask questions. This can be the best way to lead people to Christ. You guys aren’t in a public school system where horrific things happen and I don’t think you realize how much our generation really needs Christ. When it all comes down to it though, it’s you and God. Do whatever you feel is right, and if that means not dating or courting, then so be it. However, do re-think what you believe about this and see if it all makes sense. Because there is a big world out there that is literally going to hell and that world wants something to believe in. The way you think and act will influence people greatly. Make sure that you are influincing people in the right way, because if you are making them think that Christians are just people who are super religions and live in this bubble, then they will not be attracted to that. People are going to want to do the opposite of what you say if you believe this way. Take for instance, your cousin. If you try to talk her out of kissing this guy, the more she will want to do it. Right? Think about what I have said. I would love so much to hear your thoughts on what I’ve just said, and I would like to hear more of your opinion on dating and why you think it’s such a bad thing. I’m excited to hear your thoughts. I hope that I’ve made everything clear and if I haven’t, don’t hesitate to ask! I love talking about this.
– A fellow Rebelutionary π
Katie Joy (and all else invovled in her conversation),
Hi there! I just read the whole conversation here and I just wanted to share some ideas and strongly disagree respectfully. First of all I’ll start by saying this, I believe completely in the cause of The Rebelution. (In fact, I went to their conference the first year they put it on.) I believe that it is so important to “Do Hard Things” and change the way teenagers are viewed in our culture. I believe, however, that this whole cause is taken to an extreme among the homeschool community. What I’m about to say does not have anything to do with The Rebelution, just the comments you all made on dating, future husbands, etc.
I read what you said about praying for your husband, writing journals to him, etc. I don’t think this is bad, but it certainly seems like you are using a lot of your energy and time thinking about someone you don’t even know. I think it’s important to live in the present. To enjoy being young and having opportunities to learn. I pray for my husband, but I do not dedicate so much time to it. I very much disagree with the whole “courtship” view and I do not think dating is a bad thing in High School. Let me explain why.
1. You can date and remain pure – just because you are “dating” does not mean that you are giving your heart away to a guy. You are spending time with him and getting to know him. In many ways dating can be a good thing because it can bring out who you really are and help you to interact better with one another.
2. It’s a learning experience – When dating a guy you can learn what it’s like to be comitted to another person and learn how to be around this person. Maybe everything won’t go perfectly and this is okay, because you will learn from it.
3. You can still be a Christian and date – Dating can be used to show you things you need to give to God and things you still need to work on in your walk with Him. This way, you can know how to be comitted and have flaws that you had before smoothed out and when you get married you will be more prepared than you would have been had you never dated.
Main point: Dating is totally and completely a heart issue. However you decide to handle the situation will determine the outcome. You don’t have to give your heart away if you date. You can still be Godly, and love that person in a pure way. If your heart is right with God and you don’t give it away to guys, then there is no harm in dating. It can be a helpful thing.
We live in a sex-saturated society, no doubt. Many homeschoolers are sheltered from this, but I think it is a very real thing and being in your own little bubble does no good for the cause of Christ. Be an example. Step up and date in a Godly way. Do not shun dating and act like it’s a sin, because if it’s done in a Godly way, then it is not.
On another note, I smiled when I read the comment about your cousin wanting to kiss in the rain (I think that’s super cute and I would definitely do it). Remember though, if she kisses a guy she likes, that is her decision. Perhaps she doesn’t have the same beliefs about dating (or “courting”) and that is okay. Everyone believes they believe the RIGHT thing, but that, however, does not make it for sure the right way. We all can try our best to live our lives for Christ and for everyone that will look differently. You obviously find that first kiss important, and just because she wants to kiss a guy in the rain does not mean she’s “gotten weird” (it only does in your opinion).
It seems that a lot of the people that come on this website are Christian Homeschool Conservatives and they rant on dating, “the world” and talk about the ways that we can shelter ourselves from it. However, what if we had thousands of teens who decided that they would be “in the world, but not of it” and date in a Godly way. Trust me, people will see the difference and they will ask questions. This can be the best way to lead people to Christ. You guys aren’t in a public school system where horrific things happen and I don’t think you realize how much our generation really needs Christ. When it all comes down to it though, it’s you and God. Do whatever you feel is right, and if that means not dating or courting, then so be it. However, do re-think what you believe about this and see if it all makes sense. Because there is a big world out there that is literally going to hell and that world wants something to believe in. The way you think and act will influence people greatly. Make sure that you are influincing people in the right way, because if you are making them think that Christians are just people who are super religions and live in this bubble, then they will not be attracted to that. People are going to want to do the opposite of what you say if you believe this way. Take for instance, your cousin. If you try to talk her out of kissing this guy, the more she will want to do it. Right? Think about what I have said. I would love so much to hear your thoughts on what I’ve just said, and I would like to hear more of your opinion on dating and why you think it’s such a bad thing. I’m excited to hear your thoughts.
– A fellow Rebelutionary π
Katie Joy (and all else invovled in her conversation),
Hi there! I just read the whole conversation here and I just wanted to share some ideas and strongly disagree respectfully. First of all I’ll start by saying this, I believe completely in the cause of The Rebelution. (In fact, I went to their conference the first year they put it on.) I believe that it is so important to “Do Hard Things” and change the way teenagers are viewed in our culture. I believe, however, that this whole cause is taken to an extreme among the homeschool community. What I’m about to say does not have anything to do with The Rebelution, just the comments you all made on dating, future husbands, etc.
I read what you said about praying for your husband, writing journals to him, etc. I don’t think this is bad, but it certainly seems like you are using a lot of your energy and time thinking about someone you don’t even know. I think it’s important to live in the present. To enjoy being young and having opportunities to learn. I pray for my husband, but I do not dedicate so much time to it. I very much disagree with the whole “courtship” view and I do not think dating is a bad thing in High School. Let me explain why.
1. You can date and remain pure – just because you are “dating” does not mean that you are giving your heart away to a guy. You are spending time with him and getting to know him. In many ways dating can be a good thing because it can bring out who you really are and help you to interact better with one another.
2. It’s a learning experience – When dating a guy you can learn what it’s like to be comitted to another person and learn how to be around this person. Maybe everything won’t go perfectly and this is okay, because you will learn from it.
3. You can still be a Christian and date – Dating can be used to show you things you need to give to God and things you still need to work on in your walk with Him. This way, you can know how to be comitted and have flaws that you had before smoothed out and when you get married you will be more prepared than you would have been had you never dated.
Main point: Dating is totally and completely a heart issue. However you decide to handle the situation will determine the outcome. You don’t have to give your heart away if you date. You can still be Godly, and love that person in a pure way. If your heart is right with God and you don’t give it away to guys, then there is no harm in dating. It can be a helpful thing.
We live in a sex-saturated society, no doubt. Many homeschoolers are sheltered from this, but I think it is a very real thing and being in your own little bubble does no good for the cause of Christ. Be an example. Step up and date in a Godly way. Do not shun dating and act like it’s a sin, because if it’s done in a Godly way, then it is not.
On another note, I smiled when I read the comment about your cousin wanting to kiss in the rain (I think that’s super cute and I would definitely do it). Remember though, if she kisses a guy she likes, that is her decision. Perhaps she doesn’t have the same beliefs about dating (or “courting”) and that is okay. Everyone believes they believe the RIGHT thing, but that, however, does not make it for sure the right way. We all can try our best to live our lives for Christ and for everyone that will look differently. You obviously find that first kiss important, and just because she wants to kiss a guy in the rain does not mean she’s “gotten weird” (it only does in your opinion).
It seems that a lot of the people that come on this website are Christian Homeschool Conservatives and they rant on dating, “the world” and talk about the ways that we can shelter ourselves from it. However, what if we had thousands of teens who decided that they would be “in the world, but not of it” and date in a Godly way. Trust me, people will see the difference and they will ask questions. This can be the best way to lead people to Christ. You guys aren’t in a public school system where horrific things happen and I don’t think you realize how much our generation really needs Christ. When it all comes down to it though, it’s you and God. Do whatever you feel is right, and if that means not dating or courting, then so be it. However, do re-think what you believe about this and see if it all makes sense. Because there is a big world out there that is literally going to hell and that world wants something to believe in. The way you think and act will influence people greatly. Make sure that you are influincing people in the right way, because if you are making them think that Christians are just people who are super religions and live in this bubble, then they will not be attracted to that. People are going to want to do the opposite of what you say if you believe this way. Take for instance, your cousin. If you try to talk her out of kissing this guy, the more she will want to do it. Right? Think about what I have said. I would love so much to hear your thoughts on what I’ve just said, and I would like to hear more of your opinion on dating and why you think it’s such a bad thing. I’m excited to hear your thoughts.
– A fellow Rebelutionary π
On another note, I smiled when I read the comment about your cousin wanting to kiss in the rain (I think that’s super cute and I would definitely do it). Remember though, if she kisses a guy she likes, that is her decision. Perhaps she doesn’t have the same beliefs about dating (or “courting”) and that is okay. Everyone believes they believe the RIGHT thing, but that, however, does not make it for sure the right way. We all can try our best to live our lives for Christ and for everyone that will look differently. You obviously find that first kiss important, and just because she wants to kiss a guy in the rain does not mean she’s “gotten weird” (it only does in your opinion).
It seems that a lot of the people that come on this website are Christian Homeschool Conservatives and they rant on dating, “the world” and talk about the ways that we can shelter ourselves from it. However, what if we had thousands of teens who decided that they would be “in the world, but not of it” and date in a Godly way. Trust me, people will see the difference and they will ask questions. This can be the best way to lead people to Christ. You guys aren’t in a public school system where horrific things happen and I don’t think you realize how much our generation really needs Christ. When it all comes down to it though, it’s you and God. Do whatever you feel is right, and if that means not dating or courting, then so be it. However, do re-think what you believe about this and see if it all makes sense. Because there is a big world out there that is literally going to hell and that world wants something to believe in. The way you think and act will influence people greatly. Make sure that you are influincing people in the right way, because if you are making them think that Christians are just people who are super religions and live in this bubble, then they will not be attracted to that. People are going to want to do the opposite of what you say if you believe this way. Take for instance, your cousin. If you try to talk her out of kissing this guy, the more she will want to do it. Right? Think about what I have said. I would love so much to hear your thoughts on what I’ve just said, and I would like to hear more of your opinion on dating and why you think it’s such a bad thing. I’m excited to hear your thoughts.
– A fellow Rebelutionary π
3. You can still be a Christian and date – Dating can be used to show you things you need to give to God and things you still need to work on in your walk with Him. This way, you can know how to be comitted and have flaws that you had before smoothed out and when you get married you will be more prepared than you would have been had you never dated.
Main point: Dating is totally and completely a heart issue. However you decide to handle the situation will determine the outcome. You don’t have to give your heart away if you date. You can still be Godly, and love that person in a pure way. If your heart is right with God and you don’t give it away to guys, then there is no harm in dating. It can be a helpful thing.
We live in a sex-saturated society, no doubt. Many homeschoolers are sheltered from this, but I think it is a very real thing and being in your own little bubble does no good for the cause of Christ. Be an example. Step up and date in a Godly way. Do not shun dating and act like it’s a sin, because if it’s done in a Godly way, then it is not.
Main point: Dating is totally and completely a heart issue. However you decide to handle the situation will determine the outcome. You don’t have to give your heart away if you date. You can still be Godly, and love that person in a pure way. If your heart is right with God and you don’t give it away to guys, then there is no harm in dating. It can be a helpful thing.
We live in a sex-saturated society, no doubt. Many homeschoolers are sheltered from this, but I think it is a very real thing and being in your own little bubble does no good for the cause of Christ. Be an example. Step up and date in a Godly way. Do not shun dating and act like it’s a sin, because if it’s done in a Godly way, then it is not.
Haha, so this isn’t letting me post everything i wrote and it’s being confusing. Anyways!!! The above 2 posts should go in between the first two…hopefully that makes sense. thanks for reading π
~A Rebelutionary :)-Yesterday, I typed out a reply for you and somehow my computer got messed up…so here is what I remember:
Thank you for taking the time to read the comments and take time to voice your opinion. One of my favorite things to do is discuss different beliefs and opinions with other people. I’ll read your comment and reply in a few days. I’m sorry, I would’ve replied earlier, but with the holidays and all……I haven’t had time to barely get on the computer at all.
God’s blessings on your day!
~Katie Joy π
~A fellow Rebelutionary- I’m glad you are open to discussion and my beliefs. I’ll say this right now. Whatever I say is purely what I believe, not that you have to believe it too. My beliefs are from what I have read in the Bible, conversations with friends, parents and mentors, and observations I have, well observed. π I am telling you what I believe, not to offend you, but to inform you of my views. I respectfully expect the same from you.
1. When I said “my cousin has gotten weird”, I phrased it wrong.
1. My cousin has changed. She and I have taken different paths, so I was hasty in
calling her weird.
2. I think it is…odd…that she based her actions on the weather. Yes, maybe it would
be ‘sweet’, but what I think would be sweeter rather to wait and kiss him at the
church (after having been given permission), after having endured what seemed
unendurable (if that wasn’t a word before, it is now! π )
2. 1. Maybe I am “sheltered”, but I would like to think I still somewhat have my
2. And I am not entirely immune to the “world”. TV ads, billboards, store cashiers, librarians, news anchors, extended family members, church goers, aisles of ‘romance fiction’ at the library……..I could go on and on about who has ‘taught’ me about the subject of sex and trying to ‘get a guy’. Just look around, I am very exposed to ‘cleavage’ while just trying to get some groceries or checking out some books. Now, granted, I have NO idea what it’s like to go to either a public or private school; so I am not exposed to their problems or the direct effects they have on teens. But I believe, as with anything in life, homeschooolers have thier problems too. I won’t go into detail, but we are sinners too. Which brings me to my next point….
3. One of the reasons I don’t date is that I have a tendency to get a little emotionally attached to guys that I find attractive (both outer ‘handsomeness’ and inner qualities). I think (though I wouldn’t know from personal experience, but rather through stories I have heard and friends I have watched and talked to) that dating a guy would expand this exponentially. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that, being a girl, I have a tendency to be slightly more emotional than guys. Don’t take me wrong, I don’t cry every week or anything, but being more emotional than guys is one of the differences God planted in me.
More later…..
P.S. Points 1 and 2 each have 2 points ‘inside’ them.
More later…….
(point) 4. You were talking about how when a person is dating, they find out more about themselves and learn what it is like to be committed to a person. (correct me if I am wrong)
1. Well, maybe you are right on this one. But, what about when two people who are “going out” break up? I think that is practice for divorce (which is never pretty). Think about it….you meet someone (as like before marriage), you go out with them and commit to being their “friend” (either boyfriend or girlfriend, depending on person. in this case we will go with boyfriend), as in marriage, when you are committed to someone. But when you start finding their faults, (as in marriage, before divorce) you lose respect for them, then the fighting comes in (again, marriage), so after they are no longer satisfying, ya break up (divorce). “This person is annoying, he doesn’t buy me stuff, doesn’t satisfy ME, therefore we will break up” then in marriage “This person has extremly annoying habits, their breath stinks in the morning, I’ll just call it done, did it in high school, used to it why can’t I do it now?” Get the picture? A person can get so used to doing something, that it becomes habit. Even into marriage. (again, please do correct me if I’m wrong)
2. I think that being loyal in friendship is more or less like ‘dating’. You are committed to a person. To keep them accoutable, to be faithful in crisis, to encourage them. Now, not that friendship is EXACTLY like dating. Also, I have read that ‘how you treat your dad is going to be similar to how you treat your husband’. I try hard to respect my Dad, serve him, consult with him on descisions I have to make, ask him if he needs anything, pray for him, etc. I have respect for the Man of the household. And I believe that will carry on into marriage.
3. On learning more about youself……I think that can wait for me until I am ready for marriage (age and maturity). Not to say that anyone is completely ever truly ready for marriage, but I would like to be as good as I can possibly be. My parents are excellent examples of a godly marriage and I hope to have a marriage similar to theirs. I don’t think I want to know what I would do in a dating situation, I think I would be an emotional mess. I have enough trouble with life as is, I don’t want to add a boyfriend in the mix to make it even worse.
5. Why distract yourself with a boyfriend when you have so many reasons not to be? I have lots of reasons why I don’t have time for a boyfriend:
1. I’m not even the right age to be married, why would I want to explore who’s up for grabs?
2. I’m busy learning how to run a household.
3. I’m also busy learning how to manage children through babysitting (I want 6-8)
4. I’d rather not waste affections on someone I might not ever see again. I’d rather save
every scrap to be enjoyed by ONE man. He will appreciate it, and I won’t have (nearly as much) emotional baggage as another might have.
5. I want that first night to be awkward. It will prove our innocence (I have been told that is one of the most beautiful things). I don’t want to know how to “please” a man. And since we will both be virgins, we won’t have anyone to compare with each other, since we won’t know what it’s like.
You get what I’m saying? Maybe dating does have a good side to it, but it’s rather foggy and distant to me. I just can’t see it.
6. Maybe I should explain my family’s courtship ways. So you know where I’m coming from.
Step 1~Young man (ym, for short) and I meet.
Step 2~Ym and I become friends
Step 3~When ym wants to know more about me on a deeper level (courtship), he goes and asks my dad for permission.
Step 4~Dad gives his ok (or not π ) and either my dad or ym asks me about a courtship
with ym
Step 5~Courtship begins. We see each other more often, but always in the presence of
others; we are never alone with each other (this sparks temptation on a greater
level). We see each other at church, at family dinners, various events, etc.
Step 6~Promise ring is given (more or less optional). This signifies that ym sincerely
plans on marrying me. This step is more or less unnessesary, because courtship
and engagement are pretty good indicators that we will marry. But I think it
makes the story sweeter. π
Step 7~He asks my dad for my hand. then….Engagement! He proposes, I say yes. of
Step 8~Marrige ceremony!
More later………
Courtship in short~
1. Meet, notice each other
2. He asks my dad if he can court me; Dad or young man asks me
3. Courtship is done in presence of others, never alone together. picnics, family dinners,
bowling, ice/roller skating bring us closer together (but always with someone else
4. Promise ring is given (optional, as courtship [before this] is pretty serious, highly
likely to marry)
5. He goes to my dad for permission, dad gives ok
6. He asks me, I say yes
7. Marriage ceremony
Prayer is key throughout the whole thing. And courtship is not started until a marriagable age (or about 2 years before). My family has agreed on 19, is when a young man may approach my father, asking for a courtship with me. This is going against dating, where you could date as young as elementary or jr. high.
Your thoughts please?
Katie Joy – First of all, sorry about how many times my thing posted…haha…kind of confusing I know. Also,I really appreciate that you took the time to reply. π I also love discussing beliefs and opinions because sometimes it gives me a new way to look at something, perhaps in a way I had never seen it before. π So, thanks so much for being open to talk!
1. I know what you mean about becoming emotionally attached to guys…that is something that is so easy for us girls, because we are emotional (you aren’t alone). Being teenagers, its not a big surprise or anything to like a hot guy. π However, you do make a good point when you say that dating a guy would make you emotionally attached to him. As I said previously, the way you date is a heart issue. You can still have emotional purity and not give your heart away if God is at the center of that relationship. Do you have any friends that are guys? You can still give away your heart if you don’t guard it when you aren’t in a relationship. So whether or not you are dating doesn’t really matter, it’s a heart issue both ways.
2. I also understand your point here. I can tell you have definitely thought through this. π I know people who date someone for one day, and “break up” the next. Chances are though, they weren’t really “dating,” they just do it because it’s “cool” or because “everyone else is doing it.” This is not what I think dating is though, and I believe that because dating is done so badly in our society that it’s automatically given a bad name among Christians/homeschoolers and if you “date” then you are creating a recipe for divorce later on in life. Who said though, that dating can’t be done right? Like I said, dating is a total game in our society…I mean, 10 and 11 year olds dating…really, people? That’s freaking ridiculous and it drives me CRAZY. I think in High School (more 10th, 11th and 12th grade), you are mature enough to begin having relationships that are more than just friends. Like you said, people do have really stupid reasons for “breaking up” and divorcing. Maybe there is more behind these reasons though. Most of the time, someone in the relationship is selfish and this is more of a character issue. Our society is SO self-centered and that makes dating and marriages even worse. In a good dating relationship you can learn about the other persons faults and learn how to deal with them. What you say is true for the most part, but it does not have to be true. We can be different and change the way dating is done.
3. I think between a guy and girl defining a “friendship” can be kind of tricky. Sometimes the guy ends up liking the girl or the girl ends up liking the guy and it becomes this dramatic mess. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen and I know from experience. So when you are being “committed” in a friendship, what does that really mean? If a guy and girl claim to be “just friends” that can have a lot of meanings. Does that make any sense? π That is interesting what you say about “how you treat your dad is going to be similar to how you treat your husband” and I completely disagree with that. Let me explain why:
-> You should respect your dad and your husband in a different way. In the Bible, we’re instructed to “honor your father and mother.” And I believe this. Whatever decision your dad makes you should be able to listen to and accept (I’m not saying this is always true, but I think for the most part we should do our best). If you are respecting your husband, you do not listen and accept everything he says. 1. That would be wrong and demanding of him and 2. your dad has control over you, your husband does not.
-> You should never “serve” your husband. I believe husbands should be the “Man of the house,” but NOT in a controlling way, as you suggest. Serving your husband is way over the top and pretty sexist. Girls are not little servants to their husbands. It is a relationship, both people are feeding off each other. One is not making all the decisions and being completely controlling. I think this is SO wrong.
4. Truth is, no one is ever completely ready for marriage. You can’t be. “Waiting” for the right guy to come along isn’t always bad. But I think that “waiting” also has flaws. If you date in a pure way without giving your heart completely to the guy, then I think that is okay. Let me also point out that ‘dating’ is NEVER the problem. It is always a heart issue. If you don’t believe you can emotionally handle it, then don’t date. However, you can still date and let God hold your heart and let your friendship with the guy continue in a pure way.
5. Here I just want to comment on each reason you have.
1. Is there ever a “right” age to be married?
2. Dating a guy doesn’t necessarily mean you have to “run a household” and I think that is something you can learn when you get married. I don’t spend time now learning how to run a house hold, I spend time learning who I am, growing closer to Christ and spending time enjoying being young! Running a household is not something I need to spend time learning how to do (in my opinion it would be more important learning to be committed to a guy than how to run a house, but thats just my opinion:). When the time comes I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out.
3. Hahaha! How anyone could have 8 children, I do not know. However, I admire those who can do it. I also babysit, but not necessarily in preparation for becoming a mom (I think there is also a time for that, and it’s not right now), just because I love kids.
4. Who says you are “wasting affections?” If you stay emotionally pure, you will not have emotional baggage.
5. I agree with you about this one. I think sex before marriage is a bad choice…and a lot of people decided to do it and I believe it is also one of the reasons our generation is so screwed up. However, I don’t think kissing before marriage is a bad thing, but going too far definitely is. And I know people say “kissing will lead to other things,” but it will not if you have self control, and a right heart.
I do get what you are saying. I definitely think dating is a good thing (obviously), but you see courting as a good thing (I never really saw a difference, honestly.) However, when I read the “courtship in short” I guess it makes a little more sense now. There are several things I completely disagree with about it though:
1. “Courtship is done in the presence of others, never alone together.” I disagree with this because I think sometimes it is important to be alone and to talk. If your parents don’t want you to be alone with the guy, they obviously do not trust you and think you’ll do something with him. Which, I don’t understand because I think at the age of 19 you are mature enough to make your own decisions and don’t need people to be around watching every move you make so that you don’t do something “bad.” Just wondering, why exactly would you NOT want to be alone with the guy? Also, do you not want to be alone with any guy (even if your just friends), or just the person you are “courting?” (Just outta curiosity:)
2. What happens if the “courtship” doesn’t work out and you end up not marrying the person. Are you allowed to court another person? Or do you have to marry the first person you court?
3. Dating in elementary school is stupid. Haha. I agree with that!
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to reply!! Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.
Have a super blessed day!!
– A Rebelutionary π
I guess I’m just not ready to participate in the steps that come before marriage (either dating or courting). I guess, only being 15, that I’m just not ready for either (dating or courting). Yes, I do have a few guys friends, but even then, I sometimes struggle with my heart. I have to limit time with them. I’m just trying to stay as pure as possible.
Thank you so much for being so open to discussion! I’m always up for discussion, especially about the subject of marriage/courting/dating. Last Wed night, my teacher talked about Romans 12-15 (somewhere in there) and about not seriously fighting about “disputable matters”. So, if I have angered you by any of my responses, I’m sorry. It was so weird, we had started this talk and just 2 days ago, my teacher gave a talk about disputable matters. Coincidence? or God? π Not that we can’t talk about such things, but that we shouldn’t fight about them and break friendships.
A good book about courtship (that explains it well) is “Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courthsip” by Joshua Harris (yes, Alex and Brett’s older brother). I haven’t read it in awhile (a year or two), but it was very good! Another is “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris (IKDG comes before BMG:SHtC) Not to change your mind about dating! but just to help explain it further. And since it’s in a book, it might explain it better. Just a suggestion
Thank you for your reply, it’s helping me understand a bit better.
God’s blessings on your day!
~K π
P.S. Don’t have time now, but I’ll write more later
What user friendly WordPress text editing program should I use that is a free download?
Katie Joy π – Not all my comments have posted yet…idk when they will. So check back later. I just got home from school and have to get some things done, but I’ll reply tonight!!
– A Rebelutionary π
I’ll probably look again tonight or tomorrow. A couple of mine are waiting to be posted….. Thanks for writing more comments! I look forward to reading them!
~KJ π
Lindsay and Kathleen~How are you girls? I haven’t heard anything in awhile….need any prayer?
~KJ π
hi Katie Joy π sorry, I have been traveling and have been in era’s were there has been no internet. Plus a buch of other things…..it’s a long story.
Thank you for asking. It was so sweet….yes, please pray for me and my family. we have been going though a LOT of changes and it is hard on all of us, not to mention more is coming. I could make a long lists of all the things that is heavy on my heart right now, but as of now I don’t have the time.
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I have never had a stranger ask if I needed prayer before, it warmed my heart.
Love in Christ,
I just realized that I have been spelling your name wrong the entire time!! wow. I’ve been asleep. :p
Katie Joy π ~ SO all my comments have finally posted, and I saw yours did too. So imma quickly reply to those.
1. That made me smile. I guess there’s just something cute and romantic about rain. Haha. Though, I understand why you want to save your first kiss until marriage and I support you 100% in that (because I agree, it’s a hard thing to do). I probably won’t. Maybe I won’t kiss now, but definitely when I’m engaged. Perhaps being sheltered does bring an “innocence” but you can’t be clueless forever.
2. I know a lot of people that are “sheltered” and it makes me really upset. But, if you are content with it, I see no wrong in it. I was home schooled for a long time, but I was never really that sheltered (maybe just a lil’) and I can say for certain I will NEVER home school my kids. There are a lot of instances, I know, where it is necessary to home school, but for most of the time I think that public schools are horrible places and if every christian family home schooled their kids, who would be a light in the public school system?
Lastly, please don’t take anything I say personally! I’m not saying this is for EVERYONE. You seem like someone who has really thought through what they believe and are okay with the situation you are in. If I offend you, please tell me, because that’s not my intention AT ALL!
Have a super night!
a rebelutionary π
P.S. on another note, about the books. We actually own “I kissed Dating Goodbye.” and I’ve decided not to “kiss dating goodbye.” Though, I might read the book to understand the whole courtship thing a little bit better. But, the fact that you cant be alone bugs me and I know courtship isn’t something I want to do. :/
Kathleen~ Yes, I will certainly pray for you. Are there any specifics? Sorry I haven’t said anything, our computer has decided to adopt a mind of it’s own, and sometimes, I can access websites. It doesn’t matter how you spell my name, I’m not too picky (in that area). π I’m glad you were encouraged!
A Rebelutionary~ I will reply soon, I’m afraid it’s going to have to wait until after New Year’s. I’ve been helping my Mom a lot, then I’m going to be gone (with no computer access) on a church retreat.
Love in Christ,
Katie Joy (or Katy Joy) π
Katie Joy – Not a problem. Hope you had a very merry Christmas celebrating our saviors birth and have a wonderful New Year!
– A Rebelutionary π
Hey fellow rebelutionaries!
My friend and I have started a blog called Sticky Notes & Sharpies. We are using this blog to encourage and inspire girls to write encouraging sticky notes and hang them up around their school. we’ve done it and seen amazing results. Join us at http://stickynotessharpies.blogspot.com/
We’d love to have you get involved and help Do Hard Things by changing the world one sticky note at a time π
Sticky Notes & Sharpies
A rebelutionary~Sorry about the delay. We are in the middle of a family crisis, and I’ve been helping my Mom a lot. Please forgive me, I’ll try to compose a response in the next couple of weeks and post it soon. No guarantees…….sorry! π
Katie Joy π
if only i knew about u guys before i would have whent to one now i feel left out