Two 16-year-old teens have been recruited as police community support officers in Thames Valley,
New Zealand [ Correction: United Kingdom], with the power to detain and question suspects, stop and search under terror laws, issue penalty notices for disorder and stop vehicles the Herald Sun reported on Tuesday.
Read the condensed article below and then share your thoughts in the comment section. Which side do you agree with, the police department or the concerned officials? What could be the consequences of this decision?
Teens hired as police
Herald Sun – August 14, 2007Two 16-year-olds have been recruited as police community support officers with the power to detain and question suspects. Just out of school, they will join foot patrols at a busy police station.
The teenagers are two years too young to join the regular police force or be tried in adult courts. Yet they will have the right to detain suspects, stop and search under terror laws, issue penalty notices for disorder and stop vehicles.
Police Federation chairman Jan Berry said 16-year-olds did not have the skills for the frontline. “To expect someone so young to put on a police uniform and patrol the streets is a few steps too far,” she said.
“It puts pressure on them as they have neither the maturity or experience to deal with situations they are likely to confront. This means they are more likely to let down their colleagues and the public.”
Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: “Recruiting 16-year-olds to frontline policing puts them and those around them at risk.”
But Thames Valley Police said the youths had “the skills that we need. They bring experience of being able to interact with the public — especially young people.”
“If you are good enough, you are old enough.”
Incredibly interesting.
I think there’s possibility – but it depends on the teens.
If the teens are responsible and mature for their age, then the numbers sixteen or eighteen shouldn’t make a difference. But if the teens are not to that point, then by all means get them off the streets.
However, someone holding people accountable to rules that you’re not accountable to might not be good/right/fair/etc.
And finally, why pick a sixteen-year-old when there are plenty of people over eighteen?
In the end I do not think we could make a final descision because we do not know all the facts – nor do we know the teen’s personalities.
If they have the maturity level high enough to be handle situations, and have been properly trained, and had an older police mentor until they gained some more experience, I would have no qualms with teens as police. The only issues I would have would be if they acted like immature and careless children (i.e. playing with tasers, swinging gun, and showing off). The other would be the experience to deal with certain situations that might arise. But I think that would be remedied if there were an older more experienced cop to serve as mentor-mentee supervising sort of thing. Then the younger could learn and get the experience needed. But again… it would depend on the maturity level of the teen. I would not want to get hurt or killed because a teen cop is being stupid or careless.
But overall I think it is a good idea to let them serve as police… it’s nice that young people want to get involved in helping their community.
~Elisabeth J. Gruber
I think it should be realized that, in their youth, they lack the authority of an adult police officer. I’m sure that I would be feel MUCH less pressured to listen to them than to a thirty-year-old officer.
Somehow, this seems like a job that they should wait for until they are old enough to command with impressive authority. Of course, it depends on the kid. But I’m thinking about most of the sixteen-year-olds I know….
Your first impulse is to say yes! Good for them. However, as good as this is, it leaves one wondering if 16-year olds actually have the proper experience and wisdom (you could even add maturity) to tackle such a job? Though they are not being forced to do this, they are however doing a job that even adults need psychologists for. And the question one is left asking is this: can they handle the pressure, brutality, hate, and craziness? It takes a special person to overcome being thrown into a situation he or she is not ready to confront, and because of this generations decline not many exist, anymore. Because of this generations decline many 16-year olds aren’t even qualified to cut a lawn. And even if they are ready for such an responsibility, will the others who follow in their footsteps also be ready?
I don’t think that Jan Berry’s statements about the teens lacking skills is backed up very well. The first statement is generally against their youth. But the second – I have to ask – How does one obtain the “maturity and experience” in order to have this job? Is 18 a ‘magical’ age in which we suddenly have gained experience and maturity overnight? After all, if these teenagers were but two years older, there would not be a fuss about this at all! Granted, we learn a lot in two years, but I highly doubt that a beginning 18-year-old police officer would have much more police experience than a beginning 16-year-old police officer. And further more, if this Police Chairman has such ‘low expectations’ of these teenagers ALREADY, why would they be “more likely” to let her down? That doesn’t make sense!
Of course, since none of us really know these 16 year olds and their integrity, it’s kind of hard to be on a side. I want to agree with the statement “if you are good enough, you are old enough”, but that depends – if your abilities are good but your character isn’t, then there’s a problem. But if your abilities and your character are “good enough”, I’d agree. 🙂
Well…I have to echo Elisabeth in saying, “Of course, since none of us really know these 16 year olds and their integrity, it is kind of hard to be on a side”. Obviously if they have the integrity to be able to be police officers, why not?
The interesting thing is though, they will not be consiered ‘proper’ police people despite the fact that many of the tasks they will have to perform overlap. If they are qualified enough, isn’t it wrong to expect them to do many of the tasks of a police officer (including those termed ‘fontline policing’) without being given the title (and the wage, I might add)? And if they aren’t qualified enough what on earth are they doing in that position of authority?!?
It does seem rather suspicious, and the federation might be right in saying that “…the Government is replacing full time officers with PCSOs to save money”.
It echos of the state of jobs in Australia. My friend at the age of 13 was allowed to work, and though performing the same tasks (to the same quality) as older people was not given the same wage. She was *training* 21 year olds at the age of 14, yet not paid as much as they were. In other words our society is saying, “They’re mature enough to do the job, but we’re not going to officially acknowledge that.” This is not acknowledging outstanding teenagers but rather using them.
I don’t agree that someone so young should have that position of authority.
I know that we as teens are supposed to do hard things, and ‘step up to the plate’, so to speak. However, a young adult is not going to have the wisdom, knowledge, or discretion of an older person. A lot of that comes with age. A police officer has to make wise, cautious decisions.
I suppose that my main question would be why? Why do these young men want the job? Their answer might help me make a decisive judgement on this issue.
I don’t quite see the police department’s point here…did they bring them on because they were cheaper, as the full article suggested? Or because they really thought they would benefit the force as a whole? The article could have done a better job in investigating some of the reasons they were brought on in the first place.
I think it’s wonderful that someone trusted them enough, obviously, to actually give them the position, but it’s a bit hard to understand why. Supposedly, they can connect better with the youth, but I do agree with the point that they aren’t old enough to command respect. Is a drunken teen going to respond better to someone their own age? That I’m forced to doubt. Now, the respect they command does depend on their personalities and character, of which we know nothing, but it’s just going to be hard for them dealing with any suspects or pulling over people when the people discover they are just sixteen and have little authority.
Hmm. That’s quite an article. If they are indeed mature enough and up to the task, I say it’s fine. I’ve known kids more mature than quite a few adults I’ve known in my life. I think this pretty much sums it up: “If you are good enough, you are old enough.” Not to say twelve year olds should become cops, but I think you see what I’m saying.
Ages don’t mean a thing. It’s the maturity, attitude and heart that counts.
My $0.02.
While I believe that teens have the ability to ‘do hard things’ and rise above the expectations of the culture, I still have reservations as to capability to an extent.
Example: it has been proven that teens brains are still developing and that undeveloped portion of the brain is a partial cause for traffic accidents at times.
I think that history has the best answer for this type of situation. Throughout history, many “adolescent” age people were hired as apprentices to someone who had been in that particular trade for many years. Not every teen went out and conquered their part of the world while they are 12-19. For some, experience and maturity came later. Doing Hard things is a great idea, but let us not confuse it with doing ‘great’ things or even doing ‘big’ things. I know that great and big things are usually hard things, but they come after a commitment to excellence in the small things. Those sixteen year-olds need a chance to prove themselves, but also a chance to mature and gain experience. If the PCSOs provides this with strong mentorship, then yes, it’s a great idea, if not, then it is most certainly not a good idea.
I don’t completely know what I think. It’s good that they’re trusted and respected, of course, but 16 seems young to me, no matter how mature they are. Surely there are “hard things” they could be doing in preparation for the task when they were 18. Maybe there should be a junior police academy or something. I’m just not sure about 16-year-old police officers.
As the other Eric above says, Your first impulse is to say yes! But on second thought I really don’t like this idea.
First off it reminds my of the Hitler youth. They were young, and eager to please their leader. This is really not something we will want to see in end times. Can you imagine 16 year old police roaming the streets? Sounds more like it would end up to be a gang.
Second most 16 year olds are not ready to face the world of the average police officer. I would really have to meet the boys to know if they are going to do good in their new Job.
Eric Novak
I realize the department has said they are qualified and a lot of people bring up the issue of maturity, but the the one thing that comes to mind for me is precedent. What kind of precedent does this set? My concern is that is would set a precedent that would pave the way for something else that wasn’t so good.
I think it’s great that these teens have been deemed able to handle the duties of a police officer (and whether they actually are in the big picture–I don’t know) but what about the next 16 yr that is qualified but isn’t so mature. I’m not sure what all the determining factors were that got them the job, it just seems like there is potential for a lot of subjectivity.
The societal impacts are potentially somewhat large, so I’m left a little hesitant to label it a good idea. They may be fully well capable of doing a great job–I’m just not so sure if society itself is ready to handle it appropriately. While I know it goes with somewhat of the adolescence mentality, I think I’m more in favor of a “junior police officers” concept (I know someone who participates in one of these type programs here in the States). Since the teen years are still a formational period, a more mentorship/training/testing period seems better to me.
By the way, I would be really interested in hearing your point of view, guys.
16 year olds have the ability to obtain information that would be harder for someone older to get. For example, at my local high school, about a third of the kids smoke weed (some also do LSD, pot, etc., but weed’s definitely the most popular drug). I have a friend who knows all the dealers, but there’s no way he would tell some 30 year old police officer their names. An officer that old also doesn’t have the advantage of hearing school gossip. I think that the Thames Valley police are making a smart move.
I have no problem with teens working in the police force, in fact I think it’s great. But, I don’t think they should have the full authority and responsibilities of ordinary officers until they are legally adults. I think it would have been wiser to hire the boys as apprentices for 2 years and promote them to officers(if they work out) when they are legally of age. I do not see how the law can be enforced by those who have no legal position in society, yet.
Also, if the police force has a set age for recruitment I don’t think the police should subvert the rules of their position. It doesn’t exactly encourage other people to abide by the “rules” of their citizenship.
I see no reason why sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be hired for this particular role. I know many sixteen-year-olds who are definitely more mature than other eighteen-year-olds I know. I agree with the police who say, “If you are good enough, you are old enough.” Since the police obviously took these two teens’ maturity and skill level into consideration, not hiring them because they aren’t supposed to be ‘grown-up’ is as superstitious as assuming an eighteen-year-old IS automatically ‘grown-up.’
I agree with several of the past posts. You would have to meet the teens to know if they are truly capable to do the job. There are some 16 year olds that I know that I would not want to be my police officer, just because of their maturity level. But then again, there are some 40 year olds that I wouldn’t trust to be a police officer in my town, either.
I really don’t think that it’s fair for the teens to be judged this way. Because, as I’m sure we all know, the media never gives the full story, and it’s obvious from some other posts that other Rebelutoinists feel the same way. If the media would report some more from the boys side, and not the opposing side we might have a better way to judge. And if the Police Federation Chairman doesn’t feel like it’s right, why did she ok it? If she’s the chairman, she should have some say in the matter, shouldn’t she?
Sometimes I feel that teens in general don’t get enough respect, I’ve seen one kid act up in a group, and the rest get labeled right along with him. That might be part of what’s going on here. They’re labeling these kids because of what they might have seen other kids do.
Then again, some parents might just be jealous because their kids aren’t mature enough to do the job.
Or, the kids truly aren’t capable enough to do the job. Age doesn’t really have anything to do with it. Maturity and wisdom are everything.
We could go on forever putting twists on this story. The possible scenarios that I listed above are from things that happened in my life, or in the life of one of my friends. All of them are possible, but in the end, we can’t be on one side or the other, because we don’t know the teens personally. If I had both TRUE sides of the story, I could make a decision.
I don’t want to judge these teens until I meet them and get to know them better, which will probably NOT be anytime soon as I live NOWHERE NEAR New Zealand. I wish, though.
This situation reminds me of the well beloved Laura Ingalls Wilder books. In “The Long Winter,” Almanzo is said to have filed a claim when he was 19, the law stating that one must be 21.
“Almanzo looked at it this way: the Government wanted this land settled; Uncle Sam would give a farm to any man who had the nerve and muscle to come out here and break the sod and stick to the job till it was done. . . .
Anybody knew that no two men were alike. You could measure cloth with a yardstick, or distance by miles, but you could not lump men together and measure them by any rule. Brains and character did not depend on anything but the man himself. Some men did not have the sense at sixty that some had at sixteen. And Almanzo considered that he was as good, any day, as any man twenty-one years old.”
Yes, 16 sounds a little young to be a police officer. Then again, 18 sounds a little young to be mayor.
I’m not really sure what to think about this…I tend to agree with the last sentence “If you’re good enough, you are old enough” and I think Hannah had a good point about Almanzo Wilder. I’d have to know the teens to make a good decision, but I do know some younger teens who are more responsible than many adults. I agree with Kristin, too–I wish they would let the two teens have a voice.
I told my Mum about this and she asked if it was wise for teenagers who would get a lighter sentence for any crime *they* commit (being under 18) to be the ones involved in dealing with criminals?
Although 18 might not be the magical age you have to draw the line somewhere. If you start letting 16 year olds be cops, there is no saying what else might happen. Since 18 was chosen the age that you become legal, I think that it needs to be stuck to in situations that are questionalbe.
Hmm. Very interesting article. On the one hand I feel like saying “Yes! Finally. Youth who are willing to ‘Do Hard Things’!”
I would be a little hesitant to allow sixteen year olds this amount of responsibility, but then again isn’t that what we are all about here at the Rebelution? Their duties are limited, as they may only “detain suspects, stop and search under terror laws, issue penalty notices for disorder and stop vehicles.” Also, Britain has not lowered the age requirement to 16, they have simply allowed these two the opportunity. Perhaps this serves as a testimony to their maturity.
Like some have said, I wish we could hear from the teens themselves. It would be reassuring to see if they are more mature and able to handle this than some 16 year olds we may know.
Perhaps it would be better if they served as interns for a year before being allowed to act with such authority.
Good for them though! I wish I had had the courage to step up and take on this kind of responsibility when I was 16.
I would have to agree with the concerned officials. I think sixteen is a bit too young to be in this type of a position. Now, perhaps they can handle it, but I would rather have an older “more experiened” person in the role…and they can tutor and train the younger ones to take their places.
Regardless of whether or not the 16-year-olds are capable of being police officers (which I’m sure many 16-year-olds do have such maturity), I don’t think the UK is ready for 16-year-old law enforcement officers. I doubt a 16-year-old could present an air of authority to an person (think: ex-convict who has been in prison multiple times…) as effectively as a 30-year-old officer. However, perhaps I’m wrong and these kids will end up being excellent cops.
[…] Summary: News coverage continues regarding the hiring of teenagers as Police Community Support Officers in Great Britain. Our previous coverage mistakenly cited the location as Thames Valley, New Zealand, rather than Thames Valley, UK. […]
I think this is great idea (i reside in the UK), we don’t have a lot of dangerous crime in this country and most of crime is commited by youth who believe the police don’t understand them – because they are not young. Having a small number of young people in the police force will certainly be a good advantage for the police. And i dont think these two 16 year olds would have been recruited if they were not fit for service, its not easy getting into the police force.
I understand there are concerns, but I fall on the side of favoring it. Just make sure they are trained, armed, and mentally fit, etc.
This is really interesting, and after skimming through a bunch of everyone’s comments, I’d have to say I agree with the majority. My first impulse is definitely to say “Why not? Give the kids a chance, and if they can do it, let them go for it!” However, I think that many of you have put up valid arguments about the fact that we don’t know the maturity level of these 16-year-olds. Maybe they are totally ready, have the confidence and enough understanding of the job to be totally excellent at it. On the other hand, they might be completely unprepared and not fit for the job. It depends on the kids, their families, the kind of police officers they work with, and the situation they find themselves in. As others have said, I find it difficult to make a really good judgment call on which side is ‘right’. There are so many variables, that it’s hard to say. Let’s keep these kids in prayer, and hope that they can show the world in some way, that teenagers are not all boos and drugs. They, possibly could shed a little light on the fact that teenagers are not idiots if they are given some guidance, and have a little self-control. We’ll see, but let’s pray. 🙂
In Christ,
hi i enjoyed the read
I don’t see why they can’t perform the work they were hired for. Physically, most people are just about full-grown by sixteen, so that shouldn’t be a problem. The work’s not to complicated, and doesn’t require any training that a sixteen-year-old can’t get. Looking at things from that standpoint, there’s no reason they can’t perform the job.
However, the question of experience does need to be considered. At sixteen, maturity levels and physical capabilities vary greatly from person to person. However, there is a limit to how much one can know about life by that time. I, however, don’t know what areas they need experience in, because I myself am sixteen. I just know that they can’t be good without experience.
Still, how do you gain experience? By doing exactly what they’re doing.
I know I am slightly late…but I thought I’d throw out the fact that, in the US, you can join the military at 17 (with parental consent). 🙂
I think having a few very young people on the police force isn’t too bad of an idea. There are, of course, questions conserning their physical and mental preparation and maturity; but look at it this way: they can help cut down crime in our youth. It would also be pretty easy to send them under cover to retrive information about drug rings, etc. in local schools.
Ok, this is really late to post, but I haven’t checked the Rebelution in a long time. I think that sixteen is a little young. Some people might say that it’s only a two year difference, but I think two years can make all the difference. I would say it depends on the teens and their maturity, but I still think it is awfully young.
Now if two sixteen year olds can do something like that, why is it that some teens can’t even push themselves to do simple everyday tasks? Those teens in the U.K obviously overcame alot to be able to be handed a badge and given a great deal of responsibility. Why can’t teens in America do that? They could if they started pushing themselves and set their goals a little higher than hopping out of bed and doing the most minimal amount of work they can squeak by with…..
OOPS! I accidentally pressed the “send comment button.” what I meant to say was:
…minimal amount of work they can squeak by with… Instead of doing our least, we should try to go above and beyond what we think we can do. We could accomplish so much more for God if we try harder (becuase if we were to honestly admit it, most of us are not doing our best). This was a wonderful post and very inspiring. Kudos to the author!
In His Service,
~Kirsten A. Gruber
Good for them! I think if they are willing and able to step up to the plate… by all means- let them! Their colleagues seem to think they’re ready and it seems like they are ready to deal with the pressure like mature young adults.
I think its a good idea!
One of my dreams has been to take up criminology and help serve and protect. (But I guess God’s leading me out of it.) I say that He’d be ready to help these teens stop terror and crime
Well, I really think it depends…In response to Kirsten B., I do agree: if they are willing and able, good for them! But in this day and age, it is just hard to believe that many teens would be capable of that much responsibility, in that serious of a situation. Seventy-five years ago, and I wouldn’t have hesitated at bit at saying “have at it! Great job!”, but the other side of me is saying that in these times, with the world as corrupt as it is, 16 just seems too young. But then again, I don’t personally know them, so they could be perfectly ready! If they are ready, then this will more than help them mature and step up to bat, but if they aren’t, unless they decide to take all the responsibility (and more) that they are given, it wouldn’t be a good idea.
All that to say “It depends.”
I think that it is possible and i don’t think that they are to young. I am in the Explorers Program. for those who don’t know what that is it is a program for teens 13 and up who pretty much learn how to be a Police officer. We get to learn how to wright police reports and how to search cars and shoot guns and we also Get to Go on ride along’s with the police officers during their patrols and we do so much more. I think that teens at those ages can handle it.
I dont think people should give a rip what age somebody is inorder to have a law-enforcing job. As long as they are uncorrupted and incorruptable, it is fine. Although from the States I have lived in London 5 years and have seen up front the crime. I have also seen the inadequacies of the police force (especially Community Support teams). They can be so wimpish and unconcerned for the good of the people they are supposed to help. To be honest I dont think these two 16 year-olds will do any worse a job than is already being done – in fact they will probably do times better.
Some of the above comments seemed to question the choice because “there are plenty of people over eighteen” or because they may not be mature enough. Living in London, I see silly, immature, even effiminate police-men in their thirties every day. The age makes no difference, its about enforcement, duty, and taking a hard line against crime. Its encouraging to see that not all London teens are loud, brash, obnoxious, and outwardly unintelligent lay-abouts who lounge around all day. Let the boys go in and do their job!
I thought we were supposed to do hard things. However we question the ability of these two sixteen year-olds because of their age. Perhaps some of the above just havent been able to anything as hard as this and feel a bit behind?
cool article!
i wish i could do that!
I agree with the police. Nice post!
P.S. Me too, Mason!
I think that the teens will have a different influence on the public and the people their age. I think it’s a good idea.
The officer does not give the teens a lot of credit. He doesn;t respect thema as police just because they are young. Who knows? They could be more mature than him.
This is very amazing!!! My sister is very excited because she wants to be a cop when she grows older. I have a hard time agreeing with one side or the other. I think it depends on the teens. I mean if you are responsiable enough and want to risk your life every day to help the world and to prodect the public then they should let them. God uses all ages no matter what job and how old. Let Jesus shine through in your life and trust him. He knows what he is doing!!!!!
They’re probably homeschooled!!
Well, if they’re ready…….
16 seems young to be exposed to all the evil they’re going to see. I mean, they see the WORST of the bunch! Are they Christians, does anyone know??
Oh, come on. I know some 10-year-olds I would allow to be police officers before some adults I know.
Like someone else said, if you’re old enough, you’re good enough. Besides, by many culture’s standards, they’ve been adults for three years.
Oh, and many 16-year-olds I know would be physically ready for it, not just mentally. A 16-year-old guy of whom I know is 6’4″ and could probably beat the Hulk to shrapnel. Not only that, he has a strong sense of justice and is a kind and courteous guy.
Yeah, kids can fill these jobs.
You know, when I said “kids” in that last post, I don’t know if that was true. Is a mature, well-behaving, knowledgeable person a kid?
I believe that us “kids” can do hard things and accomplish big things. However, the only issue I have with this setup is the fact that these 16-year-olds are given the same authority as a full-fledged officer to enforce laws to which they themselves are not accountable. If anything unexpected did happen, the legal and related problems would be horrendous.
I think its wonderful that those teens were able to take on such powerful positions.
I believe that as teens, we can do just as much, sometimes more then adults give us credit for.
As for the age thing, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.
I know if my brother (Who’s almost 16) had a chance like that, my parents would probably let him go for it.
It just depends on certain things.
Anyways, I think it is amazing to see how so many teens are doing hard things, and in so many different ways!
I see both sides to this argument. In the end I have to say that it is a great thing! I am happy to see my generation standing for justice.
Although my question is this: it has been several years since the original article, has anyone heard how these two “16” year olds are doing? I mean only time will tell how they did but this is now two years past the original article. These two are now 18 and I was just curious as to whether or not they succeeded.
I’m glad those two teens got the credit for being responsible
Great for them! It has been 2 years now, has anybody heard of them since. We should keep them in our prayers.
God Bless
That’s something, I never new that
16 year olds could be police.
I hope they have stayed on it.
Shove what Jan Berry and David Davis said. “If you’re good enough, you’re old enough.” That pretty much says it all.
I think it’s great that teenagers would want to be police officers BUT I think they need to have partners that aren’t rookies. Adult men that would mentor them. Even though some teens are responsible, parts of the brain arent developed enough to handle such a challenge
Thanks abby!
That was what i was going to say,
I would be a little hesitant because of some teens today, but if they are responsible enough i would let them.
As “teens” didn’t exist back when(as Alex and Brett refer to in their book), 16 sounds like an age that would be doing this back in the early 1900’s
-JD Surrett
MK to Peru
I have to say that I’m on the side of the police department! After reading Do Hard Things, I think that teens can rise to meet just about any challenge. Age doesn’t have to be a limiting factor (although in some things it does).
tad young, but will give them skills for the future.
if they are capable let them
I say they will do great and make everyone proud!!!
I think I agree with jubilee. I mean, this guys are humans, and humans make mistakes.
and, we all need every once in a while for someone to give us a kick in the pants. we need mentors, God commands us to. But in the long run. GOOD FOR THEM!
Brett & Alex. thanks for what you guys do.
wow! thats crazy! that would be soo cool! i wish that would happen to me! haha yeah right! im not smart enough YET! lol
Really interesting to think about. I have mixed feelings about it also. Yes they may be very well qualified, but are they emotionally qualified. Myself being a sixteen year year old, I doubt that I could have the emotional maturity to deal with some of the stuff police have to deal with. Corrie Ten Boom has a great story about when she was younger and she wanted to know about a certain issue. Her father merely took her on a train trip. When it was time to get off he told her to carry the bag, which was much to heavy for her. When she couldn’t lift it he told her that knowledge can be like that, to heavy for certain ages. I’m not sure that 16 is such a great age to be carrying great baggage such as the crimes that are committed.
Still something to think about.
I can’t imagine any 16 year olds I know being policemen!
That’s pretty impressive… I think it’d be really cool, but a little scary… for me that would definately be a hard thing!! Like, REALLY hard. Those kids have got guts.
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A very stupid thing to do. First off, at 16, when will they have time to work? How will they make all the required appearances in court, when it will mean being pulled out of school each time you have to testify?
What hours will they work? Minors have their work hours restricted, so what will they do if they book someone a 15 minutes before their shift ends?
If they’ve left school at 16, then they shouldn’t be hired for this at all. Who hires a school dropout as a cop? There must be hundreds of well-educated men and women, not to mention army and navy veterans, who need jobs.
I live in the USA, and a promise you, we never hire 16 year olds for any job where they’d be in a position of authority.
It’s arduous to search out educated folks on this subject, but you sound like you already know what you’re speaking about! Thanks
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I agree with Ben, but there is the possibility that they are homeschooled. In that case the hours wouldn’t matter because they can do their schoolwork at any time of the day. I do think it depends on their spiritual and emotional maturity level and their background. I agree about the authority.
I think that you can’t just say teenagers are too young/immature/inexperienced for that kind of work, but you also can’t say all teenagers could handle that responsibility (which is definitely true). I know some sixteen-year-olds who act like ten-year-olds and others that could pass for early twenties. In the end, it just depends.
Wow. That’s encouraging! After all, most of the time, it doesn’t depend on your age, but your maturity and skills.
I agree with the police. They’re good enough. It doesn’t matter how old they are. If your good enough you’re old enough.