Editor’s Note: as TheReb as an active site draws to a close, we wanted to give as many rebelutionaries as possible a chance to share how the movement has impacted them. Our hope is that as you read the following testimonials, you will be encouraged to live out the message of TheReb—rebelling against society’s low expectations and doing hard things for the glory of God—even after it closes. Stay tuned over the next four weeks (Tuesdays and Thursdays) to see more posts like this one as we celebrate 19 years of TheRebelution!
“This totally changed my life. I found the book almost 6 years ago and then the website 3 years ago. I absolutely loved this and I’ll miss it so much…This is one of the most amazing sites ever and I’ll miss all the articles.” -Sara
“The teens in our church have been reading through Do Hard Things, and it has both challenged and encouraged me. It has challenged me to share the gospel wherever I go. Before we read the book, I was terrified at the prospect of giving someone a tract, and I would make up excuses like, “I don’t have time.” But when we read Do Hard Things, I realized that many other teens had been doing way harder things at the same age or younger than me. That really encouraged me, and I was able to give my fear to the Lord and tell Him that I would follow Him in that regard and start giving the gospel to others around me. When I started giving out tracts to people, it took a tremendous amount of courage. But God is always faithful and He hasn’t failed to supply me with the courage I need to face my fears. Now, maybe a year later, it is a lot easier, but it’s still a work in progress. I still need God’s help with this as I still struggle with a fear of what others will think, but He is slowly helping me overcome my fear. I could not have gotten to the place I am today without God’s help, and I am very thankful that He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.” -Tabitha
“I was introduced to the Reb and the whole concept of Do Hard Things through YWW… and it changed my life forever.” – Kathryn
“My siblings and I have looked forward to The Rebelution each week and eagerly discussed the content. Thank you to all those who took time out of their lives to put it all together. You have been a blessing to us and many others…. Thank you, Brett and Alex Harris, who did hard things and in doing so impacted so many lives. Your message of ‘Do Hard Things’ will live on and is being shared.” – Susanna
“One of the coolest parts about The Rebelution was that its content was all from young authors. Not only is the message good, but it was shared by the very people its meant to be impacting. This site and community is incomparable to anything else I have discovered in my internet explorations. I was introduced to the blog through the book Do Hard Things. Thankfully, that was about five years ago, so I was able to enjoy the content while the blog was still active. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this ministry. The season for this platform is over, but the message is not!” -Lael