Faithful– we hear that word a lot to describe God; He is loyal, reliable, trustworthy. He never fails. In both the big and little things, God is faithful.
When God said He would give the Israelites the Promised Land, He did, despite their constant complaining.
When God said He would give Solomon wisdom and blessings, He did, despite Solomon’s shortcomings.
When God said He would send a Savior, He did, despite our unbelief and sin.
When God says He will forgive us, He does, despite our wicked inclinations. He stays loyal to His Children no matter what, in the big things like salvation, and the little things like daily strength.
God’s faithfulness is perfect: no one can match it. But we are instructed to emulate it. Faithfulness is one of God’s communicable attributes; it is a characteristic that we can imitate. Just like we imitate His love, we can also imitate His faithfulness.
He is the ultimate example, and we are to follow in His footsteps. Just like He firmly adheres to us, we are to cling to Him.
Faithful in the Little Things
We all want to make a difference with our lives; we want to impact others for good, so we dream big. We dream about changing the world. However, we can never do that if we don’t practice daily faithfulness.
But being faithful is hard. It can also be tedious and seemingly thankless.
So, how can we be faithful in our daily lives? What does this look like?
Jesus tells us in Luke, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much” (16:10). It all starts with the little things. When you choose to do what is right when no one is looking, when you choose to work your hardest on the little, insignificant jobs, when you seek God day after day– these are all examples of faithfulness in little things that keep us loyal to God.
· Choosing what’s right when no one is looking. Often, no one knows what you’re looking at, or what you’re reading, or listening to. No one can see your thoughts, right?
We have so many opportunities to sin in secret. However, God sees it all. Our motivation for doing what’s right should not be a crippling fear of punishment, or a perfect checklist to make ourselves feel good. No, our motivation for choosing to do what’s right should be a love for God. Choosing to do the right thing when no one is looking is faithfulness to God.
· Working hard on the little, insignificant jobs. Whatever situation you find yourself in now, God has a job for you to do. Whether it be school, work, chores, or ministry, we honor God when we work hard at what He’s given us to do. However, God not only desires us to work hard, but to also honor Him while we work. Do all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31).
· Seek God day after day. “His mercies are new every morning” (Lam. 3:22&23). Isn’t it so wonderful that our heavenly Father never runs out of mercy? Every new day is a new chance to seek Him. Never stop running after Him: read and study the Bible, pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17), shine your light before others (Matt. 5:16). He has been so faithful to us; how else can we respond but with faithfulness to Him?
He Remains Faithful
2 Timothy 2:13 says, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful.” This is a beautiful affirmation that our salvation does not rest on our faithfulness to God. Although we are called to be faithful to Him, we will fail again and again as long as we are on this earth. Our salvation rests on the perfect faithfulness of Christ.
We will never reach perfection here on earth. While God’s faithfulness is perfect, ours is a flawed imitation. Until we reach Heaven, we will fail. But the good news is, God is sanctifying us as we seek Him. He is “renewing us day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16), and that will come to fruition in the next life. As C. S. Lewis said, “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next.”
Some of the greatest worship we can give God is to faithfully live out the daily life He gave us in a way that honors Him. Share on XSome of the greatest worship we can give God is to faithfully live out the daily life He gave us in a way that honors Him. Let us keep a heavenly focus while we “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).
Great article Josie! This was really encouraging to me and it is such an important truth to remember.
I also saw that you’re a writer! I’m trying to build a network of people I meet that enjoy writing and if you’d be willing, I’d love to read what you’re writing! My email is [email protected] if you want to talk more about writing!
This is such a great article!!! Thank you for writing it! I really needed to hear this message!!
Thanks again. After reading your one on 5 steps to not be lukewarm I had to read more of your articles. I really needed to hear this. I try everyday to be pleasing to the Lord like I wrote to you before, telling you how I fail at times ( a lot of the times) and hurt afterwards, crying because I sinned against the Lord. I pray for forgiveness ,so this helped a lot. Even tho we are already forgiven ( thanks be to Jesus Christ) we will still need to give him respect by repentance, worship, and giving God praise, daily, for his grace and mercy. Amen. Thank you again for reminding me of his kindness, and love that he has and shows for us.