As Valentine’s Day approached one year, God moved my heart.
I desired a boyfriend and romance—what I got instead was a taste of eternal, everlasting love.
Halfway around the world in the African country of Uganda, there were imprisoned children who needed hope and a ministry called Sixty Feet with a heart to serve them.
This birthed a project called, “The Valentine Card Challenge” where cards were made with the message “Jesu Okwagala” which means “Jesus loves you” in Luganda, one of the main languages in Uganda, and the verse John 3:16 written out.
News of this project was first published here on The Rebelution and before I knew it, people all over the U.S. as well as internationally were making thousands of cards.
Little did I realize that I would be able to deliver the cards in person, stepping foot in one of the prisons. With tears, speaking through a translator, I was able to tell the kids just how much they were loved. There was hope for them (Jeremiah 29:11).
Not much has changed as far as my relationship status goes. I’m facing another romantic holiday with that same need for Jesus’ love which exceeds temporal love.
And this Valentine’s, there are 500 beautiful children in need of His love too! Instead of only making cards, I decided it might be special to also include Rainbow Loom bracelets.
Simple Steps to Become Involved
Sign up for the number of cards and/or Rainbow Loom bracelets you want to make. As mentioned previously, Sixty Feet is asking for 500 cards and bracelets total. I will post a comment once we have reached our goal!
What to include
Use a variety of colors, because the guys in the prison never go for the ones with pink or glitter cards.
John 3:16
written out.
“Jesus Loves You” (in their language of Luganda: “Jesu Okwagala”)
Sign your name.
If you decide to make bracelets as well, please include a variety of colors and size(s). (There are even glow in the dark bands you can purchase which is not required, but still awesome to consider!)
Although the cards will be made around or on Valentine’s Day, they will not actually be delivered in time for this holiday but at a later time. The deadline for submitting is March 15th.
Pray over the card(s) and/or bracelet(s) and mail them to me at this address with “Valentine Card Challenge” written on your box or envelope:
Moriah Simonowich
P.O. Box 3227
Greenville, NC 27836
I will be sending ONE box of all the cards/bracelets to Sixty Feet in order to keep it as easy as possible for them.
Youth groups have participated in the past. If you would like to share your card and bracelet making on social media, please use the hashtag #ValentineCardChallenge22 It is so much fun to witness “galentine” card making parties!
It’s a wonderful thing when Jesus puts an ache, a longing, in your soul to reach out to help. I am looking forward to hopefully receiving an outpouring of love for the kids by getting the cards and bracelets in the mail from you all! All it takes is ordinary people willing to do what God asks of them to make an extraordinary difference in the lives around them and across the globe.
I signed up! What a great ministry idea!
Thank you *so* much, Jessica! I appreciate it and I know the kids will too. 👍🏻🧡🌍
Thanks for sharing this! I did want to clarify a few things: should I make the majority of the cards geared towards boys, or half and half? Also, I am supposed to write all of John 3:16, not just the reference, right? Thanks!
Absolutely! Thank you for being willing to join in on this project. 🥰
What I try to do is make the cards so that they could be for either a boy or girl—I steer away from pinks and glitter since the guys didn’t like that. 😅 Does that make sense? This way we can make sure there is enough to go around for every kid.
It would be great if you could write out the John 3:16 verse instead of just the reference…that’s what I meant to convey. Sorry it wasn’t clear enough!
Thanks again. I know the kids will love your contribution! 🧡
I’d like to help! Is it too late to make cards?
Hey Rebekah! Thanks so much for reaching out. ☺️ No, you’re not too late! We’re accepting them until February 28th, so there’s plenty of time!
So far, we have: 51 bracelets + 79 cards! 🧡🌍✨
The new deadline is March 15th! ☺️
I’d like to make some! They would definitely be mailed by March 15, but would it be okay if they arrived a little after? I’m planning on mailing them today.