Follow Me.
Two words. Countless implications.
Jesus commanded us to pick up our cross and follow Him no matter what.
No matter our culture. No matter what our friends say or the world around us does. No matter our human inclinations and preferences. No matter anything.
If we truly live out Christ’s command of “Follow Me” those two words can change our lives.
Not only did Jesus tell us to follow Him, He also gave us a commission: to invite others on the journey of following Him. His last words before ascending into Heaven laid out the plan: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Let’s give this verse some context.
Jerusalem was where Jesus was killed. The Jews of Jerusalem hated those who followed Christ.
Samaria was where the outcast Samaritans lived, a people long shunned by the Jews.
The end of the earth . . . well, that doesn’t need much commentary. It includes every place on the earth unknown to the disciples at that time.
In other words, in one sentence Jesus commanded them to go where they were hated, to the people they hated, and to the places furthest outside their comfort zones. Not only that, but to be a witness of Jesus Christ wherever they went. His command to “follow Him” extended beyond their familiar realms into the places of the most discomfort and the greatest cost.
Those words weren’t meant for the disciples alone. Christ’s command to us is the same.
We’re at the end of our summer book study of Love Riot. But the greatest challenge is yet to come.
Will you follow Jesus anywhere?
Will you give your life for the cause of knowing Christ and making Him known?
Are you willing to risk everything for Jesus?
I long to see a generation of teens who will unflinchingly declare “Yes. No matter where, I’ll follow.”
This call to follow Christ has very practical implications for us each day. If you say yes to this call, it could change your life.
Scratch that. It will change your life.
It means giving up our comfort zones. It means surrendering our pride. It means letting the implications of Christ’s death and resurrection reach into the furthest corners of our hearts and radically alter us from the inside out. Changing our hearts, thoughts, actions, attitudes, relationships . . . everything.
Not only that, it also redefines our purpose. The world’s definition of purpose is contrary to the gospel. The world tells us our wealth, achievements, ease, comfort, or position gives us purpose.
The gospel compels us to lay all of that down for one goal—exalting the name of Jesus Christ. Sharing the gospel. Being faithful with our commission. Building the Kingdom of God.
Everything else falls short of that goal.
The gospel compels us to lay everything down for one goal—exalting the name of Jesus Christ. Share on XSo many have never heard the name of Jesus. So many are entrenched in a life of sin and hopelessness. So many are desperate for the good news of Jesus—even if they can’t even comprehend such a God as Him.
Who will tell them? Who will carry on the message of Jesus? Who will go into our “Jerusalem’s and Samaria’s” and to the ends of the earth?
Will we?
The greatest message of the world has been passed down to us. It’s time to go out and live like it.
The choice is yours. The invitation is open. Jesus is inviting us to “Come, follow Him” and then “Go, and share His love.”
Will you answer His invitation?
This is the final day of the study, but you can still get caught up! Pick up a copy of Love Riot today.
Join me on Facebook Live tonight at 7:30 EDT on the Rebelution’s Facebook page as I wrap up the study and answer your questions.
If you’ve missed our summer study, get caught up by clicking on the link below for each week.
Book Study Schedule:
Week 1: It’s Time for a Challenge: Moving from Superficial Religion to Wholehearted Relationship (read introduction and chapters 1-3)
Week 2: Digging Deep: Letting God Change Us From the Inside Out (read chapters 4-6)
Week 3: From Devotions to Devoted: Growing in Consistency, Love, and Knowledge of God and His Word (read chapters 7-8)
Week 4: The Nitty-Gritty: Giving God Control of the Day to Day (read chapters 10-12)
Week 5: Radical Conviction 101: Living for Christ and the Gospel in an Anti-Christian World (read chapters 13 and 14 and conclusion)