When my last Rebelution article was posted, I was absolutely overwhelmed by the comments in response to it. I had no idea that so many other people had shared my experiences. After posting it, Brett invited me to write a follow-up article about what’s been happening in my life more recently. Here is the result.
I wrote Hope through the Storm last August. Since then, I’ve literally been around the world and back.
As my family and I were leaving our old church, God told us to prepare for a trip to India. We would stay with some missionary friends there, see their mission work, and connect with fellow believers on the other side of the world.
After our initial response of shock, we agreed to head to India. Our friends were delighted and arranged for us to stay with them this February. After rolling up our sleeves for countless vaccinations and filling out endless stacks of paperwork, we were ready to go.
On February 8, we drove to Dallas to board a fifteen-hour flight to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (it’s at the tip of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula).
Somewhere between the Muslim UAE and our first sight of India, the whole unfamiliarity of everything hit me between the eyes. Uh, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.
Five English-speaking very white Texans made it three-fourths of the way around the world. We didn’t speak the local language. We knew four people on the entire subcontinent. We were really, really far away from home. We were terrified, yet we knew we were exactly where God wanted us.
I could tell you a million stories about our ten days in India (if you want to read about our day-to-day travels, check out our blog) but I’ll save the space and just say this: God worked wonders. We experienced so much and got very far out of our comfort zones. We came home exhilarated and ready to set the world on fire (after a good night’s sleep in our own beds, of course).
And I found myself sitting back here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., staring at my computer screen in my comfortable house and wondering, what now?
We talked about the mission work in India to a few churches. And then it was back to what life has been ever since we left our old church last June:
What now?
In between. That’s what describes us right now. We’re attending an awesome church, but we’re still a pastor’s family — and we’re still not at our own church. We’re drifting. In between.
That used to terrify me because — let’s face it — all of us tend to cling to the familiar, the normal, the way things have always been.
We find our security in where we are at the moment rather than the One Who is with us. We get so comfortable in the familiar that we start thinking it’s time to relax and take it easy.
And then we become paralyzed by fear and anger when something changes that we can’t control.
This isn’t something new. There were in-betweens in the Bible as well.
I’m sure you’ve read that four-hundred years passed between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament.
The disciples had to wait three days between the time Jesus died and rose again.
In fact, we’re living in an in-between time: the period of time between Christ’s ascension and return to earth.
In-betweens are obviously hard. In all of my examples, I can point out that people tend to get disappointed, hopeless, depressed, cold, and farther away from God during in-between times. Does that sound like the world we live in?
Needless to say, we’d much rather skip the in-between times. So why does God put us through the discouragement and tediousness of waiting?
My in-between has taught me a few lessons:
1. He wants us dependent on Him, not our knowledge about the plan. Psalm 118:8 says, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.”
2. He wants to rid us of impatience. Romans 8:25 says, “But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.” (Emphasis mine)
3. He wants to show us that He sometimes works in ways we can’t see. Isaiah 55:9 says, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
4. He wants to test our faith. James 1:2b-3 says, “…when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”
5. He wants to prepare us for what’s ahead by refocusing us on Him. Philippians 3:13b-14 says, “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”
Honestly, that last point has really hit home with me during this in-between. If my family had instantly relocated to another church, I wouldn’t have been able to work out some of my own spiritual issues that were hidden under the busyness of church life. My relationship with God has grown stronger than it ever was before.
Imagine that: all it took was a few months of drifting, of being out of my comfort zone, for me to grow into the realization that God is the only One worth hanging onto. I don’t regret a second of my in-between because I know this: He promises there is purpose in it.
You may be in-between right now. I can’t say I know what you’re going through. But I do know the One who’s going through it with you. Friend, hang on to Him and know this: the in-between is worth it.
“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” – 1 Peter 1:7, NLT
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Wonderful article, Sarah! I really love the verse 1 Peter 1:7. Thank you for writing this encouraging article!
It’s great to see that God is teaching you these valuable lessons! Thank you for sharing. God is teaching me the same truths and it’s encouraging when others are in the same stage of life because you understand each other. Thanks again!!!
Great article, Sarah! Thanks for the encouragement. I really needed this today!
That’s really awesome, Sarah. Thanks for giving an update!
Good thoughts, Sarah!
Thank you for this article, Sarah. It was a HUGE encouragement to me because I am ‘in-between’ right now and it is really tough. The Lord has truly given you “the tongue of the learned, that [you] should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary…” (Isa 50:4) Keep writing. ~AnnaGrace
This is great! Thanks so much for writing it.
Thank you so much for writing this! I’m in an ‘in-between’ time as well.
You’re welcome! =) Praying for you as you go through this difficult time. God is with you!
Thank you for your encouragement, Anna Grace! =)
It’s always nice to know that others are going through the same things we are. =) Thanks for your encouragement!
Great points Sarah! It’s often in these “in-between” times that God does a lot of beneath-the-surface work in our lives, strengthening our faith and preparing us for the future. I guess our dependence on God would never grow if we always knew exactly what He had in store for us…
Yes, I totally relate! I’m also in an ‘in between’ time. And, Sarah, you’re an awesome writer. I think this article has perfect timing!
Hey guys just asking for prayer for a friend of mine and his girlfriend. They were in a pretty bad wreck a couple nights ago and there both in critical condition… That verse in 1 Peter you shared Sarah is amazing. Thanx. Anyway if any of you guys want to know more or some specific prayer requests there’s a site at https://elijahandautumn.wordpress.com and click on the accident link to see that. Thanx so much guys!
This is a really good follow-up, Sarah! Thanks so much for this!
Awesome article, Sarah! Thank you for writing it 🙂
Hey man! Just wanted to say that I’ll be praying for your friend, and I also wanted to share a website that @programguy:disqus started…it’s basically a place where we can all share prayer needs as well as other questions….if you’re interested, here’s the link: http://www.revivingtheredeemed.org =)
Ill pray for them. Hope they’re okay.
Great post. It’s a good point the we are in a historical in between time right now; I never thought of it like that
We are in an ‘in between’ time too. It’s super hard!! one thing I love is a saying i found at hobby lobby. “Don’t worry about tomorrow, God is already there” Thanks for sharing, Sarah!
join the club… 😛
Praying for your friends
Thank you for this article! It was really good.
Also, a quick question. Do you ever feel like you’ll never find a new church that fits you, and what do you do when you feel like that? Thanks again.
Yes, I do feel like that sometimes. =) I usually pray about it, ask God for peace, and then try to focus on encouraging stuff (music, friends, etc.). I think the fear that I’ll never find another church that fits me really stems from doubting God’s plan. Sometimes it seems like we’ll never get to the next place, but God doesn’t leave us alone or abandon us. Honestly, He cares about what church we attend and eventually pastor- probably even more than we do! It’s His church, after all! So when I’m feeling discouraged about our “lack of church” I lay it down at His feet and have faith that He will provide. It’s an awesome chance to grow your faith. Hope that helps. =) Thanks for asking!
Amen! I love that saying! Reminds me of a song called “Tomorrow” by the band Unspoken. =)
Glad you enjoyed it! =)
I just prayed for them. =) Thanks for sharing.
Exactly! =)
That is super helpful. Thank you so much!
I’ll have to look it up. Thanks!!
Thank you so much for sharing this, Sarah!! It was a blessing to me. :))
I’m glad of that, Heidi! =)
I was just thinking about my favorite posts on the Rebelution and this one hit my top five!
Thank you SO much!! I needed this.
Thank you!! =) That means a lot to me!