My name is Jaquelle (pronounced Ja-kell) and I’m a 19-year-old writer who loves reading good books, studying and writing about theology, working with kids, running, football movies, Chicago popcorn, my cats, and laughing.
I’m also a Canadian from the west (Vancouver) living in the east (Halifax, Nova Scotia), a homeschool grad, and a 2015 graduate of Thomas Edison State University with a B.A. in communications and English.
And of course, I’m a writer. Besides TheRebelution.com, I write for DesiringGod.org and TheGospelCoalition.com. My first book, This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, is set to release from Crossway on March 31, 2017.
My goal is to know God more through His Word and to reflect that pursuit in everything I write. In all things, I desire to exalt Christ and make Him known, especially among my generation.
I believe following Jesus changes everything about life, and the greatest hard thing any young person can do is take up their cross and follow Him. The gospel has transformed me, and I love to encourage other teens to go deeper in their faith and move past spiritual milk to meat (Heb. 5:12).
I hope you’ll join me in this rebelutionary movement.
Some of My Most Popular Posts:
Five Questions to Ask Before You Start Dating | Desiring God
5 Reasons Why Teenagers Need Theology | The Gospel Coalition
7 Reasons Why I Don’t Date (Even Though I Like Boys) | The Rebelution
5 Lessons My Parents Taught Me About Sexuality | The Gospel Coalition