rebelling against low expectations

AuthorC.A. Peetz

is a 15 year old girl who is trying to follow Jesus with all her heart. When she is not doing school, you can find her reading, writing, thinking, cooking, or taking pictures with her camera. She writes for ACBPAK along with working on far too many books at one time.

Don’t Be Afraid of Falling


Shasta felt like he was dreaming. For as long as he could remember, he had always had an odd longing to go to the north. Beyond the small grassy hill that marked the border of his little world, curiosity called to him. He could never explain why, but he wanted to go there desperately. And now, here he was, saddling a friendly, talking horse named Bree, soon to run away with him “to Narnia and the...

Suit Up! We are at War!


Boots splash through the water. Rain falls in torrents. Sweat drips from the men’s creased foreheads. Their muscles tense as they take their positions. Silently, without a move and with hardly a breath, they crouch, waiting. Their uniforms and absolute stillness hide them from the enemy’s notice. Tethered to their boots is a small metal identification tag. An identical copy dangles from each...

When Hard Things Choose You


Sometimes we choose hard things. Other times, hard things choose us. Sometimes God gives us a situation that we can’t handle on our own. Frankly, we don’t want to handle it. We would have gladly skipped the pain. We don’t want to go through it. Arguably, the hardest things are the things we don’t want to do. Things we never would have chosen for ourselves. It’s not...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →