Why are we so stingy with the gospel?
It seems even the teens who are beyond their years in other areas are still pathetic in their sharing of the gospel.
Questioning Yourself
“I don’t have time.”
“I’m shy.”
“What if I don’t have all the answers?”
The questions go on and on, but the point remains the same – there are people all around you running straight for hell, but you don’t have to courage to speak up (Rev. 2:8).
Try replacing, “I don’t have time” with, “It’s not a priority.”
Change, “I’m shy” to, “I don’t trust God to use me and work though me.”
Replace, “I don’t have all the answers” with, “I don’t trust the Bible.”
You see, it’s really a trust and priorities issue.
It is a direct command from God to share the gospel, good news, with everyone. The great commission tells us to go tell the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15)!
Christians are being beheaded in other countries for their faith, and we won’t share the gospel for fear of how someone might view us? God demands ALL of us (Matt. 22:37).
Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (NIV).
Charles Spurgeon once said, “The gospel is like a lion. It doesn’t need you to defend it, it just needs you to let it out of its cage.”
First Peter 3:15 says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (NIV).
Pray for God to give you clarity of thought and speech as you share with everyone you meet. Remember that sharing Christ is an outflow of a beautiful, authentic relationship with him.
Club Mentality?
I’m trying to make sense of the fact that the church doesn’t care.
We have become more like a club than a church, and we wonder why we are viewed by the world the way we are.
Let’s get outside our potlucks and pews; there is a dying world right outside our stained glass windows. It’s too bad we have become too blind to see it. We care too much about other people’s opinions when we should be worrying about God’s (Matt. 10:28).
You see, our problem is that we have become comfortable.
Have you noticed how much padding is on a church pew? We love comfort and easiness.
“Witnessing is too far out of the comfort zone.”
But, if you really knew your Bible, that wouldn’t be a problem, would it?
I want to challenge you to be real, authentic Christians, seeking God and sharing him with the world – instead of throwing every opportunity in the dirt by being too defensive, self righteous, or not letting the person talk and state his/her beliefs.
Let’s make the best of every opportunity God hands us!
Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (NIV).
Let me make something very clear: The only reason you were created was to honor, serve, enjoy, commune and glorify God.
No matter where you are at, what job you have, what culture you live in, you are to spread the gospel.
First Chronicles 16:8 says, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done” (NIV).
First Corinthians 15:3-4 says, “For what I received I passed on to you as FIRST IMPORTANCE: that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures” (NIV, emphasis mine).
But it doesn’t end there. When you do see someone come to the Lord, you should disciple them.
The Church seems to have put discipleship lower and lower on the list, and as a result we have fake people going through the motions. So be bold with the gospel!
WWJD, right?
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Love the Spurgeon quote! Thanks for sharing! =)
this is an amazing charge to the church of Jesus Christ and I love that this came from a 16 year old who loves Jesus desperately and with abandon!
Thats so true! I can identify myself as one of those who makes excuses and this encourages me to change. I am not a very talkative person but that doesnt mean that I cant share the gospel. I want God to use me and help me overcome my “shyness”. Thankyou so much Emma Roth for showing me this truth! God bless 🙂
thank you for reading 🙂
Thanks Aunt Debbie 🙂
Your so welcome! I’ll be praying for you 🙂 Go infiltrate your world!
He is a pretty awesome guy:)
Thankyou! Its so good to know that I am not the only teen girl christian in the world! It sometimes feels like that but the Reb has helped me to realize thats not the reality! So thankyou for being so nice and welcoming 🙂
Haha I totally get what you mean. 🙂 I hope we will all be a great encouragement to you 🙂
Amazingly upfront and true. You really put what is happening and how people avoid their obligations right to the forefront. I know a lot of these things struck home with me. This is very powerful and I’m glad you put it out there.
Thanks for reading it Dan 🙂 I pray it was an encouragement to you! 🙂
Whoa, this is really great. Wow. So true Emma!
God has really pressed this issue on my heart.
I love this. Sharing the gospel isn’t an option. Besides, it’s way too good to keep to myself. Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂
Thank YOU for the encouragement 🙂 exactly! It isn’t even an option!
Honor God. Make Disciples! Come onnn!!! DO HARD THINGS!
“Charles Spurgeon once said, ‘The gospel is like a lion. It doesn’t need
you to defend it, it just needs you to let it out of its cage.” – That’s an awesome quote!!!
Oooooh. I liiiiiike 🙂
AMEN sister!
Yes! That’s something that really needs to be stressed! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Yea It is 🙂 makes a difference when you look at it that way huh
I was just thinking about this earlier today. I want people to know the gospel, but I don’t want to be the one to share it; I am too proud and apathetic and selfish. I just want to get on with my own little life in my own way.
Thank you for telling it how it is, Emma.
Fantastic!!! Thanks Emma.
Thanks for being real! Go get me Dana! 🙂
Lol typo! THEM
Thanks! 🙂
Thanks for this, Emma. Such a convicting reminder that we need to be sharing our Jesus with the world! Praying for the Church to wake up, too!
amen! It all starts with one person!
look up the video by Clayton Jennings called, “The problem with church”
Its super good 🙂
Thankyou! And you guys already are!
sweet 🙂
My pleasure!
dude, check out clayton Jennings! He is an evangelist 🙂
great Article!
haha thanks my Skyview brother 😉 lol
Ouch. That one hit us all over the head.
While I appreciate your fervor for the spreading of the gospel, I find It is also most important to live the Word for young people who are not yet equipped yet to proclaim the Bible. People are more impacted by our living than our speaking. In my lifetime, which is a very long time, I have had many pastors in my life and I can barely remember what they said, but to this day I can tell you exactly how they lived. Paul was in years of training before he preached the gospel. It a a rare instance when I have seen a young person in their teens carry it on into adulthood. That is very sad. In order to preach the Word, we must be led by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that “Zeal without knowledge brings destruction.” If you are not ready spiritually or emotionally to witness, I would suggest that you make every effort to live it. People will take notice and you will eventually have the knowledge by being in the Word to explain it and God will be glorified.
I pray the best for you in Christ,
Thank you for this post, Emma! That was extremely convicting. I needed it.
Thanks Emma! This is great.
Yes! Yes! Thank you so much Emma! I agree entirely! Our churches are just about asleep, when we should be wide awake and ready to defend our faith.
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:14-15
Paul says we are supposed to be prepared with the gospel of peace. We should be ready to share if God brings about an opportunity.
In this western world, we have life served up to us on a platter. We have whatever we want at our fingertips (literally). In fact, we have so much that it easy to forget to depend on God.
Yes, I certainly agree, we are entirely too comfortable.
P.S. Oh, and I’m homeschooled too!
Good gosh. So true. Thanks for the challenge Emma!
(Also, anyone think it kinda funny there was an SOG post and Reb post about pretty much the same thing (this subject) so close together? :o)
My pleasure! Maybe God is trying to get across his point 😉
Have a great day, thanks for the comment 🙂
Im so glad Natie!! Go tell the world 🙂
Yes they are. Its really sad. Persecution will be happening very soon in the USA and we will have to start defending our beliefs. Im excited for that time. I think it will weed out the wolves in sheep’s clothing. WE HAVE THE TRUTH! .. So lets go do something with it 🙂 We are soon comfortable! Its a shame. haha awesome 🙂
Look up his vid “Jesus till I die”. It’s super awesome
Look up his vid Jesus till I die. It’s super awesome and convicting 🙂
haha waaa? lol
Thank you for taking the time to read it Sam 🙂
And I like your profile pic 😉 thats great
i may sound really dumb asking this,.. LOL…. But what is SOG?
Thank you so much for this article, Emma! It was a convicting reminder for me. 🙂
Thank you Emma! For reminding us the importance of sharing the gospel!
No, not ‘dumb’ at all! It’s not exactly widely know. It’s Soldiers of God, the blog/website of fellow Rebelutionary @trent_blake:disqus. Here’s the link: http://soldiersofgod.com/. I’d highly recommend it, you should check it out!
Ah, oops, wrong link. Here’s the right one: http://www.thesoldiersofgod.com/
Haha, thank you!
Thank you!!! Ill check it out 🙂
Wow Ethan H is a great writer! yea those two articles are so similar! thats really cool. Its just time for us to wake up and get out there and DO. Im praying for you today cassie. That you would be string in your faith, not bend to temptation and that you would boldly share the gospel.
God bless,
Emma Roth
Thank you, Emma. This is a great reminder for me! Great name by the way. 🙂
thanks 🙂 You too btw 😉 Its so different 😉
Your welcome! I hope you are encouraged and challenged!
I’m so glad! 😀
Yeh, he is! Amen. I’m praying God will give me some opportunity to do that at my work, and the boldness to seize the opportunity! Thanks so much for your prayers, I appreciate them. 🙂
Awesome! Go for it! Honestly starting the conversation is th hardest part, but once u just step out in faith and ask God to lead you amazing things happen. YOU GO GIRL 🙂
okay, so I love your name and picture!!! Just sayin’ 🙂
so, Caleb told me we’re like neighbors. We need to set up a lunch meeting or something! 🙂
Haga, where do you live? 😀
Caleb is my brother. I don’t know what he told you, but I am not allowed to say exactly where I live, but from what he told me we only live like 20 mins away from each other 🙂 At least we will, after we move. Helpful hint: We are moving to the town your parents grew up in. 😀
Oh! Okay:D that’s about what he told me:) that’s totally awesome! We should have a rebellutionary get together 🙂 that’s sooo awesome! Let me know when you move and maybe our 2 families can get together or you guys could come visit my church and we could hang out afterwards 🙂 that would be awesome:)
Thank you for the encouragement Emma!
Yeah! 🙂
definitely 🙂
And we have the same middle name :))
How old are you by the way?
I was at sky view today and was in Amish country all day. I can’t wait to meet you guys!
I love it there! And we can’t wait to meet you too!!
sixteen in November. so 15
haha, we do!!
Haha awesome:)
How come the post says your last name is Roth?
MAN, what a post!! So needed!! Thanks for sharing!
Because it is lol. I’m emma grace Roth. I meant to only do my middle name but I accidentally did that lol
Oh I see.
“We have become more like a club than a church, and we wonder why we are viewed by the world the way we are.” Wow. But right on! Thanks for writing this Emma
do you know where the Alliance church is in N? We are there every sunday if you want to drop by. We are moving this week, so I will let you know when we are settled and we’ll plan a time to meet!
hey, hey,hey! Can I have your cell number or email address? We have moved!!!
Indeed! Your welcome!
Your welcome 🙂