I have a problem with praying. It’s pretty simple: I don’t pray enough.
Remember, Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing”? Everyday I seem to keep failing. When good things happen to me, I just enjoy them. If I was worried, I enjoy the relief. If they were unexpected, I enjoy the surprise. And I forget each gift has a Giver.
But there is one thing that always draws me to prayer. It’s a tummy ache. When I feel immediate, annoying pain, I pray. And I usually pray until the tummy ache eases or I go to bed and fall asleep.
So why can I pray without ceasing when I’m in pain? Simply enough, it’s rooted in my own pride. I believe that I am strong enough, healthy enough, happy enough in my circumstances that I don’t need to go to God. But tummy aches show my weakness. And so I stumble back to God wearing my inability on my sleeve.
Tummy aches remind me that He is God, and I am not. He is strong, and I am weak. He is good, and I am proud. So I guess then that I’m thankful for them, because they draw me closer to God.
But there needs to be more. I can’t be content with half-hearted tummy ache prayers. That is not “praying without ceasing.” It is “praying when you darn well feel like it.”
That is not how a Christian should operate.
The Christian knows that prayer is a discipline to be cultivated, worked, and practiced. It is a tool of ministry, a conduit of communion with God. It is a beautiful, miraculous thing. Yet I “use” it like a telephone when I have a tummy ache.
Prayer is not meant to be “used.” It is a holy conversation. Your words go up to the King of the heavens, the Sovereign God, the divine, and He blesses you in a special way through that conversation.
I won’t continue to be content with tummy ache prayers, and if you’re like me in this sin, I pray you won’t either. Once Christians realize the blessing and beauty of true fellowship with God in prayer, how can we neglect it? It is a discipline of joy, meant to be fostered.
“Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God.” — Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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There are currently 14 Comment(s)
There are currently 14 Comment(s)
I think I’m like that too, I only pray when I need rescue. I treat of prayer as my personal 911. But in my prayers, I usually cry out to God and tell Him what I’m feeling.
I needed this! Prayer is so easy to cut out of my daily routine, and it shouldn’t be. If I am going to become the woman God wants me to be, I need to pray more and learn to savour that beautiful time spent with Him!
Good article Jaquelle! I struggle with this as well by only praying when I need something like strength or patience or courage. Now I know that I’m not the only one! 🙂 I agree that we all need to be more adamant about praying regularly, however, we don’t need get caught up in thinking that if we miss a day we are terrible people. Satan can use our desire to pray against us by making us feel terrible when we don’t pray. This is exactly what he wants us to feel: guilty. Just pray from your heart and God will appreciate that.
Hope this helps.
This is just what I needed! It convicted as well as encouraged me. I want to have a sweet, consistent prayer life with the Savior. In a Bible study lesson, it was talking about how God delights in our prayers! They are like a sweet perfume drifting up to Him. He enjoyed that as much as/more than sacrifice.
Thank you for refreshing my heart in Christ, sister! (Philemon 1:20).
I’m so glad I could encourage you, Moriah! Thank you for your sweet words, and blessings to you.
You’re definitely not alone in this struggle, Martial Artist. And you’re right – getting discouraged by our failures and holding ourselves back from growth because of guilt is not glorifying to God. All of the Christian’s sin has been covered by the cross.
But we need to be repentant and then let our failures motivate us to pray more. And the more that we do that, the more we cultivate prayer as a habit!
Thanks for your comment! Blessings to you.
I definitely empathize with you, Rvy. It’s easy (and right) to call out to God in our times of distress; it’s just cultivating that constant prayer relationship that is so hard. But by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can persevere. I hope I could encourage you!
This is something God has really been teaching me lately. Prayer has to be continual and not just when we are in trouble. Christ says that “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) and prayer is simply an outflow of that belief…it follows that the less we pray, the more we believe that we can do things on our own apart from God (ouch). Ironically, life seems to go much smoother when I pray than when I don’t. It’s something we all need to work on!
Wow, this (unfortunately) is exactly me… Even the “tummy ache” prayer thing! Thank you for the encouragement to truly “pray without ceasing”. God bless! 🙂
I also find myself not praying as much as I should, especially not thanking God or worshiping him. I’ll ask him for stuff, but I don’t just praise him out of the blue. Something that’s been helping with that though is setting a time to pray every morning with my dad. It’s great, but during the day (outside of my prayer time) I still don’t thank God a lot.
That’s a great idea to have that set-aside time for prayer. I’ve been trying to do that as well. The constant thankfulness is so much harder. I think it’s more about creating that attitude of thanksgiving, as opposed to just incorporating it into a single period of prayer. I know that I have trouble with that. But God is good and His grace is sufficient and the more that we pursue holiness, He will sanctify us. And praise Him for that!
When I read this, I have to admit I laughed at the half-hearted tummy ache prayers, because wow, that’s so me! I am so terrified of getting sick that I pray and pray and pray until it finally goes away. And while it isn’t a sin to pray about your tummy aches:) it is so true that a lot of us don’t turn to Him as often as we should, including me. And how often do we look in the mirror and find something wrong with us instead of praising God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made? Thank you for reminding me how important it is to pray in EVERYTHING, and like you said, when we realize the blessing and beauty of prayer, how can we neglect it?
“He who kneels the most, stands the best” – D. L. Moody
Great reminder. I so know what you mean by the “tummy ache” prayers. Sometimes it takes a crisis for me to pray fervently. And even sometimes when my fervent prayers are answered and the “tummy ache” goes away, I still forget to thank God! One thing that has really helped me with thankfulness is keeping a “Gifts Journal”. It’s been an on and off thing for me, but I’m working on being consistent by writing down each little gift I noticed throughout my day before I go to bed. When I’m in this habit, I notice that I’m usually happier and more content, it’s even helped me get out of depression. The idea came largely from the book “One Thousand Gifts”, by Ann Voskamp. A couple of years ago it was my goal to reach one thousand gifts by the end of the year – it ended up being a fun challenge! I would encourage anyone to give the challenge a try.
@Rhanx97:disqus I LOVED One Thousand Gifts. I completed my list of 1,000 around Thanksgiving of 2013 after working on it for several months. It has been one of the most enriching things I have ever done in my Christian walk. It helped me to grow so much in the knowledge of just how much He loves me. Having your eyes opened to the simplest to the greatest gifts He gives in every moment of every day is a priceless treasure!! Have you read Ann Voskamp’s Advent devotional The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas? It was beautiful. We even did the video/study to go along with it at church in the weeks before Christmas.
Amen, sister! 🙂
Yes, my family read the Advent devotional three years ago (I think) at Christmas time. My mom told me about One Thousand Gifts after reading it herself. It changed her life! She encouraged me to start a journal when I was in a time of depression. Isn’t amazing how much God pours into our lives every day? It truly does dramatically change our perspective on things!
Also guilty. I usually pray at night, as if I want to make up for not learning how to pray when I was younger. I don’t want this awful excuse of giving half-love to God, when I would rather sleep, to go on forever! Aren’t we suppose to meditate and pary day and night (does anyone remember the verse this comes from? I don’t know 🙁 )?
That’s great! Ann Voskamp has touched thousands of lives with her testimony of a thousand ways He loves. It was opposite for me. I read One Thousand Gifts and in turn shared it with my mom. She was very blessed by it as well. Last Thanksgiving we had an “Eucharisteo” inspired Thanksgiving. I posted about it on my blog: http://uniquelyfashionedforhisglory.blogspot.com/2014/11/eucharisteo.html
Yes it is amazing how He pours into our everyday lives. That the God of the universe would think about–care for me–and lavish gifts of His love is almost too beautiful to be true. But it IS!!
Glad we can share our hearts about this together. 🙂
I think what you’re talking about is Psalm 1:2: “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Sound familiar?
“the only way we’ll ever stand is on our knees with lifted hands” -Casting Crowns
“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” -Corrie Ten Boom
I am certainly guilty of not praying enough. It is easy to schedule bible-reading/devotional time, but prayer really doesn’t have a fixed time in my day. Then again, the whole day should be prayer time (without ceasing), and then yet again, there are different types of prayer and certainly time should be set aside…
This is not the first reminder of this I have had…
“speak Lord, your servant listens”
We are not the first ones to wonder about how to pray. Jesus’ disciples said “Lord, teach us to pray”… and that’s where the Lord’s prayer comes from
Sometimes I fill up my time so I “don’t have time” for devotionals and prayer. I feel guilty 24/7 and honestly praying and reading your Bible every day can be hard, but you just have to remind yourself that is will be worth it in the end!
I am also a PK and sometimes find it hard to admit that I have problems praying. It bothers me that in the good I just carry on but when time’s get bad, I remember that God is there. But He is always there. I’ve been trying to pray more and often I find myself praying at random moments through the day. When I try to purposefully pray each day, and not ask but praise, I find it is easier to talk. Some nights I’ll pray for such a long time. Then others it’s like 30 seconds. But I love those moments during the day where I just pray. It’s such a comfort to know that God is listening. I love that!
The shortest comment I’ve seen yet has the most likes… you did it again, Grant!
“Prayer is not meant to be “used”.”
That stood out to me as so true! I often fall into the habit of using prayer as my hotline to healing instead of what it truly is- communication with Jesus Christ, our beloved, merciful Savior! What a comfort it is to know that God is always there for us to talk to, AND more importantly, always there to thank and praise, even on the days with tummy aches :). Thank you for this thought provoking article, Jaquelle!
I see your “tummy ache” prayers in my life both literally and figuratively – I sometimes do get tummy aches and I’ll ask God to take it away, and whenever I have a problem I’ll do the same. It’s so hard to pray when I don’t have a problem!
Thanks for the article, Jaquelle!
There is no formula, it just pops in my head and I write it down.
How do you know so many quotes and who to attribute them to? I would probably quote Winston Churchill and attribute it to CS Lewis. (I’ve done it!)
“Joy is only as satisfying as repentance is deep.” -Nate Shurden
I see them too, but in a different way I guess, I never get tummy aches, but I live on a farm and I only seem to pray when everything looks like chaos.
But I also have another prayer problem; I don’t know what to pray for.
Sure you can pray for your family and pray for your friends and pray for things that are going on in your life, but, I sort of feel like I’m praying to “the King of the heavens, the Sovereign God” about the same things every time.
I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers.
I remember the quotes, but I always double check the person that said them, just to be sure it’s right. So, Google.
I know its been mentioned on here before (i think it was the New Year’s Resolution feed), but the app PrayerMate lets you sort out your list prayers, and you can also subscribe to prayer requests that are updated daily. I think it’s available on iOS, Kindle Fire, and Android.
Thanks for replying Sam, but I don’t have a Phone, Android, Kindle or anything like that.
Hi Dominic. Sometimes it is hard to think of things to pray for. Some people find making a list helpful, to remind you of things that you may forget when you sit down to pray. As Sam mentioned, a prayer app like PrayerMate has some neat ideas on different things to pray for.
A few more things I think are modeled in Scripture to pray for include the church (both local and worldwide) and especially the persecuted Christians (Voice of the Martyrs is a great resource to find specific prayer requests from persecuted Christians). We can also pray for the salvation of those we know (and even those we don’t) that are not saved. We can pray for our government and authorities. We can pray about our future. We can also pray prayers from the Bible, for example, some of the Psalms. PrayerMate is fantastic for those Bible-based prayers.
We have to strike the balance between those requests and then praying with thanksgiving and offering praise to God for His character and His glory. I know I have trouble with that balance.
I hope that helps! Blessings to you. 🙂
Good thinking 🙂
Lily, I understand your discouragement. It’s hard not to beat ourselves up and grow down because of it. It’s just like you said – we have to focus on the end, i.e., growing in sanctification, becoming more holy, and growing so much closer to God. Knowing that God will help us with prayer and devotional reading is also encouraging.
If you’re looking for a book on prayer, I’d definitely recommend “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller or “Praying Backwards” by Bryan Chapell. Both really encouraged me in my prayer life. Blessings to you!
Hey Dominic. I think I’ve mentioned this somewhere on the Reb already, but one thing that’s helped me when I don’t know how or what to pray for is to pray directly from Scripture. Instead of praying for “please heal so and so from this”, find a Psalm that talks about healing and restoration and pray those verses directly to God, inserting the person’s name where it uses first person pronouns like “I” and “me”. For example, here’s a prayer from Psalms that I’ve prayed for a friend when I didn’t know what to pray: “In times of trouble, may the Lord answer *insert name’s* cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep *him/her* safe from all harm…May he grant *his/her* heart’s desires…May we shout for joy when we hear of *his/her* victory.” (Ps. 20) Or just take a passage from the New Testament, like one of Paul’s prayers, and pray it for your family or for someone needing strength. “I pray that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower *insert name* with inner strength through Your Spirit…And may *he/she* have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is.” (Eph. 3:16-18). It might be kind of a flowery way to pray, but it’s always helpful for me when I need to change things up.
If I may jump in to the discussion…. I love Ann Voskamp! I regularly read her blog and am just beginning to read One Thousand Gifts. Her writing voice and combination of wisdom, humility, and determination are inspiring.
(A very random, completely unrelated note: Moriah, my family has the exact same type of plates as the one in the photo! o.0)
This is great! Thanks for writing, Jaquelle 🙂
Definitely very important to remember! I have been guilty of that many times in the past. Thank you! 🙂
Good point; good article! Prayer has to be priority, period.
Hey Dominic! Since you wrote, “I don’t know what to pray for,” I just thought I’d mention (and I’m being serious) you could pray that God will lead you as to what to pray. Paul (writing by the Holy Spirit) asked the Ephesian Christians to pray for all the Christians: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints,” -Ephesians 6:18 KJV.
And remember, this all-powerful Sovereign King of all Creation loves you and wants to spend time with you in prayer–despite our imperfections and comparably miniscule problems–He cares and wants to be an integral part of our lives. The Bible also says to pray for our government officials… you could pray for your pastor and — if you don’t pray for your family and for yourself, who will?
I read today the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8, and it starts by saying, “Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”
Excellent Corrie Ten Boom quote!!! I love it!
I’ve hit the same wall sometimes. If you look around on here, you can see places where people could use prayer; I’ve started praying for them. Some that come to mind are: Sam S was saying that Trent Blake could use prayer; there was a person calling himself/herself ‘P’ who has a difficult family situation.
Yeah, I think that’s it.
Thank you so much Louis.
And I like it how you said “if you don’t pray for your family and for yourself, who will?”. Your so right. Another question is, How do you remember to pray? I have just realized that I have heaps to pray for, but I keep forgetting to pray.
Your brother in Christ,
Hey thanks.
We should start a sort of prayer group on the Rebelution somehow.
Just ask people to pray for you or others.
Very good idea Riley.
I really like the Ps. 20 prayer.
If you look at the reply I wrote to mimeforJesus, I was thinking of starting a Rebelution prayer group.
Thanks again,
Thanks a lot Jaquelle.
I think a list would help me.
I just had a look of Voice of the Martyrs, lots of things to pray for on there.
Ps. 20 is a very good prayer Psalm.
Would you help me start a prayer group on the Rebelution?
Look at the reply that i sent to mimeforJesus.
I hope we can start one.
From your brother in Christ,
Hey Dom, I think that’s a great idea! I don’t know if it could work actually on the Rebelution site, but it would be really cool if it could happen somehow or somewhere. Just about all of us, including me, need prayer :).
I just had a look at the submission page. If one of us could post an article called “Rebelution Prayer Group” or something like that and in 3-4 weeks it was accepted then we could post prayer requests on that article. It would be hard to do but, “Do Hard Things”. 🙂
I hope we can get this going.
Hey Dominic!
What works for me is I have a list of goals that I write out each day, including prayer items. Because there are so many, I don’t get to them all, so I’m considering categorizing them into three lists, and praying for one category a day, and in that way I could pray for them all at least once every three days. But that’s because I try to pray for many of the people I know along with a number other prayer items. Because we can’t literally pray for everyone, what friends of mine do is they ask God to lead them as to who they should pray for.
Your brother in Christ,
Wow. My family has been doing an extensive Bible study on prayer since the beginning of the year, and your post reiterated a lot of what I’ve been learning lately. By the way, if you’re ever looking for a good book on prayer, I would suggest the “Kneeling Christian”. It’s probably one of the best prayer tool books I’ve ever read. Very deep, very thought provoking.
Yes. I can relate to your kind words about her. She fills my week with much inspiration & edification.
That’s neat you have the same plates! We girls notice details & decorations. 🙂
Hey Dom!
I hope you don’t mind me answering, but I just really related when I read your comment because I forget EVERYTHING, and for a long time had difficulty in remembering to pray, especially. At night when I go to bed I want to pray but I’m so tired that I literally don’t remember a lot of the time.
For me, and I don’t know if you are the same way, but when I put some reminder out where I would notice it, so I’m actually relying on the visual (does that make sense?) it makes it a lot easier. Sometimes I’ll put something (write something on a piece of paper?) on my wall or light switch so that whenever I see it, I remember. I know that probably seems kind of weird, but it helped me a lot.
Do you have a set time to read your Bible, either? Because that’s a great time to pray, and if you already get into the habit of reading, it’s not that hard to pray after you read.
And once you have a set time to do both of these things, they will eventually turn into habit and will be sooo much easier. The hardest part is first getting used to doing it, but habits are pretty easy to create (a lot easier than breaking them).
Tell me if this helps:)
Hey of course I don’t mine Eva.
Your so right, before bed is probably the hardest time for me. Either I’m falling asleep and I don’t even remember or I’m watching a movie fall asleep before the end of it.
Putting a reminder by your light is a good idea, or if you need a stronger reminder, tie a rock on your pillow with the word PRAY on it. 🙂
I don’t have a set time to read my bible but that’s another problem, I have trouble to remember reading my bible as well. I am trying to get into a habit of reading and praying.
Thanks so much for replying, glad you could join our conversation.
From your brother in Christ,
Hey Louis,
great idea. Three lists would be good because otherwise there are to many things to pray for in one prayer. (unless you pray for hours).
I am trying to start a Rebelution Prayer Group, If you look at some of the other comments by me, you’ll see what I mean.
Oh and have a look at the comment that Eva wrote. Same sort of idea I guess.
From your brother in Christ,
Yes! I was considering trying something like that myself, but didn’t know how much interest there would be. Go for it!
I’d be happy to help in any way I can!
Hey, I like the “tie a rock on your pillow with the word PRAY on it” idea. That’s gotta work:)
I completely relate to you on not being in the habit of reading the Bible either. Yeah, I’m still working on it, too. And It’s good to know I’m not alone in my forgetting stuff! Hey, but God can help us remember:)
Hey I need your help too. 🙂
We can do this!!!
While we’re brainstorming, and seeing as we have “friends in high places” (a.k.a. Brett Harris) why don’t we float the idea of starting a Prayer Group tab/section on therebelution.com website?
People could voluntarily sign up for email updates on prayer requests, or perhaps only on the urgent/major prayer requests (as a separate email chain than the one that the articles and discussion questions are sent to) or those who want to can just check back regularly. I just think a different page setup would help, seeing as posting and replying on a single article over a long period of time could get cluttered and cause poor maneuverability.
One hang up is that prayer requests tend to be personal, which is not a problem if you don’t mind everyone with internet being able to access your requests. But I think in essence a prayer group is an excellent idea. It could unite us in a new way. Paul commanded the Christians in Ephesus to pray for all the saints!
But it’s something we can prayerfully consider (because you don’t want to launch projects on a whim without asking God first). Then we can wait and see. If worst comes to worst, we could start a facebook group =vD
“unless you pray for hours” … just a thought: most of the great men of God that we read about did just that! =v)
Hey, Jaquelle! This is a really good article. I learned the lesson of unceasing prayer from a story when I was a lot younger, and it’s been the guide of my prayer since then.
“Several ministers had gathered to discuss difficult questions, and it was asked how the command to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17)
could be obeyed. Various suggestions were offered, and at last one of
the ministers was appointed to write an essay on the subject for the
next meeting. A young maidservant, who was serving in the room, heard the
discussion and exclaimed: “What! A whole month to tell the meaning of
this text? Why, it’s one of the easiest and best verses in the Bible.”
“Well, well, Mary,” said an old minister. “What do you know about it? Can you pray all the time?”
“Oh, yes sir!”
“Really? How is that possible when you have so many things to do?”
“Why, sir, the more I have to do, the more I pray.”
“Indeed! Well, Mary, how do you do it? Most people wouldn’t agree with you.”
“Well, sir,” said the girl, “when I first open my eyes in the morning, I pray, ‘Lord, open the eyes of my understanding,’ and while I am dressing, I pray that I may be clothed with the robe of righteousness. While I am washing, I ask to have my sins washed away. As I begin work, I pray that I may receive strength for all the work of the day. While I kindle the fire, I pray that revival may be kindled in me. While preparing and eating breakfast, I ask to be fed with the Bread of Life and the pure milk of the Word. As I sweep the house, I pray that my heart may be swept clean of all its impurities. As I am busy with the little children, I look up to God and pray that I may always have the trusting love of a little child,
and as I….”
“Enough, enough!” cried the minister. “These truths are often hid from
the wise and prudent and revealed unto babes, as the Lord Himself said.
Go on, Mary,” he continued, “pray without ceasing. As for us brothers,
let us thank the Lord for this lesson.”
[The story is from a book of devotional stories called “How God Used A Thunderstorm” by Joel R. Beeke & Diana Kleyn.] It’s so cool how we can just talk to God all the time. It’s like having a phone inside your head so that you can talk to your friend whenever you want and they’d respond immediately, except a whole lot cooler!!!!
Yes that’s a great idea. If we could make a tab section called Prayer Group or something.
We could be moderators and ask for more mods on The Rebelution.
I agree that we shouldn’t have it as an article or a project, even this comment page is full enough.
Do you think that Brett would help us? He is trying to launch Do Hard Things University. And how do we contact him?
Anyway, the hang up.
We could have it that you set the request to ‘Moderators only’ or ‘Public’ or even ‘Followers’.
I will pray about this matter. With Gods will, anything can happen.
And I think a FB group is just to public for prayer requests. 😉
P.S. Did you notice that we have the “Top comments on The Rebelution”?
Yes your right…
Even Jesus prayed for hours. Maybe I should try that. 😀
Hey thanks for the encouragement Eva.
I am praying way more now, and I am reading a Day by Day Bible study.
Your a great friend.
Hey yea me and Louis Gervais have been talking heaps about the group, Do you know how we could contact Brett Harris? We might need his help on this matter.
Oh and please pray that the group is in Gods will.
Hey Dom! Whatta ya mean “How do we contact Brett?” He reads every single comment on this site =vD (Don’t you, Brett?) Heh heh; Brett is the silence listener in every conversation on therebelution.com (^;
“Will he help us?” Well, if “us” is the rebelution, then who better personifies the rebelution blog than Brett himself? So, you’re actually asking, “Will Brett help himself?” =vD
Alright, sort of joking, but I love the picture you posted of the prayer tab idea, Dominic! And your right, we can pray about this more.
Hey @Brett Harris,
Could you look at this thread of comments please? I think it’s a great idea!
I have his email. I think he’s under “Contact us”.
I’ll be praying!
Prayer is–after all–a “hard thing.” Especially at first, when you’re still getting into the habit of it.
I had the same concern as @louis_gervais:disqus, that prayer requests can get personal and essentially we would just be posting them out there for anyone to see. Yeah, I guess you could specify who you would want to see the requests. But I think facebook could actually be more private, because you don’t HAVE to make it available to the public, only to those you invite to the page.
Thanks for encouraging me too:) And I LOVE your prayer request idea!!! I really hope it works and that Brett reads these comments. It would connect all of us on here even more.
I’m so glad that you’ve been able to stick to your prayer resolution so far! Not many people can just say that and do it. Keep it up!
In Christ,
So how are you doing with the resolution?
If we can start a prayer group, please support us or join us!!
Your brother in Christ,
I’ve been doing pretty good:) sometimes I’m in bed with the light off and am just about to fall asleep….and then I remember, so I have to sit up and turn the light on, but it’s sooo worth it:)
I will definitely support you and join you if I can! Can’t wait to see if it works out!
Well, I hope that he is reading these. Otherwise, is there a rebelution email or something? That was sort of what I mean’t.
P.S. I would never be able to be a silence listener, It’s so hard not to comment on what other people say!!
P.P.S. I guess God’s a silence listener then. 😉
And good job remembering, I just about fell asleep praying to God last night.
Hope we get this group going!!
First of all, I don’t really go on FB.
Second, we would have to invite a lot of people.
And keep inviting new people.
However we get this going, I hope it can be on The Rebelution.
First of all, I don’t really go on FB.
Second, we would have to invite a lot of people.
And keep inviting new people.
However we get this going, I hope it can be on The Rebelution.
Yes, it’s getting easier now
Yeah, if possible, it would be great to have it on The Rebelution! It would be a big hassle to have it on FB.
Yeah, I don’t have a Facebook, and a couple of others have mentioned that they don’t either… And it’s likely that there’s more like me. But the Reb would be a great place to start it! Does anyone want to contact Brett? I have his email so I could if you want me to.
That’s just about the best way to fall asleep:) And I hope we can get it going too!! I’ll be praying about it!
Thanks Riley. 😉
Thanks Eva!!
Yeah Sam! Do your magic! 🙂
I’d say go for it!
I think it was @trent_blake:disqus who told me…or maybe it was Yoda?? 😉 What was the other project you did that was similar (if you don’t me asking)?
Gotcha ;). I’ll give it a try.
I have your address! Muahahaha! I could email you if I wanted 🙂
Now I don’t know what to do! (Were you really saying to email you?)
Yeah, now I don’t know what to do. #dejavu
Hey what do you mean *removed*? I guess I’m not smart enough… )=
I don’t think that worked…
I saw the comment you sent Brett on another article – now we get to wait to see what he thinks? Waiting is one of my least favorite activities!
That did sound weird 🙂
Hey @mimeforjesus:disqus it’s safe, don’t worry. 🙂
You sure??
Yep. I’m pretty sure Sam isn’t a stalker ;). If I deduce correctly, he has a specific reason in mind.
Or he wondered if I really had his email. @programguy:disqus Which one was it? Or was it another reason entirely?
I don’t have FB either…
I actually started thinking about a prayer tab on the Reb [is abbreviation ok?] within a couple weeks of finding it… a few months ago.
I was thinking a tab to click on (like “blog” or “articles”) that would lead to a list of prayer requests.
I think commenting on the requests could bog the page down…
what about just people can post requests, and there could be a “I’m praying” button people could click (kinda like the “like” button)
Prayer requests could be categorized for normal or urgent…
as far as privacy goes… I don’t see a problem. If u r posting prayer requests for yourself, u can gage that. If the prayer request is for someone else, ask them first, don’t use their name, or change their name + age (I do that often :))
I have no idea how hard it is to edit/add to a website… but this could be great… happily surprised that so many other people had the same idea…
to contact Brett…
unless I miss my mark, isn’t that what the “contact us” button is for!?!?
God is not a silence listener. He is always speaking. The question is:
Do we hear Him?
Hooray! Someone replied instantly to a comment of mine!
I see all these long conversations between people and wonder why I always seem to be on myself…
hahaha… it’s the little things…
So true…
Instead of a Tummy ache making me think of praying
it’s Clouds
I don’t know why but there so Free, Light and always there, that they
remind me of God.
Wow, I never saw that before… You have shown me how little I notice!
I think your abbreviation is correct. And I like your ideas. I was surprised so many people had this idea, too!
But, Joyful joyful, it’s the “contact us” button! What if Alex gets it!? We need a “contact Brett” button! =vD
It’s because we have no lives… Uh, I mean we have free time. 🙂
I have a hunch it would be something joint that they would both be able to check, but Brett would probably be the one to check… If Alex did get it, I think he would be able to tell Brett, seeing that they are brothers and probably have ways to communicate… 🙂
[I wonder if Brett is reading all our comments about him and laughing as we try to figure him out…]
Brothers communicate? First I knew about that! Jk, I have lots of siblings and we all communicate.
Yeah, that would be funny. And we’ll never know!
Hey, can I share an important prayer request? I know you’re talking about starting a prayer group sort of thing, but this really can’t wait…
My aunt’s sister is 31 and in hospice right now with colon cancer. As far as I know at the moment, she hasn’t died yet but is probably in the last day or two of her life. She has NOT accepted Jesus, and seems to have no interest in doing so. Whenever you think of it, please join my family in prayer for her soul. Also that the people with her would be given the right words to say, and that all would feel God’s presence.
Yes! Praying as I type! @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus here’s our prayer group in action before it even starts!
Praying for you, your sister and your family, Ruthie.
How did you see that?!
Anyway if your waiting you can also pray. 😉
But I don’t have it…
YES!!!! We succeeded!
Now we know who to contact when we get it really started. Who wants to join? Anyone?
How do you subscribe?
Yea, we are going to start this prayer group aren’t we…
I’m not sure
Do you have it?
Oh good, what is it?
*removed* 😉
Praying for you guys!
Count me in? 🙂
Still online?
Hey, I asked Christy a question a minute ago and included you in it. Could you please take a look and get back to me? Thanks.
Praying, @ruthie_c:disqus!!!
lol, (hint hint) 😉
Me too!
I have it again!
But actually, my parents don’t want me to email someone I met online 🙁 I guess I’ll have to see the end product — I’d love to do anything I can, but not emailing puts a crimp in communication.
Me too 🙂 But you probably guessed that already.
Yeah I might take that back… #samthestalker 😉
I followed you, and it showed your recent comments 🙂
You can disappear ?! That is creeeeepy – really stalkerish.
If you want to join, ‘like’ my comment. :D!!
You have always been in on this.
I’d love to join in!!!
I’ll be praying for all of you! May God give you all peace. <3<3 Keep us updated if you can!!!
Welcome to the team ;D
Oh I see, random chance. ((ran*dom*)Didn’t see that there)
Hey Ruthie,
I will pray for your aunt’s sister.
Just gave you your 200th like!! Seriously.
not to show my text-message-lingo ignorance…
but what does JK mean?
new kind of smiley face?
I know computers are inanimate objects and are not inherently good or evil, but my usually fast computer is really slow when I am on the Reb… 😉
Yes; Alex and Brett have this amazing ability to communicate, seeing they… um… are twins, and always think the exact same thing?
Praying, Ruthie. 🙂
What’s this prayer group?
Keep me posted as u work through the process…
I would LOVE to be a part of this! 🙂
[just figured out how to like/upvote a comment :)]
Wow. Thought provoking
They were talking about starting some sort of a prayer group for sharing prayer requests, etc. on the Rebelution or somewhere else. Scroll wayy down to see the whole thing. 🙂
I’ll need to remember that for if I ever need to disappear…
Did he answer yet?
Aw, thanks!
Ok then, I think we just decided that it wont be on the Rebelution.
And congratulations!! Now you know how to like my comments! (It’s good for business)
Also, if you hover over someones picture and click ‘Follow’ you can follow them
Where/when did you decide? Over email?
Yea but I don’t know if it’s official yet. 😉
I don’t think he ever does…
If it’s not on the Reb I probably won’t be able to be a part 🙁 And that would be really sad! So if it would work to be on the Reb, it would be really helpful.
Why is that?
My parents are careful what websites I’m on… And I got to be on here because it was put together by the Harris brothers. I doubt they’d let me be on a website by no one they know like that.
I’ll be praying!!!!
You have very caring parents
I’m In!!!
Hey Sam…
I thought you where following me?
Great story
Mine to! I ask my Dad before I try anything new here… or pretty much anywhere else online
haha, yes. I am currently enjoying myself reading profiles 🙂
let me know where the prayer group will be. Even if I can’t comment on a different website, I don’t have to comment to pray 🙂 We’ll see…
I will let you know.
And your right, you don’t have to comment to pray.
I’ll remember that 😉
They might let you if we can get Brett to write about it on the Rebelution or something.
A bit like how he Introduced the book ‘Counted Worthy’ by Leah Good
We’ll see what happens, but we can still post prayer requests on the Rebelution anyway.
#3cheersforcaringparents !!!
So do we sister. 😉
Of course you are, your my sister!!
Have you guys heard of a phone app called Instapray? It’s pretty much one giant prayer group across the world. Random topic switch, I know, but I was just reminded of it by your ideas. 😛 You should try it out sometime!!! http://www.instapray.com
@disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus Have you guys heard of a phone app called Instapray? It’s pretty much one giant prayer group across the world. Random topic switch, I know, but I was just reminded of it by your ideas. 😛 You should try it out sometime!!! http://www.instapray.com
Well, that was weird. It posted again saying I’m a guest! #firstworldproblems
Sounds cool 🙂
Oh boy… I’ll just take your word for it. I don’t have the time to poke around on the internet; busy prepping for a move. Someone keep me updated?
She shows up as Guest on the website, but in the email it was @disqus_LfmccAZ3Zg:disqus Weird…
Totally in!
@trent_blake:disqus @madeleine_grace:disqus @thewriterchick:disqus what about you? Don’t have to, of course, just hadn’t seen you in this discussion yet, and thought you guys might like to be a part. 🙂 (Someone who knows how can tag others, too.)
A lot have people have been sharing prayer requests lately, and I’m going to be needing a bit of prayer these next couple of weeks. I go to a public high school and am taking biology a year early. On Wednesday, we are starting the evolution unit. Please pray that I would stay strong through it and be a (loving) witness to those around me. Thank you!!
Hey Sam, I would talk to Liam S. about apologetics. Pick his brain and write down the recourses as much as possible.
I also recommend getting the textbook “Exploring Creation with Biology”. And read module 9. It refutes evolution with a passion and sure, hard evidence! Please actually consider this. I know it is tough to actually do it, but I promise you, if you do this, you will not have nearly as big problem in this evolution class.
It is imperative that you know what you believe and why you believe it BEFORE you take this part of the class.
Also, I recommend you watch the movie God’s Not Dead. Though some strong Christians disagree with some of what is said, the idea is EXACTLY what is important to keep in mind. I, personally, have no problem with it.
God bless you,
– Trent
That’s a good idea — maybe that would work. Thanks for the thought!
Ok, I’ll be sure to get a conversation going with Liam about it, I just downloaded an audio version of the textbook (hard copy wouldn’t be here in time), and I have seen and enjoyed God’s Not Dead!
Last year, I was at a parochial school and was taught some good stuff about evolution (especially theistic evolution) vs. creation. I’ve also been spending a bit of time on Answers in Genesis, preparing and cementing my beliefs. 🙂 Thanks!
Hey Sam, I’ll be praying for you!
Awesome sis! Just keep in mind, “There is a time to speak and a time to keep quiet.” Don’t compromise if you’re asker to. But don’t be disrespectful either if you can help it.
Whew, knowing when to keep quiet is the hard part. It’d be so much easier if we just stuck with the first half of your quote, wouldn’t it?
That’s probably going to be my biggest struggle, honestly. Learning and knowing when to be quiet and not starting a huge debate is going to be crucial! 🙂
Yes mam. However, I suggest you think of it like this: do you want the other students to view Christ as the rude interrupter or the one who calmly replies with truth and evidence when teased about her faith?
Ouch, that hurts… I’m more likely to represent Him as the rude interrupter.
So, question for anyone stopping by, not just Trent (but I want your answer, too!) 🙂
When is a good time to be the interrupter?
When the professor/teacher asked for an opinion or you hear a verbal (or SUPER CLEAR) voice from God saying to do it. Never interrupt. Stay calm and kill them with kindness. Take the high road.
So, what if you hear friends talking rudely about someone? I tend to take the side of the underdog, and I don’t know if it’s God telling me to ask/tell them to stop talking like that, or if it’s me. If I had “clearance,” I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don’t know if that’s sufficient reason. I’ve never heard a verbal voice, I don’t think God communicates with me that obviously (or I have no idea how to hear Him).
I would sat stick up for them, but lovingly. I struggle with having the words to say in situations like that.
I don’t believe has never spoken verbally to me either. I was trying to make a point: unless God says differently, we need to be respectful.
Ach! My problem is having too many words to say! Seriously, once my friend was getting bugged by this one guy, and finally I snapped; I turned around, and basically told him to beat it – full bossy tone, clean-but-forceful words, the works. Not surprisingly, he left my friend alone (and now gives me a wide berth). Now, in that case I firmly believe that he deserved no more respect than he got, but now I live in mortal fear of doing something like that again, over something less important.
That’s awesome 🙂 but I can definately see where it would cause issues over smaller things
Yeah, I’ll tell you, it felt great to see him recoil like he did, especially after all of the trouble he’d caused me and my friend.
Great! My best friend is studying evolution as well in the public school. Fortunately,she’s had numerous opportunities to correct the teacher, who was surprisingly enough, (after some persuasion) open to her logic. The book “When Science Fails” has been a great help to me as well. Pretty basic but good. May God be with you, and be bold for Christ. There’s a lot of good you can do in this situation. I pray that doors would open for you. It’s not unlikely that you may have an opportunity to witness as well. 🙂 Praying for you!
Oh, I hope your move goes well! Those are always messy. 🙁
Thank you! This one is especially messy. 🙁
🙁 I’m sorry!
I’ll pray!
Thanks! I appreciate that 🙂 My teacher is fairly easy-going, but not a believer. I’m hoping and praying that she will be open to creation, or at least respectful of the differences. Even if I may not be able to witness to her, other classmates may be open to creation.
Thank you! 🙂 God bless!
I second the “Exploring Creation with Biology” idea. I have it, and it has some excellent, strong points against evolution. Really, they’re throughout the book, but module 9 focuses on evolution.
I mentioned it on your blog, but I’m praying for you!
I hope it does!
Great!! I’ll keep you informed.
No updates yet that I’ve heard. I don’t think the doctors were expecting her to live this long. Still praying!
Really? It’s showing up for me as guest. The internet is weird sometimes! XD
You’re welcome! And that’s good. It seems like I haven’t met many strongly opinionated evolutionists, they just believe the only option they’ve ever been taught. Can’t really blame them. And exactly! I’m excited for you. There’s no greater joy that we can attain as humans than that of witnessing and disciplining. God bless. 🙂
No I haven’t hear of it, but it sounds cool! I’ll check it out. 🙂
Lol. Tell me about it…
Long, boring, and interesting. Hey, sometimes you just need to vent, you know?
Hey @samwegner:disqus, I’ll be praying for you!
I actually have a prayer request to. I have a friend at my church who knows the gospel,but she doesn’t want to live it at school. At school her actions make it clear to me that she doesn’t want to talk about the gospel, or Christ. Please pray that I will stay strong enough to talk about Christ and his word.
Okay guys, we have an update.
We need names for the prayer group.
Give us your ideas on names!!
@mimeforjesus:disqus @samwegner:disqus @ruthie_c:disqus @joyfuljoyful:disqus @trent_blake:disqus @Renee1011:disqus @disqus_LfmccAZ3Zg:disqus @programguy:disqus @sarahp_413:disqus @disqus_LzTgmwudVU:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus @Kittenese:disqus @thewriterchick:disqus @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus and @everyone else
Thanks! I’ll be praying for both of you!!
Like group names??
I wasn’t on the Reb until now, or I would have answered already.
And @everyone else… I find that funny. Anyhow, I don’t have any great ideas yet, but I’ll think about it 🙂
Keep me posted!
Sweet!!! =D I’ll think about it….
Always praying sis!
I think it sounds like an awesome Idea! Keep me posted!
Praying for both of you!
Okay, after much brainstorming, I have a suggestion…What about “Revive”? As in a sense that we revive each other through prayer and encouragement, and we are revived as God answers our prayers…?
“The Lord heard Elisha’s prayer, and the life of the child returned, and he revived!” (1 Kings 17:22)
“Your promise revives me: it comforts me in all my troubles.” (Psalm 119:25)
“Revive us so we can call on your name…” (Psalm 80:19)
Thank you.
Thank you!
Do you?? Yay!! I was just using Bible Gateway… there are so many amazing verses in the Bible that contain the word “revive”. I feel so revived just reading them!
Sorry that it’s after the fact but I will pray for your future bio classes:) How did it go?
Yup! 🙂
I love it!! 🙂
Actually, they switched some units around now, so we started something else and I don’t know when we will be doing evolution, but that just gives me more time to prepare 🙂
Like the idea!!
Thanks for putting so much time into this Dominic!! It’s really appreciated:P
Whoa what have I been missing? Are you guys forming a prayer group (duh)? Where? How? Can I join? Will these annoying questions of mine ever end? Sorry I would look through the comments but there are 293 (make that 294)
Hey Dominic what kind of name do you think would describe the prayer group? if that question makes sense! 🙂
I like it!
oh and Dominic i would love to help any way i can in getting the sight up and running so if you need any help or anything i’ll help just give me a ring! 😀
Awesomeness! 😉
A ring? okay…
P.S. Who is in your picture?
I’m not sure but we have got two names that we are deciding on.
Redeemed and Revive.
What do you think?
Well you sorted that one out pretty much. 😉
Thanks Eva, but remember.
It’s not just me, @programguy:disqus Is doing most of it.
We have to names to decide on.
Revive and Redeemed
What do you think?
Will do 😀
That’s just my personality, I’ll keep you posted. 😉
Heaps on sense
Oh, I forgot about him (or her)
And how do you tag people?
I tagged you and it said @ programguy
Why is that?
Great idea!!
How do u pick a user name???
Here we go…
New Update.
Please vote for the prayer group name.
1. Revive
2. Redeemed
Sam I like yours too!!!
Yeah, thank you too, @programguy:disqus! And everyone else who has helped:)
Hmm….I think I like revive the best, but both are good
Thank you!!! I can’t wait to see where God will take this dream!!
I love both of them! Revive makes a little more sense for a prayer group, though.
What kind of ring??
I like Revive myself 🙂
Or even Revived!
Revive is my favorite 🙂
It shows my username as MimeforJesus… that’s also how I log in. Is that right?
Whaaaat?! Onions are delicious! Especially – onion.rings.
Thanks, I didn’t know…
what do you mean? the two boys stranding beside me? those are my brothers and the girl is me! 😀
God Bless!
I actually like Redeemed better but i like both of them. Maybe we could call it Redeemed and Revived or something. who originally came up with the idea of a prayer group?
Revive 🙂
before I came to the Rebelution, @mimeforjesus tried to start one.
It didn’t work, but then I suggested the idea when I joined and here we are.
So I guess you have to answers, @mimeforjesus and @Dominic
Are those all of your siblings?
That’s what I was thinking… o_o
Even newer update.
The name for the prayer group is going to be Revive.
I will keep you all updated on Revive.
P.S. Does this count as a hard thing?
Absolutley!! I think it’s amazing how you had this idea (I think it was you?), but you didn’t just leave it at the idea stage – you and @programguy:disqus are making it happen! I’m so excited to see what the end result will be :).
There you go again, helping all of us poor, Disqus-challenged people. What would we do without you? 😉
Then this is probably my first really Christian Hard Thing.
Anyone doing DHTU?
I didn’t try to start one, actually — I just thought that with all the prayer requests on here, it would be a good idea 🙂
I think we’d cry in frustration!
Yes, ’tis a Hard Thing 🙂
Do Hard Things U? What’s the U for?
Do Hard Things University. I just figured that out myself. I think sign ups ended like two days ago. It was like an online course Brett set up.
Hey @Dominic! Most people won’t know about DHTU yet because I only shared it with a really small group as part of a pilot program. But if people are interested in being notified when enrollment opens again, they can sign up here:
I was hoping for Revive but didn’t have time to come on here and vote just yet. 🙂 Yes this is a hard thing!
I would use ‘ring’ the same as I would use ‘yell.’ I’d say ‘give me a yell if you need a hand,’ or substitute ‘ring’ for ‘yell,’ or say something like ‘shoot me a line if you need a hand.’ I think she just means let her know. 🙂
1) Totally a hard thing!
2) Where where are we going to have Revive again? I heard not on here…
That’s what I mean. Your idea originally.
How do you get the letters on italics?
We have a .org site that we are setting up.
I know that.
It was just the way she said it. 😀
I am but 3:30 pm Saturday for you is Sunday 9:30 am for me which means I miss out because I’m at church. 🙁
Can Dominic tell us what’s going to happen tomorrow? If he’s already there…
Where do you live?!
What is Do Hard Things University?
Thanks, I already signed up for the updates; I was wondering what I was signing up for updates on! What IS it?
Yes i only have two brothers who are both older than me and who are both in college!! 😀
hahaha i’m glad ya’ll thought of it!! it’s a great idea. it’s odd no one has thought of it before 😀
just curious but why do you ask?
hahaha Sam nothing is to hard for us, nothing is impossible!! WE can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us!! never say it’s to hard or i can’t do, cause Sam it’s not and we can totally do it we can do all things!!! Hey and don’t forget your a rebelutionary, this is who we are!!! 😀
Sam and @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus, there’s no pressure! Don’t feel like we’re all waiting on you to make it happen. If you need any help, just ask. Prayin’!
Praying for you and the site 🙂 Time is the most valuable commodity we have, it’s no surprise you don’t have much to spare.
Sounds cool 🙂
I see…
Do paragraphs work?
Or colours?
New Zealand 😀
I know right, I see everything before you do
Yes, I can see the future. And I have Christmas and Easter and everything first.
Can you help me?
I am missing out on DHTU because of where I live.
What can I do about that?
I think you summed it up pretty well, Is there a deadline?
Did you see Sam S’s comment?
If you didn’t, he said…
I keep trying to reply to your comment, but it keeps disappearing. So I’ll just reply here and hope you see it.
Revive will be a prayer group of rebelutionaries who meet on another site to share prayer requests. I’m supposed to be setting up the site, but I haven’t been very good at making time to do that. Pray for me! 😉 Please pray that God would use this group and that it would be honoring to Him.
Did I miss anything?
I don’t know…
Just wondering.
That would be pretty cool 🙂
Lucky you — are you into LOTR? (Cause it was filmed there…) Missing DHTU is a real bummer, though.
Thanks! I did see it, but could not reply or see my original post due to spam filters. Brett just let me through 🙂
I think my reply to Sam S. just came through! (above)
🙂 what you mean?
Your Mos Welcome! 😀
🙂 ok i was just wondering as well, it seemed like a random question. bu ti can see how why you would ask me, a girl posing with two guys that’s odd 😀 unless their your brothers 😀
@disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @programguy:disqus
@Dominic @Sam S.
I have 5-6 WP themes and I would be happy to give you one if you need them for the site. Just let me know either way.
Cool! That looks like it will be perfect! I love open source programs, and web solutions, like Magento (for eCommerce).
Keep it up, and don’t hesitate to ask for help!
How about Reviving the Redeemed?
Wow, 406 comments and counting!
Hey Ethan that’s really good!!! i like that a lot!! and it incorporates both names perfectly 😀 i like it!!
Just testing… 😀
Or cousins. 😀
Haha if you think that’s a lot check out “What do you like about these discussions?” There’s over a thousand on that one. 😛
Ooooh, @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @programguy:disqus Is it too late to change the name? I love this one, and it combines the two names!
Thanks! It just happened to cross my mind. 🙂
That shows you how much I know! Or don’t know…
On a side note, I really like your short bio on your user info page on Disqus!
My Cousins live in Columbus and in Carolton, GA. How close is that to you? (or far!)
Not sure whether to act nice-older-sibling/Down-Under-comrade or teasing-older-sibling/typical-Down-Under-rivral here…. I’m Aussie, man. 😛
Your welcome 😀
Your Welcome!!! 🙂
Yeah that’s true 🙂
how many siblings do you have?
Thanks! Hmm I haven’t heard of Carolton but Columbus is a couple of hours away. :-/
And on my own side note it just started to snow here (*cue happy dance*), which like NEVER happens in GA. 😛
Quite honestly, I am sick of the snow! We have had it for a week here in SW Missouri, and it makes it quite hard to get up your 1/2 mile long driveway!
And the second one is a 4WD stuck and slid of the road.
I think we have 9 inches now, and it is falling again (wintery mix)!
How much did you get?
I think Carolton is an hour N of Atlanta. 🙂
You don’t know what you have until it’s gone! I used to live in Michigan, where we had snow all winter, and I didn’t really appreciate it. Now I’m where I don’t get snow, and I wish we had it! You’re making me homesick 🙂 Especially the car – we ahd friends who had a car like taht!
Well I would take a picture too but our snow from yesterday is already gone. 😛 I guess about a half-inch maybe? Maybe we could trade. 😉
I’ll trade with you! We have at least a foot of snow and the temp a couple mornings ago was -19F…
-19!!! Wow…in Georgia it’s absurdly cold at positive 19. 😛
I feel ya!! We just got over a foot of snow, and yeah it was close to -20 like two days ago!!! The fun of being a northerner. 🙂 @disqus_joshanderson:disqus I’d take GA weather anytime!
I would LOVE to trade! Swimming in December in the lake, shorts and short sleeves to family’s house on Christmas Day, etc for slipping and sliding up and down an ice coated driveway, week long power outages, and more. 🙂
But not as bad as @steelersfan08:disqus and his weather. I’m not complaining; I have a lot to be thankful for! People in Missouri usually don’t evaporate when they step outside the front door in August!
We live in the North of the South, so we get some of both. I think our coldest this year was around -5, with a windchill.
Have you ever had a power outage due to the weather?
That’s great… Bringing back memories…
That’s funny about the car! It looked worse in real life than in the picture. Several flipped off the highway near us.
Same here. Thursday the wind-chill was -31 degrees!
What part of GA? Have you gotten any snow yet? It flurried over here but nothing more.
haha right now we have at least a foot of snow too and more is piling on thick. I don’t know how cold it is, but not quite that cold.
Drivers who don’t now how to drive in the snow, or you have a really bad spot near you?
I used to live in between two steep hills. The people who didn’t know how to drive in the snow would slow down before they hit the hill going up…
Yeah but it was a thunderstorm not snow.
North Georgia, hbu? Yeah we had a “heavy flurry” but it stuck for a while, just enough to make driving hard.
lol, you had more than we did – we had a few but we could barely see them…We’re in West GA.
Really bad, silky slick snow, and a ton of it.
Hehehe, I got the snow you got flurries from 🙂 Probably two inches, on top of what we had from a few days ago. The most snow we’ve had while I lived here 🙂 Aren’t you jealous, @ilovetolaugh:disqus and @disqus_joshanderson:disqus?
Josh A, I know your last name. Muahahahahahaha!
Nope, tag him; you’ll see what I mean. Look at his username 🙂
Lol! 😀
Funny! josh Ander**n!
Do you know mine? You can find out from a post…
Haha, not really… 🙂 I wouldn’t mind snow but it’s relatively warm here today so i’m not complaining!! 😀
This is a wonderful post. Thank you for writing it, Jaquelle. 🙂 I think that I have this problem of not praying as well. I sometimes forget how precious the gift of prayer is. I get to talk to the king of kings any time that I want! That is a huge honor in itself. But I do forget how truly amazing it is and how I have been abusing my prayer life. Thank you for the reminder of how special prayer is. A quote that I believe fits this very well is “Prayer is the ultimate act of humility; proud people don’t pray.” Pastor Jim Cymbala.
Wow, you’re suspicious! And I didn’t know you could do that…
No, I don’t, but crazy question: is it Hart, by any chance?
Ohhh does that pop up when you tag me….oops. 😉 That’s OK it’s a really common name, I’ve been introduced to another Josh A______ Let me test…..@disqus_joshanderson:disqus
Yikes it does that’s all right no one else will ever know hehehe.
Gosh y’all are like secret agents or something. 😛 and nooooo 🙂
Now…@disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus #noonewilleverknow
No. 🙂
I’ve run into other people with my first name, but no one with my last name too 🙂
Do I detect – *ahem* – stalkerish activity, @programguy:disqus?? 🙂
Oh floodles, my cover’s been blown!
Yeah, you’re kinda creepy at times…
Did you really have to ask?
It got up to 40 today here – and we still have snow on the ground!
Nope! Not even close. It is very easy, really. It is is a link in one of my posts. A top secret agent like you should have this covered!!!
Maybe you can find it out! See above.
Floodles???? 🙂
You should of seen our roads! Last Saturday was an exercise in driving while slipping around and not trying to get in a wreck at the same time 🙁
Here, it’s rained at 20 degrees, and as soon as it hit the ground it froze (the roads were horrible!) 🙂
Okay, I just wondered because I knew an Ethan Hart, and we kinda moved to different states three years ago. It would have been weird but great to find him on here 🙂
Hmmm, I don’t know what it is… I’ll see if I can figure it out later, when I have more time.
Yes, usernames are giveaways, but you know stuff about people (like me!) that no one else knows. e.g. you know my real first name, if you think about it. Don’t become a stalker, though – you’d be way too good at it!
You’re not creepy, you’d just be really good at being creepy 🙂
It’s a Blimey-Cow-ism. In training, we were told that secret agents posing as homeschooled Rebelutionary teens had to know that channel. This one is from their video on Bad Words, or it’s from the one on modern music (I think).
Somehow it feels wrong to upvote that…
Yes, I give you that. So I guess you’re innocent in that one area…
🙂 Wow, that was a great off-the-top-of-your-head reference. But then, that applies to all of us. Youch.
Five, one brother and four sisters. I’m the oldest. 😀
Aus… oh. Then let me tell you that New Zealand is a leader in lots of sports. Let the games begin…
Bring it on! 😛
Most people I know don’t use Scripture references in their arguments… You made my day!
Good work! You can report that to your superiors in the NSA! You might even get a promotion!
Lets see if @mimeforjesus:disqus can do as well. 🙂
Yep. They read every email and text message, and listen to every phone call. Just make sure you say things that you want them to hear!
Trust me!
I figured it out! Mwahahaha 🙂
How many “Rebelutionaries” are there that really work for the NSA? Or maybe a different spy organization?
Just kidding!
Take a listen to some of these! They are hilarious, and have to do with prayer! (1min ea)
Thanks! It’s one of my all-time favorite songs (and movies)! 🙂
Jesus Loves Me is also a great one by Chris Tomlin… Not David Crowder, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8gKXu6J2wE
I love that song! Are you familiar with Hillsong Young & Free?
I have, but I am not to familiar. What are your song recommendations???
“Alive” is really good 🙂 (sorry to totally butt in on this conversation :p)
Go ahead! That is an AWESOME song!!
Me too! Thanks for the suggestion!
This is another favorite! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai9QSPjeZJQ&safe=active
Have any of y’all heard the Britt Nicole/ Owl City song, “You’re Not Alone” ? It’s pretty sweet 🙂
another good group,if you like rock, is pillar. great christian band!
Yup. It’s really good! 🙂
I agree with Haylie… Alive, Wake, and Sinking Deep are a few of my favorites. Pursue on their new album is pretty good too.
Hey! How’d the move go? What kind of place do you live in now?(country,city,podunk etc.) And yes quite random but I’ve been wanting to ask you.
Movie??? How do I find it?
I’m one of them! Okay, not really. But I will be looking into your name; haven’t had time for the past couple of days, but I will discover your secret 🙂
The background picture is taken from The Passion. As far as I know, there isn’t a How He Love Us movie yet…
I think they use it in both.
Have you heard their new Christmas single Noel?
lol I do that all the time… hopefully I’m not too annoying…
lol, I know right?
I looked it up 🙂
Have you heard Mandisa’s song “Born for This”? It’s based off of the story of Esther; it’s not very popular, but it should be. One of my favorites!
OH WOW!!!! 😀 i sure your glad your the oldest 😀 how old are you?? and were do you live?? i’m sure you’ve told me before but i forget. I’m always curious were people from the rebelution live 🙂
God Bless,
I think i have heard it once or twice… I love the story of Esther 🙂
I’m 15 since 6 Feb. And I live in New Zealand.
Lots of the comments aren’t even related to the article.
Happy belated birthday!
I saw the album when it came out on Spotify but never had a chance to hear it 🙂
I’ll have to look them up!!! Thanks!
YES! I was almost shocked the first time I heard it… Listen to it with good quality speakers. 🙂
I don’t know why the album is not popular. It is called Music Inspired by The Story.
That’s a good guess! That would be cool.
so your a freshmen in high school? oh nice that’s cool!!
Question does it ever get cold in New Zealand?
What is that supposed to mean Samwise?!?!?!? 😀 lol
That’s cool! You and I are almost the same age!
Thats right!
Hey, do either you or @programguy:disqus have an update on how Revive is coming along so far?
You have already done way more than I could ever do or know how to do, so don’t get discouraged! Yeah, I have no idea what Yii framework even is, so I can’t help you there 🙂
I saw in an earlier comment that you asked for people to pray. I’ll be praying that you don’t get too overwhelmed with all this. Thanks for putting the time and effort you have put into this, it means a lot!
I have no idea what a Yii Framework is either but there are heaps of video tutorials on Youtube.
Anything you need me to do?
Your 15?
Great! That is exiting!
Keep it up!
What part will the Yii framework be used for? It is for web apps, so is this part of HumHum? Sorry i’m not much help!
Yep. Jan 21, 2000!
We have a couple of websites (3) on an unlimited paid bluehost account, that we may be able to use if you are interested. If you want, email me at a temporary email address: http://shilohhillssoaps.com/temp and I can give you some more details. Let me know either way!
Wow that’s good. I can’t wait to see your handywork. 😉
Thanks for the help!!
Wow a Millennium guy!!
Anything to keep you from reporting me to my superiors at the top-secret organization 😛
You’re a year and a couple of days different from my b-day!
Well, I don’t mind you knowing – here’s a hint. Nathan Tasker would know, too 🙂
lol 🙂 The secret organization Ethan H thought we were part of, but it’s a secret so I suppose we can’t talk about it. But wait — we’re talking about it on a public forum… Well, my cover’s been blown again.
No… you, @nathantasker:disqus and i were talking about my name… can’t tell you more 🙂
What stalker?
Is this for us others to look at, or just Dominic?
Yep. It wouldn’t have been as funny if it was against someone else…
Everyone. Pray for my dad. He’s. Sick not sure wats up. Thanks?
Tell me…do I know it?? 🙂 I did have a dream that I met you…WEIRD.
Me too! Do you know what is wrong? The flu? Worse?
Sure! You can email me as well, and we can do a group email if you want. Use the above link. 🙂
Man, you need some work! Obviously, you forgot everything about online posting that you learned in Langley, Virginia while you were there!
Praying! Keep us filled in. 🙂
Will be praying for him through out the day. Hope he gets better.
Neat! Older or younger?
Yep! Human Millennium Edition. Human ME for short!!!
Praying!! Hey, how did your move go?
Praying <3
I’m praying!
Praying!! 🙂
Do you think we need to up our security budget to ward off @mimeforjesus:disqus and the malicious attacks?
We might have to do that unless she proves otherwise. 🙂
PS I just sent you an email.
I, young man, am fully sixteen years of age 😛
Hey @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus, @samwegner:disqus, @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus, @alliehaylie:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus, @nathanaelbarker:disqus, @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus, @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus, @programguy:disqus – my dad’s doing much better 🙂 Looks like it was just a hard-hitting flu, but he passed out (never happened before) and then I freaked out. Thank you for the support! 😀
My move is still up in the air. If I end up moving, I might find out definitively this next week.
Good to hear…I’m glad it was nothing horribly serious! : )
Great! Glad he’s better! 🙂
Oh no, actually my non-adult friends (who I really like being around and whose company I seek out) are younger than me, with only one exception. Just curious, Sam – how old are you? I know you’re a *whispered so people don’t hear* sophomore, now I want to know if you’re older or younger than me 🙂
Never been in Langley, Virginia… You’re obviously not well-connected 🙂 If you were, you’d know that 😛
No, I don’t think so. You met me? What was my name, and what did I look like? If your guess is too similar to reality, this could get really weird!
Maybe you work for the NSA. Langley is CIA headquarters. 😀
Maybe I am well connected!
Yes mother! I will show all due respect to someone like you!!!
Oh, I wont! I’ve got something in store for her!!!
Send me her IP…
Haha 🙂 Sonny, isn’t it time for you to be in bed? I’m very strict about bedtimes.
I’ll humor you, though you sound like you should know it already 😉 I’m January 19999.
All right, already! It’s Laura.
Okay… that makes sense. And I don’t work for the CIA – the CIA and my branch compete for funds so we don’t like each other. (It’s fun to make up stories!)
Hold on… what do you have in store for me???
Oops! Well, I must be really strict!
Really? That’s another example of you’d be a great stalker. (Is that an oxymoron?)
Do you live in Kalamazoo or Caledonia???
Yes. 8:00? Yours must be soon!!!!
Did they make a mistake when they hired you??? I might need to get you fired!
No Revive for you!!!!
Just kidding! 🙂
Ahh… you work for the DHS?
I knew it!
Yes, it is. 🙂
Well, it’s what my family and friends call me…
I think so… it’s what my friends and family call me 🙂
I know those names. Can you tell me where you do live? (If it’s Alto I’ll be so surprised!)
By how much? I get to be the rude little sister now 😛
Kinda… now it’s my normal bedtime but it’s a weekend so I get to sleep ins ome.
Oh that’s great. Thanks for letting us know! Yay!
Alright. I’ll be praying. I don’t remember if you told me before…where will you (maybe) be moving to?
=D =D I know @mimeforjesus:disqus’s name!!!!
Okay. I don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. Therefore this information is completely humorus and I do not give any credit to it as far as reality.
You had blonde hair, glasses, your name was Deirdre, and you played basketball. I’m Pretty sure my imagination made all that up.
Ahh, so you live in Caledonia?
Hmmm, are you okay if we guess it or should we stop?
Well, neither do I. I have a younger sister who’s nice, though. I’ll be like her 🙂
If you don’t mind telling me, what month are you? If you don’t want to tell everyone and their brother, that’s all right. I’m just curious 🙂
Yes, you do. I didn’t know it was so important to everyone!
My name is enough to make you do the happy dance? #Samthestalker?
Be careful, @programguy:disqus ! she is trying to worm information out of you!!!!!
The “I’m just curious” gives it right away!!
Not really…
Just wait until I start in on you! Muahahaha!
I’m letting you find it 🙂 I can remove it at any time!
Nor can I…
No, I don’t think we’ve ever met. It would be fun if we did met sometime, though 🙂
Okay, that’s just about the opposite of me. I wondered what I was like!
In real life, I have brown hair, no glasses, and basketball is one of the sports I’m worst at. (Coming from me, that means I’m really bad at it!)
Well, it’s still up in the air. I haven’t moved yet; we’re still waiting for some pieces to fall into place so that we know if we’re moving or not. My dad says we might know this next week. I hope so! Not knowing where I’ll be next Fall isn’t easy to make plans around.
We’re moving to the Midwest – about two hours away from Ottawa, actually. (That’s why I was wondering when you were talking to Nathan Tasker about PA…)
Okay, that would have been a cool movie 🙂
I love that whole album 🙂 Especially “I Am” and “Good” and… well, all of the songs 😉
Well, your questions have been answered, haven’t they?
Nooo! If there’s a stalker on here I have to leave…
Yes, but I won’t try, in deference to your wishes 🙂
In all honesty, I don’t know much about computers — except that I don’t know much about them.
Yes, that is totally necessary.
You would ban me? I never did anything to you… yet.
Sure… why not? DHS sounds good to me 🙂
The Midwest. It’s a culture I’m more used to, but I like where I am.
*hint, hint*? I don’t know many of the names for that part of MI, I’m from the Traverse City area. I only know the three names you said because my brother, sister, and their families live in that area.
I know that… I meant, wait until I start worming information out of you!
So Ima HME?
And I’m a HPME (Human Pre-Millennium Edition).
No I homeschool, and yes it does get cold in NZ, but I am living higher up in the North Island so its not so cold here.
Alpha Version 😉
Wait, are you moving out of the house or your family moving?
Anywhere near Indy??
It’s a whole-family move. I’m 16 – moving out on my own is a scary notion.
No… I used to live in KY, though. I’m going to be further northwest than than… I think. My geography’s terrible! I know I’ll be further West, not so sure about North.
How so? I’m brain-dead right now..l;
Wisconsin area, maybe? 🙂
Hey guys, I just found out a friend of mine friend lost her dad this morning. It was totally unexpected. Could you pray for their family in this heart-breaking time? (Her name is Elise)
Definitely 🙂
No… Wait a minute, what town are you in? I have many friends who are from there/live there.
Whew! Yes, I’ll be praying for Elise and her family.
I’m in the Green Bay area
Cool 🙂 Do you know the town Westby, by any chance?
Not really, it’s on the other side of the state 🙂
It all depends on your vantage point. More West than North if North is north of KY? Or more North than West if West is west of Indy?? Jk 😉
The department of homeland security is about to run out of money. That’s who you work for!
Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m praying.
I was just asking because I didn’t know how old you were.
I’m 15 so I understand. 😉
Or more South then North if North is South of East.
IDK, all I know is that I’m beta then you. 😉
I’m praying for Elise’s family!
No, I don’t think so… is it near Ann Arbor? I was seven when we moved away from TC, so if it’s near there I probably know it as “that camp we always drove by on the way to church” or something like that 🙂
So it’s got a special place in your heart, does it?
Aw, I didn’t want to have to look for new employment…
I wonder if there are actually teens who work for DHS! That’d be funny, if they were watching this conversation 🙂
I know what you mean…
Sorry to have to ask this, but would you mind editing my name out? I’d rather just have you folks know, not anyone who comes across this page five years in the future. Kinda like your email address (which I still know, by the way!)
Hastings? Otsego? Plainwell? Middleville?
And… you’re praying for me?
Let me guess… Holland, MI?
Am I right??
If you’re right, I’m gonna feel so silly… my brother and sister-in-law lived there for two or three years, but I didn’t think of that town.
I’ve been praying for her. So tragic. I can’t even imagine that.
Same here. I can’t imagine losing my dad…
You’re next!!! Muhahahaha!!!
Uh-oh, I should have kept my mouth shut.
I know… I’ve lost people I love, but losing a parent is something I can’t even being to fathom
Yes. Me too.
Am I close? I have to be…
Yes I am. Just wait ’till I start on @mimeforjesus:disqus !
So…That means that you violated it when you posted your email address?!?!?
Okay, gotcha. And yeah totally understand that! And yes! Understandable. 🙂 Okay. It’s like this: Grew up in Northern, PA in Uniondale, lived there until I was 9, then moved to Penns Creek, PA and resided there until 2013. In 2013 I decided it would be best for me spiritually and academically to go to Ottawa, KS to live with my sister and brother-in-law. But most of my family is still in Penns Creek and that’s where I call home and spend the summer and Christmas break until I graduate out of high-school.
Praying for her!
Glad he’s better.
Hey guys, I need some advice. I made a post about a friend. Well this same friend was walking home with me one day and she said that she had a problem. She wouldn’t tell me what the problem was, but she said that every person she told the problem to, they would always say the same thing. Pray. Then she said I am praying but its not working. How should I reaspond to that?
We are working on getting the bugs worked out and modifying some thing to fit our needs. Be sure to thank @Sam S.; he is working hard on it!
Hmmm…maybe pray yourself and ask God to help you tell your friend the right things. Without knowing her problem there’s really not much else you can do…anyone got anything better?
Hey Sam random question have you ever had a comment say “Hold, on this is waiting to be approved by the Rebelution”? If so, do you know how to fix it?
Hey ignore my next few posts please I’ve narrowed the “naughty” word down to one of 5 I’m testing to see which one it is…
And thanks btw 🙂
Bazillion. (this feels weird posting random words)
AHAHAHAHAHA I figured out the word its he*l which I guess can be used as a curse word…thanks a lot!
Yep! H*ll (replace that with an e) is one of them.
Hey, you’re a pleasure to work with! Always polite and patient. 😀
Yes. Thanks Brett!
So why were you using that word…?
I had a comment like that too; now I figured out why 🙂
Thank you both! @programguy:disqus @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus
I dunno, but I’ll be praying for the two of you 🙂
Yeah, you guys are de bomb!
I was talking about heaven and h*ll on the latest discussion question. Don’t worry, I wasn’t cursing, I promise. 🙂
Aghh!! I missed it!! How could I have missed it?!
I’m just a nice person!
*whisper* Yeah! That was part of the trap. We have to fake them again!
Sure! Don’t know about Sam, but I’m having fun!
Yes! Sam takes two steps forward, and I take one back. 🙂
Bahaha! you guys are busted 😉
Well, you can’t really say anything to her if she’s not willing to listen, which I don’t know if that’s the case. Otherwise, all you can really do is continue to love her and build her up. I know she probably knows this, but our prayers always “work” if we ask with right motives. Sometimes it takes awhile, and I know from experience, but God will answer. I’ll be praying too!
I’m *removed*. Now, because you should be getting an email because I’m replying to you, I”ll edit it out right away.
actually it’s 742 now:)
What is Revive? Can I join?
No problem, I believe it is our duty as Christians to help pray over someone. Glad he getting better!
Revive is going to be a website that you can share your prayer requests on for other people to pray for. It is still in the making. Is this accurate, @programguy:disqus ?
Yep! Or 747…
Sweet! sounds like a great idea. Keep me updated!
Or 750…
Thanks @Sam S, and @Ethan H.
Thanks @programguy:disqus, @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus, @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus and @everyoneelsewhohelped too! Can’t wait for the site to be up and running!
Whoa! Mind=blown! I Never thought of you having a real name. XD
Yay! I’m excited. 🙂 Thanks everyone!
Hello, *removed*, I’m Josh! Are you new here? 😉 😉 😉
Oh yeah. So I realized this a few days ago…that’s actually the description of a book character I read about a few months ago, but her name is Desiree (which is actually kinda kinda close to Deirdre). So…yeah, it’s all made up. Lol.
Literally laughing out loud over here…
I’m no newer than you 🙂
Are you asking what it was? I just remove it after I say it because while I don’t mind people in on the discussion knowing, I don’t want any random person (stalker perhaps?) seeing my name months or years later, ya know?
Naw I caught it. 😉 It’s funny though, I had a next door neighbor with that name who was about my age that moved to Texas when I was like 2. 😛 #whatarethechancesitwasyou
No, it wasn’t me; I never moved to Texas. It would be really cool-but-weird if I met one of my childhood friends on here, though…
Would you believe it took me two days to get what you said?!
Am I supposed to understand this, @Rhanx97:disqus and @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus?
Wow, that means a lot to me. Thank you!
BTW, I’ve still been praying for you about something (at church, I think?) where you’d done one step but you still needed to do step two. You know what I’m talking about? You talked about it on a DQ a couple months ago… Anyway, how’s it going?
Near Interlochen?
Hehe, you sound like me. Someone mentions [big city near me] and I’m like, “Where is that?”
No need to apologize, you’re okay 🙂
he’s EVIL?
To the core!
Haven’t you heard of the doctrine of original sin?
I actually thought of a trap already, but @programguy:disqus convinced me not to carry it out…
It wouldn’t be fair for me to guess anymore…
I already found it out!
You’re right… I forgot I was conversing with people who know theology and doctrine inside and out. 🙂
But you messed up there: Now you’re not evil to the core.
Oh, really? Well, now that you’re not going to carry it out, what was it?
Rrrgh, I’m talking with someone from my home state, and I don’t even know what part he’s from! Sounds like he might be from my area!
Grab your IP when you visit Revive, and then tell you where you live. Wait a second, I can’t share all of my secrets!!
I’m evil to the core; it is in Christ that makes us holy before God! That’s the doctrine of Imputed Righteousness…
Why would you tell me? I already know where I live 🙂
But if you knew where I live, you could get me with your top-secret diabolical plan that only you know about!
Okay, I should stop; I don’t know the terminology, and evidently you do 🙂
So what denomination are you affiliated with?
And @programguy:disqus. He will help me!!!
That’s where the castle doctrine comes in…
The only castle doctrine I know is in Chess… (castling). You want to enlighten me?
You know what that is, right?
I already answered you!!
The Castle Doctrine is basically the law of self defense in some states. 🙂 Fancy name for a not so fancy concept!
Oops! We were typing at the same time…
It is the best (or worst) way to get to heaven! Break into someones home… What, if i’m doing that, am I a Christian?!?
That wouldn’t be criminal activity, would it?
No, I prefer to think I read your mind 🙂
That’s right!
Sounds cool 🙂 It sounds cooler before I know what it is…
I am a Christian. Mostly southern Baptist. 🙂
What about you?
I like to listen to sermons… and Way of the Master Radio.
Oh no, I don’t see how it would be considered criminal, except — it would.
I know…
Wait a minute! What’s right for me is right for me, and what’s right for you is right for you, RIGHT?
Wrong. That is a trend called relativity.
Do you know the names Traverse City, Kalkaska, or Ypsilante?
Good question… At first I was in a Southern Baptist church, then for a year we were between churches, then my family found a nondenominational one we agreed with. Now we’re with a very non-Mennonite-but-still-officially-Mennonite church.
I don’t really know who we agree with most; we considered going to a Presbyterian church, a 1st-Day Adventist church, and many others of numerous denominations 🙂 So, in the end, I have no idea what I am, aside from being a child of God 🙂
I do know that one 🙂 My family is very conservative/Republican, so I know how wrong that idea and other similar ones are.
Do you like debating from the opposite point of view than the one you really believe? I love playing Devil’s Advocate!
Oh. No.
YOU KNOW TC?! I lived near there… You know the town Williamsburg? It’s near Acme Township 🙂
Oh, okay… now I understand 🙂
On a different note… how do I stop my printer from printing? I was printing out a 15-page story I’ve been working on, and it’s now on its third time through printing (which means I devoted 45+ pages to my story… my mom’s not going to like that)! Which means I’ve got near 50 pages sitting next to me…
Anybody want one of four copies of “The Net”? Not really…
Oh, now I see how this works…
Yes! We are at a non denominational church right now. I hate church hopping, but they are important issues!
Haha I like that..what denomination are you? Christian. 😛
Yes! You can be in any denomination and still not be a true Christian…
What’s right for you is right for you and what’s right for me is right for me is wrong for me because what’s right for me says that what’s right for me must be right for you and what’s right for you is WRONG!! 😉 JK
Windows XP
Woohoo 🙂
Anything else that’s going on in your life?
Two homes… and I thought my move was a big deal! That’s got to make it hard to make good friends in either place.
So how spiritually better? If you ever don’t want to answer me that’s okay; I just like to know people, especially if I’m praying for them 🙂
It’s clear as crystal to me…
Ok, that’s really amazing.
I literally could say the exact same thing about me! We moved churches last August, and at the new one, I really don’t fit in with anyone, mostly because I’m homeschooled. And no one at the old church won’t miss me, but i’ll miss them. I really only have one friend that I see maybe every other month at most. It’s hard. But I really think God is using this for my good, and growing me closer to Him. I defiantly have grown spiritually. You really can’t relate to the feelings unless you’ve been there. I know how you feel!
Hey can you guys pray for me. This week, at school we have to make timelines about how old the earth is. My school is a public school, so my teacher says that the earth is billions od years old. I have really struggled with keeping calm. Please pray that I would stay calm, and keep true thoughts in my mind.
Praying! =)
Praying for you, Sam.
I’m praying!
Hey guys, I just found out that a girl I knew died last night. Please pray for her family.
I’ll be praying!!
Thank you.
Praying! So sad…
Yep, praying 🙂
Have fun!
Haha yep, and no, not really, in both places I’ve found teens who are focused on becoming desciples and soldiers for Christ, so in KS I’ve got two great teen friends who have their focused on what’s important, and in PA I have one. 🙂 So I get along pretty well. Okay, so at home, (PA), there’s a very bad spiritual environment. Like, smoking, drinking, bad songs, etc in the house. And all this is behind the back of my Christian mother who doesn’t have a husband or older Christian children at the house any more. And at KS, I”m living with my pastor-teacher brother in law, and my sister where there isn’t dark temptations within the very walls of the house. And going to a Christian school and a good Church. So there yahh have it.
Yes… It is so easy to prove illogical! 🙂
Oh, wait. I’m not on a muslim ghad…
I’ve been praying! That’s tragic.
That’s tough. I don’t know what to tell you, except that we will be praying for you. Keep us posted!
Thank you all for your prayers!
I’ll keep you guys posted! I’m on my weekend right now, so I don’t have to worry about it until Monday. Do you know some verses that I could look for, so that I can keep true thoughts in my mind?
Ecclesiastes 3:7 comes to mind. There is a time to speak up, and a time to remain quiet. It’s important to know the difference. (And if you’re anything like me, it can be a struggle to keep calm and not start an argument at times!) Be the one who reflects Christ with respect, truth, and evidence. I’ll be praying for you!! May God use you in mighty ways! 😀
Also it wouldn’t hurt to brush up the evidence supporting a young earth. Creation.com and Answers in Genesis are both really good sites. I ran across this article in my research: http://www.earthage.org/youngearthev/evidence_for_a_young_earth.htm
The site’s graphic design could use a little work, but it’s got tons of evidence. 🙂
I’m actually in a similar situation. The evolution unit my biology class was supposed to do weeks ago got pushed back and starts Monday. Please be praying that I stand strong and keep my head throughout it. : ) God bless you!
Thank you so much @samwegner:disqus! I have looked at Answers in Genesis before. I’ll have to check out these other sites. I’ll be praying for you! It is hard for me to keep quiet at times when I know that I should.
Thank you! I found a few more Bible verses on remaining silent:
-Psalm 39:1
-Psalm 141:3
-Proverbs 10:19
-Proverbs 15:1
Proverbs 21:23
-James 1:19-20
Hope this helps! 😀
Indeed 🙂
Whenever I come on here, I can expect to laugh 🙂
You guys are hilarious!!! @programguy:disqus, @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus and @alliehaylie:disqus
Thank you so much. I’ll take a look at those verses.
I was just thinking this looks like a fun discussion, that’s all 🙂
Lol 🙂
Or 856…
I agree @everyoneelsewhohelpedtoo!
Right? For me it’s hard to think of @programguy:disqus as more than Candy Corn 🙂 I mean, that’s the image that pops into my head, not some guy who actually looks like a person…
So what do you think about the all-important grape-juice-or-wine debate?
Yeah, I think we’ve only left a church of our own will once; that was because the pastor basically said my parents could either put us kids in Sunday School or leave. My parents decided to leave.
The rest of the time we moved to a different state, so we had to find a new church.
Wow! This is so amazing! Okay, so… do you remember any names from the camp? Were most of the attenders from the immediate area? Cause if so, we probably have some mutual friends!
Aaaah! My mind is going in circles right now.
Thank you 🙂 I really should find this information myself, but I don’t want to do anything irreparable to my parents’ computer, if you know what I mean, and stuff on the Net isn’t always safe/reputable.
And it’s clear as tea to me. It’s getting clearer, though…
I’ll be praying for you!
I don’t think that it matters that much! Grape juice is cheaper…
What about you???
Nice! We don’t do sunday school either. That was one of the reasons that we left one of the churches!
@programguy:disqus is doing most all of the work!
Hold on, “to protect the guilty”?! And of what exactly am I guilty, Sir Sam?
Ouch, I know your pain. (Is there a sadder emoticon than :(? Cause I’d use it right now!)
I’ll definitely be praying for both you and @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus!
Yes, you are.
*whispering* Hurry, @programguy:disqus! Give me any evidence you can dream up!
Haha that was that weird blob of candy corn I saw walking around the other day. 😛 And people think a guitar walking around is weird. 😉
Thank you!
You’re very welcome. I’ve moved two times that I can remember, so I’ve lost more friends than I want to count.
If you ever just want to talk to someone (vent, chat, commiserate, whatever), I’m available. Same goes for you, @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus 🙂
If you look at my answer to Sam S, I talked to you too 🙂
lol 🙂
What would you do with such information, pray tell?
Um, I don’t know! Let me think of something…
Oh! Pray!
Or 884….
Sure, makes sense. Wish I could give you my email, but my parents don’t want me to…
Well, if that’s all…
Meaning, if you wouldn’t do anything to me…
You’re not?
Can either of you ride a bicycle? That would be even weirder 🙂
You didn’t?
Uh-huh. What is mlive.com, exactly?
And you will never find me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah?? I will EAT you bwahahaha! 😉
Yeah, thanks for the offer! I will start right now…
I am so, so sick….
Great! Let’s get her!
Yes! I’ll be praying 🙂
Or 908…
Yes! I Think that if I saw Sam on the street I would expect him to be wearing a candy corn outfit (or be a living breathing piece of candy corn) and if I saw you on the street I’d expect you to look like a mime, so if I do run into you someday, pardon me if I call you mimeforJesus not *your real top secret spy name*.
Perhaps. When I heard your voice on DHTU two sessions ago, I was surprised that your voice didn’t sound all high pitched and candy corn like. (No joke.)
It’s actually quite pleasant once you get over the squeaking waxy orange noise. 😛
Let’s get my devision of the FBI on her!
I recently found out that the mission trip I’m going on this summer is in Indy, and my first thought when I saw the sheet was Hey, that’s where Riley lives… 🙂
Yes! I wrote out a reply, but it got caught in spam.
Let’s try it! What is your counter to this?
I’m an atheist. I don’t believe a good god would be so cruel to send people to he||. That’s just unfair! And besides, why would you want to believe in an old book full of contradictions?
Lol. Yep, I’m Indy!! That’s kind of a weird thought…you’re taking a mission trip to Indianapolis? And I’m the one who feels like I need to go out into all the world…:)
🙂 Yeah, it’s kind of an intesting idea. We do a lot of community service work on the trip, but the sad thing is because it’s closer to home and not that expensive a lot of kids treat it like a vacation or road trip 🙁
Well, if I look out my window and see a bunch of kids picking up trash out on the streets and handing packages out to homeless people, and one of the girls has a t-shirt that says, “Hi, My Name is Sam Wegner!” in big letters…then I’ll wave at you :).
LOL! In that case, I guess I need to start making t-shirts 😀
Waaaait a minute….
Are the aforementioned people related???? This secret agent thinks so but what do the accused have to say…. *dramatic music* 😉
Mmm wise you are @programguy:disqus but much you have to learn still hehehehehe. Stand for “happy,” H could, but stand for something else, it does mmmm yessss. Know @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus’s last name I do hehehe, “Happy” it is not.
Yes we’re related. Hmm, has to be closer than Noah!
No, actually, I’ve never met them! They just liked the way people do their names here…
Good idea, secret agents! But wrong. 🙂
I’ll alert my agency to pull me out!
Yes, knows @programguy:disqus much more about me than will he ever share on here. And about him I.
BUT! We still have not heard from the other two defendants yet…perhaps they are related…*Yoda voice* “use the force you must…”
As well with me. Wild horses couldn’t drag Sam *oops* last name out of me!
They will agree with me!
*whispers* We’ve got to keep them tricked! Say conflicting things.
Hey, that sounds awesome.
Oh, sorry. *name removed to protect the innocent(mostly).
I just saw this. So tragic. I’m praying.
Yeah! Making progress!
Wait!!! I didn’t reply to this yet? Oops. lol
OOOHHHHHH! That’s right!
Hey! We’ve got to agree on your last name!
Wow guys….:) twenty comments discussing whether I’m related to someone. Hmm….I think I should just let you guess….
Hang on…wait for it……nope, feel the force I do not – You might never know!! Mwuahahahahaha!!!!!
No point in arguing, boys, I already know the infamous @programguy:disqus last name!!!! And the “S” doesn’t stand for “Secret”!!
But wait, maybe we are related!! Like fourth cousins thrice removed…
Thank you!
Hey, @SamWegner, I found another verse on remaining silent.
Colossians chapter 4, verse’s 5 and 6.
Hope this helps!
I’ll look it up. Thanks! God has perfect timing. This morning I was getting ready and was praying the whole time for the class to go well because of how nervous I am. Then, I come on here to find this. God is so good! 😀
They don’t deny it…they commented at about the same time last night…they encourage us to guess…I believe *dun dun dunnnnnn* they are related!!!!! (that and the fact that I just now remembered seeing a conversation in which they admitted as much…they have a brother too I think) hehehehehe 😉
Y’all are nuts. 😉
You think? Is that all the evidence you can scrape up?? 😉
*whispers*Hey, @Rhanx97:disqus & @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus should we let them in on our secret??
Yes, we are.
*whispers* He’s sooooo in the dark! Lets keep him that way…
Yeah, common Josh, is that all you got? *whispers* I don’t know…If we don’t, they’ll never figure it out. What do you think @Rhanx97:disqus?
Does it, now?? #samthestalker is still in business…
*whispers* Hmmm, I feel like I should know you @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus….I recall a strange girl with your name who just happens to have the same address as me…weird, isn’t it???
Yeah….weird. *whispers* @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus at least we got @programguy:disqus confused
Lol, I did?? =D
And “H” stands for “Hungry” it does. Hungry for Chocolate. Mmmmmm, lots and lots of dark.chocolate.
She’s sneaky!
*whispers*Good job sis!
*whispers* Anytime, bro!
@programguy:disqus @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus You guys are hilarious. 😛
Dun dun duuuunnnn!!! 😛 I know about two, but I think I’ve given up keeping on top of people’s relations on here. Especially when they make it deliberately confusing….. 😛
Lol. I should get my brother on here with a cryptic name, and see if you guys ever figure out…
OH I see….I think.
Haha, @Cassie:disqus I believe I already know who he is…
You do? Who?
*ahem* ….uh, he seems to like red and black, and his name makes me hungry for pizza…
…Still not exactly sure who you’re referring too…
Oh Cassie! That is brilliant!! I totally want to get my brothers on here now…
@Rhanx97:disqusRight, that was my guess, but I didn’t know for sure. 🙂 Well… what do you think, Sam? Is he my brother?
True @programguy:disqus is…is he @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus??
Yeah… you probably will.
But I’ll have a lot of fun during the time that you don’t know!!
Oh wait! …now I know who Dominic’s sister is!
Well, you and @programguy:disqus are both right – @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus is not by brother. 🙂
The right name for my brother? Or the right name for Dominic’s sister?
🙂 OK. Yep, I do live in AU.
Well guys, (@programguy:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus and @thewriterchick:disqus in case you’re interested) I may as well tell you now so you don’t waste valuable time…. I don’t have a brother on here!!! I was being accurate when I said I ‘should get’ my brother on here. 😀 😀 😀
Haha, @Rhanx97:disqus does it again! You’re really rather good at confusing Sam, Riley! 😛
Oh? Care to share?
Ooooo! Good spying work, Sam!
How did your unit go? My projects class whent pretty good. I still struggled a little bit, but besides that it was good!
Praying for you!
Hey @samwegner:disqus and @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus , how’d the class go?
Thank you!
Let me think… No, I don’t think so.
Will you be going to Lake Ann Camp this year? I’m thinking I might try and go, but I have no idea if it’ll work out. Not likely to, but I might as well try, right?
Hmmm… How did I lose this file from mlive.com? Cause it’s not on my computer! How do I know you didn’t steal it?
Candy corn riding a bicycle… I have to meet you sometime!
Sorry, I read the Wretched Seagull 🙂 (If you know what that is, I”ll be amazed!)
So my profile pic is from the article?
You guys… whenever I get on here, I end up laughing – and so does my sister when I show her the nutty teenagers on here 🙂 She says I’ve found my place in the world…
That’s for sure… But now I know: I’ll recognize you when I see candy-corn riding a bicycle down a Michigan street 🙂
Ha. Ha. Ha. 😀
*whiny voice* Whyyyyyyy? And FYI, your whispers carry a long way!
Lol, aren’t I? Wow, we sure went a little cray cray….
Oh, did you now? 😉
Sorry I didn’t answer sooner… somehow I lost this email 🙁
That’s cool, I’m glad you thought I was a book character 🙂 I can think of worse things I could be compared to…
I think living, breathing candy corm would be more fun 🙂
I will pardon you for calling me my screen name. Now we have to meet so I’ll get a chance to pardon you 🙂 Speaking of names, how do you pronounce your last name?
So what do you look like?
Haha, it would be really weird to hear a voice that didn’t sound like candy-corn! Is your voice higher than most? Just guessing from your profile pic…
I agree. 🙂
True true! Haha I knew someone would ask at some point! It’s french, but we pronounce it the same way you would pronounce Gregory. Except with a B instead of a Gr. 🙂
Alright 🙂 The class wasn’t easy, but God showed me so much today, I’m excited for what the next two weeks will hold as the class continues. 😀
Good! God taught me quite a lot today, even if it wasn’t easy 😀
The class whent great! A few little struggles hear and their but besides that it was good. I always know the truth, and that’s what’s most important!
Thanks for asking!
great, even I can’t follow this conversation…:)
You’re not alone 😀
It’s amazing about how much God can show you. I know that sometimes I think that I know a lot, but I really don’t know that much. God knows all! It turly amzes me!
Yup :p
Or, 1020…
Hey @Rachel Schaus @Trent Blake @Sam S. @Ruthie @mimeforJesus and everybody else who sees this please pray for my Grandma. She has cancer, is in a lot of pain, and is on the verge of giving up. She is very tired. Please pray that she will be given extraordinary courage, comfort, strength, and if it’s her time to go, that it’ll be okay. Thanks.
Oh man, if @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus sees all this… 😛
That’s really hard. I’ll be praying for her and your family!
I will be praying.
We went through the exact same thing in 2010- 2012. My Grandmother was 60, was fairly healthy, and got bladder cancer. Spent the last two months of her life in the hospital, and going down to Texas for treatment.
God is good, but we don’t always know why he allows certain things to happen. We must trust Him and that he knows best for us. Is she a Christian?
I”ll be praying!
@disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus @amandabeguerie:disqus Can y’all pray, too?
Praying right now and will be praying. Can you give us updates on this later?
Will do! =)
Or…never mind. =)
Common Josh? or Come on Josh? ‘Cause I thought I was special, not common. 😉
Some one needs french toast…..
Nor I 🙂
Wait someone let me in on this – I guess I’m not the secret agent I thought I was. 😉
Yeah, a walking, talking guitar is pretty special 🙂
lol 🙂
Will be praying!
Right? I’m so far behind on this conversation…
WAIT! Is it @Renee1011:disqus??????? #supersleuth
Yes I wil be praying!
Oh, you are *cough* special. I was just trying not to make it obvious 😉
I think we need a chart…
I’m praying. 3 years ago my grandpa died of cancer as well. It’s a very difficult situation for both the person and their family members.
I just realized I forgot to give a final update on my aunt’s sister with cancer… oops… :-/ I was meaning to, sorry! So, my aunt’s younger sister found out recently that she had a serious case of colon cancer. She was not a Christian and didn’t seem to have any interest in becoming one. A fairly short time later she died, but shortly before her death accepted salvation. Praise God! A lot of people were praying, and it was a huge answer to prayer. Thanks for praying, guys! If you think of it, please also pray for my aunt and her family. Their sister’s death was a big shock and very stressful.
I’m so glad we can pray for each other here! I know from experience that it’s a big blessing to have the knowledge the people are praying for you during a hard time.
Random and unrelated, but I just saw your username! A perfect reference!
If I did I don’t know how to transport cross country sorry. 😉
Sorry all I could find is candy corn….wonder where it came from. ;-P
“Here’s what I found on the web…”
I think you’re more than silicon!
Haha thanks! I was bored so, why not? Lol, it was the first thing that popped into my head 🙂
Hahahaha what on earth? Lol what about that Egyptian with a spear? Did he get frozen too? 😛 #biblenerds
And hey if you get this twice I apologize…that’s what I get for being lazy and trying to respnd to something on my Disqus homepage…
Hehehe, I think I’ll let you figure it out…I’ve done enough sleuthing for now. =D
Lol, @nathanaelbarker:disqus, @thewriterchick:disqus, @mimeforjesus:disqus, @alliehaylie:disqus, @samwegner:disqus – I’m not confused at all! 😉
That’s how I always pictured you! Oh yeah, don’t forget the Sword of the Spirit!
And, it is candy corn pizza….
Praying now, Heidi =)
Praying. 🙂
Bahaha, you guys are absolutely hilarious…
Lol! Wow. 🙂
1 Chronicles 11:22-24 🙂
Cool 🙂 I caught most of that! The pizza is awesome… But who was Benaiah?
Yay! That brings tears to my eyes… and I’m “not emotional”.
Whaaaat goshhhh read your BIBLE @mimeforjesus:disqus. 😉 😉 😉 JK Benaiah was one of David’s mighty men, captain of his bodyguard, killed Joab, and later became commander of the army of Israel. #biblenerd =)
Praying for you guys 🙂
Josh, you sounded like a teenage girl in that first sentence :):)
will be praying. keep us updated.
agreed. we’d run out of room eventually…
I know! He should be a model…
well are you related to someone on here!?
Haha, Bacon beats candy corn anytime for me!!! Especially on pizza…
Should we let them in on it? Go ahead….
Thank the Lord! That’s wonderful!
Wait a minute. Who’s my brother?
If you look like that!!!!
I think ill just grab your picture from some of my sources and see if they match…
Umm….probably. Lol I don’t think anyone really knows who at this point….me included 🙂
I know two people you’re related to on here! And you’re saying you don’t?
Oh that’s alright. I’ll let you tell everybody…
ikd. he didn’t tell us… cause he doesn’t know!
Yeah, do that… if he looks like Nemo I’ll be really surprised! Of course, @programguy:disqus didn’t try and say he looks like that, he just said he *believes* that he looks like that. It provides a nice loophole when you show us all what he really looks like 🙂
I do! I do! I do!
*switches back over to email and sees Sam S’s most recent comment* Oh bummer, he already told you…
Well, I think I do….haha I’m not sure about anything in this conversation 🙂
well, that’s encouraging 🙂
exactly. time for a new conversation anyone?
Wow, you guys have probably added 100 emails to my inbox by now… thanks 🙂
Yeah, I’m up for that!
well you can tell me again, because i didn’t see it!
emails for what?
Sure! What do you want to talk about?
Let’s all suggest a different topic, and then we’ll just start talking about one….
alright, what to talk about now?
I guess you have a right to know…:) Look down at @programguy:disqus’s reply
Disqus sends me an email every time someone comments on a post I also commented on… I’ll be changing that soon!
umm, let me think for a while (until someone else comes up with a conversation)
May I tell him?
Is it weird that the first thing that comes to my mind is some sort of food?
what kind of food?!?
I should have kept my mouth shut…
oh nice, me too!
I second Nathanael’s question – what kind of food?
which one?
It’s nice, except that I keep jumping in on conversations and then I never get anything else done… But for now I think I’m okay. Don’t have anything more than listening to music to do (for a project of sorts) and I can do that while I type 🙂
If you want you can abbreviate my name in any way to make typing it shorter.
Well, I was thinking of oranges because my hands smell like them….but they aren’t that interesting…ya no, they’re just orange and round….but I also thought of cookies and pot pies (because I love them) and french toast 🙂
Do you ever go by Nate?
what kind of projects?!?
yeah sometimes, if I don’t have to act professional.
He says it’s Skitterson.
Haha that’s funny. I’ll let @mimeforjesus:disqus tell you…
Oh great, Not FRENCH TOAST again… why do your hands smell like oranges?
French toast… we’re calling @programguy:disquss name now 🙂
Oh, umm, actually he’s my brother…
I just ate one and it was REALLY juicy. so yeah…
noooo…. french toast guy!!
Ahh, I see…
For my mime group – I’m teaching a new routine tomorrow, and we do our routines to music – it helps people know what’s going on behind them…
Oh wow. Now everybody’s gonna be confused
nice, any way to slip a bit of Christendom in their?
Why do you have to act professional?
*whispers* that was the plan from the beginning.
I play in the CSYSA and when we play music, we have to not goof off (sadly)
Really? Lol I had no idea…
that’s the point
I’ve never heard of the CSYSA. What’s that?
Nope! Just talking about it….as usual
my bad Colorado Springs Youth Symphony Association.
BTW where do you live?
Hey that sounds cool! I’ve always wanted to be apart of something like that.
I live in kinda southern Indiana. What about you?
oh, great, I live in Colorado. Right. In. The. Middle. 🙂
Haha nice 🙂 It’s kinda weird that we all live so far apart
Okay…..We are NOT related! @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus and I are not related…Did you hear that, @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus? And @programguy:disqus…
It’s classified! I can’t tell you that!
Besides, I have to think of one!!!
yeah but it’s kind of nice. could you possibly give me a city. I’m looking up somethings and seeing if they apply to you.
are you sure??
Yeah sure. Avon, IN
Not closely…Maybe Noah?
thanks, get back to you shortly!
I think they might have figured it out by now 🙂
or not. Hey maybe you should do this!
this is young life a world wide origination that acts as an in-between for church and regular life. This is good because if you have non-christian friends then they might feel more comfortable there.
figured what out?
uh, I was thinking Adam and Eve…
Oh really? And why did you expect that…
Thanks! I will check that out. But wait, what exactly were you looking up?
I was trying to find if there was one near you. but it needed a zip code, and that would make me seem like a creeper and put you zip out on the internet where anyone can see it.
That we were not related. I mean me and Ethan…and Riley. I mean, Riley and I are related, but not Ethan or anyone else. Except my brother…whoever that is. Does that help, lol?
ohh. getting sassy!!
Ooohhh, okay. Yeah, that probably would have been pretty weird :). I’ll check it and see.
I didn’t know that! Got it…
Well, pure logic man, how did you know where my brother lives?
alright hope you enjoy!
wait, what. Eva and Riley are related?!?
Oh no! I know what’s coming…*vice tightening*
Eva, Riley, brother (whoever that is 😉 = related. Eva, Ethan = not related. Riley, Ethan = not related.
Apearantly. I don’t know for sure, other than I am not related to them!
ok. I got it…kinda
You guys are funny 🙂
are you sure *it could be a big secret*
thanks, wait, it that a good thing?
Don’t worry. I get confused every day of my life. My Mom thought I had a disorder 🙂
that bad? wow! 🙂
Yes it is 😛
well….in that case….I accept!
Lol yup! Hopefully I don’t really….you never know 🙂
Yep 🙂 It’s a Christian group… that’s the only way I can participate in the arts and my parents don’t worry about me being with the weirdos… they know how acting can attract some weird people sometimes!
Wait. Whaaat?
Haha you made me laugh…again. Wow, my laptop is really slow now…
Great description 🙂
I live East Coast. Nearest pinpoint I can give you is I’m in the MD/PA area.
same here…what did you do? actually blame Ethan. It’s his fault
well it doesn’t seem like you have one, so your good!
I know right!
Yeah, it is… why don’t I ever meet someone I know?
I know right…lol
well, you know me….well kinda
Oh, I guess he must have it on his profile thingy. Putting all the pieces together still….
It sounds like the choir I was in for a year or two…
Yeah right, we all know each other now, right?
nice did your choir travel outside of you state?
Okay, I mean people who I know in real life. Or people I used to know…
Yes, I know you 🙂
What what? Do I have something to be confused about still?!?
No… it was a 70-voice community choir (pretty big) and traveling would have been a real hassle. Especially because most of the members were probably over 60…
oh, wait are you around that age too?
I thought you said you didn’t have a brother
no problem…?
Nope, I’m 16 and proud of it! 🙂 You?
Yup, I totally blame him. I had nothing to do with it…
Lol good that was the sound I was going for 😉
are you sure?
Well, I do…actually, he’s my twin, but shhh…don’t tell anyone. So I’m not confused. Are you?
I second you!
All right! I actually do need to read my Bible more…
Thanks, Sam. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thanks, Josh!
Thank you, Emma. 🙂
Thank you so much Rachel. 🙂
Thank you, Sam. 🙂
Thank you, Ruthie. 🙂
🙂 thank you!
Thank you! :))
Definitely. Thanks, Nathanael. 🙂
Thank you so much, Christy!
all Christian are called to do this. it was my pleasure!
jk…I think
yeah oranges, pot pies and FRENCH TOAST!!!
nice. how did a 16 yr old get in a group with 60yr olds?
Well, #toobad
Jk I really do have a brother 🙂 And he is on here. And he goes by @Skitterson:disqus. So now you know my relations…
oh ok anybody else your forgetting?
exactly. that’s how I know you live in Michigan…
*high-five received*
finally someone who can teach me!
Hey Ethan, thank you. Wow that must have been really tough. I’m really sorry about your Grandma. But you are so right. God has a perfect plan that out-spans our fallen understanding. Thank you for the encouragement. 🙂 I am so blessed to be able to say that my Grandma is a Christian. My Grandpa isn’t though. We are hoping that God will use all of this to draw him to Himself.
I think so… at least that’s what I got…
Yes! My virus is working perfectly!
Oh, wait. You have THAT on your laptop?
Probably 🙂
well, its spreading…I have it too…
great. let me know when you remember!
I will!
nice what time is it over there?
so can you prove the statement that Eva made. Are you two related and have a brother?
Praise the Lord!!! I’ll remember to pray. 🙂
10:30. What about you?
8:32 wow big difference
Haha, yup. For reals.
dang… who would have thought…. other then Sam S, Eva H,
and Riley H 🙂
That’s weird 🙂 I wish it was 8:30 over here. Two hours of my life back!
Are you guys being serious?? Wow, Sam, I thought #thestalker would have it figured it by now…
yes I’m being serious.
Huh? Prove what? 😉
I know right? But now everybody knows 🙂
I know if I was there I would be sleeping probably….
are you sure….:)
wait….so your not related….???
I’m about ready to go to bed. I should probably be sleeping too 🙂
alright talk to you guys tomorrow?
No I’m not. I don’t even think you are sure….well, if people get confused reading this conversation, then it’s not my fault 🙂
then whose fault is it?!
Yup, if you guys keep commenting 😉
nice oh btw, like your bio. oh if we can figure out a way to teach over the internet I can show you a bit of guitar and violin if you want..
I think we can safely say it’s Ethan’s fault, right? I mean, he started the conversation in the first place…I think?
have you ever seen me not comment on something interesting before? 🙂
Idk. it was either Ethan of Sam S…
I would love that, actually, if it could work. I’ve been wanting to play both for awhile 🙂
um do you have an email if so send it to mine *going away after you answer* [email protected]
Lol, well, don’t be….@MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus is my sister, Skitterson is my brother, and @programguy:disqus is a flying clownfish.
Nope 🙂
ok got it. Flying clownfish?
Yeah. I do. I’ll do it tomorrow sometime 🙂
Yes. See description below.
alright you should write this down then. let me know when you do!
Oooooh! I have your email!!!! 😀 Mwahahahahaha *evil grin*
where below. my computer is scrambling everything.
got it
k hope to bump into y’all tomorrow
or do you
I’m 93% sure, but there’s only one way to find out 🙂
I’m scared to! You have a lot of leverage… You’re the one tightening the vice!!! I could send you the virus that I sent the others…. But I won’t.
Muhahahaha! Perfect…
It’s @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus’s fault! He started it…..
Oh wait, we’re supposed to take responsibility for things!
Yes, it was hard. But, it was good because she was a Christian!
What your Grandfather needs to understand is that if she passes away, and he is not a Christian, he will never see her again. And I know that’s hard to say, but I am very concerned for him. Is he open to the Gospel? An atheist?
I will pray for both of them!
Okay, I was wondering…
Can I come over to your house? You have all the good stuff!
Lol I actually don’t remember how it got started…:)
Whoa, hang on…whaat?!
Hey, can i ask you guys a favor? My family is going through a MAJOR change right now, and i’m emotionally, mentally, and spiritually shot. Can you pray that God would give my family grace and strength as we go through some new waters? I can’t share more, for privacy reasons…sorry.
Praising Him,
Absolutely!! I’m praying! Hope I it all goes well 🙂
Thank you ever so much Sam 🙂
I’m praying, Haylie!
Praying that God would fill you with His Love, Strength, and Peace right now. <3
Thank you so much for your prayers, AnnaGrace. 🙂 You guys are so amazing. 🙂 And I will definitely try to keep you posted.
For now I can let you know that my Grandma has lymphoma. She was doing well and better over the weekend, but the last couple days she has been in a lot of pain and not totally there. She keeps saying she wants to leave, she can’t stay, she wants to go home, and that she is going to see Jesus. The doc said she shouldn’t have been in as much pain, and that the cancer was very treatable. Just now we found out that she has more aggressive lymphoma now and that it has spread to her blood. She has a couple days.
Thanks again for all your prayers, guys. They mean so much.
Praise the Lord, that she was. 🙂
I’m praying he will be more. From past experience he just hasn’t seemed to care.
Thank you for your prayers!
Wow, I didn’t know that. I can completely relate. It just makes you look more and more forward to heaven. Won’t that be a glorious day when the Lord returns?
I will be praying.
Amen, that it will be. Thanks, Ethan.
Yes! A great video to help him and all of us understand sin, righteousness and judgment is “H*ll’s best kept secret” by Ray Comfort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oARXAAl9zY&safe=active
Definitely; I’m praying, Haylie. May He bless you and your family extraordinarily. Psalm 31:24 in the KJV has been such a blessing to me – be of good courage, and God will strengthen your heart. 🙂
are you sure…?
I will be praying. Psalm 27:1 is a good verse to read when you need encouragement. God bless
So glad to hear she is a child of God. A few years ago my grandpa found out he had cancer (sometime that November) and passed away on Christmas day, barely two months later. So my family can relate. And thank the Lord we have the glorious hope of reunion someday! It makes an enormous difference to know that when we pray God hears us, sympathizes with us, and that He gives us the hope of eternal life. This life would be utterly hopeless if death was the ultimate end.
Whew, sister, I know what that feels like… I’ll be praying!
No… anything but that!!!!!! *Pleading face*
Oh boy, this looks fun. Give me a couple of days, and I’ll answer this weekend; I’ve got a homeschool talent show in a couple of days, and I’m the go-fer for my mom, who’s coordinating the talent show, and there’s other stuff going on, too. So… a comment to answer your questions will take too long for now, but I will answer you this weekend!
(Sorry it took so long to answer already!!! 🙁 )
Sure 🙂 I have no idea what you’re talking about (#confused) but if you two agree you must be right!
Yes! Mine is, too – except, it’s a desktop instead of a laptop. @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus’s virus worked!
Oh wow, you didn’t know? Eva H and Riley H are related, Ethan H is from another part of the country.
And I have no idea how I knew that… I think I’ve been around @programguy:disqus too much, and I’m picking up his stalkerish habits.
Good! It will be fun… Take as much time as you need!
I’m not really sure what we’re talking about either….
“Happy”? Sounds like a good beginning for an acrostic… Like Yoda’s (for “Blake”), but happier 🙂
Umm…I’m pretty sure. Do you even remember?
Haha…. Windows….doesn’t need a virus to go slow! And, I would never do that to you, unless you deserve it!!!!
So do I!!!!
Kind of “you don’t rat on me, I don’t rat on you”?
Well…okay. I guess I wont. :–D
Can you guys pray for me too? For like almost the same thing as @Haylie I guess. Haha. Anyway, my family and I may be going through a huge life change within the next year. Could you guys pray that we would do God’s will & that we would have peace no matter what? Thanks 🙂
Hehe, is that his real name? I expected it was fake, but then you edited it out…
@programguy:disqus, if you don’t want him to answer that’s cool, but I really wonder now. Course, you also just posted it below, so this whole paragraph is probably moot.
lol 🙂 Now I really wonder if it’s real!
Oh, that’s so sad… Praying.
Yeppers, praying that God gives you peace, certainty that God knows what He’s doing, the whole package…
“Long before your heart could run the risk
You were born for this.”
So Ethan’s name is your real one, and this is a takeoff thereon?
Thank you so much. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 Now I won’t release my virus onto Revive as soon as it’s up and running. (In my dreams… I know nothing about computers)
Praying for you @a_haylie:disqus!
Thanks! How’s Revive coming?
You’re right… I don’t need a virus!
What do I have to do to deserve it?
You’re welcome 🙂
If you want song suggestions, I have a whole list… I’ve been going through something somewhat similar, and I found that for myself having good music to listen to is important. But that’s just me…
I was going to ask that, too! Well, @programguy:disqus?
I’m praying 🙂
I’d love some! I love music. I’ve been listening to a lot of Christian music lately and I went to a Matthew West concert last night. I’ve been listening to JJ Heller recently too.
Thank you 🙂
Hey guys, I’m here to request prayer too, but also advice… I was hanging out with my mime team today, and I saw that a girl who I don’t know very well has scars on her wrist… I think she’s been cutting herself. Please pray for her!
And now for the advice… how do I interact with her? I want to be there for her, but we’re not close enough that I can just say, “I’m here if you ever need help” or something like that. She’s very closed-off from most people. Help!
I really like Matthew West! Okay, here comes the deluge of songs… and while I look at what I have, would you mind going up to the top and looking at the comment I just left? Thanks! 🙂
That’s an interesting situation. Is she a Christian? I Will definitely be praying. The only advice I could give (and don’t take it as 100% correct) is just to start getting to know her, showing her that you care, maybe after a while invite her and some other girls to hang out and go shopping or whatever, but just try to show her God’s love. Compassion speaks volumes 🙂
Awesome! Haha okay. Have fun being not distracted.
Wow, that’s a tough answer…one that I’m not sure how to answer. All I can say is pray. Sometimes that’s the most powerful thing you can do. I’ll be praying too!
Think: distractions, temptations, and technology drain the precious mental energy. Don’t waste the mental energy! 🙂
I’ll be praying for you! I don’t know what to tell you! I’ll think about it and get back to you.
White Flag
Building 429
Already There
Casting Crowns
In Me
Casting Crowns
Dream for You
Casting Crowns
Jesus, Hold Me Now
Casting Crowns
I Will Follow
Chris Tomlin
Go Fish
You’re My Little Girl
Go Fish
You Are Mine
Go Fish
Holding On
Jamie Grace
You Lead
Jamie Grace
The Waiting
Jamie Grace
I Will Follow
Jeremy Camp
You are Loved
Josh Groban
Hold You Up
Matthew West
Strong Enough
Matthew West
The Words I Would Say
Sidewalk Prophets
Something Beautiful
Steven Curtis Chapman
These should all be on Spotify… that’s where I have them from 🙂
You really made me smile, Sam. 🙂
You do that a lot, actually…
Thank you 🙂 I was so shocked…
FYI I can’t give out her name, but a name she likes is Mildred, so you can call her that. God knows who she really is…
Thank you 🙂
Well, that’s where it’s hard to say… she is in a Christian group and goes to youth group, but I’ve never seen anything that would make me think she’s a Christian…
Thank you for your thoughts 🙂
Thanks! What’s your username on spotify? I use it too. My username is amandabeguerie.
I see 🙂 you’re welcome!
It sounded better in my head than it looks on a screen…
I can’t tell you because it’s my sister’s username and it has our mutual last name in it. I would tell you if it didn’t give away my name, though!
I’ll probably look you up, though 🙂
Methinks you did… 🙂
Not a problem at all. Will you follow me or something so I can see your playlists/and or follow you? If not that’s totally fine.
So I was going to email you today, but my parents aren’t really comfortable with me emailing someone I don’t know…sorry about that.
of course I do
Oh good! Hey Shakespeare says methinks too! lol I’m terrible at navigating computers! 😛
You listen to Go Fish? So do I! My friend took a look at my Pandora radio and was like who’s Go Fish? So I told her and she still didn’t get why a band was named Go Fish. Have you seen the movie called Christmas With a Capital C? It’s a great movie! I recommend it!
Praying now, Amanda 🙂
Praying now… I know that that’s tough. Be there for her, as a friend. Treat her like you would any other person too. I pray that God will work in her heart, and give you opportunities to encourage this girl!
Thank you so much. I’m praying for you too!
that’s fine. guess we’re going to have to do this a different way…
I will be praying. as for advise just get to know her better.
Wow, I’ll be praying! Not sure what to say on advice…remember that it might not be what you think it is though, she might not be cutting herself. I don’t know, I guess I’m not much help. :-/
Yup! Praying! =)
Praying. =)
Thank you for this, Nathanael 🙂
Thank you Heidi! Such a great reminder…
Thanks 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks much MFJ 🙂
Thank you so much, Riley 🙂
I really appreciate it, Sam 🙂 It’s not all bad change… It’s just very radical. Thank you!
Thank you Eva, God bless!
I don’t know what to tell you, other than, “I’m praying” 🙂
Praying! 🙂
Thanks @Josh A! (Not sure if that tagged. Oh well.)
Thanks Sam!
I have been too…quite convicting…oops.
I’m praying, MFJ. 🙂 As advice, I would probably just echo what Haylie said – be there, be a friend, and treat her as another person. 🙂
Praying! 🙂
You’re the one that keeps using all the hashtags to say you’re confused! So how did it start start then?
Hmm….is there another way?
I’ll be praying for her, and that you have opportunities to reach out to her!
I love that song! 🙂
Hey guys, I just want to say thank you so much again for all your prayers. My grandma passed away just before midnight last night. We were all there when she did. She hadn’t been really conscious for the last day, and her breathing gradually just got weaker and further apart. She just went to sleep it seemed. She was painless, and now she won’t ever hurt again. Thank you again for praying…it was so good to know you were. I’m really going to miss her. She was one of the sweetest most selfless people. Please continue to keep my Grandpa esp in your prayers. He said last night that it looked like she just went to sleep and that she will be waiting for us. God is good. God bless.
Will continue praying for you and your family, Heidi. I’m glad she passed peacefully. Praise God. <3
Thank you so much for your encouraging words, AnnaGrace. 🙂 I’m so sorry about your Grandpa, but thank God death isn’t the end of things. You are right, it does make such a difference knowing that when you let someone go they are leaving misery and pain and sin behind forever, and you are going to see them again in a perfect world. It really makes them the lucky ones. 😉
no problem. hope you can get through this change easily.
maybe, skype?
very carefully…
It started carefully….does that make any sense?
I don’t have a skype account. I guess I could make one but I’m still not sure what my parents are comfortable with. I guess it might not work…
Praying for your family Heidi… may God’s amazing peace comfort you during this time.
Haha okay 🙂 #confusedagain
hah, no kidding…
Yep, it can be exhausting, rough, and hard, but, God is good! And i know He will be glorified in the end 🙂
Yeah we’ve pretty much added hundreds of comments talking about things that make no sense 🙂
yep, just relations…
Relations, food, relations, where people live, relations again. Good times 🙂
Praying for her and for you. I don’t really know what to say just be there for her and get to know her better–build trust. Never been a cutter but having gone through a LOT of depression I can tell you that there were people I didn’t know that well but they showed me they really cared about them and if I ever got to the place where I was willing to confide in someone I knew who I could go to. They didn’t know that, of course, but I did. And being able to trust someone was really big for me. Even though she may be closing herself off from most people, it doesn’t mean there’s not still a person in there who IS watching and when she decides to open up to anyone she will know who really cares. Just my thoughts.
yeah. speaking of where people live, would you be interested in putting together a conference in the Midwest for the rebelution? a couple of us on here are thinking about planning a few.
Oh are you guys actually getting that worked out? Yeah, if it’s something that I could do I’d love to help out!
we’re still trying to figure all the details out still…
Well let me know if I can help. It would be awesome to be able to have something like that 🙂
Thank you Heidi!
Hey! Just wanted to say I apoligize for leaving the discussion last night (or was it the night before? IDK). My parents went upstairs, and I’m not allowed to use the Internet if they’re not on the same floor as me, then they came back down again, so I jumped back in, then they abruptly went upstairs.
I’m sorry! @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus and @nathanaelbarker:disqus Glad to see that the conversation went on without me 🙂
what conversation?
Us three started talking, then I abruptly left the conversation. When I left, Eva was talking about how her hands smelled like oranges… And then Sam S came in because someone mentioned French toast.
oh, yeah I;m surprised that he hasn’t appeared yet because of the word FRENCH TOAST….
I didn’t read all of the other responses so I don’t know if anyone else said what I’m about to say so just in case I’ll say sorry to anyone who might have said this already!
I think you should just try and be a friend. I don’t know the type of person she is but for me if someone just walked up and said, “Praying for you!” it would seem a bit weird to me. But it’s just the type of person she is. Maybe just trying to ask her how she has been doing and ask her her favorite color? I mean even that gets most into a little conversation. That’s what I do with my friends. And you could say stuff about yourself such as what you like and sports or talk about being a mime and your favorite parts about all of that.
My two earlier comments are waiting to be approved by the Reb, so let me play around and see which word triggered it…
Oh wow, the contraction for “He will” is blocked, probably because it’s similar to “He*l”? That’s funny…
@disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus did you discover that? Or am I the first?
Oh wow, @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus, I just realized that you changed your username! But I still know your last name! Muahaha!!!!!!
that’s a great idea!
ok, hope you get that figured out…
I second @nathanaelbarker:disqus 🙂 I think that’s a great idea! I’m planning a get-together 🙂
Hey @mimeforJesus! After thinking, I pretty much do agree with what @Amanda Beguerie said. Get to no her, and also show her God’s love.
No I didn’t, I was trying to say heaven and he*l but it wouldn’t go through. 🙂 You’re the first! Winner winner chicken dinner! #cluckcluck
Wow…same as my grandmother. There is deep sadness yet great joy. Sarow and praise. And only in Christ. My grandmother was asleep for a week before she passed away.
I will be praying for your grandfather.
Is she a Christian? Is she in an abusive home?
It’s hard to say, but demons still do possess people. That’s just what crossed my mind.
Just keep trying to interact with her. Maybe make her a small gift with a note in it???
Hey guys, thought that I should tell you that my class is all done with making the timelines. Thank you all for praying! How’s your unit going @samwegner:disqus? Praying for you!
Cool! How did it go? Thank you so much for praying! My unit is going alright – we’ve been discussing natural selection, which isn’t a big issue because it’s part of creation, but next is the “evidence for evolution.” The biggest issue with the class is that they mix truth and lies. But I’m definitely relying more on Scripture than I was before to hold to the truth and through it all, God is still good!
It went ok. In my group, I had a guy who is an evolutionist. I also have a friend who goes to a church that has pretty good doctrine, so she asked him what he thought of God, and he went on to talk about how scientists use God. For example, he said that if they didn’t know how something was made, they would say God made it. Then they would find a more logical reason of who made it. Me and my friend just looked at each other when he was done talking, and we didn’t know what to say.
(Almost) that exact situation happened with my grandpa. The doctors thought he would live for about 6 months, but he died after 6 weeks. But yes, it does make an enormous difference to have the hope of reunion!
Normally it would be way past mine too, but I was up late working on setting up for event my mom’s coordinating so I had time left over while I waited for my computer to process some stuff…
I’m not as irresponsible as I look!
Oh, wow…I have no words right now
I know… How should I respond when someone says something like that? I have no idea.
I don’t know…It’s a bit of a wake-up call, though. Satan is playing for keeps. Praise God that He has overcome the power of this world and we have nothing to fear!
Yes! Praise God! When the teacher said that we were going to have groups, my first thought was please don’t let it be that guy! Then once we were in a group together,I realized that maybe God has put us in the same group for a reason. Maybe God wants me to share the gospel with this person.
God is so good!
Don’t forget to use the law (10 commandments) to get to their conscience! You can battle the intellect all day, and gain nothing. Get to the conscience, and the Lord will do the rest.
Take a look at this picture, y’all.
Thanks @Ethan H. Great reminder.
Whoa…is this like a prayer request group/forum? :O So neat!
Yup at least until Revive gets launched…oh yeah you probably don’t know about that either. =) Maybe @programguy:disqus (or @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus or @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus) could fill you in? ‘Cause I don’t know much either. 😛
Man, I guess I really haven’t been on here in a long time…I feel so out of touch XP
Sure! @madison_w:disqus, Revive is a website that Christian teens can join and share their prayer requests for others to pray for. It is still in progress, but we’re close. Maybe we will put out an official update soon.
Have you heard The Maker by Chris August? It’s really good, and I think you’d like it!
No worries 😀 Your secret is safe with me…
No… but give me a day and I will know it!
I have your email too! Muaahahahaha! I could… um… let me think… I could spam you address! Okay, that’s not so scary.
Yes.. well… I think she’s a Christian. Or she’s good at faking it… she’s in Christian groups, Youth group, etc.
She’s not in an abusive home – I work closely with her mom and dad… if anything they spoil her.
Demons… freaky because I was just thinking the other day about how maybe some psychiatric problems that can’t be explained are actually demonic. Anyway… your comment there fit in perfectly.
The gift idea is good – I think it’s her birthday soon…
Hey @amandabeguerie:disqus, @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus, @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus, @a_haylie:disqus, @nathanaelbarker:disqus, @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus, @samwegner:disqus, @disqus_S0BHgwFPNF:disqus, @Kittenese:disqus, @disqus_MZjnX3x57n:disqus, @clarezpulley:disqus, and @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus, thank you for the prayer and the advice. I’m going to try and schedule some get-togethers for a smallish group of people we’re both a part of, and try and get to know her better.
God bless you all!
Oh, cool 🙂 My lat name is boring… no question how it’s pronounced.
I don’t know if I told you this already, but I’m praying (have been, actually…)
That’d be awesome! I don’t know if it’ll work… it’d be a first for me, but I figure I should find out if I can handle being away from home now before I’m choosing a college… Anyway, that’s my excuse. I’ll let you know if it works out for me!
Cool… I betray my Michigan roots without even knowing it!
Your’e a fake. I mean, you don’t even have a picture… and who really looks like a clownfish jumping over the moon?
Neither am I!
That is funny! I love that line 🙂
Oh, now I see…
It’s all so clear now!
Yes… everyone knows clownfish look good in everything!
You did. 😉 Thanks so much MFJ. Not sure if you saw my comment I posted, but my Grandma passed away Wednesday night. It was like she just peacefully went to sleep. Praise God, her suffering is now over. Now I’m looking forward to the day when I get to see her again. 🙂
Good…, I think.
Keep us updated.
haha That’s me every time I hear of a new song too…
I know right? Me too 🙂
You guys didn’t know all this?! I knew for a while…
Hmm… Well, it was a “community choir” and they were doing “The Messiah” (big piece) so two older siblings and I joined… We stuck around. It was funny, though – at the start I could count on one hand the people under 40 (other than the college kids… there were a few of them but they had… let’s say… different ideals in life.) Then at the end there were probably ten of us who all knew each other!
It was a huge group!
So, anyway I got in there because it was a choir, then I stuck around mainly because of my siblings (who were more devoted to singing in a choir than I) and this one couple we knew. So yeah, that’s how.
Whatcha wanna talk about now? I’m probably going to be late answering, but not as late as this time – this week was pretty busy 🙂
I did.. it was the contraction of “He will” because it is close to “H*ll”.
*Four days later* Yeah, sure!
I have your email! If I want to wade through all the emails Disqus is sending me off of this one post…
Sry, I can’t 🙁 “I would if I could, but I am not able.”
Oh, I was going to say – the group Unspoken has an album on Spotify, and I really like a couple of their songs…
(Sorry, I didn’t see this till just now! :P) Sounds really cool! 😀 Are you, Sam and Dominic the ones creating/posting it (Revive)?
I Will be continuing to pray for you and your family @disqus_S0BHgwFPNF:disqus.
I wonder why Disqus didn’t let me know that I was tagged… Anyway, that’s awesome! I’ll keep praying!
Thank you, Emma. Thanks. So. Much. to all of you guys. 🙂 My whole family so appreciates it. God bless y’all.
That’s totally fine! I get it. 🙂
I like their song “Start a Fire” a lot.
Thanks Eva 🙂
Yes, we are in the progress of finishing up the design. Hopefully more info soon! It will be on a separate website. That’s all for now…..
Thanks! Everyone, this seriously means a lot.
That one, and “Tomorrow,” “In Your Hands,” “Lift My Life Up” are my favorites.
I will 🙂
Okay. Here’s a question for you to think about while I gather my thoughts into something comprehensible.
Okay, so pretend that I support LGBT. Without appealing to the Bible as the ultimate authority, why is my position wrong? (I think that the Bible has some authority, but I get to decide which pieces apply to me).
Thinking about the H*ll question… But I have a question for you on the Bible: Please show me a contradiction, and I will answer you on a point-for-point basis. Otherwise it could get really confusing. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? 🙂
That’s where I learned it… Well, actually I learned it from Veggietales’ “Omelet,” but I would have eventually learned it from Shakespeare anyway 🙂
No, I haven’t seen Christmas With a Capital C, but I’ve heard the song.
Do you know the story behind their name?
You know it! 😀
I’ll be praying for your Grandpa.
My dad uses that phrase! I thought he was the only one…
No I don’t. Do you?
Wow, I’m so sorry, Ruthie. But YES, praise God for that blessed hope!
Haha I’ve never seen it. Reading, writing, and the outdoors encased the majority of my childhood years.(oh and TONS of candy) The fact that I’m still fit and in shape is a miracle in and of itself. 😀
That’s good! I will be continuing to pray for her!
One of my favourites!
Ouch! You got me…
Let’s take it like this. You are in a court of law. You have broken many laws. You can still say you don’t believe that the police will arrest you if you murder. But they will. And you can also say that they won’t put you in prison for life. But you cannot decide that. And that is what the Judge has said He will do. Does that make sense?
Well… I couldn’t find any that had any merit or was hard to explain, so I will chose something else. 🙂
Why all of the laws? Why can we eat bacon but not do other things in the OT? And why is there so much suffering in the world?
Hey everyone! We have an update on Revive. We have an estimated launch date of April 4th! We are making huge progress, thanks mostly to @programguy:disqus, and are starting the testing phase and getting the bugs worked out. Thanks everyone for your support!
I’ll tag a few people….
@madison_w:disqus @mimeforjesus:disqus @Kittenese:disqus @nathanaelbarker:disqus @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus @disqus_MZjnX3x57n:disqus @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus @clarezpulley:disqus @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus @disqus_S0BHgwFPNF:disqus @samwegner:disqus @a_haylie:disqus @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus @amandabeguerie:disqus @zeitgeist2012:disqus @calebnorman:disqus @gbingo:disqus @sarahp_413:disqus @abigailmccoy:disqus @SusannahBaffa:disqus @CricketTaylor:disqus @christopher164:disqus @liamsiegler:disqus @Abbyallen1:disqus @trent_blake:disqus @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @jessjesse:disqus @benjaminvincent:disqus @Magnesium101:disqus @madeleine_grace:disqus @steelersfan08:disqus @disqus_RyIDsQAPld:disqus @gracemuncey:disqus @halleglushefski:disqus @jeffreylybarger:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus @disqus_9p1eGFJkII:disqus @graysonzaragoza:disqus @disqus_XM5QHF0vAP:disqus @prayerwrrior:disqus @everyoneelseiforgot
That’s a lot!!!
Yaaay! XD
Why’d you tag yourself???
Cool! 😀
I was just going through and tagging people…and mine just popped up as a suggestion…and it was almost time to eat!!!!!
Wow! That was good! And I might also add that he would NOT be a just God if he DIDN’T send us all to he||. But justice has been paid for those who repent and trust in Jesus as their savior. That’s us!
I will have to think of something else to level against you… It’s not easy. 🙂
Maybe you can think of something for me?
Devils advocate is fun!
So cool thank you so much, @programguy:disqus @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus and @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus, or anyone else that has helped!
Can’t wait for the site to be up and running!
=D YAY!!! I’m almost jumping up and down right now (which is quite a feat considering I just got done with a 4 hour softball practice 🙂 )
Awesome! Thanks for the update and y’all’s hard work! =)
Hey random question: I know you’re supposed to be notified when tagged, but I never have been, and I can’t find out how to change that…can anyone help?
Do you get any other notifications from disqus? Maybe check you settings?
Sorry not much help!
Yep, I’ll double check but I can’t find it in my settings anywhere…and that’s fine! =)
Wow thanks so much guys!!! Can’t wait! 😛
I guess I’m the @everyoneelseyouforgot. Haha! 🙂 Great job, guys!
Praise the Lord! Thanks for all your hard work, guys!
Totally random, but I like your profile pic! Very Rebelution-appropriate. 🙂
Thanks! It’s something i must constantly remind myself of, or i would spend my life under a rock 😉 Thanks to Jesus, now I don’t have too!
Yep! Sorry…
Yeah, it’s a pretty awesome picture.
thanks for starting this guys!
Any update on this?
Sam S. Is doing most of the heavy lifting!
Haha yes!!!!
Thank you for asking, AnnaGrace. Well, like I said a few days ago, I’m trying to get together with her and some other folks more often, but I also just found out that I’m moving in late May (pending salary negotiations) so I’m not sure how helpful my friendship would be… I mean, to get to know her and then leave her in the dust a month and a half later. But yeah, I’m trying to hang out with her more when we’re in a group together, and I’m scheduling some get-togethers.
I really appreciate you asking!
Oh, it’s nothing, thanks for letting us know! Yeah, it’s tough to be there for someone when you don’t live in the same area. Moving doesn’t have to be the same as leaving someone in the dust, though. My best friend lives in a different state–we’ve never lived in the same area; we met each other at came–but we still manage to be there for each other. No, it’s not the same as living close, but with modern technology there’s still ways to keep in touch. Are you on Facebook? Do you text? Do you e-mail? The first year my BFF and I were friends we kept in touch through e-mail because neither of us had ever heard of Facebook and I lost her phone number and was too shy (in the beginning) to ask her for it again! If you do have Facebook, make a point to keep up with her, comment on her stuff, etc. This goes for all your friends that you want to keep in touch with, btw, not just Mildred 🙂 Will be praying for your move and God bless! ~AnnaGrace
Hey @Sam Wegener. How is your unit going? Praying for you!
It’s from where Jesus said “I will make you fishers of men”. Fishers of men, Go Fish…
That makes sense. Thanks!
Hey @Sam S.! Okay, so I know this is a little off topic, but when did you say that the DHTU site would be up? Or did you even say when at all? Sorry, I’m really forgetful. XD
Hold on, DHTU is going to have a website put together by Sam S? Or do you mean Revive? (Revive will be up April 4.)
Ohhh, wow! So eventually I’ll be able to see DHTU? Or is this for people who are already in DHTU?
The media? I have no idea what you’re saying… English please? 😉
Haha 🙂
Oh, say, how are you doing with your friends?
Yes! Praise God! It’s funny how not having as many friends makes us talk to people we wouldn’t talk to normally. Have you made any new friends? (Guessing from your answer: Yes?)
Well, surface level is the starting point. Something I keep needing to remind myself of, too!
I love it when that happens — it’s like you’re really getting to know them then.
So have your friends just stopped hanging out with you, or what? I wasn’t very clear on the details…
Sorry @mimeforjesus:disqus! DHTU wasn’t meant to be exclusive or anything. I just only announced it to a small segment of my email subscribers because this first time through was a test run. Hopefully later this year I’ll be opening enrollment for everyone. =)
Hi Brett, I completely understand. Even if you had made DHTU public knowledge, I wouldn’t have been able to join/enroll this time around, anyway… No problem!
If you end up opening enrollment, I hope to enroll next time! 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Oh, okay… that’s hard. Like, really hard.
Oh, and how’s Science going? Two books in one year, right?
That’s funny, because for me it was the opposite – I loved Biology, and Physical Science was… meh, okay.
So I assume by now you’ve hit Module 6 in Biology? That one almost turned me off from Biology! Worst module of my life… Okay, it wasn’t that bad. Just almost!
Ohhh, okay. I assumed you were doing Dr. Wile (Apologia) science. What curriculum are you doing then?
BJU, I remember them. I used their “Heritage Studies” books for Geography one year… those books live in infamy in my house! How do you like them, aside from being ancient? Do they still teach that Pluto is a planet??
ttyl! bedtime 🙂
I’m doing Apoliga!!!
I feel your pain. At least it’s nice to know that there are other people going through the same things as you. Keep looking up!
Wait, are we still talking about the 688 site? (I dunno if I should actually post the address here.) Is that the site that will have the live streams up on it? Or just the social media site thing?
Legal terms and policies…hmm…maybe just a few things that people will actually read. Most people don’t read them anyway. But it’s probably important to have something, if you have something in particular to say.
Oh wait. I read that wrong. Ignore my confusion.
Awesome! Can’t wait. 🙂
Great! Glad I could be of service. To be honest, when the privacy policy, terms of use, and etc. are five billion pages long, I don’t even read ’em. #guilty!
At that point you will “unlock” the front blank page for all to see? 🙂
Haha yeah. I just need big font, short and succinct points, and an incentive to read it. Other than that, I just check the box and agree to something that I pr will regret later…lol
Oops I meant *probably
Oh, I see… You sound a lot like me, actually, except for the candy — my mom is big into health food. I’ve been reading since I was three (and reading everything in sight), and my brother and I were outside as much as we could be for a long time. Then we moved in-town when I was eight, and I couldn’t be outside during school hours 🙁
Mostly I know Veggietales because we’d watch it on rainy days or when my mom needed me out from underfoot. Or from when my younger siblings would watch it 🙂
Looks like it’s not going to work out, my family is moving in early May and we’ll be trying to get into the community around there. 🙁 Maybe next year!
But… Cedarville has summer programs for different fields of study. I am semi-likely to go to one of those this summer because it’s just four days, and it’s “educational”. If you went too…
*knew* that, right?
And how’s it going with you?
Which book? #alwayscurious
In my family the test of how old/outdated a science book is, is if they call Pluto a planet. That makes it outdated 🙂
Okay, okay. I meant you don’t have a picture that proves you exist. But I forgot that you’ve emailed folks on here and you’re fanatical about *whispered so I don’t attract the French toast monsters* French toast. That proves you are human – I’ve never met a robot who loves *whispered* French toast like you do 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I agree, I should have added that…
Here are some questions for you:
So, how do you reconcile the dichotomy between the two Creation accounts in Genesis (Chapters 1 and 2)?
Oh boy, this is hard to think up… Okay, so how do you know that God exists? Isn’t he a figment of our imaginations? 🙂
Haha. Easy!
The first, I will answer with a link to an article: https://answersingenesis.org/contradictions-in-the-bible/do-genesis-1-and-2-contradict-each-other/
The second is super easy. Creation. You don’t look at the computer you’re using and say, this must have popped out of the junkyard. After a tornado went through. Chaos doesn’t make order. And all of the DNA…the sun with a continual energy source…everything perfectly aligned with the planets…I don’t know where to begin!!! And nothing doesn’t make something. It can’t. Mater is not destroyed. It just changes forms.
I don’t know if that made sense…
This is hard to level attacks!
Okay, I’m a Mormon. I believe that the bible has some authority, but a lot of errors. Joseph smith corrected those. And added his book, the Book of Mormon, an the pearl of great price. There are continuing to be prophets today. Why am I wrong? Also, polygamy is great, we were born from heaven, Jesus and satan were brothers, we will all have our own planets in heaven… No he||, three degrees of heaven…
I didn’t mean to but in! Thanks for asking.
Nothing new, except that it is really nice to be able to email Sam! He is already one of my closest friends…because he’s one out of two! Anyway, he has really encouraged me. Thanks, Sam!
God is good.
Oh, and so far in the last couple weeks we’ve sent 800+ emails. Most of them short, and about Revive!
Yeah, well our metabolisms got us through okay. 😉 Haha. Gotcha, I didn’t move into a “town” until I was 9. But that “town” is so small it doesn’t have a single gas station. 🙂 But where I am in Kansas there’s about 15,000 people within city limits. Oh okay, gotcha. Oh by the way if you look in my recent comments you’ll see one sent to Haylie about competing in Missouri.
Physical science.
You as well! Thanks.
Thank you! 🙂
It’s going alright. Thank you so much for your prayers! I really appreciate them!
Okay…We just got this worksheet today, and I’m looking for some ideas on how to respond while presenting a biblical view of creation. One of the questions is:
As you flip through a newspaper, you notice that the front page article is about evolution. You are curious, since you are becoming an expert on evolution, so you read it. There are the first 4 sentences of the article…
“There is no way that evolution happenened. It is something scientists made up. There is no proof that evolution ever happened. How can we know what happened millions of years ago?”
After reading the whole article, you feel that it is your duty as a science scholar to write a letter to the editor of this newspaper to provide facts about evolution to the public. Write your letter into the space below.
1. Begin the letter: Dear Editor,
2.Write 1 paragraph about it how scientists know evolution happened, or that life has changed over time. In your paragraph, use and explain the following terms: evolution, comparative anatomy, homologous structures, DNA, & fossil.
I want to present creation as a very plausible explanation, while addressing both sides of the argument. Any suggestions, anybody?
Hoo boy, I have no idea… Hmmm.
You could explain that live has changed over time; microevolution still occurs, and you could explain that without espousing macroevolution (“Evolution”). Just an idea…
I agree, I’m definitely leaning in that direction, while explaining that natural selection doesn’t add information, so it can’t just accumulate into macroevolution like everyone seems to think. I think this will be a cool opportunity to show some hard evidence for creation too if I can figure out how to word it 🙂
I’ll be praying for you! When do you turn it in? (I have no idea how a high school works, in case you couldn’t tell!)
Thanks! 🙂 LOL… It’s officially due tomorrow, but teachers are pretty relaxed on due dates so if I take an extra day to write a very in-depth response it won’t be a big deal.
That’s awfu!
I would do something like MFJ said, but answers in genisis has a place you can contact them and ask questions, I think. They probably would have some good ideas.
I’ll check it out. Thanks! Yeah, the whole worksheet is pretty bad. They want us to explain how dinosaurs being extinct is evidence of evolution. When, even from an evolutionist’s stand-point, it’s not. It’s just proof that species go extinct… But, on the bright side, their weak arguements make their claim much easier to refute 🙂
Yes. I’ll be praying!
Hey Sam! I had to write something similar to that. Except, that the paper was about, Global Warming, and I got have a partner. Our paper was pretty simple. We just explained the baisc facts, and then we were done. What I did do though, was that once I got home, I asked my older brother if he would help me write a short paragraph on explaining why Global Warming isn’t real. I know that this might not be much help, but I thought I should tell you that.
I should also mention that I gave th paragraph to my teacher, the next day.
Thank you!!
Thank you everyone for your prayers!! I got something written up that shows the flaws in evolution and the possibility of creation while still meeting the requirements 🙂
That’s good:) Do you know when your unit ends? Just wondering…
I think it is over in a couple of days, so the end is in sight! 🙂
Yeah, they look great 🙂
Maybe next year…
And why were you eating an #happydance omelet for dinner? That would never happen at my house! (okay, except if my parents were gone and we felt like eating something that didn’t make many dishes.)
Loi 🙂
Hmmm, okay… More or less than *whispered* French toast?
Oh, now I understand. I never could figure out how those two accounts were the same!
I understand what you’re saying, but I’ll press you a little further because it’s to fun 🙂 I don’t want to believe that Creation existed. Just because of it’s so unlikely, doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened! So, I think we actually evolved. Now prove Him to me! (Seriously, I’ve run into people like this…)
Okay, you want to take this argument? I don’t really have time to think this out, and I haven’t had a lot of interaction with Mormon beliefs… Sounds like you have 🙂
But I will argue about polygamy, ’cause that doesn’t take that long. Polygamy is not great… all you have to do to be convinced is, ask your wife(s)!!! Okay, JK… I don’t have an argument against that one either, because my version of the Bible is probably different from yours…
That is awesome!
Wow, one of two friends? Is the other friend real-life, or are you, like, a stereotypical homeschooler?
Hey, “I can be your friend!” Not through email, but here, SOG, wherever else we both are 🙂
800+ emails?! That is CRAZY! But if it was me, I’d be doing the same…
Hahaha. You think nothing made something??
Thanks! Yeah, the other one is real life. 🙂 I only see him every other month or so, though. That’s fun!
We’re crazy alright…doing something hard? Who would have thought of that!!
Okay, okay! I’m just making you argue… it’s not a position I can even defend, it’s just a position some stubborn people decide they won’t budge from.
I don’t make the rules, my friend! (Or should I say, “my son!”?)
ttyl… I work in 10 hours!
Sounds almost like my town… it was more a group of houses around the community college, then we had a gas station, a Walmart, and for some reason TONS of fast-food places and a couple of hotels in the middle of nowhere.
Yes, I did see your comment to Haylie… it sounds amazing!
How’s the Rebelutionary conference idea coming along?
Haha I know! That’s why it’s so illogical…
Yikes! I just got done with work a couple of hours ago…
Yeah, I got done with work at 7:00 my time, then I work 8:30 my time 🙂
And now I really am done… my *real* mother told me I need to go to bed.
Okay! Sweet dreams….
That was weird.
Yep. Sounds like an interesting…ish town. Maybe. Haha Okay good, well Brett emailed us back and gave us feedback. We’re just still kinda deciding if an when and with what team we’re gonna get this off the ground. Commitment….such a very relevant word aye?
Awesome! you should post it on SOG! I’d sure llike to read it…I’ve done a few of those, too.
thank you for tagging me…what’s going on?
yeah, how’s it going?
Hmm. I’ll talk to Sam and see what the status is and probably release an update. 🙂
The same thing…
Hmm. I’ll talk to Sam and see what the status is and probably release an update. 🙂
Cool 🙂
Hey, Dominic kinda disappeared from on here… is he still doing Revive? You and Sam S are the only ones I’ve seen talking about it.
We’re not sure exactly what’s going on with Dominic, other that he is no longer able to participate in Revive. That’s all we know. 🙁
Aw, that’s too bad… 🙁
Yeah it is.
Hey Dominic? What’s been happening, bro? We’re all missing you (http://therebelution.com/blog/2015/01/my-prayer-problem/#comment-1935004997) on The Reb. And heard you can’t be part of Revive any more. That’s a pity. 🙁 Everything OK? Anything we can be praying for?
That’s a pity. :/ I’ve shot him a quick message to check how he’s doing. Hopefully he gets it.
Thank you!
Oh, that’s good… my teacher isn’t that relaxed!
Okay, everybody, my evolution unit is officially over!!!! 😀 We took the test today. Thank you sooo much for your prayers and awesome advice, especially @
Hey everyone! We have an update on Revive: We are on schedule to launch this Saturday morning!!! We are in the final adjusting and fine tuning stage. Thanks everyone, especially Sam S. 🙂
I’ll tag a few people….
@madison_w:disqus @mimeforjesus:disqus @Kittenese:disqus @nathanaelbarker:disqus @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus @disqus_MZjnX3x57n:disqus @disqus_joshwhatshislastname:disqus @clarezpulley:disqus @disqus_rHUVb4P7uQ:disqus @disqus_S0BHgwFPNF:disqus @samwegner:disqus @a_haylie:disqus @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus @amandabeguerie:disqus @zeitgeist2012:disqus @calebnorman:disqus @gbingo:disqus @sarahp_413:disqus @abigailmccoy:disqus @SusannahBaffa:disqus @CricketTaylor:disqus @christopher164:disqus @liamsiegler:disqus @Abbyallen1:disqus @trent_blake:disqus @disqus_ynAwM455oe:disqus @jessjesse:disqus @benjaminvincent:disqus @Magnesium101:disqus @madeleine_grace:disqus @steelersfan08:disqus @disqus_RyIDsQAPld:disqus @gracemuncey:disqus @halleglushefski:disqus @jeffreylybarger:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus @disqus_9p1eGFJkII:disqus @graysonzaragoza:disqus @disqus_XM5QHF0vAP:disqus @prayerwrrior:disqus @everyoneelseiforgot
That’s a lot!!!
AWESOME!!!!! =D We all really appreciate the work you and @programguy:disqus are doing! Thanks!
@Ethan__H:disqus how do you have more comments than I do???? hahaha
I invaded the reb! How long have you been commenting?
Haha. Thanks! Sam is doing all of the programming. 🙂
About three months. =)
Really? I think I’ve been here 1-1.5 months. And commented a ton!
Yay. I’m so glad for you!!
That’s awesome! Thanks so much for everyone who has helped! We really appreciate it!!
*happy dance* Thank you so much, guys!!!
*happyhappyhappydance* Thank you for all the time you two have put into Revive!
Will you post a link for us on Saturday?
Yup! As soon as we’re ready!!
Jesus Christ did the ultimate hard thing.
YAY!!!!!!!! So excited!!!!
That it was…
Yeah, commitment is relevant there. Wish I could help, but my summer’s gonna be kinda busy… unfortunately. Maybe next year!
Hi Sorry, I can’t really be part of The Rebelution comments any more either. I still read the emails.
Aw, that’s a pity. Hope everything’s going OK. As I said before, we’ll be praying for you. 🙂
@Ethan__H:disqus @mimeforjesus:disqus See Dom’s comment above.
@mimeforjesus:disqus Dom replied saying “Hi Sorry, I can’t really be part of The Rebelution comments any more either. I still read the emails.” Wish we had more info, dunno if something’s happened or not, but at least we can pray for him no matter what the case is. 🙂
Thanks! I saw it, and got your comment. 🙁
I’ve been emailing him.
He said basically he’s not allowed to do this type of stuff anymore. That’s all I know.
:/ That’s a shame. I’ll miss my down-under buddy.
Yeah. All we can do is pray.
Ermmm can I ask a probably obvious question?
Whats Revive?
Haha. Okay.
Revive is a place for Christian teens to share their prayer requests with one another. Basically. 🙂
Is that what you wanted to know?
Oh thats awesome! Sorry, I didn’t read any of the comments. I just saw yours and thought “okay what is this?”. 🙂
Thats what I wanted to know. 😀 Thank yah!
Sure! We’re close!
Thanks you guys for all the hard work! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!
Glad you got through that!
It’ll be fun!
Hey Ethan how much can you tell us about Revive? Like what’s the format going to be and stuff?
Hmm. It is crazy cool. What about the format?
It is mobile optimized!!!
I’ll be waiting! XD
Yeah, well we’re planning on fundraisinf from now until summer of 2016 so we’ll have funds and a solid foundation for our conference, so maybe you’ll be able to after all. 🙂 If everything pans out that is.
Hey guys, can you pray for me because this weekend, and the following week, is going to be crazy. Please pray that I will not be impatient.
Yes. I will! Do you want to tell us about it?
Sure. I’m on my Spring Break right now, and both my friends, and cousins are coming, so it’s going to be a little bit hard for me and my family to find time do everything with everyone. Hope that makes since.
Yes. Okay!
Revive launches tomorrow!!!!
*Happy face* So excited!
How many exclamation points is that?????? lol. =)
Oooh the secret origins of Revive…thanks for coming up with the name, Riley! =)
Hey what time tomorrow are you going to launch? Looking forward to it, btw!!! =D
I’ll be happy to pray for ya 🙂
We will announce that tonight!!!
It kinda *is* tonight… :D. Can’t wait! Will it be Disqus-enabled?
Sure! Praying 🙂
About 2 hours, probably.
I can’t spill everything! You’ll have to wait and see…
So that’s the way it’s gonna be, eh?
Whoa, you made it all the way down here??!! Haha, thx. ‘Twas my pleasure :).
Yep!! 🙂
I like your name, too 😀
This many:
You count!
Okay….here it comes…..Revive will launch tomorrow at 10:00 AM Eastern Time!!!! We will try to do a countdown 10 minutes before. Anyone excited? We are!
For those of you who don’t know, Revive is a place for Christian teens to share their prayer requests with one another.
I’ll tag a ton of people…
@josh_whatshislastname:disqus @mimeforjesus:disqus @disqus_yezUL85qzj:disqus @a_haylie:disqus @nathanaelbarker:disqus @brooklynmorrison:disqus @disqus_0EPlfBsVWj:disqus @samwegner:disqus @abigailmccoy:disqus @zeitgeist2012:disqus @programguy:disqus @BrettHarris:disqus @calebnorman:disqus @amandabeguerie:disqus @Kittenese:disqus @sarahp_413:disqus @gbingo:disqus @SusannahBaffa:disqus @CricketTaylor:disqus @rebelutionary27:disqus @christopher164:disqus @liamsiegler:disqus @Abbyallen1:disqus @benjaminvincent:disqus @jessjesse:disqus @amariswatje:disqus @trent_blake:disqus @disqus_S0BHgwFPNF:disqus @disqus_j9ZYxfriG1:disqus @halleglushefski:disqus @Magnesium101:disqus @thewriterchick:disqus @disqus_LzTgmwudVU:disqus @madeleine_grace:disqus @disqus_EMRCDvwKlM:disqus @Renee1011:disqus @josephmao:disqus @disqus_MZjnX3x57n:disqus @disqus_9p1eGFJkII:disqus @jacksonbiblebee:disqus @steelersfan08:disqus @disqus_RyIDsQAPld:disqus @disqus_5raHpmpa9T:disqus @ruthie_c:disqus @jeffreylybarger:disqus @Rhanx97:disqus @aitanagarcia:disqus @KK4OXJ:disqus @graysonzaragoza:disqus @disqus_XM5QHF0vAP:disqus @MyNameIsAnigoMontoya:disqus @prayerwrrior:disqus @ChristianTimelord:disqus @liv737johnoxide:disqus @jesusfreaknate:disqus @Skitterson:disqus @disqus_clxqoYwM08:disqus @katietelling:disqus @aaronpaultorres:disqus @disqus_ePP3Yyx781:disqus @disqus_rxHwcqpiM4:disqus @disqus_v7zgvL3EXD:disqus @disqus_kdAL39mCAK:disqus @spencer_larson:disqus @disqus_4aLd26vJM2:disqus @disqus_zxr2krNx5O:disqus @MissionsAreMyLife:disqus @joyswen:disqus
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll be on here if I possibly can 🙂
Wow, you tagged a ton of people! Probably literally, come to think of it…
And you can try to count the !’s in there, but I don’t want to 🙂
Yes! I tagged everyone. 🙂
YAY! Thanks Ethan! I can’t wait to see it! I’ll just be waking up when it launches (it’ll be 7am where i am) but I’ll check it out as soon as I can! BTW will you post a link on here?
I’m getting more excited the more I think about it, and I didn’t think that was really possible!
If there’s anything I can help with after the fact (I have no idea how this is set up!) I’d love to… ‘Course, I’m not supposed to email y’all so I might not be any help.
Good! Yep, we’ll post a link in the morning!
Nothing at the moment. Thanks for the offer!
Y’all will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘K 🙂 I guessed as much.
You wanna count those exclamation points? They go off the page for me…
No, I don’t care to. If you want to, you’ll still be here in the morning! 🙂
Cool! Can’t wait! In Feb my friend almost died and I posted the prayer request on the latest DQ page. It’s cool you’re making a site for prayer.
I’ve been praying for him! How’s he doing?
Really well! Thanks for praying. He was in rehab at the hospital for 1/4 the time they expected him to take. God worked in some amazing ways through out the ordeal. GOD IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying for you.
I’m thankful to hear he’s doing better 🙂
Do you have a website?
??? I don’t understand… what sort of a website?
Never mind. I didn’t mean to post that comment.
Like a blog. I’ve been checking out the blogs of a lot of people on the Reb.
She writes for the Reb.
Oh, okay. No, I don’t right now.
True, true 🙂 But I haven’t really written much for them yet… I sent in another article last week, though!
Nither do I. I was just checking. 🙂
I’ve read one of her articles. I liked it.
Awesome blossom! So excited 🙂
I think I am going to send one in soon. 🙂
The articles I write I’ll probably submit to SOG. I did the one about God’s plan and I have a couple more ready to go.
I liked that one! 🙂
Thanks. It was a hard one to write. It took me a few trys before I could do it.
Thank you!
And for SOG! And Not Just A Teen (Nathan Tasker’s blog) let me do a guest post once, and I think I’ll be sending him another one fairly soon. Be on the lookout!
I can’t wait to see more. I like that we can share our articles even though we don’t have our own blogs.
Yes! Do it, do it, do it! 🙂
I agree. Do it.
That must have been so hard…
But thank you for writing it; God used it the day it was posted!
I’m almost ready!
That is great!
Oh, and have you checked out Nathan’s blog? It’s great!
You’re welcome. God as taught me sooooooooooo much through this ordeal.
Thank you for agreeing with me!
Not yet. I’ll check it out soon though.
May we know what it’s about? Prayer, perhaps?
If you want a link I can get it!
No thanks. I know how to get there. I just haven’t looked at it yet.
Nope! The title is, “What are we doing, Christians?”.
That’s all I can say.
Sounds intriguing. Can’t wait to read it!
Hopefully it will turn up the heat for us as Christians. At least that’s my goal.
Oh, I just realized it could look like I’m being pushy… I just love his blog and I want people to see it, that’s all! No hurry!
Same here – I can’t wait to read it!
Don’t worry. I know how you feel. I’m so thankful I found the Reb and y’all. I’ve been having a rough time latley and you guys have really encouraged me. Thanks a million.
Anything I can be praying for?
You’re welcome! That’s what we’re here for 😀
Nothing spisific. Just the chaos of life seems more… well…chaotic right now. But God is Good and He has a plan. Even if I can’t see it. Thanks for praying. It means a lot to me.
Wish I had some great words of wisdom, but I don’t… I have trouble with chaos, too.
You’re welcome!
I’ll be praying for you as well. I can’t wait to see this Prayer website thingy. We’ll it’s time for bed. It was fun to talk yo you for a while. See ya around.
Yahoo!!! And even better this time because you remembered to tag meee! 😛 (jk!) Great work guys!!
So excited! Can’t wait to see it!! 🙂
Haha. I tagged everyone!
I tagged until no more tags came up!
Yeah. Oh well.
Naw, I got curious and sorted it by “best” so this was fairly near the top. =)
Haha no thanks….
Oooh 15 minutes! =DDDDD I’ll be here!
Getting ready to start the countdown!
Revive countdown!
Okay guys! Revive is open!!!!
Check it out: reviveingthereedemed.com
Hey dude it says the site doesn’t exist
I made it just in time!!!! But the link doesn’t seem to be working…
Yeah….sorry to spoil the party but I get a “problem loading page” error. =/
Yep! Typo again!
This one works. COOL!
Waiting for the confirmation email….site looks great so far, though! =)
I haven’t gotten it either….
No….I can try signing up with a different email if you think that will help.
I hate to be the one guy having troubles – sorry. =/
Cool 🙂
Yep! Sorry guys.
Dude, I tried to sign in and it said it was a duplicate account…?? Now it just says “error”.
I filled in the log in info on the page you sent to me, but it didn’t take it. Now the link you gave me doesn’t work, it just says “token not found”.
I got the link and created an account. Thanks. This site looks great.
Ok, that worked. Thanks!!
NOOOOOOOOOO! Oh wait, I’m already part of the “fake” site!
Way to go guys! It’s up and running!
Praise the Lord! ^_^
So you and Ethan started “Revive”?
Yeppers! Take a bow, @programguy:disqus and @Ethan__H:disqus!
So the sole purpose is to simply share prayer requests?
Okay, you’re right… he got the idea, but you two really made it happen! He was the catalyst 🙂
And he was talkin to me an one other person…
Haha, that’s all it took!
Go on over and see! It’s got a “Girls'” area where we can talk (kinda like the Reb, I take it) and there’s also a section for stuff almost like DQ’s 🙂
Well, I did, but I’d have to sign up first, and I kind of wanted to know what it was before I signed up. 🙂
Haha. 🙂
Yahoo! Off-topic conversations are great!
Like this one, actually… 🙂
Ohh, okay 🙂
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
The sight is really cool guys!!!!
I can’t seem to get to it to open, is there anything else I can do?
ok, thanks, it works now!
What happened to Dominic? Is he still involved?
I wondered – that’s too bad. I haven’t seen him around for a while.
Oh, that’s sad :(.
The whole goal.
Ah, I see. I will have to check this out, it sounds really cool!
Epic!!!!!!!!!!!!! My gosh, it’s waaaaay cooler than I ever could have imagined! Wow, I’m amazed (in case you couldn’t tell :P). Thank you so much Ethan, @programguy:disqus and everyone else who helped!!!
*dancing* I got and email from Sam S, I got an email from Sam S…. Lol, it was weird seeing your name at the bottom of the ‘account activated’ email!
YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! It looks AMAZING, guys! Great job!
Cool! Great work guys!
The site looks great! I can’t wait to completely check it out guys!
Quick question: How do you change/add a profile pic??
I just made an account, the site looks amazing!
Great! I’ll see you over there! =D
I gathered, but it’s still cool. 🙂
Haha, I have soooo many more comments than you two, @josh_whatshislastname:disqus and @Ethan__H:disqus!
Is that good, or bad?
I’m sad you had to leave us!
Have a great Resurrection Day!
I see it 🙂
Yep, I saw that. I’ll be praying for him!
How many? I’m catching up!!
Okay, well maybe I can help! That’d be great 🙂
The site looks amazing! Thanks for putting it together!
Sure! Sam S. did most of the work!
What web platform did you use?
We used a platform called HumHub, and the rest was raw coding.( the landing page). 🙂
Do you do that kind of stuff?
It looks really nice. I haven’t done much of that stuff, but I’m taking a HarvardX Computer Science class on edX right now and I’m hoping to initiate a website to connect students at my highschool because those of us who are off campus don’t know anyone else. I’ll have to take a peak at HumHub and see if I can learn coding and stuff fast enough. How did you learn coding/programming/computer-y stuff?
Cool! Humhub might work pretty well.
I learned coding from a book, and trial and error. 🙂
Code academy.com is a great resource as well!
Thank you SO much for offering to help, Sam! (Look at me not even knowing how to tag you :).) I’m really reassured about the simplicity of HumHub by your response. I need to discuss my idea with the student council and then the school principal, so it might be a few weeks before I can begin work if all goes well, but I’m really excited about this prospect. I’ll definitely be contacting you for help if this project comes through!
Unfortunately my profile refuses to show up for me. You can check!
Wow. And thanks for checking!
If you spent one minute on each comment, you have spent 54.75 hours on here.
Yeah! I’m catching up to you, Sam!
Is that how many you have?
And comments like that one will help you catch up, won’t they?
How long did it take you to calculate that one out?
Yep! Close…
They sure will! You’re very perceptive…
30 seconds. 🙂
Thank you guys so much for your advice! @programguy:disqus is HumHub free for more than 3 users? I got a bit confused by their website fees. Did you have to pay for Revive? Thank you @Ethan__H:disqus for the tip about codeacademy.com. It looks really helpful!
Was? What is the count now, Sam Shilton?
How dis you do it?
Sure! We didn’t pay for anything that I know of; it is free and open source.
In my head, of course.
And now I’m helping you with your plot to out-comment Sam!
*whispers* we got her, Sam!
Lol…I outdo what he does in a couple years in a couple months…
Of course! And I just realized that it’s only long division… I was trying to think up a formula!
Yes…of course not! Haha. I used a calculator.
Why not? I don’t eat French toast!
What is so funny, Ethan Hopkins?
What? How’d you find that out? Ahh. PM on Revive…oh no. LEAK!
Only Sam knows…
Okay! I’ll cooperate. 🙂
My pleasure.
This phone is randomly shutting down the browser, so I might just drop out if this convo, FYI.
But yeah! Stand up to Sam!
“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.” C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
Thanks for your article, Jaquelle. I am new to this venue but would like to make a comment. I am 65 and I know that I do not pray enough, either. I was saved when I was 42 years old but did not make a serious commitment to follow Christ until I was 58. My dad was a Baptist preacher for 48 years. Alcohol and drugs were a huge part of my life until I got saved. I have much to be thankful for……especially the patience, mercy and grace of God. In my failure to pray I often think about the Matthew 26 passage:
Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go and pray over there.” And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.” He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Again, a second time, He went away and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.” And He came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy.
So He left them, went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words. Then He came to His disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Matthew 26:36-45 NKJV
At the time Jesus needed them the most, the disciples were too tired to pray. I have other excuses like I am too busy or I will pray later. Sometimes I have the mindset that the little things are too insignificant to pray about. The bottom line is that I just do not pray enough.
One thing that I do every morning is to remind myself that God, the Creator of the universe, the One who sent His only Son to die so that I could have eternal life……..wants to talk to me. That is quite humbling. So before I leave for work everyday I get on my knees and thank Him for another day. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts and actions so that at the end of the day I have brought Glory and Honor to God. Then I leave and go do my job as a custodian at the local high school where God has given me the privilege to be around 1700+ students everyday. I have never been so blessed in my life because in the last 6 years I have met some of the neatest teenagers you could ever meet. Of course, there are many struggling teens. Another matter of prayer.
Anyway, thanks for letting me be a part of life’s journey to be imitators of Christ. For in that imitation we become God’s masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10 NLT
God does work in mysterious ways.
Cool. Thanks!
Hi Bob. Thank you so much for your encouragement. My grandfather actually just got saved a few years ago; he was in his late sixties. God truly does amazing work.
It encourages me to know that my elders struggle with prayer too. Praise God that He is so patient with us in our weakness. I just took a moment now to pray for you about this.
Welcome to TheRebelution, and many blessings to you.
Don’t know if y’all will see this or not, but i don’t have time to hop onto Revive right now, and i wanted to ask you guys to pray for a “friend” of mine who has been missing for a few days. I don’t know her spiritual condition and am choosing not to share her name.
I’ll be praying! I can try and share it on Revive for you, too 🙂
Wow, ok! I’ll be praying! Keep us filled in!
You going to post it? Bc I can if you want…
Nvm just saw it on revive. =)
Thx 🙂
Hehe 🙂
hahaha 🙂 I do really wonder what his last name is… in the words of Wesley from The Princess Bride: “Get used to disappointment.”
Sorry, that was supposed to be Shelton!
You’ll know in about a week! If we can launch SOG by then….
LOL that’s not his real last name…
Really?! Awesome! I didn’t know SOG’s new lauch was going to be so soon!
I do know that… 🙂
Not sure….
@Y’all, thanks for your prayers! My “friend” is safely home, but i have no other details at this time. PTL!
Oh, good!! Glad to hear she’s safe.
“PTL”? I don’t now many acronyms — what does it mean?
Praise God! I’m glad to hear she’s safe.
Praise the Lord 🙂
@Y’all XD and great thanks for letting us know! =)
Josh A is back! XD And I just said y’all and thought of you 🙂
Yeah I’m back… =) It’s funny bc I had a bible study that lasted until late last night, then I had a statewide piano competition at UGA (a couple hours away) now I’m about to run out the door for dinner…so I won’t be on for long! =P
And gosh – it was easy “going off” my kindle for a week, but when I saw “Lyme Disease Challenge” and kept getting email notifications I so stupidly forgot to turn off it was HARD…but I DID IT!!!! XD =)
And haha about what you said about y’all. =)))))
Statewide piano competition sounds pretty cool! How’d you do?Yeah, that would be hard… Congratulations on Doing a Hard Thing!
I don’t know yet! =P I think I’ll find out tonight, though. And thanks! =)
Did you do the Lyme challenge?
Nyet. None of the stores around here are selling limes yet. It’s not like I’d be posting a pic or video anywhere, anyway… I’ll just tell you guys when I do it!
I also have prayer problems so this article struck me so hard.
For me,though, I find it funny that when I’m having troubles, that’s when I find it difficult to pray.
It’s not that hard for me to thank God and rejoice in the good things. But when bad things happen, or I’ve done something bad again that I supposedly lifted up to Him already, I can’t bring myself to pray.
I used to always run to Him in times of trouble. Then there’s this certain issue that keeps on reoccurring in my life. I asked Him to help me deal with it. The problem is I keep on falling into that dark pit and the more often I stumble, the lesser I prayed.
I think it’s because I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed that I can’t keep myself from that certain sin that haunts me.
I’m still stuck but God still finds ways to enter my heart.
I guess it’s a slow but sure process. God’s not done with me yet.
It’s been two years. wow. I’m doing really well, the reason why I had to leave was because everything I was doing online and with Revive was behind my parents back, I broke their trust and needed to step away from the computer for a while. I’ve regained their trust and am living quite happily now. Hope things are going well with you guys.
God bless,
Love from Dominic.
It’s been two years. wow. I’m doing really well, the reason why I had to leave was because everything I was doing online and with Revive was behind my parents back, I broke their trust and needed to step away from the computer for a while. I’ve regained their trust and am living quite happily now. Hope things are going well with you guys.
God bless,
Love from Dominic..
Dom! So glad to hear from you!! You must be finishing high school by now, right?
Homeschooler 😉
When will you graduate? I don’t remember what you guys call the portion of school before uni.
Not sure what it’s called either. I’ve pretty much finished Homeschooling, now I’m mostly working on our farm. Still learning a few things as we all do.
Nice! I didn’t know you live on a farm, what do you raise?
We are on a beef farm. So we raise cows from a young age and sell them off when they’re older
That sounds like a lot of work. We have family friends who raised buffalo for a while and it always awed me how much time and energy it took to care for them
this was amazing to read and very insightful.
thank you!