rebelling against low expectations

No One Laughs at God in a Hospital


Our goal with every post is to encourage our readers in their pursuit of God, challenge them to greater impact for His glory, and inform them of opportunities and resources that might aid in these endeavors. I believed that Regina Spektor’s song contributed to that mission by allowing you to wrestle with truth about God — even truth hidden behind the meandering thoughts of a gifted, secular artist.

C.S. Lewis wrote, “Pain is God’s megaphone to the world” — and I think “Laughing With” makes that point abundantly clear. As our brother Josh wrote on his blog, “suffering strips away our flippant attitude towards God. We can laugh at God when all is well or when we encounter a caricature of him, but when tragedy strikes we’re confronted with the reality that we’re helpless.” No one laughs at God in a hospital.

Nevertheless, I decided to remove the post after realizing that while Regina’s song was edifying to me, it was confusing and unhelpful to many of you (at least among those who commented). I did not expect that, otherwise I would not have posted it in the first place. My goal is to build you up.

For that reason, I’d like to encourage you to consider the following questions. The discussion doesn’t have to end just because the original post is gone.

Some questions for discussion:

  • What lessons should we seek to learn from secular writers, speakers, filmmakers, and musicians?
  • The Apostle Paul writes, “‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up” (1 Corinthians 10:23). How do we discern between what is helpful and harmful?
  • In Acts 17:28, Paul quotes two secular poets (Epimenides and Aratus). It seems safe to assume that God intends for us to not only notice the point Paul is making, but also how he goes about making the point. With that in mind, how should this passage inform our own attempts to share the Gospel? On the flipside, how do we keep from going overboard in our attempts to be “relevant?”

Here’s a tip though: Rather than simply pooling our ignorance in the comment section, take these questions to your parents and pastors. Make sure to also ask them if they have a book they recommend on the topic. This is a hard topic to cover in one conversation! We’d encourage you to check out the book, “Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World” edited by C.J. Mahaney.

About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • NOTE TO EVERYONE: At the very least, take this as pretty safe opportunity to engage with an aspect of popular culture and practice discernment. I think Regina is making a good point (see my comments below). You don’t need to agree with me on that. In fact, even if she really intended to make a subversive point, you can all benefit by thinking through the implications of the words she has written and coming to that conclusion (even when gullible people like me think it’s the best thing since sliced bread). 😉 That will serve you for the rest of your lives. 🙂

  • I like “The Call”, and this song does make you think. I am …what to say?…I don’t know.

    God REALLY does care for us when we are in pain and wants us to be happy. I kind of get the feeling that she is saying that it is ok to call on God when we’re in trouble, but that at other times, when life is good, God can be ignored…What do you guys think?

  • WOW! that is so true. but I sort of have a problem with the part where she said “We’re all laughing with God” because we are not, some of us yell at God in hospitals and in war and when everything goes wrong, we sometimes think it is easer to be angry at God then to put all of our cares on him and to simply laugh.

    Just my two cents


  • I hate to be the cynical music critic here, but the song itself isn’t that great. She’s lost a lot of the charm that she had on her previous record. These lyrics, though (clearly) meaningful to a lot of people, don’t say anything that hasn’t been said before, and more eloquently.

    It’s too much like 80% of modern music: harmless, helpless, dare I say boring? IMO gimmicky ≠ original.

    She’s got talent, but she needs to stop getting so caught up in her own kitsch and just write music.

  • I like “The Call” too…. It was one of my favorites for a long time!

    This song, “Laughing With”, is so true in its depiction of sinful man. But I think this song has the potential to get people thinking, and once it gets more popular it could be a possible means of starting a conversation with a nonbeliever about their view of God. I don’t know….

    I don’t think she’s saying God can or should be ignored in the good times, but I think she’s saying what I know is true-that it’s easy to forget God when everything’s fine. But I could be wrong about her intentions… I don’t know her!

    But this song can serve as a reminder to us all that we need to be focused and reliant on God not only when things are tough and the bottom falls out, but when all’s going well, and life is dandy. That’s, surprisingly, when it sometimes gets tough!

  • I agree. It’s all true until the last line which doesn’t really make much sense. I don’t think she is necessarily taking a side, so to speak, in the song. I think she is just saying what the reality is. People will laugh at God when everythings good, but they won’t when tragedy strikes. However, it hits me as though she is asking “should we really be laughing at God under any circumstances”? My pastor will quite frequently talk about when he visits people who are on their death bed they don’t want to talk about anything but the cross, because at the end of life thats all that matters. It’s all food for thought.

    In Christ,

  • Lyrically there is a bunch that is true about this song, but I think as Christians we can get too excited about songs that are mainstream that contain lyrics about God. Before I gave my life to Christ I listened to all kinds of songs about God and enjoyed them – including a bunch of worship music, but I interpreted them as a generic God and continued my practice of Wicca. It wasn’t until I found out about what Jesus did and who He is that changed my life forever. Something to think about.

  • I loved ‘the call!’ It was such a sweet song. 🙂

    As for this one…the lyrics are very poorly written in my opinion, [not the choice of words, but the placement and flow] as well as the tune/flow of the music. The way she pronounces a lot of the things make it rather difficult to understand as well.

    However, I really do like the message. A lot of people don’t take God seriously until they’re in some sort of crisis and then, all of a sudden, they need God.

  • I like it. I agree that Christians do tend to get caught up in mainstream music that mentions God, but I think this one is actually useful. Minus the last line. That one does make you wonder what exactly she’s trying to say. But this song can be a good conversation starter.

    As for her pronunciation of some of the words, if I remember correctly, she’s from Russia. I might have the country wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s a Slavic country, so that would explain her accent.

  • The song in itself has a point; that being that most people only call on God when their in a time of trouble, but as already said, that last line doesn’t stick.

    As a Christian, I can’t really say that I like this song, but it is a poignant reminder to me to walk with God and His Son Jesus Christ in the good times as well as the bad, knowing that He is with me all the time.

  • I just read it on Josh Harris’s blog, and I found myself lost in the lyrics. It definitely makes you think. I have to say I don’t like the whole “laughing with God” “laughing at God” but I’ll say that the message is very important.

  • I don’t think this is an edifying song.

    “But God can be funny
    At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
    Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they’re about to choke

    God can be funny
    When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way
    And when presented like a genie
    Who does magic like Houdini
    Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus

    God can be so hilarious”

    I don’t really think God can be hilarious. That’s not God, that’s the way the church is representing Him to this world. I think we can take this as a warning. Is this how we are portraying God? It sounds disrespectful.

    I really don’t believe God thinks it’s funny, either.

  • Wow amazing you would put that up my sister just got out of the hostital a few weeks ago and I remember the utter mellencollie of the hostital

    No one says a Bad thing about God when they need him Desptretly There Crying out for his help

  • I listened to the song once and then I read all these comments on it then listened again, and I’m wondering if maybe she says “we’re all laughing with God” at the end because we shouldn’t have hate towards him if we’re in a bad situation. Also she could be saying that our joy should come from God. I don’t know though for sure, I could be wrong… wouldn’t be the first time :D. If I am right though I’m thinking that the song should of been worded alot better.

  • WOW!!
    I got so teary eyed listening to this song!
    I don’t know why, I guess it just got to me because it’s so true and so sad!


  • Kyrstin: My impression is that the chorus (which you quoted in your comment) represents the very ideas the song combats. While the verses are sung in a very genuine way, the chorus is almost sung sarcastically — especially the last time. That is just my opinion, but does that make sense to you?

  • I’m just praying for her. God can speak through anything. I pray He’ll speak through this song to its listeners, and to Ms. Spektor through whatever prompted her to write this song– like Brett just said, the chorus (I think) shows that she’s not satisfied with the God-themed jokes or God presented as a genie… she sees the irony of laughing at God and then needing Him in hard times, or thinking He’s a wish-granter and then having hard things happen. Maybe the Lord is doing some stirring in her heart. I’m praying for her.

  • Austin and Others: Here’s how a few different people on my brother’s blog explain the “we’re all laughing with God” line. These aren’t necessarily accurate, but they help show there are multiple positive interpretations:

    “If you’ve ever heard the phrase–“I’m not laughing AT you, I’m laughing WITH you!” Even when it’s not true, it’s quickly uttered to deflect confrontation. In the same way, the last line in this song is stating that this is how people would respond if God ever confronted them about laughing at him. It’s sort of like a flippant way to appease an angry person.”

    “I like at the end when she sings. “We’re all laughing with God.” makes me think of how God will one day turn all our tears into joy!”

  • One quick question, if we laugh at a joke, that is kind of mocking God, are we sinning? Does that make God angry or does He have a sense of humor and laugh at what we somtimes think He would do/say in the certian situation of the joke?
    Does that make sense?

  • Kyrstin: I had the same impression Brett had. I thought the lyrics of the chorus are meant to be taken in a satirical or ironic way.

  • hmmmm…quite thought provoking. Thanks for sending this my way. This song is sadly, quite true. Nobody laughs at God when something bad is happening, and times are rough. But when times are good, or they don’t think they need him, they laugh at Him and pretend He doesn’t exist.

  • Brett:
    Sorry, but no, it doesn’t. I see what you’re saying, but the song doesn’t make sense. Even if it is to be taken sarcastically, how can we know? That’s the problem with sarcasm – it can be taken literally or not, it’s hard to tell. One will take it one way and another the other. The Bible says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” (James 5:12)

    I really do not see how this songs glorifies God. Yes, it’s message is about God, but I find it very confusing and unedifying. I say this respectfully, Brett, but I really do not see the purpose in posting this song. She is dressed immodestly and as I’ve already said, I don’t believe the song is edifying.

  • I agree with Brett on this one – I got the same impression. I’m a very serious person by nature but have tried to use satire before to get points across, and noticed that it sometimes it confuses others – perhaps when they are taking things too seriously.

    However, satire really does have an effect on an audience when they see their attitudes reflected in the irony. The word “comedy” in the 1828 Webster Dictionary is defined as, “To recommend virtue and make vice ridiculous…all for the amusement of the spectators,” and satire, similarly, is “A general rather than personal discourse or poem in which wickedness or folly is exposed with severity”. That’s why the comedy genre is all about stripping away facades – people usually don’t want to be like the characters in a comedy, because it is in that genre that you see the follies of man exposed most vividly.

    This is a topic that would be interesting to look into Biblically. The Bible is very hard on scoffers and mockers in some contexts, but I find the story of Elijah mocking the pagan priests to be interesting (1 Kings 18). Elijah was obviously a very serious person, but he didn’t mind mocking at that moment!

    Then of course there are the passages about GOD laughing and scoffing at the wicked in Psalms 2 and 37…but I’ve gone off on quite a rabbit trail as it is


  • I don’t know if anyone else has already said this, but the impression I sort of got, especially at the chorus, is that maybe when “we” (we being the pop culture how-to-be-a-good-person reprisentation of Christian’s) present God as “a genie” or someone who gives us money, that that isn’t how God is. Because we don’t laugh at God in a war, or in tradgedy. Did that make sense?

  • Regina Spektor has a fantastic voice and musical style, in my opinion. But, unfortunately a lot of her music is not the best(content wise). It’s very strange to see this song come from a secular artist like her. Josh Harris said:

    “I listened to Regina Spektor’s haunting song “Laughing With” several times today. I don’t know Regina’s personal religious beliefs, but I think she’s written a powerful song. To me the song speaks of the fact that suffering strips away our flippant attitude towards God. We can laugh at God when all is well or when we encounter a caricature of him, but when tragedy strikes we’re confronted with the reality that we’re helpless. No one laughs at God in a hospital.”

    I don’t know what I think of this song. I do think it’s powerful and Josh Harris’s thoughts are interesting. But I’m not sure if I read the song that same way. I do agree with him about how the world reacts to tragedy… though sometimes it seems to be the opposite. Like, it seems like our culture only notices or thinks about God when something bad happens, but when everything is fine and dandy, God never enters their mind. But maybe those thoughts do agree, they just touch different angles of the issue.

    I am still perplexed by this song. I haven’t decided what I think her purpose is. Maybe her own song will speak to her heart? Or maybe God already has and the result is this song? What does she mean in the very last line(we’re all laughing with God)?

    That last line is confusing to me. But thanks for the incite Brett. Oh and I do see both Kyrstin’s and Brett’s points about the chorus. Again, thanks for your thoughts Brett, it does shed some light on that as well.

    I often have been pretty much against secular music. I think, how can you get something up lifting from someone who might be a total atheist. But this song is a good example to me of 1) how God can use anything for His glory and 2) how a song can be interpreted in many different ways. What is it that matters more: the way the song is generally interpreted or what the person who wrote it really meant? I haven’t decided yet.

    I have heard people say that they take secular love songs and and instead think of them as a love song to God. But I have never been able to do that…I just can’t get the thought out of my head that it was originally written about someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend. But again, in a different way, even if Regina didn’t mean this for God’s glory, obviously people are thinking of it that way. Very, very thought provoking. If I knew that she meant this disrespectfully towards God, I don’t think I would be able to listen to it with out getting it’s original intent out of my head. Make sense?

    Just my two cents…

  • Oh and two different ideas on what the last line could be. One could be good, the other is kind of “secular”. 1) God cares about us and is ‘laughing with us’. 2) God is just playing a big joke on us. Just two things that came to my mind about what that could mean.

  • Kyrstin: Satire is not sarcasm. Satire reveals the faults or folly of something a person/group of people/society does in an ironic manner/tone. I totally respect your opinion. I can definitely see where you get that impression. I just wanted to make clear the distinction between satire and sarcasm since I had the impression of satire.

  • Alesia,

    Yes, if one is mocking God then he/she is sinning. That would be using God’s name in vain which is something that is strictly prohibited in the 10 commandments. I think God is saddened when someone misinterprets Him. I can just imagine the sad look on His face when He sees people who think that God wants to harm them or that He always criticizes our prayers.

    Hope that helps!

  • This song is sad, but oh so true. People tend to want to do things their way when times are good, and they want God’s help when times are bad. That however, is not how it works.
    Anyway, this song is very thought provoking, and I will probably be thinking about this one for a few days.

  • Thanks Emily, it does.

    Cause I’ve always wondered, when God see’s people watching a movie like “Bruce Almighty” or “Even Almighty” does He laugh or is He sad?
    So what you said does help, thanks =)

    God Bless


  • I haven’t seen either of those movies. But, I find it extremely hard to find any clean, God honoring comedy in movies. So my automatic guess, without knowing the content, wold be that God is not laughing.

    Glad I could help clarify a little 🙂

  • Kyrstin: I appreciate your concern, but I don’t think it is right to expect non-believers to write songs they way believers would. I’m interested in why Regina chose to write the song (assuming she is not a Christian or a practicing Jew) and was curious to see how it came across to all of you.

    Admittedly, the song probably is unhelpful if you think it is encouraging people to view God as “hilarious.” However, from my perspective the song conveys the exact opposite message — and most people seem to come away with the same impression. I certainly wouldn’t have posted it if I thought Regina was making an anti-God point. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if she explains the song further on The Tonight Show later this month. 🙂

    In a half-humorous, half-serious way, I’d encourage you to read my recent post, “Are You Easily Edified?” As Christians I think we can bring clarity to the song and benefit from the point she makes. There is good truth here (albeit presented in a slightly ambiguous way by a secular artist whose knees show). 😉

  • Wow, she is a pretty good singer…she talkes really fast in some parts. What was she saying when she started talking in a different language?

    It makes sense though. You don’t laugh at God in those times, but some laugh at Him when they are wealthy and they are healthy and everything is going well for them.

    Thanks for the post…


  • The first time I watch the movie a while back it seemed wierd and disrespectful of God, BUT now that I know the lyrics, I actually really enjoy the song and just picked up how to play it on the guitar. As far as she being a “secular” artist, I could careless. She has a great point, and expresses it in a very articlulte and beautiful way. Great musician! She doesn’t always have the best morals, but she’s a great writer! Besides there is some “secular” music that is better to listen to than “Christian” music! Love Coldplay! God Bless!

    All For His Son’s Glory!

  • By the way the point of the song is just that when every thing is going good, people take everything for granted, and laugh at the possiblity of there being a god! But when thing are not going well, they seem to take things more seriously. however you spell that!


  • Everyone: At the very least, take this as pretty safe opportunity to engage with an aspect of popular culture and practice discernment. I think she is making a good point. You don’t need to agree with me. In fact, even if she really intended to make a subversive point, you can all benefit by thinking through the implications of the words she has written and coming to that conclusion (even when gullible people like me think it’s the best thing since sliced bread). 😉 That will serve you for the rest of your lives. 🙂

  • P.s. e.g. Krystin

    “God can be funny
    When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way” or “Your Best Life Now” by Joel Olsten. Joel Olsten says the same thing.

  • Before reading Brett’s chorus analysis – I thought that the singer was making God out to be one continual cruel joker- that war, pain, etc, is all God’s joke and we just only get the funny part. But I think Brett’s take on it makes it all make far more sense- that the general populace only even thinks of God when “God” (as they like to think him) is made out to be ridiculous…. the reality being that when you’re hurting- suddenly you are made acutely aware of your own emptiness and weakness- and His “diving attributes and eternal nature” is incredibly comforting.

    I still don’t get the last line- I can only conclude that she is trying to say that being that while in pain we are made aware of God- we should also be aware that in all good there is God, and all joy comes from Him.

  • I think that through the song she is trying to show the way that some people see God. They can laugh at God in a mocking way and show no respect when things are going well. Maybe, thinking that He isn’t there or that He is just a big joke. But, when things get hard God can become very real to those who would usual laugh at God (and even those who wouldn’t). Things like sickness can show the powerfulness of God and the extreme weakness of man.

    I think that the quote from C.S Lewis in the post sums it up the best and is very true:“Pain is God’s megaphone to the world.”

    But, those are just my thought.



  • Personally, I don’t like the overuse of God’s name. It is almost like taking it in vain. But I do understand the point of the song.

  • Kole:
    I haven’t read that book, nor do I know what Joel Olsten teaches. Were you trying to say that since he said it, it must be OK?

  • Random Note: Addressing the whole issue of the chorus on an artistic level… Notice that the only time she actually “laughs” at God is when she is wearing a mask — and then she removes the mask (during the second “ha ha”) you realize that it was the mask that was laughing. Regina’s lips don’t move.

  • Kyrstin: I think Kole was implying that the song was making fun of people like Joel Olsteen who preach a health-and-wealth gospel.

  • Brett, I do agree with you entirely that she is being sarcastic in the chorus, and I do see the point that she’s making. It is a good one at that. She did not mean to make a subversive point…

    BUT(there’s always a “but”) she did anyway! It just feels like she totally leaves out the idea of a loving God. GOD IS NOT BIG AND MEAN AND SCARY, OR CARES ONLY IN BAD TIMES.

    I also have a personal beef with artists who portray religion in a sad way. I put Spektor in a class with MercyMe and Michael W. Smith, who only write sad, dreary songs.

    Musical talent aside, I just loath any song that leaves out the idea of a loving God, or a God that we love.

    I’ll leave it at that, as I seem to be just one in an angry mob against this song 😉

  • Brett:
    I don’t expect unbelievers to write like a believer. I don’t listen to secular music, even if the lyrics aren’t “bad” because the singer is not singing for God’s glory, but his/her own.

    I did read your “Are you Easily Edified?” post and agreed with it. I believe God can and does used the unsaved to speak to us at times, but I don’t believe we should look for Spiritual edification from worldly things. I guess I was surprised that a blog which purpose is to edify young people would have something so worldly on it. And Brett, it wasn’t just her knees, her breast were showing as well. It’s not something I would show my brother.

    Anyways, my point is: You asked what we thought of the song and I honestly told you. I understand that is curious why she would write the song, but I guess I don’t really think it was worth it. I see both sides of the issue, but I still don’t think it’s edifying either way.

  • Not dead sure what I think of it yet, as I haven’t had loads of time to digest it. In a sense, I think she could be dead-on. The world scoffs at God until it is so obvious that we’re not ruling this mess of a world an there is Someone a whole lot more important that pathetic little us. (Even then, sometimes, they don’t see it.) I’m with other people who are shaky on the last line of the song. “We’re all laughing with God.” Not totally sure what that’s supposed to mean. I keep hearing mothers talking to their kids who have just done something so cute that made everybody laugh: “We’re not laughing *at* you, we’re laughing *with* you.” It doesn’t quite make sense to me (I’ve read the above comments, and I’m still not tracking. Maybe I’m just being slow…)

    Musically, I’m not a fan of this song. Seems to me that she’s cramming in syllables. It has sort of this light, breathy, airy tone to it.

    There is my take on it. My mind feels a bi stretched out. Thanks for the exercise, Brett!

  • Brett:
    I see. I thought that’s what Joel Olsteen preaches. You must have posted that comment while I was writing my other one. 😀

  • What do I think of the song? I honestly don’t know. Maybe just because I don’t quite understand the lyrics to the first part of the chorus: “But God can be funny
    At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
    Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they’re about to choke”

    But the point of the song is very true and I agree with it. As you said in the post: “Suffering strips away our flippant attitude towards God.”

    Interesting observation Brett. Only I didn’t know you ever look at things on an artistic level. 😉

    Sarah 🙂

  • Oh, that’s right, she does. Music videos do tend to be rather cryptic. Also, Kyrstin mentioned James 5:12, which is:
    “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.”

    I don’t think that has anything to do with satire. 🙂


  • Note: My first sentence in my last comment was a response to Brett’s random note. Wow, we must all be on here at the same time.


  • No one laughs at God in a hospital? maybe, but People scream and curse at God in the middle of wars, famines, etc. Though we may be edified by non-believers i don’t think that we should search for edification in that area. do not be deceived. BAD COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD MORALS. what does that mean? I had a friend tell me once that it means that when you put trash in, trash is what’s going to come out. this is, in my opinion, trash. sure, it makes a point, but it also doesn’t. It’s just another lost person willing to “Walk The Line” between atheist and Christian.

    I’m sorry if I sound preachy. I have lost alot of friends that I thought were lifers. forgive me if I was rude or inconsiderate.

    Also, love y’all’s ministry and the things that you stand for. You all have an ability to articulate that confounds me!

    Pray that God gives you Grace, peace and mercy.
    Michael Gill.

  • I think the point Ms. Spektor is trying to make is that everyone relies on God in the bad times, but that no one wants to show their true dependence upon God in the good times (thus the apparent contradiction between the chorus and the verses).

    After listening to the song a few times and mulling over the last line, I think the final line *does* make sense. It seems as if the last line should have been written, “We who have God are laughing in the face of trial.” But that is merely my interpretation, which (as Austin Taylor said) could very well be wrong!

  • I didn’t expect that so many people would share so many opinions on this post!
    I agree with Mrs. White, Elzabeth, and some of what Kristen says. Overall, I think it is a strange video.

  • Brett stated my point perfectly. He teaches a prosperity gospel. “If you let God into your heart he’ll fix your finnaces, your marrige, your job situation ect.”

    All For His Son’s Glory!

    P.S. All these comments are making me LAUGH!

    ..pun on the word “laugh” if you didn’t get it!

  • Amanda Read:
    I looked up satire in the dictionary and its synonym is sarcasm. I think that verse does have to do with sarcasm.

  • Kyrstin et al.: We seem to have quite a discussion going here! I’ll have to bow out after this, but I really do appreciate what you’ve shared (and the respectful tone in which you have shared it). 🙂

    At this point, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I really do think the video is helpful (especially for Christians who can flesh it out with more complete theology), acceptably modest both in attitude and attire, and thought-provoking regardless. Those three reasons made me confident that, even if it meant arguing about interpretations, the discussion would be fruitful. I think it has been. 🙂

    As I said before, I figured that this was a safe opportunity for all of us to practice discernment. Though we may disagree on this video’s merits, it seems that we are definitely all practicing discernment. 😉 For instance, I am now discerning that some of you don’t like these exercises in cultural criticism. 😛

  • Also, if there is any question about what the scripture says about the prosperity gospel, check out 1 Timothy 6:3-10. It’s very clear. Piper has a very well articulated sermon on this passage if I am not mistaken. john macarthur has two or three sermons also.

  • If I may share something else, I comepletely agree with Jeremiah in that the actual song wasn’t that great. And also the person whose name I can’t find who said it seemed like she was cramming a lot into one sentence. I’ve heard various artists’ styles that fit a lot into a verse, but I don’t think that Regina does it very well. I’m not trying to be mean! She has a great voice and I love The Call, but it does seem to me that she doesn’t have enough time to say all she wants to.

    Did anyone else agree with my earlier comments?


    P.S. I love that y’all are discussing your opinions respectfully!

  • Personally, I think the song is brilliant – bare, poignant and straight from her heart (which is no unusual thing with Ms. Spektor). I believe that it will allow people to question the way they think of and refer to God, regardless of whatever the songwriter’s ultimate intentions are.

    Thank you so much for bringing this song to our attention. :]

  • Well, I’ve just been reading through all these comments and it appears that this post has sparked a very interesting conversation, a conversation coming from both sides of the video.

    I personally think it’s a wonderful video.
    I like how she’s pointing out that people will only laugh at God when times are good, but when times are bad, they don’t.

    Personally, I think it’s neat to see so many different opinions on one topic.

    God Bless You All

  • Ah, great to see a good discussion going on about this song. Personally I found it a bit confusing as well. However, it looks as though Spektor writes her music that way:

    “If I could explain every word of this song, then I wouldn’t have been very inspired when I wrote it. I would have been more crafty and intellectual,” she says. “I would really hate it if I could call up Kafka or Hemingway or Salinger and any question I could throw at them they would have an answer. That’s the magic when you read or hear something wonderful — there’s no one that has all the answers.”

    However, we do need to remember that God can speak through non-christian artists and the basic meaning behind the song is very true: When we’re in the trouble we don’t laugh at God. The fact is that trails often bring us the closest to God in our lives. However when we’re not in trails we tend to think God a pretty funny idea. – Don’t be lukewarm Christians, be either hot or cold.


  • By the way I love how she crams in all those words in the song! 😉 So much different than the mainstream ryme-scheme. Wow! That rymed!

    All For His Son’s Glory!

  • Just to add the first thoughts I had before reading all of the other comments: I appreciate the point she makes. After talking with Athiests who claim God is hiding himself Regina’s message in this song seems refreshing and surprisingly profound. This is coming from a little bit of a different angle but, who would sit around in a hospital room debating God’s existence? And really, in my opinion, we are laughing at (or mocking) God when you debate his existence. (Romans 1:20- man is without excuse because of the proof of creation). We may ask God why, but the very fact that we’re asking him and not anyone else, indicates that hard times remind us of the existence and sovereignty of God.

    After reading the comments, I thought:
    Its nice to see something “positive” for once in a secular song. I’m not always a black and white kind of person, unless we’re talking about Scripture. I found it to be edifying because of recent conversations with some Athiests. Some others may find it to be distracting from deeper truths. More power to you. “All things are lawful, not all things edify.”

    Having said all of that, I don’t like the song that well. Style and lyric flow… eh, not my favorite. In some ways I feel funny sticking up for the song, just felt like I should be honest that criticism wasn’t my first thought.

    PS… A hospital or “a hard time” is a place for re-evaluating what you truly believe and what/Who you can hang on to and what/Who you can’t. Having worked in a hospital I’m convinced that it is a prime mission field! I’ve had patients that were far from laughing at God. What they used to say as a statement comes out with a question mark. At least let this song remind you to be on the look out for people (possibly like Regina) who are in a place in time where they may be more open to the Gospel !!

  • One other thing …

    I would like to think she’s being sarcastic in lyrics like “God can be funny”. I don’t appreciate it as taken literally. Same goes for the final line “laughing with God”. If I don’t take it literally, I can still get her point. Just for the record. 🙂

  • I have loved Regina Spektor’s music for a long time, and “Laughing With” is no exception. I think its interesting that there has been some discussion over the last line, “we’re all laughing with God,” because when I thought about it, I realized that lyrically, I didn’t really understand it either. But musically, it made sense.

    Most of the song is sung in such a sad, yearning tone, going through when people take God seriously (when they need him) and how silly it is that they think God can be funny “at a cocktail party” because at the end of the day, they won’t be laughing at him. The melody resolves with that last line, hitting a major chord (we’re all laughing with God) and it does make me think of those “he shall turn their mourning into dancing” verses. If we refuse to laugh AT God in the times when it would be easy, or “view him like a genie,” then we will have the opportunity to laugh with God when joy comes in the morning.

    that could very well be stretching alot of meaning out of the song, but from listening to it, that’s the way I had been thinking of it. and only after realizing that the lyrics didn’t explicitly say that did I try to figure out why exactly I thought that.

  • It doesn’t make much sense that she would be mocking God fearing people.
    If she were she wouldn’t be contrasting times when people clearly take God seriously.
    Maybe she wants it to be a segue song on House, which while it often mocks God it does typically presents both sides of a viewpoint with something of a even hand.

    I don’t know her background, but I’ve always been fond of songs in a somber minor key about relevant issues. I don’t know her background or discography but this has me curious.

  • I love the song all but the ending. We are not laughing with God either during those things… I will have to think on it some more. 😀

  • I don’t know…artistically, I’m not impressed. Too secular and the music video was just weird as music videos go. I also wasn’t too impressed with the rhyme scheme and lyrics, but I’m fairly conservative as those go anyway. And then when you consider the fact that she’s extremely difficult to understand and her singing style doesn’t help that…I’m not impressed artistically.
    Scripturally, I think there are much better and clearer ways of making the point she was working for. That last line, about laughing with God, I still think it’s weird. As for us seeming completely foolish to God, that I think is dead on, but I don’t know that He actually laughs at people who reject Him. People in hospitals, where I volunteer, tend to be angry with God. Not laughing, but still not actually listening to His message. Some are ready for it, but many more are hardening their hearts more.

    On the whole, I think we can learn from the concept, but the song itself wasn’t really edifying. I could have done without it, but thanks for making me think along those lines!

  • Wow. This really has been a very thought-provoking post. Everyone seems to have varying opinions and it has really made me think hard.

    I just want to make one more attempt at explaining satire though (and after this post I’m going to drop it, because it’s really not that important. =P)

    Sarcasm is related to satire, but it is not the same. Satire is a form/style of literature. Many classic books are written in a satirical manner. Gulliver’s Travels to name one (although I personally hate that book. I thought it was ridiculous =P). And Jane Austen’s books are filled with satire.

    Sarcasm can be very sticky and can definitely get people into trouble. But satire, if done correctly, is meant to point out, or make us aware, of the vices and follies of others. It is meant to make us think.

  • I’ll probably post later on too, but here’s my quick thought (sorry if Im reiterating what others have said– I didnt read the comments really closely cause Im short of time):

    I see it the song is saying it’s funny (not necesarily haha funny) that some people see God as being a God who gives money if one prays correctly, or does magic or who grants wishes

    also, it greatly depends on the defnition of funny: “humorous, strange, odd, amusing, etc. “. Perhaps one denition is not used throughout the whole song, and if there is only 1 defnition, depending on which definition the listener interprets as the used one influences the meaning of the passage.

    I do think God can be funny. haha funny/ and amusing. But that is only 1 facet of Him. Im not saying He’s a ‘jokester’, but He certainly does have a sense of humour. We were made in the image of God. A few of the things that sets us apart from other creatures is that we can communicate, process complex emotion, and have and perceive humour.

    (I remember hearing this story from somewhere but I cant recall where I heard it)
    George Muller had an orphanage and the orphanage ran out of food one day, so they prayed that God would provide and come near meal time a nearby baker came over with some bread and said how he had too many loaves and brought some over becaue he figured the orphanage could use some. Later, a milkman came to the house and explained that his milk truck broke down outside and could the orphanage make use of the milk before it spoild in the heat.
    God certainly has a sense of humour- He could have just provided the money to purchase the items,yet I find it funny that He chose to do it in such an amusing way. :oD

    I love Regina Spektor’s The Call from the second Chronicles of Narnia movie. And this song has a pretty catchy tune.

    well, that actually didnt turn out to be very quick- haha, but those are my thoughts. I will certainly be contemplating more on this. Thanks for the post!


  • Ahh- one more thing:

    On a little further relfection, perhaps the song is saying that “yeah, people think God’s funny and amusing to make fun of when there is no iminent danger, but when the trying time comes people aren’t mocking God anymore”

  • As some have said, Regina probably didn’t really know what exactly she was saying when she wrote the song. To her, that’s the beauty in the artistry of musical expression, the mystique of it all. I’ve heard her explain the song (in interviews) as simply “thoughts” that have been roaming around in her head, nothing solid, or nothing she necessarily believes in, but merely “ideas.” I’m not sure if the writer of the song really intended to spark such controversy.

    I agree with Brett that the song makes a powerful statement, one to which most people can relate. Many people stroll through life with this marred image of an outrageous god to be laughed at, who is not at all the God that we serve. The god these all-too-common jokers speak of does not exist. It is the deep tragedies in life that can bring even the mocking fool to his knees. Trying times made him realize Who is really in charge. Finding that an all-powerful God is in control of your helpless situation can be one of the most frightening realizations to a non-believer. All this time, he’s been “laughing at” this God, but now he insists that he was only “laughing WITH” God…as if to say, “no, God, I really meant no harm. Honest! I’ll take you seriously now. I wasn’t laughing at you! I was laughing with you!” The “laughing with” is kind of a cop out, a desperate plea for mercy.

  • my interpretation of the chorus after hearing it several times is not that the song MEANS that “god is funny,” but that people FIND God to be funny… when they’re making a joke at his expense or something. but those same people sure don’t think joking about God is funny when they’re at death’s door or something.

    but i remember hearing this on the radio and being struck by how oh so true it is…rare to find in a secular song. perhaps we should all be less critical of slight imperfections… and maybe just appreciate the fact that God’s truth is truth no matter what form it is presented in.

    praise Jesus that a very real fact about our society’s messed-up views of God are being presented in a creative way for all kinds of ears to hear. maybe it will change hearts & lives. only God knows– but we do know he works in mysterious ways!

  • I fond the song interesting…but this discussion that followed it even more interesting.

    Song-wise, I was struck at Spektor’s (a non-believer, from all accounts) observation of a truth. Pain makes us confront a truth. Laughter dismisses anything that is not real, personal, or worthwhile to us. Suffering people don’t laugh at God–they may want to curse Him, but not laugh. Pain brought Job to the truth of God’s touching transcendency—laughter brought Sarah to the disgrace of disbelieving God’s providing power.

    Discussion-wise, I think all of us agree with the premiss that pain makes us confront truth. The main discussion is whether a secular song that aims for the truth but misses the bulls-eye (as every effort without Christ does) should be seriously meditated on or completely discarded. I believe that both sides can be argued. Personally, I know all truth to be God’s truth. Also, I believe we are called to fight by God’s power to pull down anything lifting itself against Him, and to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:3-5). How can we take a thought captive if we’ve never thought it through? If there is truth, we Christians need to recognize God in it to be able to accord to Him its glory. If lies, then we refute them.

    That’s my own perspective on the matter. Ultimately, it’s a praise to everyone–this is what you’re doing. To see you taking what God is revealing to you and applying it to what you confront everyday–I treasure it as your sister in Christ. And thanks, Harris brothers, for encouraging us to think and apply.

  • After reading I’ll the comments I think I’ll add to what I said at the start.

    I’d like to say that though the song may not be the most edifying way to get the point that it’s making across, that wasn’t really the purpose. The purpose was to produce an edifying discussion (which has occurred) and I think it occurred partly because the song is secular and not completely straightforward.

    As for the actual music, I don’t really like it. Her style of singing doesn’t appeal to me and in addition the lyrics are very forced at places. Just not something I enjoy musically.

    Elisabeth: I’ve heard that story too. It was on a set of history tapes called “What in the World’s Going on here” done by Diana Waring. I don’t know if that’s where you heard it but I thought it might be a possibility. And I agree with you about God having a sense of humour. An example is when he drove the demons out of a man and sent it into pigs who all rushed into and drowned in water. Personally, I think that’s kind of funny.

    Anyway, great discussion. I enjoyed reading everybody’s opinions.

    In Christ,

  • I’m sorry it was removed. For me it wasn’t about the quality of the singing or the video itself- but the lyrics. I liked it so much that I put the lyrics on my blog. I have often thought the same thing that the song expresses. I have watched God work through pain and desperation in amazing ways- and seen people turn to Him in their desperation- it makes me wish all the more for people to turn to him before those situations occur, and this song has reminded me to do so. Thanks for posting this!

  • Brett:
    Sorry if I seemed to be siding against you man. I completely agree that we can and should be edified by non-believers, I just don’t think that we should be actively seeking to be edified by them. I think Regina Spektor is a gifted musician, but I guess I was just judging this song as a Christian song and not as a secular one. forgive me. should’ve thought it through more. hope I didn’t stir up any MORE trouble!

  • Brett: Proving how mature you are by showing you are edified by even the strangest songs that mention God? I’m totally teasing. 😉 I found this discussion hilarious, and unfortunately it looks as if I missed it, but I still wanted to bring up something I think would be good to consider . . .

    What is the difference between being a mature Christian who is easily edified and an immature Christian who is not easily bothered by things that offend God?

    For example, say I watch a movie and learn something awesome from it and it inspires me to do good and I believe it is a good tool to reach out with the truth to my non-christian friends — but then a friend watches it and is too offended by the secularity of it to believe it is worth viewing. Am I more mature because I can be edified by something like that? Or is my friend more mature, perhaps more aware of God’s Heart and wiser to keep themselves from things that taint and compromise their witness to non-christians? Or, say I listen to a sermon by a pastor and am offended by falsehoods/impure truth he presents (that I believe can lead people down a dangerous path) or his lack of passion or reverence for God — yet a friend can listen to the same sermon and is edified by it.

    What truly defines maturity, for a Christian? What are pitfalls to avoid in this area that we should be wise to avoid? How can we know when we are not being edified whether we need a change of heart and to become like a child again or to stop wasting time with the mundane and seek out the pure, the uncompromised, the passionate, the more complete?

    Eric: “Happy trails to you . . .” Sorry — I couldn’t resist. 😛

  • I totally appreciate this post! I see that many people do not feel the same as I do, but from a first impression, first glance understanding of Regina’s point, I appreciate it. Also, I think it’s important to be able to glean wisdom from even those whose lives and beliefs are inconsistent with ours. We don’t have to adopt her doctrines and ideals in order to recognize a strong point she has made.

    It seems to me that she’s pointing out that people take God seriously when life is tough, and when life is a walk in the park it’s easy to ignore or even belittle God.
    She seems to be making a big statement here that the faith of convenience is foolish.


  • What lessons should we seek to learn from secular writers, speakers, filmmakers, and musicians?

    I like what Hudson Taylor said here:

    “Oh, my beloved friends, do let us be real! Are we not making the world infidel by our unreality? Does not the world read the Bible more correctly than we do, and therefore stumble at our inactivity and our carelessness . . . ?”

    I think lessons in humility, love, and even justice can be learned from secular writers, speakers, etc. Oftentimes, sadly, the world does read the Bible more correctly than we do — and proves us to be not real, but hypocrites.

    The Apostle Paul writes, “‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up” (1 Corinthians 10:23). How do we discern between what is helpful and harmful?

    I like this quote from John Wesley’s mother, in response to John’s question of ‘What is sin?’, that Alex posted a while back:

    “Would you judge of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of pleasure, of the innocence or malignity of actions? Take this rule: whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind; that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself.”

    I think the harm is not always in the bad things, but also in the good things that are not tools in our pursuit of God, of loving Him first — and thus become idols or mere entertainment that harm rather than help the heart and soul.

    In Acts 17:28, Paul quotes two secular poets (Epimenides and Aratus). It seems safe to assume that God intends for us to not only notice the point Paul is making, but also how he goes about making the point. With that in mind, how should this passage inform our own attempts to share the Gospel? On the flipside, how do we keep from going overboard in our attempts to be “relevant?”

    I think it shows that some secular things make awesome tools for God’s Purposes — and that God approves of using some secular things in this way.

    As far as not going overboard . . . I think the key is in seeking to make Christ prevalent, rather than seeking to make yourself, your message, etc. relevant — seeking means unto Jesus and His uncompromising Truth being heard and accepted for who He truly is and what it truly means, rather than seeking change that you and your message would be accepted by the world . . . or the most people possible. Jesus has always been and will always be relevant to every person in need of Him on the planet. We have nothing to do with that. The question then becomes, do we know this Jesus, and will we offer Him passionately and uncompromisingly to all who we encounter that they might find Him as they need Him? It’s not so much about finding where the line is, but finding where Jesus and His Heart is.

    Does that make sense?

  • Wow! I hope that this song will make it’s mark on the world!
    Personally, I do not find anything wrong with ths song, she definitly seems to be using satire in it, but it is clear enough that it will (hopefully) not cause any trouble!
    The set-up of the video was kinda weird… but I suppose I’ll have to agree with you on this one, Brett! 🙂

  • IMO the important part in the song is the message it is trying to convey. Two years ago I was very, very sick and in that difficult time I didn’t want or cared for anything this world has to offer. I just wanted to be close to my loved ones and in the right place with God.

    So, this song reminded me of that. When everything’s fine we don’t always focus on eternal things, we’re too preoccupied with the things of this world. But, when sickness, difficulties, tragedy, etc. come knocking on our door we realize that none of them really matter in the face of adversity.

    In 1 Thessalonians 5:21, Paul tells us to test everything but to hold on to the good. This is what we should do when it comes to discerning things from secular writers, speakers, etc. We should discard those things that are not edifying and that go against the Scriptures but, the things that are good, we should “hold on to”.

    God bless!
    Dom. Rep.

  • Brett,
    I know you said you were out of the disscussion, but I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your original post (before you deleted it). I too was suprised by the results of some of the other comments. I personally found Regina’s song very edifying and wrote a post on my own blog about it. ( )

    Thanks for writing it. Emily

  • Wow, this has really been an interesting discussion!

    I had seen the music video for this song a few weeks ago, and have since then listened to it several times. The first time through, I wasn’t really sure what to think, but it has grown on me. I thought the lyrics were powerful, especially because they were written by a non-practicing Jew. Yes, her breathy, folky voice did take some getting used to 😛 but overall it was the lyrics that won me over. I was slightly confused by the last ‘laughing with’ line, but I do think that Brett was right in his definition. I love the way she employed the switch of views in the chorus to get her point across, but too bad it was a stumbling block for some people. I truly believe she did not mean it like that, it is simply an artistic twist, employed by many singers/songwriters.

    From viewing this, and seeing all the comments, I was most struck by our need as a Christian community to combine discernment with Christian ideas, morals, and lifestyles’. I felt like a few of the people criticizing were completely trying to communicate what they believed true, but it was done with a niavety about music/life/culture. Not that we should openly embrace everything that comes our way, but like the “Easily Edfied” post discussed, glean from it what we can.

    However, I am not saying that it is a bad thing to be ‘niave’, meaning pure in thoughts and heart, not engaging in the things that our culture puts before us. But we should not be niave when it comes to the way our world works. We need to be able to interact with those around us. How important it is for us to be truly, ‘In the world, but not of the world’!

    Grace and Peace!

  • This was a very interesting discussion. I posted my first comment a few hours after the song was posted, and I knew it would turn into quite a ‘argument’. I had no idea how much of a great debate it would turn into. I totally agree with you Kyrstin.

  • Wow, this is a really interesting song (and discussion!) I definitely had to listen to this one a few times through before I really liked it…the first time things just seemed to be on and off with right and wrong, but after a while I felt I understanded it better.

    The way I see it, like some others have basically said, the song works in a reverse order as far as ‘storyline’ is concerned. In this world (i.e. non-Christians), a lot of people make God the subject of their jokes, both in word and in action…UNTIL they wind up in a hospital or a war. Suddenly they find themselves crying out to Him, though I don’t believe it is a call to repentence. I’ve witnessed this kind of thing a lot in people.

    The thing is, rather than tell things that way, the song BEGINS with ‘no one laughs at God in a hospital’ and THEN goes to ‘but God can be funny’, and by doing things in that order, it leaves a greater impact. Yes, I believe the chorus does seem to be intended to be satire, and the part about laughing with God seems to be exactly what Brett said; an excuse in the end when all those who laughed AT Him are confronted BY Him.

    However, I’d take the song at that and not spend a lot of time trying to ‘digest it’ any further. It’s a good song (in my opinion) but it isn’t scripture. The Bible is for reading and ‘digesting’, this is just for hearing and keeping in mind. It’s remarkable when a non-Christian comes forth with truth, but that does not make them an authority on it, and looking too closely into what they’ve said often leads to error. I speak from experience.

  • This song really resonates with me. I have five siblings who are affected by disabilities, and have spent a good chunk of my life in the hospital with one or another of them. Ten months ago my 13 year old brother died after six weeks in the hospital. As my family struggled to survive the worst thing we had ever experienced, the only thing we could do was laugh WITH God. We cried with Him, and we laughed with Him. We laughed as we remembered all the things we had experienced as a family, and thanked God as we saw His hand of providence throughout my brother’s life.
    Sometimes life is just so ridiculous, sometimes things happen that could only be God letting his sense of humor show. G.K. Chesterton said something that I think really applies to this song: “There was some one thing that was too great for God to show us when he walked upon our earth; and I have sometimes fancied that it was his mirth.”

  • I haven’t read the entire discussion, so I might be repeating things already said, but here are my two cents:

    There’s a lot of concern over the chorus of this song, but I personally got the sense, right from the get-go, that Regina’s words were meant to be sarcastic. The tone of her voice on the “Ha Ha”s in the chorus is clearly different from genuine laughter (and also different from the heartfelt sincerity with which she sings the rest of the song), and I think it’s meant to be derisive *not* towards God but towards the people who laugh at him and think they’re being smart or funny when they mock him. She doesn’t need to spell out exactly what she means in her song — the “alternative” genre of music to which she belongs is characterized by a tendency to write slightly vague lyrics that depend more on the listener than the singer. Listen to some songs by Christian artist Jon Foreman of Switchfoot, and you’ll find the same thing — instead of being blunt and blatant with his message, his lyrics often skirt around the issue, but he uses vocal tone, pauses, and other stylistic musical choices to clue the listener into the intented message.

    But of far greater importance is the opportunity that this song gives to Christians to spread their message in the secular world. We can’t expect to impact non-Christians with Michael W. Smith songs. Even if you don’t agree with every part of this song, it at least creates *some* common ground between you and atheists so that you can start a conversation. I’m not a fan of “Christian segues” and most of today’s songs just don’t provide witnessing opportunities for Christians. I mean, there’s not a lot of witnessing opportunities to squeeze out of a song like “Poker Face.” But here is a song written by a very popular secular artist about the subject of God, and you’ve got a pretty good bet that if people are open to listening to a song about God, they might just be open to hearing *you* talk about God. So instead of arguing over the rightness or wrongness of this song, we’ve got to realize that witnessing opportunities like these don’t come up every day — we should be grateful for this!

  • I don’t know if I have anything to say that hasn’t been said, but these are a few of my thoughts. Hope they’re edifying.

    I think we can be edified by unbelievers because often unbelievers who aren’t decided atheists or actively subscribing to a false religion are more honest than the rest of us. We have something to defend (something that can totally stand up to honesty scrutiny; we just don’t always trust it to), but they’re just saying what they see. And as long as we recognize what they say as coming from someone who doesn’t know the whole Truth, and therefore just observe them and don’t necessarily seek to change what we believe because they say something different, we can learn. Also I think it really gives us a glimpse into the aching hearts of the people around us, who don’t know God. It gives me a deeper compassion for the lost, a stronger determination to reach and pray for them, and more insight into what is keeping them from God which leads to better knowledge of how to reach them. But, as some have said, we DO need to be careful with our world intake. Some people simply cannot listen to secular music because their consciences will be transgressed. In that case, DON’T. Others can. In that case, with discretion, do. I listen to secular music very carefully, and I try only to listen to good music. Christian music is a LOT more encouraging and brings me near to God, so I listen to more Christian than secular. But as a musician (and, at times, as a thinker) I grow from listening to musically excellent works. Also, the breath-taking beauty of some secular music also brings me nearer to God simply by its heartrending beauty. I personally really enjoy bands like Coldplay, U2, and Nickel Creek even just musically– their music is amazing. But I think their lyrics also point at something bigger, something Real.

  • Hey sadly, while there is some mention of God in this song, in January of this year she raised money for Planned Parenthood of New York, or thats what has been reported, I would say that precious life or God isnt laughing at planned parenthood today. For what its worth standing up for the least of these (unborn) is so important. So my opinion is somewhat halted by what the fruit of her life. No harm intended to her, just heart broken for her.
    Thankful for my Lord Jesus,,jake

  • I agree with Brett all the way!. No disrespect but it’s just a song and it dosn’t have to speek to everyone It spoke to me. And I do’t think Brett was wrong to put it up for even One person it touched out of hundreds

  • Jessica,
    I’ll be praying for your Family I know how hard it is and I argee with you on this piont

  • I found this song very interesting as it is coming from a secular artist who is obviously doing some thinking of her own. It is very thought-provoking. As I was reading comments I was thinking the same as Phillip and will echo his post. I don’t think the posting of this song was to edify us as Christians but the analysis and discussion of it was. And I’ll agree with the majority of the commenters on here that the chorus is most definitely sung, and should be interpretted, in an ironic way. (Just a side note: Whether the Bible is against the usage of sarcasm isn’t the point. I doubt she cares very much about being biblically correct in that area since she’s not a Christian. The point is that she IS using it in her song.) The last line has confused me.

  • “In the world, but not of the world” is a saying that is well known, but is very good to remember. I’m curious, are those words actually in the Bible. It’s biblical, but is that a saying combining the ideas of various verses or is actually part of verse.

    I Cor 9:22 “I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.”
    It’s good to read the whole section (19-23). This passage speaks to the fact that is order to minister to people we have to be able to understand and interact with them according to the who they are without, of course sacrificing obedience. It also further explains Acts 17:8. I think the best indication of whether something is going to far is whether the involvement with the world starts to distance us from God or if we grow through it and it brings us closer to God. To put it another way: Does it make us think about God more or does it distract us from him? Just my thoughts.

    In Christ,

  • Brett Harris wrote: “I really do think the video is helpful (especially for Christians who can flesh it out with more complete theology), acceptably modest both in attitude and attire, and thought-provoking regardless.”

    I agree. For the first and third points, it seems to me that she is saying that people are laughing at God only when they think they’re in control, that is, when life’s going well. During times of ease, I believe she’s saying, people become prideful and no longer feel the weight of who God is; everything becomes light-hearted, and God is not taken seriously. When they realize that they’re not in control–when they’re in the hospital, for example, or when they’re closely involved in war–people are not laughing at God. The gravity and severity of their own helplessness becomes evident, and God is no longer seen as their genie, nor as their health-wealth-and-prosperity provider–or even as non-existent. Crisis often brings reality crashing into people’s lives; and the ultimate Reality is God, especially Christ as Lord, Savior, and Treasure.

    And I think that listening to secular music is not necessarily wrong, even if the singers themselves do not intend to honor God. I think each person has his limits and calling, but I know that I for one do not like to listen to secular music on a regular basis for any reason. My favorite artist is Chris Tomlin. (However, Mark Driscoll, pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, said in his book, “The Radical Reformission,” that he listens to so-called secular music not because he wants to become less like Christ but simply because he does not like Christian pop music and because he wants to be able to reach out to American culture in the best way he can. This means, for him, listening to secular music and reading secular magazines–for God’s glory!) And in this case, with Regina Spektor, it seems that secular music has caused some good discussion and has provoked some serious thinking (which is good).

    (And as a side note, on the second point, I–also a male–do not think she was immodestly dressed whatsoever.)

    ~ Bennett S.

  • I think it’s easy for some of us (me…) to get so wrapped up in our Christian bubble that we forget what it’s like to not know the Truth – to be searching, to need to consider the whole gambit of religious ideologies in hope that we can eventually discover what is right. This song spoke to me as a little window into an agnostic’s mind – the searcher is realizing that while to some people, the God-concept is just something to poke fun at, when people are stripped of everything, they can’t make light of Divinity.

    While a steady diet of non-Christian or borderline Christian media and art is definitely not so very healthy, I think that it is not sinning to learn about/from other worldviews and ideas.

    But remember, the Bible does warn us that some Christians will be edified by the very things that other Christians find detrimental to their walk. This video stirred something in me, but I’m thinking that’s an individual reaction that shouldn’t be forced on everyone else!

  • While “Christian” media is generally more edifying than secular, I think it is unwise to accept or reject things just based on their label – Christian or Secular.

    Dick Staub notes this in his book “The Culturally Savvy Christian”:
    “The Christian entertainment culture is often characterized by the same spiritual confusion, intellectual superficiality, and marketing – and money-driven values as the broader popular culture…Christian use of media has been primarily imitative, striving to look like and sound like mainstream media while adapting the lyrical and moral content to the reductionist, feel-good gospel of pop Christianity. Generally, it lacks spiritual depth, intellectual firepower, and artistic originality…” and it goes on!

    (Now, I LOVE a lot of Christian media, but we all have to admit that much of it really is just a cleaned-up version of what’s mainstream.)

    Instead of being ‘in the world but not of the world’ (see John 17:14-18) it seems many Christians are simply creating their own worlds in which they can safely live their lives.

    Our strength as Christians is in the fact that we DO have the Truth, and truth is a concrete thing. C.S. Lewis said “A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading” meaning that atheists – and other people who believe lies – have to work extra hard to maintain their beliefs, because they’re fighting up-stream against reality. We, however, are free to accept and celebrate the truth wherever we happen to find it.

    So when judging any media, the key question to ask yourself is “Does this bring me closer to God, or take me farther away?” or “Does this make me want to do God’s will and serve others, or does it make me only care about myself?”

    I asked my dad about this and he recommended the book “Love Your God With All Your Mind” by J.P. Moreland.

  • Jake: I heard that and saw that she supports Planned Parenthood on her website, but to say that the song is not good because she is not good or she did something wrong is a genetic fallacy. Just because she isn’t a Christian, doesn’t mean she can’t speak profound things.

    All For His Son’s Glory!

  • “In Acts 17:28, Paul quotes two secular poets (Epimenides and Aratus). It seems safe to assume that God intends for us to not only notice the point Paul is making, but also how he goes about making the point. With that in mind, how should this passage inform our own attempts to share the Gospel? On the flipside, how do we keep from going overboard in our attempts to be “relevant?” ”

    Paul does quote this poet this one time; however, from what Paul wrote in the rest of the Bible about mixing light with darkness, I don’t believe this instance proves that God wants us to study the things of this world to win the world. How do we know Paul didn’t providentially come across this poem or maybe knew it from before he found Christ? This one mention of him quoting a secular poet does not really support your views. Look at what else Paul wrote:

    2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    2Co 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
    2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
    2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
    2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

    Your view in this matter is the crux of our disagreement. You are using this one mention of Paul quoting a secular artist to promote listening and reading secular material. You don’t see Jesus going and studying the culture around Him so He could reach others more effectively. Yes, Jesus used the everyday things of life, but you don’t see Him talking about the Roman culture or Greek philosophies; He used examples Jews and Gentiles could relate to.

    I don’t believe you can assume so much on this one verse without any support from the rest of the Bible. Like I said, there’s many possibilities about that instance.

    “The Apostle Paul writes, “‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up” (1 Corinthians 10:23). How do we discern between what is helpful and harmful?”

    First of all, the “All things,” part can’t mean literally all things. That would mean it’s lawful to steal, kill, etc. From what the rest of the Bible says, the “All things” part is meaning,” All things that are lawful,” such as eating meat or not, etc.

    From what the rest of the Bible says, Secular music and material is not lawful. A Christian reading or listening to it is mixing light with darkness. (see the verses above)

  • Wow, I can’t believe the reaction some people had to his post. To those who criticized Brett for posting secular media I would offer encouragment to free themselves from the legalistic view of religion that died on the cross. As long as JESUS CHRIST is the one you intend to glorify with your heart, thoughts, words, and actions and it is JESUS’s name that you have written on your heart you shouldn’t have to worry so much about strict rule following as the spirit of Christ will move your heart to desire what his will is for you. Christ called us to a new life of doing good, not just avoiding doing bad. FEARING that the secular world will influence you, while Christ lives in you, only empowers the secular world and limits Jesus- we’re called to live in the world and not of it, with out fear. Anyway, back to the topic at hand- I think it’s safe to say that art can mean many different things to each person who takes it in, so criticizing Brett for his unique, individual experiance with a work of music is evidence of a polarizing mind. Christ didn’t call us to criticize each other’s way of experiencing God, as the Holy Spirit (Through Christ) guides us. Don’t put God in a box people. If the stones can cry out for Christ, His voice certainly isn’t limited to only one avenue of people. Regina’s voice, what ever her intentions (which none of you can know, as you have no insider knowledge of her heart or mind) can be used by God to edify the believers. Brett, I appreciate your view of this song very much and was very encouraged by it. As for the last line, “we’re all laughing with God” there wouldn’t be humor unless God created it, so I think it’s safe to say He has a sense of humor Himself- hence laughing with God. Regardless, I think having a voice (that is heard by a huge audiance of people that Christian media isn’t reaching) challenge their view of God can only be a good thing.

  • Nicole Tara: the “happy trails” joke made me laugh REALLY hard! I couldn’t help notice the spelling mistake. To make Eric feel better, I do the same thing, and I’ve seen a couple other people do it too on this post!

  • Interesting song. (YouTube is blocked on my computer, but I looked up the lyrics. 😀 ) In answer to your question, “What lessons should we seek to learn from secular writers, speakers, filmmakers, and musicians?”, I think there are a lot of things we can learn from them. A few months ago I was watching a commentary on the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy; and given, LOTR is a work of fiction, but it’s still amazing how Frodo was brave enough to take on and get rid of this ring that would otherwise have ruined and totally destoyed his world and all the people in it. Anyhow, the commentators were talking about that, and then they showed scenes from Africa with starving children and asked, “Who will be our ringbearer?” Who will step up to the challenge to get rid of evil things and change things for the better? I was thinking of the abortion movement in particular as I was watching the movie–who will be brave enough to take steps to stop abortion once and for all? Will I be? Should I be? It was really convicting. (Hope that all made sense–I was kind of writing fast!)

    Personally, I think God can use anyone and anything to His glory, or to speak to someone. If God can bring glory to Himself through a tragic event, like He did through the sudden death of my brother’s friend, why can’t (or shouldn’t) He use a secular song?

  • Kyrstin: I think that there are other verses that support what Alex and Brett are saying. See my comment a few above yours. Still, I respect that you see secular media as something you don’t want to take in. Be “fully convinced” of this as I can see you are. See Rom. 14:5 and the verses following it.

    In Christ,

  • I haven’t heard/watched the song, but I read the words for the first time on Josh Harris’s blog. For myself personally, the lyrics were among the most thought-provoking I’d read in a long time. Christians and non-Christians alike do tend to automatically turn to God in a crisis – take the aftermath of 9-11 for instance.

    Whatever my other opinions, I couldn’t possibly say it better than Josh Harris did: “I listened to Regina Spektor’s haunting song “Laughing With” several times today. I don’t know Regina’s personal religious beliefs, but I think she’s written a powerful song. To me the song speaks of the fact that suffering strips away our flippant attitude towards God. We can laugh at God when all is well or when we encounter a caricature of him, but when tragedy strikes we’re confronted with the reality that we’re helpless. No one laughs at God in a hospital.”

    As far as God not being able to use a secular artist get His message through to people, He gave a donkey the gift of articulate speech to get the prophet Balaam’s attention (Numbers 22)! Unfortunately, Balaam being too far gone, it didn’t seem to work that well, but goes to show that man is incapable of neatly packaging and labeling God!

  • Usually what we learn from secular writers, singers, film makers, etc., is what NOT to do, but every so often something out of the secular world puts a fresh perspective on old truths, shows us sinful patterns harboured in our lives, inspires us, or even puts us to shame: like the ideas of author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell, the song subject of this post “Laugh With” by Regina Spektor or the films Amazing Grace and the Nativity Story, made by secular film makers.

    Jesus, in illustrating His point in the parables, often drew examples from the world in which He lived, in the world His audience lived in and understood and identified with. He used what was available to get through to His audience without becoming like the material world of His day. Paul did the same. Looking up the reference Brett suggested, Paul, in his speech on Mars Hill, came at his Greek audience from an angle that they would understand, even quoting their own thinkers and poets. Looking further ahead to verse 34, it would seem that Paul’s strategy worked quite well, some of the listeners definitely got it! Wouldn’t that still apply today?

    In all our zeal however, we do need to watch out for flipping over the boat. When sharing the gospel (in every way – words and actions) there is a distinct difference between using the fallen secular world as examples “in our attempts to be relevant” and becoming like the secular world and blending ourselves into the culture to reach it. If I am just like the person that I’m trying to reach for Christ, I haven’t anything he doesn’t already have. It’s called discernment – something we get by knowing God and praying and asking for it, exercising it regularly, and getting wise counsel. =)

  • Philip K:
    I see your point. I believe we can learn from the secular, but I don’t believe we should actively seek it nor feed on it. As you read from my comment, I can’t see how secular music glorifies God and we are commanded to glorify God in everything we do. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1Co 10:31)

    As you said, we are to be all things to all people without compromise. For me, secular music is compromise.

  • Does anyone here listen to John Michael Talbot? His “The Quiet Side” and “The Painter” are, I believe, the very best Christian music I have listened to.

  • Oh goodness. Thanks for alerting me to that Nicole! The question is: Do I blame the fact that I’m home schooled or pretend I was public schooled? 😉


  • I find it interesting that some of the posts on this blog view music as a form of Biblical instruction, or moral inspiration.

    My thoughts:

    Please try to remember that “secular” music merely serves as a form of entertainment.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying musical creativity, given to man by God.

    Praise and worship music, on the other hand, is specifically designed as a way to worship God.

    Yes, we should glorify God through every action. However, don’t expect “secular” music (which really means any and all kind of music that isn’t created for the express purpose of worshiping God…) to directly address God in any way. It should glorify Him, yes. It should glorify Him in the exact same way the kinds of foods you eat, or the way you take care of your body, or the things you say glorify Him.

  • Here’s the given reason why this song was removed…

    “Nevertheless, I decided to remove the post after realizing that while Regina’s song was edifying to me, it was confusing and unhelpful to many of you (at least among those who commented). I did not expect that, otherwise I would not have posted it in the first place. My goal is to build you up.”

  • Molly R.

    What search terms did you Google?

    I can’t find the title of the song…I was late for the original post…

  • Never mind…I wasn’t aware the title of the post was also the title of the song…

  • In one of the other replies, someone said of Regina: “It’s just another lost person willing to “Walk The Line” between atheist and Christian.”

    Or, Regina Spektor could totally be searching for the truth! Maybe that’s why she wrote that song. I don’t know if you have ever heard of Kansas, but it was a non-Christian group back in the 70’s (or somewhere around there!) and they wrote a song called “Carry On Wayward Son.” It’s one of my absolute favorites:

    Once I rose above the noise and confusion
    Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
    I was soaring ever higher
    But I flew too high
    Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
    Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
    I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
    I can hear them say

    (Chorus) Carry on my wayward son
    There’ll be peace when you are done
    Lay your weary head to rest
    Don’t you cry no more

    Masquerading as a man with a reason
    My charade is the event of the season
    And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don’t know
    On a stormy sea of moving emotion
    Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean
    I set a course for winds of fortune
    But I hear the voices say


    Carry on – you will always remember
    Carry on – nothing equals the splendor
    Now your life’s no longer empty
    Surely heaven waits for you


    You can clearly see that this is a direct reference to the prodigal son in the Bible with a few life questions thrown in. And in several other Kansas songs, it’s obvious that the band leader is asking serious questions about the meaning of life and so on. He eventually became a Christian and broke away from Kansas (I wish I could remember his name!). But that’s what I thought when I first read Regina’s song – is she seriously searching? Perhaps, instead of criticizing her and others who listen to her songs, could we maybe pray for her? 😀

  • Wow, this was a fascinating dicussion. Thank you, Brett, for posting this song. I had never heard of Regina before, but I don’t usually listen to secular music, except for country music on occasion.

    I think that she brought up very interesting and important points in her song. When things are going well, many people treat God as if he doen’t exist or if he does, he is just sort of a genie. Pray for something good and your wish will be granted.

    Then of course, when things go wrong, no one is laughing, people become more serious, about life and whether there is a God. It reminded me of some of the Athiest/God jokes where something happens to an Athiest and he suddenly believes in God’s existence.

    I really appreciated this post and think it is too bad that so many people were confused instead of edified by it. I found it to be thought-provoking.

    Soli Deo Gloria!!!

  • If anybody is looking for this song, you can find it on this christian video website:, under the title, ‘Laughing With’

    Laughing With is the actually title of the song 🙂

    Hope that helps!

  • Krystin, I have been reading all your posts, and I find them extremely thought provoking. However, I would say that I do not believe we must detach ourselves from everything secular. I agree that we should not actively be seeking it out as a means to satisfy our pleasures, but I do think that we can glean from it. This example just hit me. What about Jesus? I always look back to him when I’m in doubt 🙂 He hung around the Jewish synagoges, tax collectors, and other – um, how do I phrase this question delicately – people of questionable origin. But it was so that he could interact on their level. Be their friend. Minister to their needs. I think that it is important that as long as we are not sacrificing our Christian values, we engage with them where they are at. Personally, this week, both the death of Michael Jackson and this song, ‘Laughing With’ have been great opportunities to talk with my friends about some of the more important things in life. Normally, I would not want to have anything to do with Michael Jackson, but here was a fantastic opportunity! I do think that in all we do we should be evaluating all our actions, motives, and heart, to see why we are engaged in the secular culture, I believe most of it really has to do with discernment and motive. That’s where I’m at. Grace and Peace!

  • Thanks Lailee for the website…I want to hear it now that everyones talking about it!

    I agree that you shouldn’t detach yourself from everything secular….but you don’t want to get into it it to much. I use to think that way and it lead me down a really wrong path! So don’t just listen to every cool song that comes out!

  • Can I mention something that a few people have touched on? Just because a secular song makes a good point does not mean that it is the best way of learning that truth. I would be far more receptive to the point she’s trying to make if it were presented in a different way. Saying that we are going to take just a small portion of something secular that is not in and of itself bad can lead to worse things.
    Did that make any sense?

  • Yes Kara, it totally does! I believe that it really is your about your motive. Are you listening to it just to please yourself? I think it also really hinges on whether you have properly excercised self-control. Can you handle just doing a little, without it every become a temptation to more fully engage in it? Also, not doing it just to say you did, or listening to it just because you can. Use the liberty that Christ has given us with extreme wisdom and caution! 🙂

  • Not to keep this up…though I really want to read everybody else’s comments thoroughly when I have a chance (very interesting stuff!)…


    I’m a little confused – I suppose I would have to check with the original Greek manuscripts – but how is swearing an oath by Heaven or Earth the same thing as satire? That doesn’t make sense to me at all.


  • I thought the message of the song was good, but I didn’t really like the song itself. I agree that she talked to fast in some of it and it made it very hard to understand.

  • I just listened to the song again, after reading some of the comments, and i just realized what Regina could have meant. i wouldn’t really know, since i don’t know her as a person, but i think the chorus is saying that: it is “fun” to mock God (or laugh at the concept of a God) while at a party with people looking at you and you want to “join in” with them joking about God. Since everything’s going so well, those people just laugh at this God that they are supposed to give their trust/hope too. . . while they have their trust/hope in money or their insurance, (or even Obama wearing those shirts that say “hope”). Because their hope is not in God, and they are having a good time with life, they can just mock God (since they believe they don’t need him). But when there are hard times, a Christian doesn’t “laugh at” God, doesn’t mock at God and think that the concept of God is funny since He’s the only thing they can cling onto during a war or in a hospital. Even non-believers can adapt the Bible’s principles while they’re caught in the middle of a tragedy. I mean, i haven’t seen this with my own eyes or anything, but i can totally picture like a protest against war with people waving signs around and even a non-believer can pick up a sing that says: in God we trust. They wouldn’t say a joke about God then, since its not the time to mock at God, when during that war so many people are putting their hope in God. And when she said “laughing with God”. . . when you laugh with someone, you agree that that “thing” is funny and you see the “funny-ness” of that joke or item, therefore you see things the same way. So, to “laugh with God” (in my opinion) can be interpreted as seeing things the way God would see it. That even though your plane is shaking uncontrollably, its all gonna be ok in the end. And i don’t mean that God thinks its funny or laughable when someone is in pain, but by being optimistic and thinking that all things work out for the best, then you can smile during those hard times. Again, I’m totally not saying that God laughs at someone’s pain, but he can see the good that will come out of it. I don’t know if this makes any sense to you all, but this is what i got out of listening to the song again.

  • Amanda Read:
    It says, “Let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay;” I was addressing sarcasm. As I said, I looked up satire in the dictionary and its synonym is sarcasm. It wasn’t my intention to address the issue of satire. Does that make better sense? Even if the chorus is supposed to be taken as satire (which is hard to tell) I don’t think that song glorifies God, as you can see from what else I’ve written.

  • I really liked the song; both tune and meaning. I interpreted it that when people are in a place where they feel “safe” or that they don’t need God they might laugh at God and mock Him. However, when they are in a situation that they can’t handle by themselves, they stop laughing at Him and realize that He’s real.

  • Lailee:
    No, we shouldn’t detach our selves form everything secular. We have to use secular banks, stores, etc. Jesus did go out and minister to those who were lost; However, we never see Jesus at the arena or partaking in secular entertainments. We don’t need to do those things to be able to relate to the world. Jesus used the everyday aspects of life, such as farming, etc. So to sum it up: we shouldn’t abstain from all things secular, as some things are necessary (such as shopping), yet we shouldn’t partake of unnecessary secular materials(such as music or entertainment). We need to follow Christ’s example.

  • I completely agree with you on that 🙂 However, I do think that for people of a young age, today, music, movies, tv shows, video games & school are their everyday aspects of life. I try to engage in the ones that I know I can without any bad side effects.

  • Krystin: you said “yet we shouldn’t partake of unnecessary secular materials(such as music or entertainment).”

    why? does it say that in the bible? Listening to a Bach concerto is just as “secular” as this song, so would you condemn it as well?

    God never said that all are pleasures and enjoyments must come directly from talking about Him, or worshiping Him in a church service. He gave us each other for enjoyment, he gave us the beautiful earth for enjoyment, and he gave us MUSIC for our enjoyment.

    There simply is no justification for a rejection of all things not blatantly “Christian” anywhere in scripture. Which is precisely why we were given discernment, consciences, and wisdom.

  • Kyrstin and others who are discussing with Kyrstin: I’d like to attempt to add something to what y’all are saying. Specifically about involving ourselves in secular things. One: I believe that there are better places to look for edification than in worldly things. Two: I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to listen to secular things. But just because you can use self-control in a certain area, doesn’t mean you have to. Again, these are just my opinions. My biggest point is this, I just got back from a Christian summer-camp; the theme was “what is your heart condition?” I think this applies here. Are you carefully listening to secular music just because you can? Just because there might be something good in it are you willing to expose yourself to the bad? Are you not trying to glean anything good out of secular music because you don’t want to go to the trouble? I could go on. What I think is, it’s about your heart. I know this might sound corny, but it’s true. Our actions shouldn’t be legalistic. It’s the condition of our heart and soul (and our relationship with Christ) that should direct our actions. If God doesn’t want to listening to secular music (just one example) that don’t. If you know God approves that you are doing it, than I wouldn’t be afraid to. This is what I believe. And I hope you don’t think that I’m accusing you or judging you or anything like that! This is only my opinion on the subject which you-Kyrstin, and others have been discussing. I really think it’s great that y’all (yes, I’m from the south) are discussing (and even disagreeing) with each-other with grace! Hope what I said made sense!


  • I am new to this ‘Rebelution’ thing. Struggling through the book. I am 13 and have a younger sister who is also interested. this idea would completely shock my principal. (oh, wait, school’s out.)

  • Theo: Welcome to the Rebelution! I’m pretty new to this myself. Loved the book, decided to pester the website! 🙂 Hope you decide to comment, too

    In Christ


  • Wow, all I can say is that this song is very telling of non-Christians. It is a true glimpse into what they are thinking and believing, even if they aren’t honest enough to say so themselves. Possibly without even knowing it, Regina has revealed the spiritual condition of so many hearts without our Savior. I think we should take this as a blessing and MOTIVATION to share the love of Jesus! So many people like Regina are searching, especially when times get hard. What if we aren’t there for them when they realize their desperation for HIM?

  • I like this song, I heard it for the first time a few weeks ago, and I just fell in love with it. I just really love how the tune and lyrics match up very well. In this day and age, it’s pretty bold to sing a song about God if you’re a popular musician like her, quite honestly, and I’m glad Regina Spektor did it in the way she did.

    And on the “should Christians appreciate secular things” topic – I think it’s good to occasionally watch movies that are secular, read books that are secular, and listen to music that is secular, and analyze the worldview. I like that point that Nicole Tera mentioned earlier about Paul quoting the secular poets as a good example.

    And yes, someone mentioned that awesome song by Kansas (who were non-Christian at the time) they eventually (or at least a member of the band) became Christian later on, which is interesting.

    Anyway, something about this song is soothing and motivational at the same time, so, thanks Brett, for posting this, I think it was an interesting, thought provoking song.

    ~Rachel Read

  • Okay, whoops, when I was reading the comments I thought that Nicole Tera said the thing about Paul quoting secular poets. lol *forgive me* That was in the blog post discussion thingy.

  • Doesn’t anyone ever question CHRISTIAN media and its effect on your heart too???

    It seems like people just take a vacation when it comes to “Christian” things!

    Moreover, the Christian media industry has limited its own influence on the culture by separating themselves from it.

    To quote from Dick Staub again:
    “Eager for acceptance by the broader culture and wallowing in a separatist inferiority complex, so-called Christian artists too often imitate the fallen culture’s art and are gleeful when they are even noticed by the mainstream.”

    If we’re not looking to be entertained, but to be edified, I still think it is a mistake to think that non-Christians do not have much to offer.

    What about The Sound of Music? Jane Austen movies? Charles Dickens? U2’s “Beautiful Day”? Bob Dylan? Harry Chapin’s “Cats in the Cradle”? Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida”? or what about instrumentals? What about paintings by non-Christians?

    Even laying all that aside, the fact remains that mainstream media is often a reflection of the hearts and values of the culture. Therefore, if we want to minister to people caught in the lies of the culture, we need to know what those lies are so we can give them the truth they need.

  • This really gets my head going in a way it hasn’t before. Odd to be challenged by a secular artist. And then you ended it with recommending “Worldliness” the book. For anyone who reads this Worldliness is an amazing, challenging book that will offer help in areas you didn’t realize you needed help in.
    God Bless,

  • I think it’s really sad when people off and blame God for all the bad stuff that happens in their lives. So many people think that God sends them the bad stuff as well as the good stuff. He doesn’t. Yes, bad things happen but it’s not God sending it to us. It’s not His will that we be hurt. Right now, whlie we’re still in this world, the devel is gonna try to keep us from loving and serving God.
    God tells us in the Bible that we’re gonna go through trials. He did not say that He sends them. He didn’t say that it would always be easy, but He did say that He’d be right there with us through it all. The important thing to remember is that God can take the bad stuff and use it for good. And that we should always praise and thank Him in the midst of it.

  • I think that most of the people who have commented negatively on this post didn’t grasp what the artist was trying to get across. She was speaking of humanity as a whole when she pointed out that people don’t feel like they need God when everything is grand, they only run to him when their world is falling apart. I’m sure that most of the people who commented do have a constant relationship with God that doesn’t change based on their circumstance so they found this hard to relate to. But the artist wasn’t trying to say that God doesn’t care about us when everything is good, just that we (humanity as a whole) tend to not care about him.

  • I know I’m a little late in the discussion and I am not adressing the most recent subjects in discussion (No I didn’t read all 150 comments!), but I think these things are important.

    First off, someone said the God was not hilarious. I think I understand what they were saying, but I strongly believe that God has a sense of humour. (who do you think we got it from?) But I do NOT believe God’s primary purpose is to entertain us. In fact entertainment isn’t His priority! But I believe God laughs. (maybe not in the traditional sense)

    Another person said that even though we can be edified by unbelievers, we shouldn’t seek to be. I agree it is dangerous to seek truth in an unbeliever, but if we don’t seek it how can we find it?

    Just some thoughts…

  • Wow, this was such an interesting song – and a really interesting discussion! I’m sad that the video was removed, although I can see why Brett did it. I think that this song is an example of common grace. Even though Regina Spektor isn’t a Christian (and, sadly, even supports the evil of abortion), she was still able to create a beautiful song that captures the truth about how a lot of people relate to God. The last line of the song and parts of the video itself were a little confusing to me until I read some of the comments about them. I loved Brett’s comment about the mask! That makes so much more sense now. 🙂

    I hope that a lot of non-Christians will hear this song and start thinking more deeply about who God really is. That’s probably not what Regina intended when she wrote the song, but God can still speak through her just as He has spoken through many non-Christians throughout history. I thought the quote was really interesting that someone posted about how she didn’t understand everything in the song herself. It seems that artists often don’t understand exactly what they’re saying when they’re in the grip of inspiration. I once wrote a poem after the collapse of the 35-W bridge in my hometown of Minneapolis, and it took me weeks before I fully understood what I said. :)(Incidentally that’s the only poem I’ve ever gotten published, and some people say it’s my best.) But God understands the words He gives us better than we do.

  • Andrew said: “Please try to remember that “secular” music merely serves as a form of entertainment.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying musical creativity, given to man by God.
    Praise and worship music, on the other hand, is specifically designed as a way to worship God.”

    I agree with you on that second line there brother, but, what if “secular” music is not merely “entertainment” and what if sometimes our christian pop worship songs are?

    What if instead of being edified by worship music we are just being entertained by a show?
    And what if the world is finding God by way of a little jewish girl from Russia who is not afraid of asking difficult questions about Him? I think we should measure our responses, and please, stop throwing around labels on everything, saying this is “christian” or this is “secular”! God can use both or neither if He wants to.

    When I read the scriptures I find, especially in the Psalms, Job and not to mention the whole book of Ecclesiastes, a yearning for God to answer the human questions about life that we have. Sometimes it is very depressing. Sometimes the wrong conclusions are drawn… and yet God chose those words borne out of the pain of his followers to edify us because they still point us to Him. I don’t really find that same spectrum of feeling and struggle in most modern worship songs, it seems like most of them are all about making us feel good about being Christians, rather than challenging us to live in the way Jesus commanded. What makes us different as followers of Christ is not our shunning or categorizing of “secular” culture, but it is our love and compassion for those who are in need of Jesus and in need of hope. (Not that it is bad to make rules about what you allow yourself to enjoy, but the bible doesn’t say don’t listen to music made by non Christians, so don’t make it a universal rule.)

    Brett makes some very good points in following up to the post. I am glad it was posted, and I am glad that it is being discussed. I will be thinking about these issues a bit more now, and I think I find the song all the more poignant having seen some of the ways others have interpreted it.

    As to Regina’s views on abortion, I am saddened. But not surprised, any more than the fact that most of my relatives feel the same way about the issue and would probably praise her for her donation efforts to PP. Let’s as Christians be all the more generous in our giving, our prayers, and our actions.

    grace and peace.

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about this song since you posted it, Brett. I really like it. One thing I got was that (especially at the last chorus) was that she could be saying how we as a society can be so shallow, thinking that God is “like a genie,” waiting at our beck and call.
    Another was that God shouldn’t be mocked. Especially at the end, after the examples of how God is NOT laughed at, it seemed to me that she was almost sad and and saying that it is kind of scary that our society thinks this way.

  • Stephanie-
    Fellow poet here! (at least,I try)
    I think I know exactly what you mean about trying to decipher the meaning of one’s own writings. Sometimes I am compelled to write something down and then I ponder for hours or years(yes,I’m slow)about what it means. Not to put myself way up there,but I cannot help but wonder if David and the other Biblical poets experienced the same thing.

    What do the Rebelutionaries think? Is such pondering a waste of time,or an opportunity to learn more about God and our purpose?

    I think God is the origin and Master of all people’s talents,whether or not they try to use their abilities for His glory. Like some of you said in your lovely commenting(which I thoroughly enjoyed),God can speak through anyone He so pleases-whether they like it or not! Whatever Regina’s intentions where/are,let’s hope she has a lot of pondering in her future.

  • (Nobody’s laughing with Brett here. I agree on his stand.) I do see that this song presents some difficult stuff to explain, with Regina Spektor’s kind off vague lyrics, but the words still show something true about many of the stuff happening in the world today. This song’s showing a bit of the “spiritual” light Regina’s got (like in her song “Samson”), though there are also some things Christians won’t be agreeing with or nodding to.

    (P.S. I still love The Call, and I felt like it was Regina’s most “Christian” or “God-glorifying” song, so to say, and I am glad that Director Andrew Adamson placed it as Prince Caspian’s soundtrack. It really fits with the ending of the on-screen version of one of C.S. Lewis’ masterpieces, Prince Caspian.

  • Marc Josiah: When you say “The Call” was her most “Christian” song, are you saying that because of the lyrics? Just wondering. I love The Call too. But “This Is Home” is my favorite.


  • Elsa:
    “What do the Rebelutionaries think? Is such pondering a waste of time,or an opportunity to learn more about God and our purpose?”

    As long as what you’re pondering is edifying, it’s an awesome opportunity to learn more about God and our purpose. The Bible encourages meditating.

  • Camille: I believe that “This is Home” was written and performed by Switchfoot, but I agree, it’s my favorite song on the Prince Caspian Soundtrack.

  • Wow, looks like there has been a lot of discussion about this song. I just watched the video on Tangle, and to be honest, now that I read the words, it makes me a little uncomfortable. I do not agree with her last line, “We’re all laughing with God.”

    Camille: Switchfoot did write “This is Home”, but yeah, “The Call” is one of my favorites on the soundtrack.

  • Let me make the point that some “secular” music is better than “chrsitian” music. The real question that we need to ask ourselves about this song is, ‘does this edify me and bring me closer to Christ?’ I found that the lyrics were very chalenging and the music was very good to learn and memorize. Again the question is not ‘is this secular or not?’ The question is, ‘is this good for me?’ I loved the song when I saw the lyrics, and I hope that you can (or will) too 😉

    Switchfoot is #1! Hello Hurricane comes out this fall!

    All For His Son’s Glory!

  • Everyone seems to be assuming that either Josh or Brett actively sought out this song. Has it occurred to anyone that they may have stumbled upon it? Or it was given to them and someone asked them to check it out (like Josh and Brett asked us to in their posts)? We don’t know. That has not been made clear. The only thing that’s clear is that, yes, Josh Harris listened to it. How that came about, we dont know. To assume that their intentions and hearts were based in seeking secular material out is wrong.

    No, we should not be actively seeking out secular entertainment. But, if we come upon something of secular entertainment, and we learn something from that particular piece, then there it is. We learned something. I’m sorry this post offended some people, but others were able to learn something and be edified by God opening their eyes to something as a result of listening to it.

    All I’m trying to say is… everyone is basing their opinions on the assumption that Josh, Brett, and others actively sought this. Ok, so some of y’all didn’t like it. Again, that doesn’t mean we’re sinning by listening to it. Like some have said, it’s our hearts and intentions that matter. If we are seeking God, and we come upon something (like I came upon this because Brett posted it) and we do learn something from it, then so be it. You can’t change that God did use this to make others think, even if it didn’t affect some that way.

  • i appreciate how much thought you put into the messages and ideas you portray on the blog. It shows how much you really care about us

  • “God can be funny
    When told He’ll give you money if you just pray the right way
    And when presented like a genie
    Who does magic like Houdini
    Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus”

    In my opinion, this means that God, when He is not presented in all His true goodness and character, but rather in sort of a caricature of Him, people can dare laugh at Him.

    The song seems to strongly indicate that only those people who are really in touch with life, not those people who are living a secure little facade, are the ones who understand God the right way.

    It’s true – if God is not presented the right way, He can be funny. People who use God as a punch line always misrepresent and misunderstand Him, which is the point of the song.

    “No one’s laughing at God in a war
    No one’s laughing at God when they’re starving or freezing or so very poor”

    “No one’s laughing at God” apparently means the ones who are in touch with reality, the people afflicted by stuff that makes them realize bigger truth.

    “No one’s laughing at God
    No one’s laughing at God
    No one’s laughing at God
    We’re all laughing with God”

    We already defined who are the ones who aren’t laughing at God. So this meaning would probably be carried on to the last line. “We’re all” probably refers to the same group of people who aren’t laughing at God because they know how serious things are.

    Therefore, all those not laughing at God laugh with God instead. This is a very joyous comment in my understanding and it illustrates how those who know God and take Him seriously realize that He’s not a joke, but a lot of life can be funny, and laughter is good medicine. We laugh and cry with God as we make our way through life.

    I agree with Brett’s interpretation of the song, but my recommendation here is that if you are not edified by the song, don’t listen to it. If you are edified by the song, listen to it.

    Personally, I am very edified by the song. I think it makes an excellent point. Actually, I might break out singing it next time someone makes a crude joke about the Creator of the universe.

  • Thanks so much for posting this, reading the comments was really interesting. I watched the video, and I thought it was very insightful and edifying. It was very clear to me the point she was making and her use of sarcasm/satire. I also agree with Brett’s interpretation, and Cameron’s was good too. Anyway, yeah, I really found this edifying. Random note: I love her dress, I wish I had one like it. 🙂

  • I hate to comment without having read all of what everyone else thinks so i don’t know if i’m just reiterating what someone else said. but I thought the song was pretty good and I think I agree with the “I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you” idea.

    Regarding secular culture and artists, i think that sometimes they can be right on. i just heard an amazing message about listening to God, and the speaker pionted out that when God’s people aren’t hearing Him, He will speak through unbelievers and they can do His will without knowing why.

  • U are so right rachel, i totally agree!
    but i still stick to my former comment….don’t just listen to every song that comes out!

  • Forgive me if I am merely repeating anything someone else has said, but I haven’t the time right now to read every comment thoroughly. I first stumbled on this song at Josh Harris’s blog, and I half expected it to make an appearance on The Rebelution. I’m very glad it did; it sparked a huge discussion.
    I find it abostlutely fascinating that God can speak through the mouth of one who may not even love or serve him. I’m sorry that it was confusing for many of you, even to the point that Brett thought it best to remove the video; but for me it was a breath of fresh air. Regina hit the hardest in the chorus (and it was bitingly sarcastic, for those who don’t see that) in which God can be funny to those who are enjoying themselves and trying to fit in with the crowd. Far too many people have a flippant view of God; using his name as a cuss word or expression of disgust, and laughing at silly “God-themed jokes. Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you’d think they’re ‘bought to choke”. I think that could be a huge wake up call to people who think that way, provided they realise the sarcasim. And to be honest, I didn’t even know that some people could take the chorus as other than sarcastic until I read some of the earlier comments. And while this song may seem to some to be too loose in expressing exact theology, bear in mind that it was written in precisely that way on purpose. Regina is not making a statement of faith; she is writing and singing a song. And while we Christians are to be like the Bereans, testing everything to know if it is true or not, we are NOT to be condemning and overly skeptical, but rather gentle and meek (Jesus himself said that he didn’t come to condemn, but to disciple and save our souls).
    As far as it goes musically speaking, I both sing and play the piano and found it very nicely done (not that I am an expert in any way whatsoever, but that I really do appreciate this sort of music). I love her soft and ringing voice, and although she does sometimes sing in a way that is hard to understand, I find that true with many singers who may be trying to sing a good song (think Natalie Grant or Rebecca St. James). The tune was very catchy and I really liked the piano; it was both light and deadly serious at the same time.
    Some people (on Josh Harris’s blog particularly) have disapproved of her dress and manner of walking, but I didn’t see much of a problem at all there. Alex, Brett, and Josh Harris all are clear and have writting their opinions on standards of modesty, and I agree with them 100% so far. While I myself may not really like the dress, that doesn’t mean that it is a sin for someone else to wear it :). She didn’t make any seriously “come hither” looks with her eyes, unlike most popular singers and celebreties.

    My mind left me behind a couple miles ago, and I’m afraid to write any more for fear that I’ll be confusing or unclear. Please correct me if any one thinks I am wrong, because it’s quite likely I am.
    May we all continue to seek God, in whatever way he chooses to reveal himself to us.

  • I like this song, as well as most of Regina Spektor’s other songs over her four albums, but I can understand why people could have very different opinions of it….but yes, I found it edifying, really made me think, like a lot of her songs do.

  • I’ve been thinking more and more about that last line in this song. And with the way she says it and all it makes me wonder if she means something entirely different than what anyone else has yet stated. Following those last few repeated lines of “No one’s laughing at God” it almost sounds like she’s saying: no one’s laughing at God. All of those people who make fun of and mock Him aren’t laughing alone, because He’s laughing too. In the sense of He gets the last laugh. He’s God. He’s going to have the final say and all of those people are going to have to face Him.

    Which, if that is the case (that that is what she means), then I would have to say I don’t like that ending at all. Because God is not laughing at those who reject and mock them. He is filled with sorrow and righteous anger. He is not vindictive, but is the fair and perfect Judge.

    Anyway…. just a thought that occurred to me earlier today when I watched the video again. I’ve been mulling over it since and thought I’d share. Guess there’s really no way of knowing unless Ms. Spektor ever explains her personal interpretation.

  • Tim: It is written by them. I take it from the tone of your comment that you don’t like Switchfoot very much? I didn’t like them for the longest time, but once I actaully listened to their music, I think it’s really good and God-glorifiing. Even though it’s not worship music, it’s definitley not secular! Or that’s my opinion. For some reason they changed the chorus of This Is Home on the movie. If you buy the soundtrack, you get a different version…weird! By the way, I personally think that Lucy and Dance ‘Round The Memory Tree are not that great. What about you?


  • Hey,
    I love Switchfoot. They are not blatantly Christian like MercyMe, Casting Crowns, or Third Day, I would say they still make an incredible impact, more in the realm Relient K, Hawk Nelson, or Pillar.

    Why did the video get removed? I never got to watch it.
    Oh well,

  • Nathan: Did you ever read my comment on last post? Are you the same Nathan? Anyway. Yes they aren’t like MercyMe or Thrid Day, but I wouldn’t class them with Hawk Nelson…at all. They have great points, like Casting Crowns. Like I said, Switchfoot isn’t praise and worship, (and I’m not against that type of music at all) but I believe they definitley have God-glorifying ideas and songs. But that’s just me. I didn’t mean to start a whole Switchfoot debate. 🙂


  • Oh..sorry Nathan. I just read your other comments! 🙂 Thanks for what you said, it was incouraging, and I’m glad what I said could help!

    Talk later


  • Okay, if I watched it i would’nt have be so bad… but if you think it was confusing, I belive you. Though, it might of been helpful to watch it, just to soak in the meaning of this article. If this was an actual article, to some people, it might not seem like it. But to me it does. Anyway I looked up the song and I get what you mean.

    With all regards,

  • This discussion is very interesting, but let me point out that WORSHIP music is for WORSHIP!

    “Secular” is a confusing term Christians SHOULD use to describe any ideal, object, form of communication, or form of entertainment that ISN’T designed for the sole purpose of Man to God WORSHIP.

    In other words, if the one of the HARRIS TWINS wrote a poem about how he LOVES flowers, IT WOULD STILL BE SECULAR!

    Why? Because the poem was about flowers, and directed toward a HUMAN audience.

    Switchfoot IS secular. The band is made up of solid Christian men, but they write songs for HUMANS. Of course, they glorify God through their music..BUT THEY DON’T WRITE IT FOR HIS WORSHIP!…they write it for his Glory!

    Remember that doing things for the sake of Worshiping God, and doing things for the sake of bringing Glory to God are two very, very different things. Very different.

    Don’t be hasty to judge Regina Spektor’s music because it’s “Secular”…(Bach’s music was “Secular” as well…)

    Judge EVERYONE by the Glory their lives bring to God.

  • Hey Camille,

    I think you’re right, Switchfoot is not like Hawk Nelson, they have good points. You just got to listen . Hawk N. is more into singing about girls, but oh well. Their style is also unique, it’s got variety, and even my mom likes them. Maybe more like Stellar Kart or TobyMac. Thanks for the help.

  • To Andrew,
    Man, you nailed it. They are definately not a Worship band, but they still change lives.

  • Andrew: I never thought about it that way before. Excellent way to put it! 🙂
    ~Kay Morris♫

  • wow!!!! That is so true….I’m stumped! It really is a moving song – AMAZING that it’s not sung by a ‘christian’ artist. Thanks for sending it on.

  • I obviously haven’t read all the 189 comments here but I did pick up that there was a lot of question as to why Reginor wrote the song. I happened to stumble across this Regina Spektor interview on youtube which may shed a bit of light onto why she wrote “Laughing With” and what her thoughts were when she wrote it and help to clear up a few misinterpretations or the like. I hope this is allowed. Blessings!

  • i didnt read all these coments either, but i’ve listened to “the Call” only cause it is on Prince Caspian soundtrack. I really love that song!!!! From what i have read, this doesnt sound like a very good song, but i dont know, im pretty picky about music!!! Hmmm…. could someone put the lyrics on here??
    Allison Victoria 🙂

  • “No one laughs at God in a hospital
    No one laughs at God in a war
    No one’s laughing at God
    When they’re starving or freezing or so very poor

    No one laughs at God
    When the doctor calls after some routine tests
    No one’s laughing at God
    When it’s gotten real late
    And their kid’s not back from the party yet

    No one laughs at God
    When their airplane start to uncontrollably shake
    No one’s laughing at God
    When they see the one they love, hand in hand with someone else
    And they hope that they’re mistaken

    No one laughs at God
    When the cops knock on their door
    And they say we got some bad news, sir
    No one’s laughing at God
    When there’s a famine or fire or flood

    But God can be funny
    At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke, or
    Or when the crazies say He hates us
    And they get so red in the head you think they’re ‘bout to choke
    God can be funny,
    When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way
    And when presented like a genie who does magic like Houdini
    Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
    God can be so hilarious
    Ha ha
    Ha ha

    No one laughs at God in a hospital
    No one laughs at God in a war
    No one’s laughing at God
    When they’ve lost all they’ve got
    And they don’t know what for

    No one laughs at God on the day they realize
    That the last sight they’ll ever see is a pair of hateful eyes
    No one’s laughing at God when they’re saying their goodbyes
    But God can be funny
    At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke, or
    Or when the crazies say He hates us
    And they get so red in the head you think they’re ‘bout to choke
    God can be funny,
    When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way
    And when presented like a genie who does magic like Houdini
    Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
    God can be so hilarious

    No one laughs at God in a hospital
    No one laughs at God in a war
    No one laughs at God in a hospital
    No one laughs at God in a war
    No one laughing at God in hospital
    No one’s laughing at God in a war
    No one’s laughing at God when they’re starving or freezing or so very poor

    No one’s laughing at God
    No one’s laughing at God
    No one’s laughing at God
    We’re all laughing with God”

  • What?????? I was really hoping I would like this song! It’s not funny. God is not someone to be laughed at! and God themed jokes? Like what?? What kind of joke about God is funny?
    Thank you, Alex and Brett, for taking this song off here.
    Alli Victoria

  • I regret that I missed the original post, however, I do see the intended purpose in this. Regina Spektor wasn’t saying that God, his word, or jokes centered around him/his followers are funny. I believe she was revealing the way we, as humans, often treat God. During times of ease, many of us do laugh at God and those dedicating their lives to Him. Yet when we find ourselves in a world beyond our control, we finally realize how helpless we are. It is then that many of us recognize God, whereas we were too foolish and proud before. Thank you, Alex and Brett, for another meaningful post, despite its misinterpreted effect.

  • HEck, I didn’t get to see it. So I can’t say much. But I’m glad we got to talk about the Switchfoot.

  • hey this is my first time sending ( what i guess is my fist blog note ) tell me if im wrong im thinking about makeing a new club at school do yall think i am going to far or just down right making the wrong dsition my fca dose not diccuss god anymore most peopl come for the cookies if i made a new club i was hoping i could make a difference in my school do yall think it would be a good idea email me with ur answer at my email listed above

  • Um…Ryan Littleton…I don’t really get your question. Could you restate it a little more clearly? Thanks. 🙂

    In Christ


    P.S. Yay! We’re at 200!

  • Um, because it annoyed me that we stopped at 196. We were so close 200, it just seemed like a good round even number. 🙂 I know, I’m goofy.

  • hye u guys r my hero i came to your confrents i loved it im so prowed of what u guys did in life you guys r the best i love you guys and i go to church every sunday 2 and i have a teen youth gourp i came with my gourp to your guyses conforents you guys r really funny well talk to u latter bye and plz emil me back at [email protected] i want to haer from u guys more well bye 🙂

  • wht i was saying earlyer is my fca dos not talk about thingns we need to talk about ( unwanted things going on , how to make prayer possible , ect. )

  • OK, so Regina has a point here guys. What she’s saying is that in easy times, people laugh at the thought of God, simply because they don’t SEEM to need him then. But when the hard times come– Oh, so THEN all the people step up in faith and cry out to him. Just my opinion on the matter.

  • Hey guys. Just to let you know. The song wasn’t confusing and unhelpful to all of us. I didn’t listen to it while it was still posted but when I saw this I went and looked it up. It’s about as amazing and deep as you can get. It was extremely thought provoking. Thanks for posting it even if you did have to take it down. 🙂

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The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →