
Should I ignorantly assume that the blessings I have received in way of gifting and talent, position and family, country and freedom, have been given blindly and without purpose? Should I, heedless of their potential, throw these things away for the sake of convenience? Will I take the road so often traveled and go with the flow rather than against the current? Will I choose the fate of the common man or that of the uncommon man?
Needless to say, a life of sin and sorrow is readily available to all, whereas a life of purity, honor, and virtue is only granted to a precious few. The gifts necessary to change the world are as rare as the man who tries it, while the ability to conform to the world is evident in all its abundance.
The path of the righteous man is overgrown and seldom used. It is a lonely road, often uphill and through deep valleys. The common way offers many amenities, it is a well-worn path, easily traveled and with plenty of company.
Righteousness is work comprised of fleeing from temptation, running to Christ, fighting the good fight, running the race, and wrestling with myself. Complacency, however, offers a road devoid of care. I give myself to the very things I should flee from and fight with. So much easier to choose, so much simpler, and just what we want—yet not what I want.
To change the world God has changed my heart. To fight the fight God has won the war. To run the race Christ has set me free. All this is mine through Christ Jesus my Lord, yet this is the road often missed, often forgotten, often ignored.
The harder road lies before those who choose life and godliness, yet the greater destination, a glorious paradise and a wonderful feast.
This is the path I have chosen, to follow God and to do His will—to change the world, to be a leader—to shine as a light in the darkness that I’ve been placed in, not by chance, but by sovereign purposeful design. Should a candle set in a dark room assume that darkness is his fate? Would it be acceptable for the candle to make peace with the darkness? Not when he holds the potential for glorious light!
Therefore I must take all precautions to guard myself in all holiness, righteousness, and purity. Sin cannot be endured. The war is on, the fight is God’s—therefore I will be victorious. No truces will be made; no terms will be accepted. Victory is my end and that through Jesus Christ.
Reminding myself that one slip will destroy all possibilities of great service I will take and pursue all measures of accountability and protection. For if sin reigns I am ruined, and if it gains I have lost.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord’s great love I am not consumed, for His compassion’s never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.”
In what confidence, you ask, do I make such resolve? Not in my strength for it has failed. Not in my previous accomplishments for they are pale. Not in hope of willpower for it is weak and corrupt. Not in conscience for it is dull. Not in my head, or arms, or legs, or hands, or feet, or anything in me that could supply strength physically, mentally, or spiritually, for they have all failed. They have all fallen short. They have all broken promises they vowed to keep. They have never brought me true or lasting success. They never will. I have no hope in myself.
In what confidence, you ask, do I make such resolve? I make resolve in the strength of God, in the grace, mercy, and power of Jesus Christ. In the salvation I know I have through Him. From the righteousness I have received from Him, from the robes of white that cover my sin, from the blood that was spilt for me, for the love that I feel in His embrace, for everything that is not me and is Him—in this I trust and in this I rest my hope.
You may wonder on reading this whether I will follow through with this resolution. Will it be only sad irony ten years hence that such a thing was ever written by these hands? Will this be a scrap of broken dreams and aspirations? Will I forget in an hour what was so clear and true now?
The answer to those questions will be decided by where I put my trust. Know this to be true: if my trust, despite my words, is in myself, then laugh at my humiliation. What a fool I was. Yet if my trust, as my words testified, is in God, then know with unwavering clarity that there is nowhere I will not go, no mountain I will not climb, no success that will not be realized, as long as all is done for God’s glory and in His strength. If my trust is in Him, then honor Him for my success. It will be beyond my dreams and yours if He can only pull my trust to Him for its eternal resting place.
Who am I? I’m a rebelutionary.
Hey Brett,
I havn’t herd from you in a while. It was great to read your blog. It was beautiful. I am amazed by your love and trust in the Lord. It is really verry encouraging to know there are people like you and Alex out there who care. Who want to be a leader. Who want to help change the society and how they view diffrent aspects in it. How are you going to start changing the world? You and Alex are the type of leaders that the world needs. What is some advice to help me take part in the fight of changing the world and society? Thankyou so much for writing that!
P.S. It would be really great if you could answer my question if you have time. Just write me at my email address. Thanks Again!!
Hey Brett!
This is some really great stuff. This is the first time I’ve visited the site, and trust me, I am really excited! You guys are doing a super job getting the message of Christ across to the world, not to mention encouraging fellow Believers as well. I’m going to try to keep up with the blog and use it as part of my daily devotions. I really liked your definition of what it means to be a “Rebelutionary”, and that is what I want in my life.
I am definitely going to tell my friends in my church Youth Group about your site.
Thanks so much, and keep fighting the Good Fight!
Sincerely ,
Will Kelly
Hey Brett!
Wow! I am soo impressed by this website! It is very refreshing to know that there are Christian guys out there that are so on fire for the Lord! Ya’ll are doing a terrific job conveying your message to us readers! Everything on here is soo important and I can’t wait to tell my friends about it!! Your passion for Christ is encouraging and uplifting. Thank you so much and continue to hunger and thrist for Christ!!
God bless,
Mary Kathryn
that is soo very true and i do to believe we should all take that path as a christian yet some christians are to scared to shine in darkenss or to stand up and be a leader they get pulled down or they are to nervous to deal with the pressure. from expierence i am one to say that sharing the gospel is very complicated in some places. see i have been a missionary kid my whole life and in some places like india you can not share as much as you want to because of their penalties against missionaries. Yet here in america some choose not to share as much due to peer pressure or critsism. For me some people suppose i am notn christian by the way i dress…I dress punkish but because of my ministry i reach out to the kids with problems…no i dont not have sitanic friends as for them i can only pray but for most punk kids i help i listen, i love them and they are the people who need jesus the most so i dress like them become their friends and minister and set a model i help them quit drugs or cutting or drinking and help them find the path of christ. But im a very strong christian and i agree 100% with what you say…
your a great influence and i am sooo very happy to have heard from you from my small group leader at church
God bless and reward you
Angie Nolen
Hey, my name is Liz Leach. I actually found the website through the girl talk blog. I was intrigued when I read about it on one of the Girl Talk posts so I checked it out. It took me a few minutes to realized that you are related to Josh Harris. I went to Covenant Life for a year, and now I am attending a Sovereign Grace Church in Philadelphia (I say all this just so you know I’m not some random person). Thanks so much for creating this site! It is so encouraging to see teens that are committed to living pure and holy lives! I am encouraged to continue to pursue Jesus Christ as I read this blog! I am so amazed at how God transforms lives (mine especially)!!! Keep following God with all your heart!
Hey my name is shannon and I found out about this website from a friend and this my friends is a good one:)… no, not jokingly in all honisty this website not only is it helping kids and adults to know truth but see it and hear it from Brett and Alex and anybody else tying to spread the gosple. I am going to the Puerto Vallarta Dump in Mexico to do a missions trip with my class and some other adults who are going as chaperones and I am so excited to be able to spread the work of God to children who are suffering and to give then clothing and shoes and clean place to live. It will be an eye opener for sure. So If you can pray for me and my group that we raise enough money to go. God Bless,
Shannon Buck
[…] “…to follow God and to do His will—to change the world, to be a leader—to shine as a light in the darkness that I’ve been placed in, not by chance, but by sovereign purposeful design.” (TheRebelution.com) […]
“Though a righteous man fall, he will rise again; but the wicked are brought down by calamity.” “…the righteous are as bold as a lion.” -Proverbs ” Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling..” -Jude
He is ABLE to keep you, and that which you have committed to Him! “They that know their God shall be stong and do exploits…they shall be willing in the day of His power…”
What do you hope to acomplish through with this website? And movement?
Hmmm. I never know what to say first in these comment thingies so I’ll say something random like “red penguins” and you’ll do a double take and be like “WHAT!?” and then I’ll say “just trying to break the ice” and you’ll roll your eyes and be like “this girl is such a FREAK!”… … but you’ll be intrigued and want to keep reading…
aHA! I was right! tehehe…
now that the ice is broken I just wanted to say that you and your brother have been such amazing examples to me ever since I first wandered onto your site after reading a World magazine article about you guys. Something I struggle with constantly is falling back into stupid things and you guys always have the right thing to say on your blog. So from one crazy, freakishly annoying, yet wholesomely valued homeschooled christian girl (me) to one spiritually gifted always says the right thing christian guy (you) …
This is a life-transforming blog…I am glad that there are Christian teenagers out there, brave enough to tell the world of their rebelutionary cause. I admire you for your courage to stand for such a God-glorifying cause. Brett, what you’ve written has encouraged me to also live and comply to the God-given task of “setting an example in speech,in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” I pray that I will also have the heart of a rebelutionary Christian teenager.
I thank God for leading me to this blog. God bless you and this ministry….
God WILL have a set apart people, those that will be a light to a dark, dark world.
He is coming, not just in natural clouds, but a cloud of witnesses(Heb. 12:1). It is up to us to be that people. Gods word will NOT return unto him void (Isa. 55:11). The Lord is looking for individuals that he can show himself strong through (2 Chr. 16:9) He is looking for disciples, those that will follow in his steps. Lord help me to be part of that chosen generation and peculiar (or set apart) people to show forth your praise (1 pet 2:9)
This is amazing. Let the rebelutionaries arise!
I have been browsing your blog for a couple weeks and am amazed at everything I find. You are doing an incredible job at hitting the nail on the head. I have been encouraged by finding that I’m not the only teen out there struggling with these sorts of things, and by being inspired to work harder at being a godly girl, truly set apart for Christ.
Thanks for working so hard to encourage other young people and turn this generation’s hearts toward the Lord.
It is encouraging to know that there are other teens who are fervent for Christ and in a heated battle with the world’s misery to win the souls of the lost for Him.
[Administrator Note: We’ve made it our policy to not allow advertising of personal websites in our comment section, but in this case, it’s not because we don’t appreciate what you’re doing. In fact, we link to your blog on our sidebar. God bless!]
Great, thanks! (Sorry, i didn’t know bout the policy)
Your goals were very well-said. I echo them whole-heartedly, the only difference being that my path will be as a young lady seeking the Lord. Thank you for putting into words your desires to walk pleasing to the Lord. They are an encouragement and a challenge to me to never, ever forsake my Lord and to lean on Him all the days of my life. Thank you, and God bless.
You may be the most pedantic and sanctimonious person on the planet.
I appreciate what you have established here. Have you ever heard of the General Youth Conference? It is creating a army of young people who will finish the race. I think you should look them up. I believe their website is GeneralYouthConference.com
I have searched several times on the internet for a group of devoted young people, and you, GYC, and Young Disciples Ministries are the only one I have come across!!
May the Lord bless you. Keep up the good work!!
hi brett,
i just wanted to take a moment to thank for your stand. i’m a youth pastor and have been thoroughly encouraged by your uncompromising committment to our Master, His Word and leadership for you and others’ lives. And i pray that our God ‘…will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.’
God bless brother.
Hey Brett, thank you so much for this article! I am now a Rebelutionary. Praise God!
I’ve just got to say that I’ve never seen anything like this and I’ve grown up in a Christian home, church, school. Thank you for being light and salt in this dark world and daring to stand amid the compromise of today. I wish you joy and peace in believing and blessed ministry as you seek to serve our God.
thank you for making a difference
I saw an article about you guys and the rebelution in a World magazine two days ago. I wanted to write and tell ya’ll that Jesus Christ is so glorified through you both, and that the impact you are having on hundreds of teens is an everlasting one that will never fade. We want to see Jesus lifted high, a banner that flies across this land, that all men might see the truth and know He is the way to heaven. I’ll be praying for you guys. Press on toward the goal to win the prize of the upward call in christ Jesus.
Lydia MK
Wow! Need I say more? The tour is amazing and I really appreciate your unique writing syle. You are very intelligent and it shows in the very most public aspects of your testimony. I really enjoyed reading this blog because it was so nicely written and so filled with truth.
I find this incredibly disturbing, a new generation willingly submitting to ignorance and subserviance. This website is rather depressing, to say the least.
I recon you guys are awesome and have done a really brave thing to stand up for what you believe in, especially the culture of today. Your blog was amazing.
Keep up the good work.
God Bless.xx
wow… Simply said. I am so excited to see what God does in the coming months and years with this generation.
wow!!!!!!you guys are such a blessing!!!!!!!!May God use you in amazing ways!!!!
Lets bring on this new generation!!!!!!!!!!!
I discovered your website after hearing it mentioned by Chuck Norris.
Although only God really knows our hearts, it seems to me that your hearts are really in the right place; loving and reverencing God, and loving your neighbor enough to share God’s word.
I also watched the “Are you a good person?”; though I already knew none is “good” but God. Overall I think it’s well done and very effective. I do see one correction that needs to be made. The creator of your presentation has fallen into a trap that is common to our modern era. That is of substituting a “sinner’s prayer” for being buried with Christ by baptized as a Faith-motivated, Spirit-filled immersion in water that represents the blood of Christ.
This isn’t surprising, since for several centuries, the predominant Christian thought presented Baptism as a work of self-righteousness. Since we know we cannot be saved by our own merits, Baptism has often been seen as unnecessary; even though Christ commanded it, and it is explicitly included in nearly all the conversion accounts in Acts.
We simply need to understand that Baptism is really a sign that we are a sin-dead corpse who can do nothing for ourselves, and that we submit to burial in the blood of Christ; trusting in His power to save us through Faith, by the Grace of God. I’m just trying to do (in my poor way) the same thing God’s word is leading you to do; share a little of what I’ve gleaned from prayerful study of his word.
By God’s Grace, we all share the same hope for eternal life in His presence, as we try to follow the path of His Son, Jesus Christ, in Faith. God Bless you, your study and your efforts in Him.
David Deering
Wow! That’s all I can say. God bless you.
Hey I need advice. I have a friend who thinks she is in love.she has been praying for one for a long time.He is 15 and lives in Atlanta,and he is a christian and he is an abolishtionist.She is 13 and she is moving to Indiana.she is an abolishtionist and a christian.they have never met.she knows about him but he does’nt know about him.
advice needed. -your sister in Christ,hannah
i mean he does’nt know about her.
Amazing..simply amazing.That’s how I can describe the way God has been using you and your brother.
Hello, Brett! I’m really blessed with what you said there. It’s encouraging to know that there are still Christians who live their lives the way the Lord wants. You know, I’ve been a Christian since I was 3 years old, and now I’m fifteen, but I still haven’t trusted the Lord that much. I thank the Lord for using you as an instrument to be a blessing to others in such a great way that even those who do not know Jesus can be touched by your lives. HE has really used that message to rebuke me. I HAVEN’T BEEN READING MY BIBLE FOR ALMOST A YEAR YOU KNOW. I EVEN FORGET TO PRAY. And do you know what has always been my alibi? my excuse? I DON’T HAVE TIME. I’M A SCHOLAR. I HAVE TO STUDY. And guess what? My study technique doesn’t even seem to work anymore. I get easily distracted. And I get easily discouraged with failures. Do you know that feeling like anyone who comes near you or work with you for an assignment or something gets unlucky? (See! I even seem to believe in luck now). It really makes me feel bad because I’m a Christian. And I ought to be a blessing-and never a burden.I have been living my life so carelessly that my grades are already going down.
Okay, so much to those revelations…
Just want to let you know that this ministry has reached the Philippines..(I’m a Filipino..hehe)
God bless you. I’ll pray for you.Keep running the race…HE will never let you down. And please keep yourself away from temptations. God is using you so greatly and I know how much the enemy wants to stop you, hinder you,discourage you…BE CAREFUL IF YOU THINK YOU STAND, LEST YOU FALL.
Again, GOD BLESS YOU, and take care.
You sister in Christ,
To God be the glory!
Glad to know that there are other comrades-in-arms who will not let the Devil gain ground.
Praise our King.
Sincerely in Him,
A fellow soldier.
[…] Serving His Purpose? I read a really interesting article today by Brett Harris, and the opening has been on my mind since. […]
Amen! True words spoken from the heart, a heart that is similar to myself and many others. It is a true inspiration to me to be a rebelutionary!
Hey! I just wanted to say thanks to you and Alex for creating this site. You have no idea what a positive impact it has been on my life.
Thanks for what you have written. It is truly inspirational – I shall borrow some of the words for my own reference. God bless you and keep you always.
There is a quote by John Stuart Mills that says –
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The depraved and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling, which thinks nothing is worth war, is far worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made so, by exertions of better men than himself.”
I think that as Christians as a whole we tend to forget that when we decide to lay down ourselves completely for the Lord, we are enlisting in the army of God. When many believers realize this there seem to be three responses (at least that I have witnessed): From my own experiences, the most common response seems to be a response of fear in which believers strive for peace, make-shift treaties, and as you said above, to negotiate terms with the offender. What we forget, is that peace is not necessarily the absence of war – in some cases, “peace talks” prolong the conflict which end up as a stalemate…and we all know that a stalemate is not possible in the Kingdom of God. Peace between Good and Evil will not occur until the defeat of evil, and we do not know exactly when that will be. There must be a winner and there must be a loser – and we know that God wins. It’s that simple. The second response is the opposite of seeking peace. It’s seeking war. Usually from what I have observed, these people are good natured and have a genuine and fervent love for the Lord, but lose sight of the purpose. They want to condemn demons, curse the evil one, and go out looking for battles which they are not spiritually prepared for. I had a very dear friend who suffered from this. He was foolhardy, brash, unwise, and for many reasons, as well as his foolishness, will end up living the rest of his life in an orange uniform with a cereal number on his left chest pocket. And then the third response is exactly what you and Alex are doing! I’m so relieved and thankful that there are those who see the potential of people our age to sway either for or against this fight for righteousness and redemption. But you both do not seem to be foolhardy nor unwise. And I pray that you will remain on target and hit the mark, the course which the Lord has set before you both.
You both have been incredibly blessed and may you continue to be. May the full armor of God protect you, because there will be many, many challenges. You just gave the Devil a reason to pummel you with temptation. I pray you will continue to triumph and stay the course.
Hey! You guys ttly rock! Its so cool and encouraging to see teens go against the flow! Awesome guys! Thats all I can say! Awesome! 🙂
Alexis the Awesomest……jk…
This is the kind of blog I’m talkin about! I just read your testimony, and the part baout the candle in the darkness really speaks to me! Awesome, I’ve never quite looked at it that way. Your Testamony sounds like straight out of the Bible, fresh to the spirit, and God inspired! I’m totally encouraged and love it! Thanks!
Alexis, God’s Kid
This is really cool guys! WOW! I,m glad you are doing this, God is an awsome God!
Thank you Alex and Brett for writing your book. It literally has been a wake up call to my life. I’m now striving for a better connection with God and am reading my Bible every day. And now I’m trying not to shirk away from the hard things God puts in front of me.
I just bought DO HARD THINGS and am ready, i pray, to be a rebelutionary.
Thanks to you two for letting God use you, it does amazing things.
You guys are wonderful! A guy at church gave me your book to read. I am very glad he did. It really opened my eyes. Thank you! Praying for you and all the rebelutionaries around the world.
I’m an old mom who recently purchased Do Hard Things. Thank you. These ideas are not JUST for teens. Adults need to be reminded to do hard things, move out of our comfort zones and trust in Christ all the way. Praying this groundswell by God’s grace will grow and grow.
[…] “Brett and I firmly believe we are living in historic times. We further believe that God is raising up a generation of young people, specifically those in the Christian, homeschool community, who will one day assume positions of leadership in all spheres of life: social, political, and spiritual. This is not a call for the complacent or the lackadaisical. This is not a call to those who are willing to lower their standards to meet the expectations of their culture. This is a call to the rebelutionary.” -Alex & Brett Harris […]
I purchased Do Hard Things not two days ago. I’ve only read a couple chapters so far because I’m trying to read another book first, but already I can’t wait to read more of what you guys have to say and to join the rebelution. Keep up the good work and I pray that you will continue to put your trust in Christ as you say above.
You’ve said what so many have wanted to. God bless you brother. Now how do we go about fighting this fight?
This blog is genius! I’m going to tell my friends about this. This is my first time on the blog and I am impressed! I’m 15 years old and I went on a mission trip to Mexico this summer. It was truly a blessing to serve the almighty King! We need to reach our generation, and Alex and Brett have got a huge lead on it! Do Hard Things is a book that encourages us to take one step forward to becoming mature adults! God bless all who do hard things!
Hey Brett that is awesome! What a great perspective. I like when you talked about choosing the flow following the crowd or choosing to step out and follow God, to follow and see the huge plans and purpose for our lives, stepping out of our comfort zones. It made me think.. There has been something in my life that God has called me to do, to step out and its not always easy or the thing to do. But God has a reason and a purpose even when we dont fully understand. Thank you for encouraging me to remember that God has a reason and He has chosen me to do His great work. God is doing great things through you guys. Keep up the good work. Oh ya and by the way, your book was great! Thanks again! God Bless!!
I am in the first stages of being a ‘rebelutionary.’ The first chapters of your book I’ve read, and I must say that it’s powerful text. In our Christian walk, there will be many trials, tribulations, and obstacles and the only way to face them is through prayer. I’ve done many hard things in my life, many of which included stepping out of my comfort zone. I just did step out of it by inviting an unsaved friend to a youth group event. I’ll say it wasn’t the easiest thing, because also deep inside I’m concerned about what he’ll think about me, but i know that’s self-focused and with God’s help I can hurdle over these obstacles and do hard things indeed.
Amen to that! Praise God for such an oustanding display of His grace.
There are few websights like this one!
Wow, Brett you are so right about everything you write and speak ’bout. I went to your DHT confrence and loved it. I bought a tee and peeps ask me what does DHT stand for. Thank you for everything you and your brother do!
What a joy it is to discover a network of fellow radicals for Christ, rebolutionaries, as I must now call us, committed to sharing with the entire world the incredible Call of the most amazing God! Knowing that others of my generation are taking a stand against contemporary apathy and expectations, I feel renewed once again to fight with my whole spirit. I commend both of you for your passion and it’s wonderful results. I will be praying for you, Alex and Brett, and those you work with, that God may continue to flood you with His wisdom, eloquence, love and fire. Though we may never meet, know that a sister is happy to fight beside you, for the Rebolution, and for the King.
Hey Brett,
wow… this is all so amazing..i had not heard of this book until a few weeks ago when my mom gave it to me to read but i thought it was going to be one of those books that just seemed to fake and sissy..but it was very real and hardcore..some of the things i had read were things that i really needede to hear..i am a worship leader in my youth group at church and i would like your permission to use you guys’ book as one of my teaching tools…i think this is something that the youth of the nation really need to hear and i’m glad to see some youth that have stepped up…i am sixteen and i live in Wasilla, ALaska, i would love to hear more about what you guys have to say..
Hey Brett,
When I read the book I was truely inspired,but what you and your brother sadi,but I also realized that I had had low expectations for myself,but now I know that I can do anything,I also read your blog your dreams we will take you were God wants you to go,but I also know that I will never be the same person after being on this blog!!!
Hey guys,
I read your book this past summer, and I’ll be honest. It challenged me. And I didn’t like facing that challenge. I had been through a rough time in my college career, and I was running away from things God had for me without realizing it. I was so sure of myself in highschool, what I wanted to be, where I wanted to go, I had so many plans. And then, confusion set in, and I forgot who I was in Christ. My plans have changed, but I now hold onto the fact that the Lord has many plans for me, not to harm me, but to give me a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29;11. The book, “Do Hard Things” was hard for me to read, but I am now up to the challenge thanks to understanding from God. Thank you for writing something that can be hard to swallow. When the heat is turned up is when God can mold us into something beautiful. Thank you. My prayer is that you continue to seek after God and grow in his perfect love and understanding.
Yo guys,
This books you guys have published have not only helped me, but teens around the world (as you know). I just say on behalf of all of us, thanks for them, for know we (teens) can demonstrate high expectations to parents, teachers, friends etc. Like this year, your book helped me succeed in getting a full scholarship to the USC (University of South Calfornia) and might even get me a a major in Economics. Thank you again Brett & Harris for being more than teens, but leaders. Maybe in the future, we can all recognize the past, as we had built that future.
Like you both, I am a christian too. All I can say is “God is Good”.
[…] A Challenge for My Generation (mentioned earlier…) My First Shower Nearly Killed Me (also mentioned earlier) Doing Less By Doing More The Room (by Joshua Harris, the twin’s older brother… this article/story is one of my all-time favorites). Why Teens Do Stupid Things Bored? Read This! Stop Wasting Time […]
this book has changed my life.
god is working wonders in the youth of today,god bless you.
Amen!!!I cannot stress enough the importance of this article. May God bless you and the Rebelution!!!!!!!
Reading this moved my heart and inspired me beyond discription (and I am sorely in need of inspiration at the moment). Seriously, a lump has formed in my throat. You guys are touching and changing lives through your obedience and sacrifice to God…..and of course you already know all this but it’s the least I can say to begin to tell my heart for what you guys are and the path you’ve chosen to take. Amazing.
God’s Abundant Blessings
Much love you guys in Christ.
this is awesome!
i think the rebelution is stated perfectly by brooke fraser in her song “hosanna”
(shes with hillsong then!)
* “i see a generation
rising up to take their place
with selfless faith” *
I just finished reading your book and it really hit home, but after reading this it kind of hit home a little harder. My mom has always told me, “Matt, you can do anything you want if you set YOUR mind to it.” I always believed her and put more stock in myself and my own accomplishments than in those of the Lord (which totally beat an A in Physics). So thanks for helping me realize that I’m not all that special (on the contrary to my mother’s feelings) and that what God has done, is doing, and will do is truly awesome.
I actually just finished reading your book, and I am amazed at all the great things I have learned and now I’m trying to take all of your great advice and put it into play. As a 13 year old, I think that life is tough… but I don’t even now what tough is. I realized soo much after reading your book and I am truly touched. Your book has without a doubt, changed my life. Thank you. 🙂
I think I’ve always been a rebelutionary. or at least one searching for the right cause. I’ve been trying to do the right thing, trying to please my Savior, but never felt sure. Your book gave me new direction and showed me I’m not alone. Thank you.
I am in the process of reading your book, and it is absolutely amazing. Eeven thoguh I have started to step out of my comfort zone and do difficult things, they haven’t been as “hard” as I thought. I have been inspired to do better and am ready for God to give me a truely ‘hard’ assignment. Thank you for stepping up and leading our generation. I have a question…is there a song for the Rebelution?
Hey Brett,
Wow, this was absolutely inspirational. You have such deep thoughts that I myself wouldn’t be able to express in words, it’s beautiful. I am actually reading “Do Hard Things” at the moment I’m not very far yet but I what I have read is very challenging. I have leadership capabilities I just haven’t been using them, so the challenge I have gotten so far is to step up and be a better leader in my youth group. We just recently had a Disciple now weekend and 5 youth were saved [Praise the Lord!]. And if I as a Christ follower don’t step up and show then how they should live for Christ who will they be able to follow? So I thank you so very much for writing “Do Hard Things” and also for being such an amazing Christian. You have truly inspired me :).
Your Sister in Christ,
Everything you said is soo true!
One very disturbing thing I’ve noticed these days is that I tend to get into alot of trouble because of my faith!
Whether it be on game sites or on a forum.
Many times, when I mentioned “Religion” or “Christ/God” or somthing like that, I’d either be threatened or banned.
I’ve left those sites now and I’ve focused on more christian sites.
I’ve brought people to Christ in my life but, like all people, I’m not perfect.
This book has truly, opened my eyes on how i SHOULD be living my life!
It’s truly changed my life and it’s inspired me to Reach Higher in my spiritual life with God.
I’ve started a blog about it now, hoping that by writting about my faith in God, I’ll help myself to become a stronger christian!
Thank you for putting such a wonderful book out there for us to read!
This is coming from an Old Timer not a teen. I applaud the Rebelutionary movement and what it stands for and I think that your definition is well written and extremely inspiring. I purchased your book “Do Hard Things” for my 16 year old son because I want him to see that there are other young people out there really accomplishing something for The Kingdom of God. Having said that I would like to address an issue that is probably a touchy one for most young people, MUSIC. Food for thought: in Ezekiel 28 beginning in verse 12 we find a discription of Satan as he was in the Garden of Eden before the fall verse 13 speaks of the workmanship of his tabrets and his pipes and in verse 18 the Bible tells us “Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick…” Satan was obviously created for the purpose of making music and it would be a reasonable assumption that what he was trafficking or selling would be music. Music without words is a language all its own and yet unlike other languages it has the ability to bypass our intellect and affect our bodies on a cellular level even changing our hormones without our knowledge. Music and I am not referring to lyrics can either be God honoring and in tune with the spirit or it can promote the things of this world and in tune with the flesh. All music is saying something to us and I don’t think enough people realize that you can have lyrics about God and the music behind the words can be speaking an opposite message. I had this truth brought home to me by my grandson just prior to his 2nd birthday. I wanted to order some Pop Pop Teeny Tunes CD’s for his birthday so I was listening to some sound clips on the Majesty Music website, the song that was playing was the Teeny Tunes theme song which has an obvious march beat to it. My less than 2 year old grandson came running from the other room exclaiming “Marching, Marching” there are no lyrics in the song that say anything about marching it was the music itself that told him “Marching” you see we play a little game where I tell him lets go get ready for bed march and we march down the hall as I call cadence hup two three four march. Another incedent happened one night when we had put him to bed but he was not sleeping yet, his uncles were watching a movie in which a chase scene was taking place and we heard him say to his 3 year old brother
“running David, running” the music he heard told him that someone was running. This is a call to all Rebelutionaries to really study what music is saying and Do the Hard thing, go against the flow of today’s society and stand for music that brings honor and glory to God in heaven. You can be influenced by Satan through music without even knowing it for this is his first language the one he was created to speak in the Garden of Eden.
I am soooo excited! I get to go to Chicago and see you guys!
Your book has really changed me, and I loved it.
Also Josh’s books were really life-changing.
I was thinking I should just email you, but this was easier 🙂
So, God Bless.
Your family is on my prayer list.
Your words are so anointed Brett! Thank you very much for following God-we get to see Him work and reveal Himself in a unique way, by letting Him use you & Alex. Always know that you’re not only fullfilling your purpose, but you are also impacting lives, such as mine.
My prayers will always be lifted up for us, The Rebelutionaries!
Let’s continue rockin’ this world, turning it up side down, kicking the enemy out, for the Rightful King Jesus. .lnl
Blessings to you!!!!
Thank you so much for all that you’ve done through Christ to reach out to teens! Our youth pastor put your book on our summer reading list, and my friend told me how awesome it was…your book was so convicting and filled with truth! It’s helped me in so many areas- my school, youth group, family, and extra-curricular activites, motivating me to do honest, hard things. (my grandmother even decided to read it too!! She absolutely loves it!! thought you’d get a laugh outta that…)
Will be praying for you guys! The website it way better than i thought it’d be, and the modesty survey is great 🙂
You guys are pretty amazing. My mom madde me read your book, but I was glad i did. You guys are really insperational. Last year i got confirmed, and isn’t that suposed to bring you closer to god? Well. i still have a lot of issues trusting in him. Why do bad things happen toinocent people, and why are things so hard? You guys have so much faith and its make me respect you that much more. I’ve tried trusting god, and I’ve tried talking to my priest, but people don’t seem to get what I’m asking. How do you do it?
Our generation has come along way from George Washington’s status and you have really opened my eyes to that. The whole living for God thing is really slipping away and its’ good to know that I’m not alone in my beliefs. Thanks and God bless!
Your brother in Christ Anders
While I don’t really fit into the “teens” this site is geard towards, I wanted to share a few words. At 24, I’m currently serving in the Air Force in SW Asia, and wanted to say that I can see many of the things you speak of on a daily basis. Our nation was formed in Faith that the Lord would provide for us, and provide for us He has. Unfortunately, so many of us “adults” have forgotten this. Rahter than thank Him who has aided us to provide a better path for all humanity, a path closer to Him, we revel in ourselves.
You are traveling the “path less traveled” right now, and it is very rare to see anyone on that path. This is not because many CANNOT, but because many WILL NOT travel it. Most people claim that it is ignorrance that leads a young person down this road, but they fail to see that those who choose it are ignorant only in the World. But in the Lord, not the World, we place our faith.
Keep to your Faith. Never let it falter. Even when you fail, as we all do at times, remember that He has a plan for us all. It is just not always what we thought it was. So long as you stay on this Path, you will be placed in situations with no advantage, nothing to gain and everything to lose. Or so it will seem. Remember always that the Lord will never ask anything of you that you cannot accomplish through Him.
You write with such strong words. Only time can show how the Lord’s trials will affect you, as they affect us all. Remember that just as He is our Rock and our Salvation, His trials are the hammer and anvil that shape us as He wills us to be. This is a road of mystery and fear for many, but for those who will trust in the Lord, we will all emerge as He wishes. Already, I think your trials are beginning, and so long as we stay on this road, they are without end. So long as we realize, though, that the Source of our strength is also without end, we find that we can persevere. We can overcome any obstacle through Christ, who gives us His strength.
For those who still have trouble in trusting the Lord, remember that even Christ was not without a moment of frustration. Did he not ask, “Father, why have You forsaken Me?” while he was on the Cross? Take heart that your troubles can be defeated, for in God all things are possible. Not one of us is perfect, it is the pursuit of God’s will, not necessarily our role in achieving it, that pleases Him. Keep your heart and mind open, and He will speak to you just as he speaks to us all. We all can feel Him, but most of us don’t realize it yet. His presence is all around you because it is IN you! Don’t think about Him, feel Him. When you are on the path He has chosen for you, you will know surely.
Remember that the mark of youth is audacity. And also remember the words of Frederik the Great, “l’dause, l’dause, tojours l’adause.” (I think I spelled it right, French isn’t exactly my strong point, haha!) Stand up, stand out. Don’t just blindly follow men. Only God is without fault, so only follow Him without question. Question everyone else. Respect them, but do not be afraid to ask “Why?” Even in the military, so long as you’ve accomplished the task you were given, any leader who knows what he’s doing will tell you why if you ask respectfuly.
Chase Ziegler
ok guys so i am in a relationship with this girl we are both Christians and want to honor Christ in our relationship and i was just wondering if anyone has read any good books that we could read together about dating? not courting but dating. anyone’s impute would be great!
Brett, you guys have it exactly right. I’m a teen and this makes so much sense, I’m so glad somebody voiced what we just never realized. Wow.. Thanks so much, God bless you!!
thanks be to God for your life. Continue spreading the passion to young souls.
thronemates we will be in God’s Kingdom:)
do you have any plans visiting the young people of the Philippines?
hi brett
I just wrote you a mail, but i have forgotten some important. in three weeks in Austria is a conference it is called ” Glaubenskonferenz”, maybe you have time, there are thousand Christen around the world, also from america, do you know fred colvin?or do you knew william mac donald?
pwb julia
I really feel that I owe you nothing short of my deepest and most sincere gratitude. You really have opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I am, indeed, a Christian, but I have been what most people refer to as a Convenient Christian – where I choose to obey God’s will and pray to Him when it becomes a convenience. I have found that living in such a manner is not what God wants for me, and I realize now that the person I was when I was thirteen and fourteen years old was more of a Christian and a minister than I have been for the past two years. But between The Rebelution and Do Hard Things, given and recommended to me by my girlfriend, Courtney, I have realized that the way I have been living my life is not the way I should be living it. Many times, my pastor will ask, “If you were to die today, where would you spend your eternity?” And, my answer has always been, “Hell.” Not because I want to, but because I realize what I am doing wrong and know where it would send me. Pornography has been a horrible addiction of mine, and it has been an addiction I am trying depeserately to fight. But, I have chosen now to fight for my generation, to become a warrior and minister of God, and to do everything I can to help those in need. After all, after having been to a therapist numerous times, I have come to figure out that the only thing I am good at is helping people.
Thank you Brett, and God bless you. God bless you and every single person who has been changed because of your blog, your book, and your faith.
I feel motivated by your love and trust in the Lord. I wish I had the same strength. There should be more teens in the world like that.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I got your book for my birthday last year (along with a Metroid game), and read it thoughly. I am friends with several members of the Griffith family. They live on the same street as my church!
Please help me, Brett, or Alex, or whomever can give me advice, as I turn 13 in September. I need advice on what to do with my teen years. I want to start my own video game company. Can you help me?
Zac L. S.
Hey, I recently started a blog at Blogspot. It’s for teens that need help getting back on track with our Lord. Check it out please. Email me if you have any suggestions on what i should do to make it better.
God Bless you all. =]
This is extremely well written. Thank you for encouraging all of us to explore and utilize the vast potential we have in Jesus Christ.
[…] The Rebelution: A Challenge For My Generation […]
Wow!! Right now my youth group is going through your guys book ‘ do hard things’. It is very inspiring to see ,hear, and read what you guys have done! This whole year a group of friends and i have been wanting to be BOLD for Christ.. and just reading this fuels me more! thank you guys so much for showing us that as teenagers we really can make a difference! 🙂
I’m from Australia, and i just stumbled across your book. I don’t think it was by chance, i think i was supposed to pick up that book and read it. To be honest i have only read about 50 pages, but it was amazing. I thankyou for inspiring us to strive for bigger goals and have higher expectation of ourselves.
I wish I could go to one of your confrences. Or even meet one of you! 🙂 my family and I are going through some hard times. But your book “Do Hard Things” has kind of helped us. We are having a hard time finding jobs, but your book and wisdom helped us understand that God is always with us! 🙂
A fellow -new- Rebelutionary!! –Kia
I just read the books, “Do Hard Things” and “Start Here” I really liked them! They inspired me, i have been reading through some of the many blogs and links of the website! Its really neat and i really want do hard things. I am not sure if I am called to do big things yet. Or just small ones. I just really wanted you to know I am so thankful fo you’re book and for you’re devotion to God & others!
– Thanks 🙂
I live in Brazil, I’m reading the book of you, he is being a motivation for me, next year I’ll study at Andrews, currently studying in a boarding school, I would make a difference this year. My email is: [email protected]
…I’m just curious!when did chuck norris became a christian?…heheh..thank you!
Brett, thank you so much for allowng God to work in your life. Your definition of a rebelutionary has become a prayer for my life as well. I encourage you to keep fighting the good fight and to always remember to put your trust in God’s unfailing hands, and if you do I know for sure that you will be used in even greater things beyond your imagination. I’m constantly battling in trusting God in some things but I pray that my faith becomes like a mustar seed. I love the book and the blog, it has really helped me in my spiritual walk. Thanks again for doing what you do, and all honor and glory be to our Lord! 🙂
Goodness me, this is powerful, little wonder the darkness cannot overcome….against such, NO WAY.
This, Brett, has been revealed to you by God. I cannot lay claim to being a teenager anymore. But i feel you in every nounce and dot.
God bless you and always shine his light before you.
Dude! This is powerful stuff!!
There is something so intriguing, so beautiful and so humbling about having a passion about what we believe… so much that it becomes contagious.
The love of Christ overcomes all my fears and doubts, now, all that is left is Him. His will for me in life I do not know of yet, but I will find out!!
Thanks guys for inspiring me. You have totally taken my breath away with your passion for this generation and (more importantly) for Christ!!
I was wondering how you knew what God wanted you to do as I’m struggling to figure that out for myself at the moment. Everyone always reminds me that I’m only 15, I’ve got my whole life ahead of me!! Well, my life is happening right now, at this very moment, and I don’t want to waste one moment!
So yeah.. when and how did you know that you were meant to do what you have done?
Hi, my name is Micael, I’m 15 years old, I’m Brazilian.
I read your book.
God spoke to me a lot, I saw many things to be changed.
May God bless you very very much.
Thanks for your article. I have constantly seen that many people are desirous to lose weight simply because they wish to show up slim as well as attractive. Having said that, they do not continually realize that there are other benefits so that you can losing weight additionally. Doctors declare that overweight people have problems with a variety of conditions that can be directly attributed to their particular excess weight. The great news is that people who sadly are overweight along with suffering from several diseases can reduce the severity of their particular illnesses by simply losing weight. You possibly can see a constant but noticeable improvement in health if even a moderate amount of weight loss is accomplished gywl512.
I just went to the Willeumsport comferience and it was amazing. I came home and did some stuff and I feel so much better. Like 70 people got saved. Thanks Alex and Brett.
I feel really bad for not knowing about The Rebelution until today. Maybe God will forgive me.. Haha you guys really know what your talking about. Truly inspirational stuff. My youth pastor has been talking about the same thing yall devote yourselves to; rising above these low expectations the world has for us teens. God’s been waiting for revolutionaries to rise up, so he must be smiling real big right about now! Keep up the good work guys, we’re following your lead. God Bless ya!
wow that was totally awsome wow wow wow wow wow wow idk what else to say that was totally amazing i really needed that today
Olá, tenho que dizer, estou realmente impressionada com a dimensão que é o projeto de vocês, comprei o livro este ano, numa feira que reuni várias editoras e duas delas eram voltadas totalmente para o material cristão, foi aí, que por curiosidade achei o livro, e não tinha muitas expectativas, gosto muito de ler, mas prefiro literatura mesmo, tipo romances, e quando estava preste a iniciar outra leitura, lembrei-me deste livro que particularmente, eu achei que ele diria apenas o que eu já havia lido em outros, e até mesmo na bíblia, fazem apenas dois dias que comecei a leitura, e já percebi que estava completamente enganada ! É muito além disso, ele nos chama para sermos revolucionários, e como filha de pastor, em um ministério novo e ainda pequeno, mais com muitas promessas, já estou aderindo essa revolução, estou preparada para pegar pesado, e também ser uma Rebelucionaria ! Um abraço, e fiquem na Paz do Senhor.
Kétura Raquelle
10, de Novembro de 2011, Brasil, Pernambuco,Ipojuca.
Nossa, tenho que dizer que estou impressionada com a dimensão do blog e do site, comprei o livro, aqui no Brasil chamado de Radicalize, em uma das maiores feiras do país que reuni as maiores livrarias da região, e duas delas eram evangélicas, foi procurando alguns livros que encontrei este, que me chamou atenção, pela firmeza que o nome tem.
Mais eu não esperava ser tão importante, sou apaixonada por literatura, em particular romances, e histórias de vida verídicas, então já viu, a euforia não durou muito, foi a apenas dois dias, quando estava pronta para iniciar outra leitura, que me vi pegando o tal livo que achei que corresponderia as baixas expectativas, eu achava que ele seria igual ao que leio em outros livros, ou até mesmo na Bíblia, quando diz que devemos amar a Deus,e obedecê-lo e etc… Mais pelo visto o belo livro tinha muito mais. Não aceito como nós, adolescentes somos vistos, apesar de inteligentes e dispostos, irresponsáveis. Como filha de pastor de um ministério novo e ainda pequeno, mais com muitas promessas, estou aderindo essa nova ideia, e estou pronta para pegar no pesado, e virar também uma Rebelucionária ! Espero um dia conhecer os gêmeos gênios! Um grande abraço e fiquem na Paz do Senhor.
Kétura Raquelle
Ipojuca, Pernambuco, BRASIL
Nossa, tenho que dizer que estou impressionada com a dimensão do blog e do site, comprei o livro, aqui no Brasil chamado de Radicalize, em uma das maiores feiras do país que reuni as maiores livrarias da região, e duas delas eram evangélicas, foi procurando alguns livros que encontrei este, que me chamou atenção, pela firmeza que o nome tem.
Mais eu não esperava ser tão importante, sou apaixonada por literatura, em particular romances, e histórias de vida verídicas, então já viu, a euforia não durou muito, foi a apenas dois dias, quando estava pronta para iniciar outra leitura, que me vi pegando o tal livo que achei que corresponderia as baixas expectativas, eu achava que ele seria igual ao que leio em outros livros, ou até mesmo na Bíblia, quando diz que devemos amar a Deus,e obedecê-lo e etc… Mais pelo visto o belo livro tinha muito mais. Não aceito como nós, adolescentes somos vistos, apesar de inteligentes e dispostos, irresponsáveis. Como filha de pastor de um ministério novo e ainda pequeno, mais com muitas promessas, estou aderindo essa nova ideia, e estou pronta para pegar no pesado, e virar também uma Rebelucionária ! Espero um dia conhecer os gêmeos gênios! Um grande abraço e fiquem na Paz do Senhor.
Kétura Raquelle
Ipojuca, Pernambuco, BRASIL
Great minds think alike Just posted about this on my blog this AM.
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The Lord is good! I am so inspired by what you guys are doing here, and I think it is just amazing how God is speaking through you guys to so many people, me included! I pray that the Lord will protect you guys in your fight, and show each of us our part in His plan. Amen.
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Incredible points. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the amazing work.
Even I (and I am french) think of your book as an amazing booster for all of us teenager.
My group of teenagers is very slow and don’t know how to mqke q project come true.
I really wanted something or someone to help our group being faster and helpful.
We tried doing a mission in Bosnia. But the boys weren’t really into it and the project stopped. Your book helped me to have confidence in us as well as hope for changes !!!!
Continue like that !!!
Thanks so much for writing that. Prraise the LORD for your message! Amen!
Keep up the good work!
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Thanks for the update
Thanks so much! This article is a real challenge and blessing to me, and very well-written. I’m going to try to be reading all the articles on here (it’ll take a while, I know:) ) and I’m excited! God made a Rebelutionary out of me almost two years ago, but I’ve not been as dedicated and radical as I would have liked. But this article has challenged me to not rely on anything of my own, not even my will power, but solely on God. Thanks so much! The Lord is still using what you wrote years ago for HIS glory!
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us. After reading what you wrote, including “Do Hard Things” which I have read twice, I am deeply inspired, and I have the desire to follow God to do His will to glorify His name. Thank you so much, because of your words, I start to live my life in some meaningful way and I’m still trying to find my “hard things” and to do something useful. I feel that I get closer to God than before. Really thank you! We appreciate everything you’ve done!
Thanks so much, Anica! We’re so glad our book encouraged you.
You should check out our most recent post:
I’m Ready to Get Started — On Something! What Do I Do Now?
yes, I read a little part of it in your blog and I know I will love it very much. Really thank you!!! I’ll book it in Amazon and I’m desperately looking forward to reading it soon~~~ Thank you!!!
Excellent article Brett! It seems God has gifted you with the gift of writing and inspiring from the beginning. Thank you for 10 years!
Wow. Thank you so much for the strengthening and inspiring reminder you offer here. Truly, amazing things happen when we live with this kind of resolve and perspective. God bless you for all you’ve done and are continuing to do as you follow Him!
hi I read your book “Do Hard Things” and I thought it was a great help. I am 12 and I am turning 13 next year. I just want to say thanks for helping us and may god bless you. 🙂
No indeed!!
Ten years later… Thank you for sticking it out, Brett and Alex! You two have blessed me more than you will ever know.
Brett, it’s been 10 years!! (Sorry I missed it by a day lol) Wow, that’s cool. You are even more of a rebelutionary than you were when you wrote this! Thank you so much for all you’ve done. It has seriously changed my life, more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting God use you!!! :’)
I am reading your book “Do Hard Things” Thank you so much!
Thank you. Your post shines like a second chance while I’ve been thinking that life for me is impossible. Thank you!
hey i just started reading the book Do Hard Things i got it from my mom what is something i could do.
Guysssss! It’s been almost 20 years! We must celebrate this next August! That’s a huge milestone right there and we can’t even imagine how many lives have been changed by the twin’s message. My parents bought me Do Hard Things almost 5 years ago and I haven’t regretted it one bit. It’s the one book (other than the Bible) I can say I’ve read more than 10 times and it’s still in good shape because I take care of it. Tho I would happily buy another one.
I have an idea of how we can celebrate. If 20 blogs can get together and write up a post advertising this site and in particular the message of Doing Hard Things, we could really show how much this means to us. I personally don’t have a blog right now so I sadly can’t participate unless something changes and I start one before August of 2025. But comment if you’re interested.